818 resultados para Ecological constraints


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Several theories assume that successful team coordination is partly based on knowledge that helps anticipating individual contributions necessary in a situational task. It has been argued that a more ecological perspective needs to be considered in contexts evolving dynamically and unpredictably. In football, defensive plays are usually coordinated according to strategic concepts spanning all members and large areas of the playfield. On the other hand, fewer people are involved in offensive plays as these are less projectable and strongly constrained by ecological characteristics. The aim of this study is to test the effects of ecological constraints and player knowledge on decision making in offensive game scenarios. It is hypothesized that both knowledge about team members and situational constraints will influence decisional processes. Effects of situational constraints are expected to be of higher magnitude. Two teams playing in the fourth league of the Swiss Football Federation participate in the study. Forty customized game scenarios were developed based on the coaches’ information about player positions and game strategies. Each player was shown in ball possession four times. Participants were asked to take the perspective of the player on the ball and to choose a passing destination and a recipient. Participants then rated domain specific strengths (e.g., technical skills, game intelligence) of each of their teammates. Multilevel models for categorical dependent variables (team members) will be specified. Player knowledge (rated skills) and ecological constraints (operationalized as each players’ proximity and availability for ball reception) are included as predictor variables. Data are currently being collected. Results will yield effects of parameters that are stable across situations as well as of variable parameters that are bound to situational context. These will enable insight into the degree to which ecological constraints and more enduring team knowledge are involved in decisional processes aimed at coordinating interpersonal action.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the respective contribution of prior information and sensorimotor constraints to action understanding, and to estimate their consequences on the evolution of human social learning. Even though a huge amount of literature is dedicated to the study of action understanding and its role in social learning, these issues are still largely debated. Here, I critically describe two main perspectives. The first perspective interprets faithful social learning as an outcome of a fine-grained representation of others’ actions and intentions that requires sophisticated socio-cognitive skills. In contrast, the second perspective highlights the role of simpler decision heuristics, the recruitment of which is determined by individual and ecological constraints. The present thesis aims to show, through four experimental works, that these two contributions are not mutually exclusive. A first study investigates the role of the inferior frontal cortex (IFC), the anterior intraparietal area (AIP) and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in the recognition of other people’s actions, using a transcranial magnetic stimulation adaptation paradigm (TMSA). The second work studies whether, and how, higher-order and lower-order prior information (acquired from the probabilistic sampling of past events vs. derived from an estimation of biomechanical constraints of observed actions) interacts during the prediction of other people’s intentions. Using a single-pulse TMS procedure, the third study investigates whether the interaction between these two classes of priors modulates the motor system activity. The fourth study tests the extent to which behavioral and ecological constraints influence the emergence of faithful social learning strategies at a population level. The collected data contribute to elucidate how higher-order and lower-order prior expectations interact during action prediction, and clarify the neural mechanisms underlying such interaction. Finally, these works provide/open promising perspectives for a better understanding of social learning, with possible extensions to animal models.


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This study seeks to understand how the physiological constraints of diving may change on a daily and seasonal basis. Dive data were obtained from southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) from South Georgia using satellite relay data loggers. We analysed the longest (95th percentile) dive durations as proxies for physiological dive limits. A strong, significant relationship existed between the duration of these dives and the time of day and week of year in which they were performed. The depth of the deepest dives also showed a significant, but far less consistent, relationship with local time of day and season. Changes in the duration of the longest dives occurred irrespective of their depth. Dives were longest in the morning (04:00-12:00 h) and shortest in the evening (16:00-00:00 h). The size of the fluctuation varied among animals from 4.0 to 20.0 min. The daily pattern in dive depth was phase-shifted in relation to the diurnal rhythm in dive duration. Dives were deeper at midday and shallower around midnight. Greater daily changes in duration occurred in seals feeding in the open ocean than in those foraging on the continental shelf. The seasonal peak in the duration of the longest dives coincided with austral midwinter. The size of the increase in dive duration from autumn/spring to winter ranged from 11.5 to 30.0 min. Changes in depth of the longest dives were not consistently associated with particular times of year. The substantial diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in maximum dive duration may be a result of changes in the physiological capacity to remain submerged, in addition to temporal changes in the ecological constraints on dive behaviour. We speculate about the role of melatonin as a hormonal mediator of diving capability.


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Individuals in cooperatively breeding species face a complex set of decisions when they reach reproductive maturity. During an 8-year study, we examined the histories of 214 Tasmanian native hens (Gallinula mortierii) from hatching to examine the strategies they used to acquire breeding positions and the reproductive success they experienced in those breeding positions. Two-thirds of young delayed dispersal from their natal groups for at least a year. Ecological constraints were a partial cause of delayed dispersal; high-quality territories were rare and remained occupied due to high adult survivorship. There were also clear benefits of philopatry. Individuals that inherited breeding positions on their natal territories gained better quality positions and experienced higher reproductive success in their first breeding attempts than did individuals who dispersed to other groups. Multivariate analyses showed that the method of acquisition of breeding positions was the only factor significantly related to the quality of the breeding positions attained. Males were more likely to inherit breeding positions in their natal groups than were females. The compositions of individuals' natal groups had no effect on whether they inherited breeding positions or dispersed. In contrast, the compositions of groups did appear to affect whether other birds dispersed into them, with birds rarely moving into groups that contained breeders or nonbreeders of the same sex as the potential dispersers. Short-term removals of breeders confirmed this finding. These results suggest that both ecological constraints and benefits of philopatry explain delayed dispersal in this species.


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We determined which factors predict the presence and abundance of Dusky Moorhens (Gallinula tenebrosa) at wetlands by surveying the ecological and habitat characteristics of 62 sites across south-east Queensland. Moorhens were observed in 48 of the sites sampled. They were more likely to be found at sites surrounded by taller terrestrial vegetation and where free-floating and attached aquatic vegetation was more abundant. The number of moorhens found at a site increased in relation to vegetation height, the abundance of attached aquatic vegetation and the number of purple swamphens observed. These results suggest that there are ecological constraints on the distribution of moorhens, and that food abundance and the availability of suitable nesting sites determine the overall distribution and abundance of moorhens in wetlands. Adult moorhens develop brightly coloured fleshy frontal shields, bills and legs when breeding, although in some populations birds maintain year-round colouration. We observed year-round breeding colouration in 23 out of 34 sampling sites that had moorhens and were surveyed in August. Coloured moorhens were found during winter at sites with higher minimum winter temperatures, and more abundant free-floating and submerged leafy vegetation. In addition, higher proportions of moorhens were coloured at sites with higher mean minimum temperatures. The retention of year-round breeding colouration appears to be restricted to areas with warmer winter temperatures and more abundant food. The results suggest that areas not occupied by moorhens are of inadequate quality to support breeding populations. We suggest that ecological constraints on independent breeding in Dusky Moorhens may have favoured the evolution of their unusual cooperative breeding system, which involves frequent mate-sharing by both sexes.


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The role of ecological constraints in promoting sociality is currently much debated. Using a direct-fitness approach, we show this role to depend on the kin-discrimination mechanisms underlying social interactions. Altruism cannot evolve under spatially based discrimination, unless ecological constraints prevent complete dispersal. Increasing constraints enhances both the proportion of philopatric (and thereby altruistic) individuals and the level of altruistic investments conceded in pairwise interactions. Familiarity-based discrimination, by contrast, allows philopatry and altruism to evolve at significant levels even in the absence of ecological constraints. Increasing constraints further enhances the proportion of philopatric (and thereby altruistic) individuals but not the level of altruism conceded. Ecological constraints are thus more likely to affect social evolution in species in which restricted cognitive abilities, large group size, and/or limited period of associative learning force investments to be made on the basis of spatial cues.


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Eusociality is taxonomically rare, yet associated with great ecological success. Surprisingly, studies of environmental conditions favouring eusociality are often contradictory. Harsh conditions associated with increasing altitude and latitude seem to favour increased sociality in bumblebees and ants, but the reverse pattern is found in halictid bees and polistine wasps. Here, we compare the life histories and distributions of populations of 176 species of Hymenoptera from the Swiss Alps. We show that differences in altitudinal distributions and development times among social forms can explain these contrasting patterns: highly social taxa develop more quickly than intermediate social taxa, and are thus able to complete the reproductive cycle in shorter seasons at higher elevations. This dual impact of altitude and development time on sociality illustrates that ecological constraints can elicit dynamic shifts in behaviour, and helps explain the complex distribution of sociality across ecological gradients.


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La question centrale de ce travail est celle de la relation entre finitude environnementale et liberté individuelle. Par finitude environnementale il faut entendre l'ensemble des contraintes écologiques variées qui posent des limites à l'action humaine. Celles-ci sont de deux types généraux : les limites de disponibilité des ressources naturelles et: les limites de charge des écosystèmes et des grands cycles biogéochimiques globaux (chapitre 1). La thèse défendue ici est que les conceptions libertariennes et libérales de la liberté sont en conflit avec la nécessité de prendre en compte de telles limites et qu'une approche néo-républicaine est mieux à même de répondre à ces enjeux écologiques. Les théories libertariennes, de droite comme de gauche, sont inadaptées à la prise en compte de la finitude des ressources naturelles car elles maintiennent un droit à l'appropriation illimitée de ces dernières par les individus. Ce point est en contradiction avec le caractère systémique de la rareté et avec l'absence de substitut pour certaines ressources indispensables à la poursuite d'une vie décente (chapitres 2 et 3). La théorie libérale de la neutralité, appuyée par le principe du tort (harm principle), est quant à elle inadaptée à la prise en compte des problèmes environnementaux globaux comme le changement climatique. Les mécanismes causaux menant à la création de dommages environnementaux sont en effet indirects et diffus, ce qui empêche l'assignation de responsabilités au niveau individuel. La justification de politiques environnementales contraignantes s'en trouve donc mise en péril (chapitre 4). Ces difficultés proviennent avant tout de deux traits caractéristiques de ces doctrines : leur ontologie sociale atomiste et leur conception de la liberté comme liberté de choix. Le néo-républicanisme de Philip Pettit permet de répondre à ces deux problèmes grâce à son ontologie holiste et à sa conception de la liberté comme non- domination. Cette théorie permet donc à la fois de proposer une conception de la liberté compatible avec la finitude environnementale et de justifier des politiques environnementales exigeantes, sans que le sacrifice en termes de liberté n'apparaisse trop important (chapitre 5). - The centrai issue of this work is that of the relationship between environmental finiteness and individual liberty. By environmental finiteness one should understand the set of diverse ecological constraints that limit human action. These limits are of two general kinds: on the one hand the availability of natural resources, and on the other hand the carrying capacity of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles (chapter 1}. The thesis defended here is that libertarian and liberal conceptions of liberty conflict with the necessity to take such limits into account, and that a neo-republican approach is best suited to address environmental issues. Libertarian theories, right-wing as well as left-wing, are in particular not able to take resource scarcity into account because they argue for an unlimited right of individuals to appropriate those resources. This point is in contradiction with the systemic nature of scarcity and with the absence of substitutes for some essential resources (chapters 2 and 3). The liberal doctrine of neutrality, as associated with the harm principle, is unsuitable when addressing global environmental issues like climate change. Causal mechanisms leading to environmental harm are indirect and diffuse, which prevents the assignation of individual responsibilities. This makes the justification of coercive environmental policies difficult (chapter 4). These difficulties stem above all from two characteristic features of libertarian and liberal doctrines: their atomistic social ontology and their conception of freedom as liberty of choice. Philip Pettit's neo- republicanism on the other hand is able to address these problems thanks to its holist social ontology and its conception of liberty as non-domination. This doctrine offers a conception of liberty compatible with environmental limits and theoretical resources able to justify demanding environmental policies without sacrificing too much in terms of liberty (chapter 5).


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Abstract Life history traits encompass all the decisions concerning fitness an individual is faced with during his life. The study of these traits is crucial to understand the factors shaping the biology of living organisms. Up until now, most of the information on the evolution of life history traits comes from laboratory studies. While these studies are interesting to test the effect of specific parameters, their conclusions are difficult to extrapolate to natural populations. Investigating the evolution of life history traits in natural populations is of great interest. This may be tricky because it requires information on reproduction, survival and morphology of individuals. Mark-recapture methods allow most of this information to be obtained. However, when direct observations of a species are not possible due to its ecology, indirect methods must be used to infer lifetime reproductive success. In this case, molecular markers are particularly helpful in assessing the genetic relationships between individuals and allow the construction of a pedigree. This thesis focuses on a natural population of a small insectivorous mammal, the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula. Because of its hidden lifestyle, the two complementary techniques mentioned above were combined to gather information on this population. The data were used to explore diverse aspects of evolutionary biology. We demonstrated that the high genetic variance displayed by the species was not maintained by its mating system because this shrew was less monogamous than previously thought. The large genetic diversity was most likely promoted by gene flow from the neighborhood. Dispersal was thus a central topic in this thesis. We showed that dispersal was not driven by inbreeding avoidance. In addition, we did not find any inbreeding depression in the population. Dispersal was promoted by a high number of vacant territories in the population for both sexes, meaning that territory acquisition played an important role in driving dispersal. Moreover, dispersal propensity was shown to have a genetic basis and, once achieved, to have no effect on individual fitness. Body mass was found to be a life history trait strongly influenced by sexual and viability selection in both sexes. Larger individuals had higher access to reproduction through territory acquisition and defense than lighter ones. By contrast, intermediate size individuals were favored by viability selection presumably because of ecological constraints and metabolic costs. Finally, we demonstrated that the majority of the life history traits in our shrew population has the potential to evolve because they maintained substantial amounts of additive genetic variance. Nonetheless, life history traits had no significant heritability due to their high level of nonadditive or environmental variance. Résumé Les traits d'histoire de vie comprennent toutes les décisions auxquelles un individu est confronté au cours de sa vie et qui concernent sa valeur adaptative. L'étude de ces traits est cruciale pour comprendre les facteurs qui façonnent la biologie des êtres vivants. Jusqu'à ce jour, la majorité des informations sur l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie provient d'études réalisées en laboratoire. Alors que ces études sont intéressantes pour tester l'effet de paramètres spécifiques, leurs conclusions sont difficilement extrapolables aux populations naturelles. Il est particulièrement intéressant d'étudier l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie dans des populations naturelles. Toutefois, ces études peuvent se révéler difficiles parce qu'elles requièrent des informations sur la reproduction, la survie et la morphologie des individus. Des méthodes de marquage-recapture permettent d'obtenir ces informations. Cependant, lorsque l'écologie de l'espèce rend les obervations directes impossibles, des méthodes indirectes doivent être utilisées pour obtenir le succès reproducteur des individus. Dans ce cas, les marqueurs moléculaires sont particulièrement utiles pour évaluer les relations génétiques entre individus et permettre la construction d'un pedigree. Cette thèse porte sur une population naturelle d'un petit mammifère insectivore, la musaraigne musette, Crocidura russula. Parce que cette espèce présente un mode de vie souterrain, les deux techniques complémentaires mentionnées ci-dessus ont été combinées pour acquérir les informations nécessaires. Les données ont été utilisées pour explorer divers aspects de biologie evolutive. Nous avons montré que la grande quantité de variance génétique trouvée chez cette espèce n'est pas maintenue par son système d'appariement. Celle-ci s'est en effet avérée être moins monogame que ce qui était admis jusqu'ici. Sa grande diversité génétique est plutôt entretenue par le flux de gènes provenant du voisinage. La dispersion a donc été un sujet phare dans cette thèse. Nous avons montré qu'elle n'est pas provoquée par un évitement de la consanguinité et nous n'avons pas trouvé de dépression de consanguité dans notre population. L'acquisition d'un territoire joue par contre un rôle important dans la dispersion. En outre, la dispersion possède une base génétique chez cette espèce. De plus, une fois qu'ils ont dispersé, les individus n'ont pas une valeur adaptative differente d'individus philopatriques. Le poids s'est avéré être un trait d'histoire de vie fortement influencé par la sélection sexuelle et de viabilité chez les deux sexes. Les gros individus ont accès à la reproduction parce qu'ils acquièrent et défendent un territoire plus facilement que les plus légers. Au contraire, les individus de taille intermédiaire sont favorisés par la sélection de viabilité, certainement à cause de contraintes écologiques et de coûts métaboliques. Finalement, nous avons montré que la majorité des traits d'histoire de vie dans notre population a le potentiel d'évoluer parce qu'elle maintient des quantités considérables de variance génétique additive. Néanmoins, l'héritabilité de ces traits d'histoire de vie n'est pas significative à cause de la grande quantité de variance non-additive ou environmentale associée à ces traits.


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We investigate the coevolution between philopatry and altruism in island-model populations when kin recognition occurs through phenotype matching. In saturated environments, a good discrimination ability is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of sociality. Discrimination decreases not only with the average phenotypic similarity between immigrants and residents (i.e., with environmental homogeneity and past gene flow) but also with the sampling variance of similarity distributions (a negative function of the number of traits sampled). Whether discrimination should rely on genetically or environmentally determined traits depends on the apportionment of phenotypic variance and, in particular, on the relative values of e (the among-group component of environmental variance) and r (the among-group component of genetic variance, which also measures relatedness among group members). If r exceeds e, highly heritable cues do better. Discrimination and altruism, however, remain low unless philopatry is enforced by ecological constraints. If e exceeds r, by contrast, nonheritable traits do better. High e values improve discrimination drastically and thus have the potential to drive sociality, even in the absence of ecological constraints. The emergence of sociality thus can be facilitated by enhancing e, which we argue is the main purpose of cue standardization within groups, as observed in many social insects, birds, and mammals, including humans.


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Summary : During the evolutionary diversification of organisms, similar ecological constraints led to the recurrent appearances of the same traits (phenotypes) in distant lineages, a phenomenon called convergence. In most cases, the genetic origins of the convergent traits remain unknown, but recent studies traced the convergent phenotypes to recurrent alterations of the same gene or, in a few cases, to identical genetic changes. However, these cases remain anecdotal and there is a need for a study system that evolved several times independently and whose genetic determinism is well resolved and straightforward, such as C4 photosynthesis. This adaptation to warm environments, possibly driven by past atmospheric CO2 decreases, consists in a CO2-concentrating pump, created by numerous morphological and biochemical novelties. All genes encoding C4 enzymes already existed in C3 ancestors, and are supposed to have been recruited through gene duplication followed by neo-functionalization, to acquire the cell specific expression pattern and altered kinetic properties that characterize Ca-specific enzymes. These predictions have so far been tested only in species-poor and ecologically marginal C4 dicots. The monocots, and especially the grass family (Poaceae), the most important C4 family in terms of species number, ecological dominance and economical importance, have been largely under-considered as suitable study systems. This thesis aimed at understanding the evolution of the C4 trait in grasses at a molecular level and to use the genetics of C4 photosynthesis to infer the evolutionary history of the C4 phenotype and its driving selective pressures. A molecular phylogeny of grasses and affiliated monocots identified 17 to 18 independent acquisitions of the C4 pathway in the grass family. A relaxed molecular clock was used to date these events and the first C4 evolution was estimated in the Chloridoideae subfamily, between 32-25 million years ago, at a period when atmospheric CO2 abruptly declined. Likelihood models showed that after the COZ decline the probability of evolving the C4 pathway strongly increased, confirming low CO2 as a likely driver of C4 photosynthesis evolution. In order to depict the genetic changes linked to the numerous C4 origins, genes encoding phopshoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the key-enzyme responsible for the initial fixation of atmospheric CO2 in the C4 pathway, were isolated from a large sample of C3 and C4 grasses. Phylogenetic analyses were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the PEPC multigene family and showed that the evolution of C4-specific PEPC had been driven by positive selection on 21 codons simultaneously in up to eight C4 lineages. These selective pressures led to numerous convergent genetic changes in many different C4 clades, highlighting the repeatability of some evolutionary processes, even at the molecular level. PEPC C4-adaptive changes were traced and used to show multiple appearances of the C, pathway in clades where species tree inferences were unable to differentiate multiple C4 appearances and a single appearance followed by C4 to C3 reversion. Further investigations of genes involved in some of the C4 subtypes only (genes encoding decarboxylating enzymes NADP-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) showed that these C4-enzymes also evolved through strong positive selection and underwent parallel genetic changes during the different Ca origins. The adaptive changes on these subtype-specific C4 genes were used to retrace the history of the C4-subtypes phenotypes, which revealed that the evolution of C4-PEPC and C4-decarboxylating enzymes was in several cases disconnected, emphasizing the multiplicity of the C4 trait and the gradual acquisition of the features that create the CO2-pump. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of a gene encoding the Rubisco (the enzyme responsible for the fixation of CO2 into organic compounds in all photosynthetic organisms) showed that C4 evolution switched the selective pressures on this gene. Five codons were recurrently mutated to adapt the enzyme kinetics to the high CO2 concentrations of C4 photosynthetic cells. This knowledge could be used to introgress C4-like Rubisco in C3 crops, which could lead to an increased yield under predicted future high CO2 atmosphere. Globally, the phylogenetic framework adopted during this thesis demonstrated the widespread occurrence of genetic convergence on C4-related enzymes. The genetic traces of C4 photosynthesis evolution allowed reconstructing events that happened during the last 30 million years and proved the usefulness of studying genes directly responsible for phenotype variations when inferring evolutionary history of a given trait. Résumé Durant la diversification évolutive des organismes, des pressions écologiques similaires ont amené à l'apparition récurrente de certains traits (phénotypes) dans des lignées distantes, un phénomène appelé évolution convergente. Dans la plupart des cas, l'origine génétique des traits convergents reste inconnue mais des études récentes ont montré qu'ils étaient dus dans certains cas à des changements répétés du même gène ou, dans de rares cas, à des changements génétiques identiques. Malgré tout, ces cas restent anecdotiques et il y a un réel besoin d'un système d'étude qui ait évolué indépendamment de nombreuses fois et dont le déterminisme génétique soit clairement identifié. La photosynthèse dite en Ça répond à ces critères. Cette adaptation aux environnements chauds, dont l'évolution a pu être encouragé par des baisses passées de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2, est constituée de nombreuses nouveautés morphologiques et biochimiques qui créent une pompe à CO2. La totalité des gènes codant les enzymes Ç4 étaient déjà présents dans les ancêtres C3. Leur recrutement pour la photosynthèse Ç4 est supposé s'être fait par le biais de duplications géniques suivies par une néo-fonctionnalisation pour leur conférer l'expression cellule-spécifique et les propriétés cinétiques qui caractérisent les enzymes C4. Ces prédictions n'ont jusqu'à présent été testées que dans des familles C4 contenant peu d'espèces et ayant un rôle écologique marginal. Les graminées (Poaceae), qui sont la famille C4 la plus importante, tant en termes de nombre d'espèces que de dominance écologique et d'importance économique, ont toujours été considérés comme un système d'étude peu adapté et ont fait le sujet de peu d'investigations évolutives. Le but de cette thèse était de comprendre l'évolution de la photosynthèse en C4 chez les graminées au niveau génétique et d'utiliser les gènes pour inférer l'évolution du phénotype C4 ainsi que les pressions de sélection responsables de son évolution. Une phylogénie moléculaire de la famille des graminées et des monocotylédones apparentés a identifié 17 à 18 acquisitions indépendantes de la photosynthèse chez les graminées. Grâce à une méthode d'horloge moléculaire relâchée, ces évènements ont été datés et la première apparition C4 a été estimée dans la sous-famille des Chloridoideae, il y a 32 à 25 millions d'années, à une période où les concentrations atmosphériques de CO2 ont décliné abruptement. Des modèles de maximum de vraisemblance ont montré qu'à la suite du déclin de CO2, la probabilité d'évoluer la photosynthèse C4 a fortement augmenté, confirmant ainsi qu'une faible concentration de CO2 est une cause potentielle de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes génétiques responsables des évolutions répétées de la photosynthèse C4, un segment des gènes codant pour la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), l'enzyme responsable de la fixation initiale du CO2 atmosphérique chez les plantes C4, ont été séquencés dans une centaine de graminées C3 et C4. Des analyses phylogénétiques ont permis de reconstituer l'histoire évolutive de la famille multigénique des PEPC et ont montré que l'évolution de PEPC spécifiques à la photosynthèse Ça a été causée par de la sélection positive agissant sur 21 codons, et ce simultanément dans huit lignées C4 différentes. Cette sélection positive a conduit à un grand nombre de changements génétiques convergents dans de nombreux clades différents, ce qui illustre la répétabilité de certains phénomènes évolutifs, et ce même au niveau génétique. Les changements sur la PEPC liés au C4 ont été utilisés pour confirmer des évolutions indépendantes du phénotype C4 dans des clades où l'arbre des espèces était incapable de différencier des apparitions indépendantes d'une seule apparition suivie par une réversion de C4 en C3. En considérant des gènes codant des protéines impliquées uniquement dans certains sous-types C4 (deux décarboxylases, l'enzyme malique à NADP et la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxykinase), des études ultérieures ont montré que ces enzymes C4 avaient elles-aussi évolué sous forte sélection positive et subi des changements génétiques parallèles lors des différentes origines de la photosynthèse C4. Les changements adaptatifs sur ces gènes liés seulement à certains sous-types C4 ont été utilisés pour retracer l'histoire des phénotypes de sous-types C4, ce qui a révélé que les caractères formant le trait C4 ont, dans certains cas, évolué de manière déconnectée. Ceci souligne la multiplicité du trait C4 et l'acquisition graduelle de composants participant à la pompe à CO2 qu'est la photosynthèse C4. Finalement, des analyses phylogénétiques des gènes codant pour la Rubisco (l'enzyme responsable de la fixation du CO2 en carbones organiques dans tous les organismes photosynthétiques) ont montré que l'évolution de la photosynthèse Ça a changé les pressions de sélection sur ce gène. Cinq codons ont été mutés de façon répétée afin d'adapter les propriétés cinétiques de la Rubisco aux fortes concentrations de CO2 présentes dans les cellules photosynthétiques des plantes C4. Globalement, l'approche phylogénétique adoptée durant cette thèse de doctorat a permis de démontré des phénomène fréquents de convergence génétique sur les enzymes liées à la photosynthèse C4. Les traces génétiques de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4 ont permis de reconstituer des évènements qui se sont produits durant les derniers 30 millions d'années et ont prouvé l'utilité d'étudier des gènes directement responsables des variations phénotypiques pour inférer l'histoire évolutive d'un trait donné.


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Social organisms exhibit conspicuous intraspecific variation in all facets of their social organization. A prominent example of such variation in the highly eusocial Hymenoptera is differences in the number of reproductive queens per colony, Differences in queen number in ants are associated with differences in a host of reproductive and social traits, including queen phenotype and breeding strategy, mode of colony reproduction, and pattern of sex allocation. We examine the causes and consequences of changes in colony queen number and associated traits using the fire ant Solenopsis invicta as a principal model. Ecological constraints on mode of colony founding may act as important selective forces causing the evolution of queen number in this and many other ants, with social organization generally perpetuated across generations by means of the social environment molding appropriate queen phenotypes and reproductive strategies. Shifts in colony queen number have profound effects on genetic structure within nests and may also influence genetic structure at higher levels (aggregations of nests or local demes) because of the association of queen number with particular mating and dispersal habits. Divergence of breeding habits between populations with different social organizations has the potential to promote genetic differentiation between these social variants. Thus, evolution of social organization can be important in generating intrinsic selective regimes that channel subsequent social evolution and in initiating the development of significant population genetic structure, including barriers to gene flow important in cladogenesis.


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When colonizing a new habitat, populations must adapt their sexual behaviour to new ecological constraints. Because caves display drastically different conditions from surface habitats and cave animals are deprived from visual information, hypogean populations are expected to have modified their mate preference and signalling behaviour after cave colonization. Here, we experimentally examined the female preference and the sexual behaviour of brook newts Calotriton asper from different cave and river populations, either in light or in darkness. Our results suggest that females prefer large individuals in both hypogean and epigean populations, but that this preference is only expressed in the light conditions of their native habitat. Hence, some mate choice criteria would be maintained across genetically divergent populations and throughout dissimilar habitats. However, this sexual behaviour is likely to be expressed via a different sensory pathway in the different habitats, suggesting that a sensory shift has occurred in cave populations, enabling animals to communicate through a non-visual channel.


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Many arthropods exhibit behaviours precursory to social life, including adult longevity, parental care, nest loyalty and mutual tolerance, yet there are few examples of social behaviour in this phylum. The small carpenter bees, genus Ceratina, provide important insights into the early stages of sociality. I described the biology and social behaviour of five facultatively social species which exhibit all of the preadaptations for successful group living, yet present ecological and behavioural characteristics that seemingly disfavour frequent colony formation. These species are socially polymorphic with both / solitary and social nests collected in sympatry. Social colonies consist of two adult females, one contributing both foraging and reproductive effort and the second which remains at the nest as a passive guard. Cooperative nesting provides no overt reproductive benefits over solitary nesting, although brood survival tends to be greater in social colonies. Three main theories explain cooperation among conspecifics: mutual benefit, kin selection and manipulation. Lifetime reproductive success calculations revealed that mutual benefit does not explain social behaviour in this group as social colonies have lower per capita life time reproductive success than solitary nests. Genetic pedigrees constructed from allozyme data indicate that kin selection might contribute to the maintenance of social nesting -, as social colonies consist of full sisters and thus some indirect fitness benefits are inherently bestowed on subordinate females as a result of remaining to help their dominant sister. These data suggest that the origin of sociality in ceratinines has principal costs and the great ecological success of highly eusociallineages occurred well after social origins. Ecological constraints such as resource limitation, unfavourable weather conditions and parasite pressure have long been considered some of the most important selective pressures for the evolution of sociality. I assessed the fitness consequences of these three ecological factors for reproductive success of solitary and social colonies and found that nest sites were not limiting, and the frequency of social nesting was consistent across brood rearing seasons. Local weather varied between seasons but was not correlated with reproductive success. Severe parasitism resulted in low reproductive success and total nest failure in solitary nests. Social colonies had higher reproductive success and were never extirpated by parasites. I suggest that social nesting represents a form of bet-hedging. The high frequency of solitary nests suggests that this is the optimal strategy when parasite pressure is low. However, social colonies have a selective advantage over solitary nesting females during periods of extreme parasite pressure. Finally, the small carpenter bees are recorded from all continents except Antarctica. I constructed the first molecular phylogeny of ceratinine bees based on four gene regions of selected species covering representatives from all continents and ecological regions. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian Inference tree topology and fossil dating support an African origin followed by an Old World invasion and New World radiation. All known Old World ceratinines form social colonies while New World species are largely solitary; thus geography and phylogenetic inertia are likely predictors of social evolution in this genus. This integrative approach not only describes the behaviour of several previously unknown or little-known Ceratina species, bu~ highlights the fact that this is an important, though previously unrecognized, model for studying evolutionary transitions from solitary to social behaviour.