997 resultados para Early Miocene Flora
Stable isotope analyses of marine bivalve growth increment samples have been used to estimate early Oligocene (29.4 - 31.2) Ma and early Miocene (24.0 Ma) seafloor palaeotemperatures from the southwestern continental margin of the Ross Sea. Measured δ18O values average +2.5‰ in the early Miocene and range between +1.26 to +3.24‰ in the early Oligocene. The results show that palaeoceanographic conditions in McMurdo Sound during the mid-Cenozoic were significantly different from those of today. The minimum estimated spring through late summer seasonal temperature range was 3°C during the early Miocene and between 1 and 5°C during the early Oligocene. This compares to the equivalent modern day range of
The paleomagnetic investigations carried out in the 70's on Oligo-Miocene volcanics of Sardinia have demonstrated that the island was turned by 35-30 degrees clockwise from 33 Ma up to 3-1-20.5 Ma and rotated counterclockwise in a few million years [De Jong et al., 1969, 1973; Bobier et Coulon, 1970; Coulon et al., 1974; Manzoni, 1974, 1975; Bellon rr nl.. 1977: Edel et Lortscher, 1977; Edel, 1979, 1980]. Since then, the end of the rotation fixed at 19 Ma by Montigny er al. [1981] was the subject of discussions and several studies associating paleomagnetism and radiometric dating were undertaken [Assorgia er al., 1994: Vigliotti et Langenheim, 1995: Deino et al., 1997; Gattacceca rt Deino, 1999]. This is a contribution to this debate that is hampered by thr important secular variation recorded in the volcanics. The only way to get our of this problem is to sample series of successive flows as completely as possible, and to reduce the effect of secular variation by the calculation of means. Sampling was performed north of Bonorva in 5 pyroclastic flows that belong to the upper ignimbritic series SI2 according to Coulon rr nl. [1974] or LBLS according to Assorgia et al. [1997] (fig. I). Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of biotites from the debris flow (MDF) has yielded an age or 18.35 +/- 0.03 Ma [Dubois, 2000]. Five of the investigated sites are located beneath the debris flow ITV, TVB, TVD, SPM85, SPM86), one site was cured in the matrix of the debris flow (MDF) and one in 4 metric blocks included in the flow (DFC). Another site was sampled in the upper ash flow (PDM) that marks the end of the pyroclastic activity, just before the marine transgression. According to micropaleontological and radiometric dating this transgression has occurred between 18.35 and 17.6 Ma [Dubois, 2000]. After removal of a soft viscous component, the thermal demagnetization generally shows a univectorial behaviour of the remanent magnetization (fig. 2a). The maximum unblocking temperatures of 580-620 degrees (tab. I) and a rapid saturation below 100 mT (fig. 3) indicate that the carrier of the characteristic magnetization is magnetite. The exception comes: from the upper site PDM in which were found two characteristic components, one with a normal polarity and low unblocking temperatures up to 350 degreesC and one with a reversed polarity and maximum unblocking temperatures at 580-600 degreesC of magnetite. After calculation of a mean direction for each flow, the mean << Al >> direction 4 degrees /57 degrees (alpha (95) = 13 degrees) computed with the mean directions for the 5 flows may be considered as weakly affected by secular variation. But the results require a more careful examination. The declinations are N to NNW beneath the debris flow. NNW in the debris flow. and NNE (or SSW) above the debris flow, The elongated distribution of the directions obtained at sites TVB and TVD. scattered from the mean direction of TV to the mean direction of MDF is interpreted as due to partial overprinting during the debris How volcanic episode, The low temperature component PDMa is likely related to the alteration seen on thin sections and is also viewed as an overprint. As NNE/SSW directions occur as well below (mean direction << B >> : 5 degrees /58 degrees) as above the debris flow (PDMb : 200 degrees/-58 degrees). the NNW directions (<< C >> : 337 degrees /64 degrees) associated with the debris flow volcanism may be interpreted as resulting from a magnetic field excursion. According to the polarity scale of Cande and Kent [1992, 1995] and the radiometric age of MDF, the directions with normal polarity (TV, TVB, TVD, SPM85. SPM86a. MDF. DFC) may represent the period 5En. while the directions with reversed polarity PDMb and SPM86b were likely acquired during the period 5Dr. Using the mean << Al >> direction, the mean << B >>, or the PDM direction (tab. I). the deviation in declination with the direction of stable Europe 6.4 degrees /58.7 degrees (alpha (95) = 8 degrees) for a selection of 4 middle Tertiary poles by Besse et Courtillot [1991] or 7 degrees /56 degrees (alpha (95) = 3 degrees) for 19 poles listed by Edel [1980] can be considered as negligible. Using the results from the uppermost ignimbritic layer of Anglona also emplaced around 18.3 Ma [Odin rt al.. 1994]. the mean direction << E >> (3 degrees /51.5 degrees) leads to the same conclusion. On the contrary, when taking into account all dated results available for the period 5En (mean direction << D >> 353 degrees /56 degrees for 45 sites) (tab. II). the deviation 13 degrees is much more significant. As the rotation of Sardinia started around 21-20.5 Ma. the assumption of a constant velocity of rotation and the deviations of the Sardinia directions with respect to the stable Europe direction locate the end of the motion between 18.3 and 17.2 or 16.7 Ma (fig. 4). During the interval 18.35-17.5 Ma, the marine transgression took place. At the same period a NE-SW shortening interpreted as resulting from the collision of Sardinia with Apulia affected different parts of the island [Letouzey et al., 1982]. Consequently, the new paleomagnetic results and the tectono-sedimentary evolution are in favour of an end of the rotation at 17.5-18 Ma.
Seven species of marine bivalves, including six new taxa, are described from the Cape early Miocene Melville Formation which crops out on the Melville Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica. The bivalve assemblage includes representatives of the families Nuculidae, Ennucula frigida sp. nov., E. musculosa sp. nov.; Malletidae, Neilo (Neilo) rongelii sp. nov.; Sareptidae, Yoldia peninsularis sp. nov.; Limopsidae, Limopsis psimolis sp. nov.; Hiatellidae, Panopea (Panopea) sp. cf. P. regularis; and Pholadomyoida (Periploma acuta sp. nov.). Species studied come from four sedimentary sections measured in the upper part of the unit. Detailed morphologic features of nuculoid and areoid species are exceptionally well preserved and allow for the first time reconstruction of muscle insertions as well as dentition patterns of Cenozoic taxa. Known geological distribution of the species is in agreement with the early Miocene age assigned to the Cape Melville Formation. The bivalve fauna from Cape Melville Formation is the best known from Antarctic Miocene rocks, a time of complex geologic, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic changes in the continent. The new fauna introduces new taxonomic and palaeogeographic data that bear oil the question of opening of sea gateways and distribution of Cenozoic biota around Antarctica.
This study uses the widths, the spacing and the grain-size pattern of Oligo/Miocene alluvial fan conglomerates in the central segment of the Swiss Alpine foreland to reconstruct the topographic development of the Alps. These data are analysed with models of longitudinal stream profile development, to propose that the Alpine topography evolved from an early transient state where streams adjusted to rock uplift by headward retreat, to a mature phase where any changes in rock uplift were accommodated by vertical incision. The first stage comprises the time interval between ca 31 Ma and 22 Ma, when the Alpine streams deposited many small fans with a lateral spacing of <30 km in the north Alpine foreland. As the range evolved, the streams joined and the fans coalesced into a few large depositional systems with a lateral spacing of ca 80 to 100 km at 22 Ma. The models used here suggest that the overall elevation of the Alps increased rapidly within <5 Myr. The variability in pebble size increased either due to variations in sediment supply, enhanced orographic effects, or preferentially due to a change towards a stormier palaeoclimate. By 22 Ma, only two large rivers carried material into the foreland fans, suggesting that the major Alpine streams had established themselves. This second phase of stable drainage network was maintained until ca 5 Ma, when the uplift and erosion of the Molasse started and streams were redirected both in the Alps and in the foreland. This study illustrates that sedimentological archives of foreland basins can be used to reconstruct the chronology of the topographic development of mountain belts. It is suggested that the finite elevation of mountainous landscapes is reached early during orogeny and can be maintained for millions of years, provided that erosion is efficient.
In the present study, proxy data concerning changes in atmospheric CO2 and climatic conditions from the Late Eocene to the Early Miocene were acquired by applying palaeobotanical methods. Fossil floras from 10 well-documented locations in Saxony, Germany, were investigated with respect to (1) stomatal density/index of fossil leaves from three different taxa (Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis, Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps and Laurophyllum acutimontanum), (2) the coexistence approach (CA) based on nearest living relatives (NLR) and (3) leaf margin analysis (LMA). Whereas the results of approach (1) indicate changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, approaches (2) and (3) provide climate data. The results of the analysis of stomatal parameters indicate that the atmospheric CO2 concentration was higher during the Late Eocene than during the Early Oligocene and increased towards the Late Oligocene. A lower atmospheric pCO2 level after the Late Eocene is also suggested by an increase in marine palaeoproductivity at this time. From the Late Oligocene onwards, no changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration can be detected with the present data. For the considered sites, the results of the coexistence approach and of the leaf margin analysis document a significant cooling event from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene. The pCO2 decrease from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene indicated by the stomatal data raised in this study was thus coupled to a temperature decrease which is reflected by the present datasets. From the Early Oligocene onwards, however, no further fundamental climate change can be inferred for the considered locations. The pCO2 increase from the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene, which is indicated by the present data, is thus not accompanied by a climate change at the considered sites. A warming event during the Late Oligocene is, however, recorded by marine climate archives. According to the present data, no change in pCO2 occurred during the cooling event at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, which is also indicated by marine data. The quality and validity of stomatal parameters as sensors for atmospheric CO2 concentration are discussed.
Nearly complete Paleogene sedimentary sequences were recovered by Leg 114 to the subantarctic South Atlantic. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and immediately overlying lower Neogene from Sites 698 (Northeast Georgia Rise), 700 (East Georgia Basin), 702 (Islas Orcadas Rise), and 703 (Meteor Rise) were examined. The described assemblage from Hole 700B represents the most complete yet described from the Paleocene, encompassing planktonic foraminifer Zones Plb (upper part) through P4 and Subchrons C25N to C23N. All lower Eocene sediments are barren as a result of diagenesis, except for a single sample from Hole 698A. Middle Eocene silicoflagellates described from Hole 702B range in age from early middle Eocene (P10) to late Eocene (PI5), with correlations to Subchrons C21N to C18N. Hole 703A contains late Eocene through early Miocene assemblages, with paleomagnetic control from Subchrons C16R to C6AAN. Leg 114 biosiliceous sequences contain exceptionally diverse assemblages of silicoflagellates. Approximately 155 species and separate morphotypes are described from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene. New taxa described from Leg 114 sediments include Bachmannocena vetula n. sp., Corbisema animoparallela n. sp., Corbisema camara n. sp., Corbisema constricta spinosa n. subsp., Corbisema delicata n. sp., Corbisema hastata aha n. subsp., Corbisema praedelicata n. sp., Corbisema scapana n. sp., Corbisema triacantha lepidospinosa n. subsp., Dictyocha deflandreifurtivia n. subsp., Naviculopsis biapiculata nodulifera n. subsp., Naviculopsis cruciata n. sp., Naviculopsis pandalata n. sp., Naviculopsis primativa n. sp., and Naviculopsis trispinosa eminula n. subsp. Taxonomic revisions were made to the following taxa: Corbisema constricta constricta emended, Corbisema disymmetrica crenulata n. comb., Corbisema jerseyensis emended, and Distephanus antarcticus n. comb. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene of Holes 698A, 699A, 700B, 702B, and 703A are the basis of a silicoflagellate zonation spanning the interval from 63.2 to 22.25 Ma. Silicoflagellate zones recognized in this interval include the Corbisema hastata hastata Zone, Corbisema hastata aha Zone, Dictyocha precarentis Zone, Naviculopsis constricta Zone, Naviculopsis foliacea Zone, Bachmannocena vetula Zone, Dictyocha grandis Zone, Naviculopsis pandalata Zone, Naviculopsis constricta-Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Naviculopsis trispinosa Zone with subzones a and b, Corbisema archangelskiana Zone, Naviculopsis biapiculata Zone, Distephanus raupii Zone, Distephanus raupii-Corbisema triacantha Zone, and Corbisema triacantha mediana Zone.
At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 (subantarctic South Atlantic), benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data (from Cibicidoides and Oridorsalis) span the late Oligocene through early Miocene (~24-16 Ma) at a temporal resolution of ~5 ky. Over the same interval, a magnetic polarity stratigraphy can be unequivocally correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS), thereby providing direct correlation of the isotope record to the GPTS. In an initial age model, we use the newly derived age of the Oligocene/Miocene (O/M) boundary of 23.0 Ma of Shackleton et al. (2000, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<447:ACAFTO>2.0.CO;2), revised to the new astronomical calculation (La2003) of Laskar et al (2004, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.04.005) to recalculate the spline ages of Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098). We then tune the Site 1090 dekta18O record to obliquity using La2003. In this manner, we are able to refine the ages of polarity chrons C7n through C5Cn.1n. The new age model is consistent, within one obliquity cycle, with previously tuned ages for polarity chrons C7n through C6Bn from Shackleton et al. (2000) when rescaled to La2003. The results from Site 1090 provide independent evidence for the revised age of the Oligocene/Miocene boundary of 23.0 Ma. For early Miocene polarity chrons C6AAr through C5Cn, our obliquity-scale age model is the first to allow a direct calibration to the GPTS. The new ages are generally within one obliquity cycle of those obtained by rescaling the Cande and Kent (1995) interpolation using the new age of the O/M boundary (23.0 Ma) and the same middle Miocene control point (14.8 Ma) used by Cande and Kent (1995).
This study investigates abundance variations in Noelaerhabdaceae assemblages during the late Oligocene-early Miocene at three subtropical sites in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (DSDP Sites 516, 608 and 588). At these three sites, nannofossil assemblages were characterized by the successive high proportion of Cyclicargolithus, Dictyococcites and Reticulofenestra. Local paleoceanographic changes, such as the input of nutrient-poor water masses, might explain shifts in ecological prominence within the Noelaerhabdaceae at DSDP Site 516 (South Atlantic). But the similar timing of a decline in Cyclicargolithus at the three studied sites more likely corresponds to a global process. Here, we explore possible causes for this long-term taxonomic turnover. A global change in climate, associated with early Miocene glaciations, could have triggered a decline in fitness of the taxon Cyclicargolithus. The ecological niche made vacant because of the decrease in Cyclicargolithus could then have been exploited by Dictyococcites and Reticulofenestra that became prominent in the assemblages after 20.5 Ma. Alternatively, this global turnover might reflect a gradual evolutionary succession and be the result of other selection pressures, such as increased competition between Cyclicargolithus and Dictyococcites/Reticulofenestra. A diversification within Dictyococcites/Reticulofenestra, indicated by an expansion in the size variation within this group since ~ 20.5 Ma, may have contributed to the decreased fitness of Cyclicargolithus.
We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.
Sparse terrestrial palynomorphs (spores and pollen) were recovered from glacigene Lower Miocene and Oligocene core samples from the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drillhole CRP-2/2A, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica. Rarity of palynomorphs probably results from the spares periglacial vegetation in the surrounding landscape at the time of deposition, as well as dilution from rapid sediment accumulation. The Miocene and Late Oligocene vegetation is interpreted as including herb-moss tundra with low-growing woody plants (including Nothofagus and podocarp conifers) in more protected areas, similar to that encountered in the Miocene of CRP-1. Species richness and numbers of specimens increase downhole, a trend that begins very gradually below ~307 mbsf, and increases below ~443 mbsf through the Early Oligocene. These lower assemblages reflect low diversity woody vegetation dominated by several species of Nofhofagus and podocarps, growing in somewhat milder conditions, though still cold temperate to periglacial in the Early Oligocene. The CRP-2/2A core provides new biostratigraphical information, such as the First Appearance Datums (FADS) of Tricolpites sp. a near the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, and Marchantiaceae in the Early/Late Oligocene transition: these are taxa that along with N. lachlaniae, Coptospora spp. and Podocarpidites sp.b characterize assemblages recovered from outcrops of the Pliocene Sirius Group in the Transantarctic Mountains. Some elements of the extremely hardy periglacial tundra vegetation that survived in Antarctica into the Pliocene had their origin in the Oligocene during a time of deteriorating (colder, drier) climatic conditions. The CRP results highlight the long persistence of this tundra vegetation, through approximately 30 million years of dynamically changing climatic conditions. Rare Jurassic and more common Permian-Triassic spores and pollen occur sporadically throughout the core. These are derived from Jurassic Ferrar Group sediments, and from the Permian-Triassic Victoria Group, upper Beacon Supergroup. Higher frequencies of reworked Beacon palynomorphs and coaly organic matter below ~307 mbsf indicate greater erosion of the Beacon Supergroup for this lower part of the core. A color range from black, severely metamorphosed specimens, to light-colored, yellow (indicating low thermal alteration), reworked Permian palynomorphs, indicates local provenance in the dolerite-intruded Beacon strata of the Transantarctic Mountains, as well as areas (now sub-ice) of Beacon strata with little or no associated dolerite well inland (cratonwards) of the present Transantarctic Mountains.
During Leg 177 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), a well-preserved middle Eocene to lower Miocene sediment record was recovered at Site 1090 on the Agulhas Ridge in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. This new sediment record shows evidence of a hitherto unknown late Eocene opal pulse. Lithological variations, compositional data, mass-accumulation rates of biogenic and lithogenic sediment constituents, grain-size distributions, geochemistry, and clay mineralogy are used to gain insights into mid-Cenozoic environmental changes and to explore the circumstances of the late Eocene opal pulse in terms of reorganizations in ocean circulation. The base of the section is composed of middle Eocene nannofossil oozes mixed with red clays enriched in authigenic clinoptilolite and smectite, deposited at low sedimentation rates (LE 2 cm/ka). It indicates reduced terrigenous sediment input and moderate biological productivity during this preglacial warm climatic stage. The basal strata are overlain by an extended succession (100 m, 4 cm/ka) of biosiliceous oozes and muds, comprising the upper middle Eocene, the entire late Eocene, and the lowermost early Oligocene. The opal pulse occurred between 37.5 and 33.5 Ma and documents the development of upwelling cells along topographic highs, and the utilization of a marine nutrient- and silica reservoir established during the pre-late Eocene through enhanced submarine hydrothermal activity and the introduction of terrigenous solutions from chemical weathering on adjacent continents. This palaeoceanographic overturn probably was initiated through the onset of increased meridional ocean circulation, caused by the diversion of the Indian equatorial current to the south. The opal pulse was accompanied by increased influxes of terrigenous detritus from southern African sources (illite), mediated by enhanced ocean particle advection in response to modified ocean circulation. The opal pulse ended because of frontal shifts to the south around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, possibly in response to the opening of the Drake Passage and the incipient establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Condensed sediments and a hiatus within the early Oligocene part of the section possibly point to an invigoration of the deep-reaching Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mid-Oligocene to lower Miocene section on long time scale exhibits less pronounced lithological variations than the older section and points to relatively stable palaeoceanographic conditions after the dramatic changes in the late Eocene to early Oligocene.
The clay mineral assemblages of upper Eocene to lower Miocene sediments recovered at the CIROS-1 and MSSTS-1 drill sites on the McMurdo Sound shelf, Antarctica, were analyzed in order to reconstruct the Cenozoic Antarctic paleoclimate and ice dynamics. The assemblages are dominated by smectite and illite, with minor amounts of chlorite and kaolinite. The highest smectite amounts and best smectite crystallinities occur in the upper Eocene part of CIROS-1, below 425-445 mbsf. They indicate that during their deposition, chemical weathering conditions prevailed on the nearby continent. Large parts of East Antarctica were probably ice-free at that time, but some glaciers reached the sea and contributed to the glaciomarine sedimentation. In contrast, only minor total amounts of smectite are present in Oligocene and younger sediments due to the shift to mainly physical weathering on an ice-covered Antarctic continent. However, relative smectite percentages rise to more than 60% during two late Oligocene intervals (ca. 27.5-26.2 and 25.0-24.5 Ma) and during one early Miocene interval starting at ca. 23.3 Ma. These intervals are characterized by ice masses coming probably from the south, where volcanic rocks acted as a source, as also indicated by the composition of the sand and gravel fractions. During the other intervals, the ice came from the west, where the physical erosion of basement rocks and sedimentary rocks of the Beacon Supergroup in the Transantarctic Mountains provided high illite concentrations. Because the two drill sites are only 4 km apart, their clay mineral records can be correlated. This led to a new interpretation of the Oligocene paleomagnetic data of the MSSTS-1 site and to a more detailed lithostratigraphic correlation of the Miocene parts of the cores.