996 resultados para EXACT RESULTS


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Random walks can undergo transitions from normal diffusion to anomalous diffusion as some relevant parameter varies, for instance the L,vy index in L,vy flights. Here we derive the Fokker-Planck equation for a two-parameter family of non-Markovian random walks with amnestically induced persistence. We investigate two distinct transitions: one order parameter quantifies log-periodicity and discrete scale invariance in the first moment of the propagator, whereas the second order parameter, known as the Hurst exponent, describes the growth of the second moment. We report numerical and analytical results for six critical exponents, which together completely characterize the properties of the transitions. We find that the critical exponents related to the diffusion-superdiffusion transition are identical in the positive feedback and negative feedback branches of the critical line, even though the former leads to classical superdiffusion whereas the latter gives rise to log-periodic superdiffusion.


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A model describing coherent quantum tunnelling between two trapped Bose-Einstein condensates is discussed. It is not well known that the model admits an exact solution, obtained some time ago, with the energy spectrum derived through the algebraic Bethe ansatz. An asymptotic analysis of the Bethe ansatz equations leads us to explicit expressions for the energies of the ground and the first excited states in the limit of weak tunnelling and all energies for strong tunnelling. The results are used to extract the asymptotic limits of the quantum fluctuations of the boson number difference between the two Bose-Einstein condensates and to characterize the degree of coherence in the system.


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We compute the exact vacuum expectation value of 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loops of TeX = 4 U(N) super Yang-Mills in arbitrary irreducible representations. By localization arguments, the computation reduces to evaluating certain integrals in a Gaussian matrix model, which we do using the method of orthogonal polynomials. Our results are particularly simple for Wilson loops in antisymmetric representations; in this case, we observe that the final answers admit an expansion where the coefficients are positive integers, and can be written in terms of sums over skew Young diagrams. As an application of our results, we use them to discuss the exact Bremsstrahlung functions associated to the corresponding heavy probes.


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Ce Texte Presente Plusieurs Resultats Exacts Sur les Seconds Moments des Autocorrelations Echantillonnales, Pour des Series Gaussiennes Ou Non-Gaussiennes. Nous Donnons D'abord des Formules Generales Pour la Moyenne, la Variance et les Covariances des Autocorrelations Echantillonnales, Dans le Cas Ou les Variables de la Serie Sont Interchangeables. Nous Deduisons de Celles-Ci des Bornes Pour les Variances et les Covariances des Autocorrelations Echantillonnales. Ces Bornes Sont Utilisees Pour Obtenir des Limites Exactes Sur les Points Critiques Lorsqu'on Teste le Caractere Aleatoire D'une Serie Chronologique, Sans Qu'aucune Hypothese Soit Necessaire Sur la Forme de la Distribution Sous-Jacente. Nous Donnons des Formules Exactes et Explicites Pour les Variances et Covariances des Autocorrelations Dans le Cas Ou la Serie Est un Bruit Blanc Gaussien. Nous Montrons Que Ces Resultats Sont Aussi Valides Lorsque la Distribution de la Serie Est Spheriquement Symetrique. Nous Presentons les Resultats D'une Simulation Qui Indiquent Clairement Qu'on Approxime Beaucoup Mieux la Distribution des Autocorrelations Echantillonnales En Normalisant Celles-Ci Avec la Moyenne et la Variance Exactes et En Utilisant la Loi N(0,1) Asymptotique, Plutot Qu'en Employant les Seconds Moments Approximatifs Couramment En Usage. Nous Etudions Aussi les Variances et Covariances Exactes D'autocorrelations Basees Sur les Rangs des Observations.


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Simulations of supersymmetric field theories with spontaneously broken supersymmetry require in addition to the ultraviolet regularisation also an infrared one, due to the emergence of the massless Goldstino. The intricate interplay between ultraviolet and infrared effects towards the continuum and infinite volume limit demands careful investigations to avoid potential problems. In this paper – the second in a series of three – we present such an investigation for N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics formulated on the lattice in terms of bosonic and fermionic bonds. In one dimension, the bond formulation allows to solve the system exactly, even at finite lattice spacing, through the construction and analysis of transfer matrices. In the present paper we elaborate on this approach and discuss a range of exact results for observables such as the Witten index, the mass spectra and Ward identities.


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In this thesis I show a triple new connection we found between quantum integrability, N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories and black holes perturbation theory. I use the approach of the ODE/IM correspondence between Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and Integrable Models (IM), first to connect basic integrability functions - the Baxter’s Q, T and Y functions - to the gauge theory periods. This fundamental identification allows several new results for both theories, for example: an exact non linear integral equation (Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, TBA) for the gauge periods; an interpretation of the integrability functional relations as new exact R-symmetry relations for the periods; new formulas for the local integrals of motion in terms of gauge periods. This I develop in all details at least for the SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=0,1,2 matter flavours. Still through to the ODE/IM correspondence, I connect the mathematically precise definition of quasinormal modes of black holes (having an important role in gravitational waves’ obervations) with quantization conditions on the Q, Y functions. In this way I also give a mathematical explanation of the recently found connection between quasinormal modes and N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories. Moreover, it follows a new simple and effective method to numerically compute the quasinormal modes - the TBA - which I compare with other standard methods. The spacetimes for which I show these in all details are in the simplest Nf=0 case the D3 brane in the Nf=1,2 case a generalization of extremal Reissner-Nordström (charged) black holes. Then I begin treating also the Nf=3,4 theories and argue on how our integrability-gauge-gravity correspondence can generalize to other types of black holes in either asymptotically flat (Nf=3) or Anti-de-Sitter (Nf=4) spacetime. Finally I begin to show the extension to a 4-fold correspondence with also Conformal Field Theory (CFT), through the renowned AdS/CFT correspondence.


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We report on the study of nonequilibrium ordering in the reaction-diffusion lattice gas. It is a kinetic model that relaxes towards steady states under the simultaneous competition of a thermally activated creation-annihilation $(reaction$) process at temperature T, and a diffusion process driven by a heat bath at temperature T?T. The phase diagram as one varies T and T, the system dimension d, the relative priori probabilities for the two processes, and their dynamical rates is investigated. We compare mean-field theory, new Monte Carlo data, and known exact results for some limiting cases. In particular, no evidence of Landau critical behavior is found numerically when d=2 for Metropolis rates but Onsager critical points and a variety of first-order phase transitions.


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We perform the exact renormalization of two-dimensional massless gauge theories. Using these exact results we discuss the cluster property and confinement in both the anomalous and chiral Schwinger models.


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Exact results on particle densities as well as correlators in two models of immobile particles, containing either a single species or else two distinct species, are derived. The models evolve following a descent dynamics through pair annihilation where each particle interacts once at most throughout its entire history. The resulting large number of stationary states leads to a non-vanishing configurational entropy. Our results are established for arbitrary initial conditions and are derived via a generating function method. The single-species model is the dual of the 1D zero-temperature kinetic Ising model with Kimball-Deker-Haake dynamics. In this way, both in finite and semi-infinite chains and also the Bethe lattice can be analysed. The relationship with the random sequential adsorption of dimers and weakly tapped granular materials is discussed.


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It is possible to remedy certain difficulties with the description of short wave length phenomena and interfacial slip in standard models of a laminated material by considering the bending stiffness of the layers. If the couple or moment stresses are assumed to be proportional to the relative deformation gradient, then the bending effect disappears for vanishing interface slip, and the model correctly reduces to an isotropic standard continuum. In earlier Cosserat-type models this was not the case. Laminated materials of the kind considered here occur naturally as layered rock, or at a different scale, in synthetic layered materials and composites. Similarities to the situation in regular dislocation structures with couple stresses, also make these ideas relevant to single slip in crystalline materials. Application of the theory to a one-dimensional model for layered beams demonstrates agreement with exact results at the extremes of zero and infinite interface stiffness. Moreover, comparison with finite element calculations confirm the accuracy of the prediction for intermediate interfacial stiffness.


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We present some exact results for the effect of disorder on the critical properties of an anisotropic XY spin chain in a transverse held. The continuum limit of the corresponding fermion model is taken and in various cases results in a Dirac equation with a random mass. Exact analytic techniques can then be used to evaluate the density of states and the localization length. In the presence of disorder the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic or Ising transition of the model is in the same universality class as the random transverse field Ising model solved by Fisher using a real-space renormalization-group decimation technique (RSRGDT). If there is only randomness in the anisotropy of the magnetic exchange then the anisotropy transition (from a ferromagnet in the x direction to a ferromagnet in the y direction) is also in this universality class. However, if there is randomness in the isotropic part of the exchange or in the transverse held then in a nonzero transverse field the anisotropy transition is destroyed by the disorder. We show that in the Griffiths' phase near the Ising transition that the ground-state energy has an essential singularity. The results obtained for the dynamical critical exponent, typical correlation length, and for the temperature dependence of the specific heat near the Ising transition agree with the results of the RSRODT and numerical work. [S0163-1829(99)07125-8].


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This work addresses the question of whether it is possible to define simple pairwise interaction terms to approximate free energies of proteins or polymers. Rather than ask how reliable a potential of mean force is, one can ask how reliable it could possibly be. In a two-dimensional, infinite lattice model system one can calculate exact free energies by exhaustive enumeration. A series of approximations were fitted to exact results to assess the feasibility and utility of pairwise free energy terms. Approximating the true free energy with pairwise interactions gives a poor fit with little transferability between systems of different size. Adding extra artificial terms to the approximation yields better fits, but does not improve the ability to generalize from one system size to another. Furthermore, one cannot distinguish folding from nonfolding sequences via the approximated free energies. Most usefully, the methodology shows how one can assess the utility of various terms in lattice protein/polymer models. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The Gross-Neveu model in an S^1 space is analyzed by means of a variational technique: the Gaussian effective potential. By making the proper connection with previous exact results at finite temperature, we show that this technique is able to describe the phase transition occurring in this model. We also make some remarks about the appropriate treatment of Grassmann variables in variational approaches.


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We analyze the physical mechanisms leading either to synchronization or to the formation of spatiotemporal patterns in a lattice model of pulse-coupled oscillators. In order to make the system tractable from a mathematical point of view we study a one-dimensional ring with unidirectional coupling. In such a situation, exact results concerning the stability of the fixed of the dynamic evolution of the lattice can be obtained. Furthermore, we show that this stability is the responsible for the different behaviors.