493 resultados para ENDO-INULINASE


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Detailed catalytic roles of the conserved Glu323, Asp460, and Glu519 of Arthrobacter sp. S37 inulinase (EnIA), a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 32, were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and pH-dependence studies of the enzyme efficiency and homology modeling were carried out for EnIA and for D460E mutant. The enzyme efficiency (k(cat)/K-m) of the E323A and E519A mutants was significantly lower than that of the wild-type due to a substantial decrease in k(cat), but not due to variations in K-m, consistent with their putative roles as nucleophile and acid/base catalyst, respectively. The D460A mutant was totally inactive, whereas the D460E and D460N mutants were active to some extent, revealing Asp460 as a catalytic residue and demonstrating that the presence of a carboxylate group in this position is a prerequisite for catalysis. The pH-dependence studies indicated that the pK(a) of the acid/base catalyst decreased from 9.2 for the wild-type enzyme to 7.0 for the D460E mutant, implicating Asp460 as the residue that interacts with the acid/base catalyst Glu519 and elevates its pK(a). Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of the wild-type enzyme and the D460E mutant shed light on the structural roles of Glu323, Asp460, and Glu519 in the catalytic activity of the enzyme. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively, by means of SEM images, the cleaning of the dentin walls of root canals after chemical-surgical preparation using Endo-PTC cream with 0.5% and 1% sodium hypochlorite and different final irrigating solutions. Seventy-two single-rooted human teeth were divided into eight groups and prepared using Endo-PTC cream with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at different concentrations, and irrigated with NaOCl at different concentrations. Final irrigation was performed with either EDTA-T or EDTA-C. The best results were obtained with Group 1, followed by Groups 5, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6 and 4. We can conclude that the use of 0.5% NaOCl during instrumentation and final flush of the root canals was more efficient in cleaning than was 1% sodium hypochlorite. EDTA-T was more efficient in removing smear layer than EDTA-C, and the cervical third presented better cleaning of the root canal walls than did the middle third, which showed cleaner dentin walls than the apical third.


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A homoenolate generated by tellurium/lithium exchange reaction was employed in a straightforward enantioselective synthesis of (+)-endo-brevicomin in 70% yield and 84.4% e.e.


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Small non-coding RNAs act as critical regulators of gene expression and are essential for male germ cell development and spermatogenesis. Previously, we showed that germ cell-specific inactivation of Dicer1, an endonuclease essential for the biogenesis of micro-RNAs (miRNAs) and endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs), led to complete male infertility due to alterations in meiotic progression, increased spermatocyte apoptosis and defects in the maturation of spermatozoa. To dissect the distinct physiological roles of miRNAs and endo-siRNAs in spermatogenesis, we compared the testicular phenotype of mice with Dicer1 or Dgcr8 depletion in male germ cells. Dgcr8 mutant mice, which have a defective miRNA pathway while retaining an intact endo-siRNA pathway, were also infertile and displayed similar defects, although less severe, to Dicer1 mutant mice. These included cumulative defects in meiotic and haploid phases of spermatogenesis, resulting in oligo-, terato-, and azoospermia. In addition, we found by RNA sequencing of purified spermatocytes that inactivation of Dicer1 and the resulting absence of miRNAs affected the fine tuning of protein-coding gene expression by increasing low level gene expression. Overall, these results emphasize the essential role of miRNAs in the progression of spermatogenesis, but also indicate a role for endo-siRNAs in this process.


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En nuestra sociedad la imagen que los ciudadanos tenemos de la política está fuertemente condicionada por cómo esta aparece en los medios de comunicación y, en particular, en los noticiarios televisivos. Este artículo, fruto de un proyecto de investigación I+D+I financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte, analiza las noticias de temática política de ocho canales de televisión en España con el objetivo de comprobar cuál es la presencia de la política en los noticiarios, qué imagen se construye de la política en ellos. Además, propone una nueva metodología para establecer la calidad de las informaciones políticas en los noticiarios televisivos en España a través de la definición de los endo- y exo- equilibrios de los contenidos políticos de los noticiarios. Las principales conclusiones del artículo son que los noticiarios que construyen una imagen más equilibrada de la política son los de Televisión Española y Cuatro, mientras que los que construyen una imagen más desequilibrada son los de la Sexta y Canal 9. El porcentaje de noticias dedicadas a la política no depende ni de la titularidad (pública-privada), ni del ámbito de cobertura (estatal-autonómica) del canal. En cambio, sí podemos encontrar una relación en la suma de las noticias de política (political issues) y las de gobernanza (policy issues).


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Three cases are reported of salmonella aortitis observed in three men aged 55, 60 and 48 years, the last of whom had a prosthetic aortic valve and ascending aorta. The microorganisms were S. typhi murium, S. paratyphi B, and S. wien. Despite antibiotic treatment two patients died of perforating aortitis. The third patient developed S. wien gastroenteritis a few days after surgical replacement of the aortic valve and the ascending aorta. Five years later he presented with several bacteremic episodes due to S. wien, which recurred despite several courses of cotrimoxazole treatment. He has now been asymptomatic for over one year under prolonged cotrimoxazole treatment. Since vascular infection may occur following non typhi salmonellosis in 5% of patients over 50, or who have underlying endothelial lesions, the question arises as to whether non typhi S. gastroenteritis should be treated with antibiotics in these high risk patients, in contrast to present recommendations.


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Dans la th´eorie des repr´esentations modulaires des groupes finis, les modules d?endo-permutation occupent une place importante. En e_et, c?est le r?ole jou´e par ces modules dans l?analyse de la structure de certains modules simples pour des groupes finis p-nilpotents, qui a amen´e E. Dade `a en introduire le concept, en 1978. Quelques ann´ees plus tard, L. Puig a d´emontr´e que la source de n?importe quel module simple pour un groupe fini p-r´esoluble quelconque est un module d?endo-permutation. Plus r´ecemment, on s?est rendu compte que ces modules interviennent aussi dans l?analyse locale des cat´egories d´eriv´ees et dans l?´etude des syst`emes de fusion. La situation que l?on consid`ere est la suivante. On se donne un nombre premier p, un p-groupe fini P, un corps alg´ebriquement clos k de caract´eristique p et on veut d´eterminer tous les kP-modules d?endo-permutation couverts ind´ecomposables de type fini, c?est-`a-dire tous les kP-modules ind´ecomposables de type fini, tels que leur alg`ebre d?endomorphismes est un kP-module de permutation ayant un facteur direct trivial. On d´efinit une relation d?´equivalence sur l?ensemble de ces kP-modules et le produit tensoriel des modules induit une structure de groupe ab´elien sur l?ensemble des classes d?´equivalence. On appelle ce groupe, le groupe de Dade de P. Ainsi, classifier les modules d?endo-permutation couverts revient `a d´eterminer le groupe de Dade de P. Le groupe de Dade d?un p-groupe fini arbitraire est encore inconnu, bien qu?E. Dade, en 1978, ´etait d´ej`a parvenu `a la classification dans le cas o`u P est ab´elien. La premi`ere partie de ce travail de th`ese est consacr´ee au probl`eme de la classification dans le cas g´en´eral et r´esoud la question dans le cas de deux familles de p-groupes finis, `a savoir celle des p-groupes m´etacycliques, pour un nombre premier p impair, et celle des 2-groupes extrasp´eciaux, de la forme D8 _ · · · _ D8. Ces deux choix ont ´et´e motiv´es par le fait que ces groupes sont "presque" ab´eliens. De plus, certains r´esultats sur la structure du groupe de Dade d?un p-groupe fini quelconque rendent le groupe de Dade des groupes de ces deux familles plus simple `a ´etudier. Dans un deuxi`eme temps, nous nous sommes int´eress´es `a deux occurrences de ces modules dans la th´eorie de la repr´esentation des groupes finis, c?est-`a-dire `a deux raisons qui motivent leur ´etude. Ainsi, nous avons r´ealis´e des modules d?endo-permutation comme sources de modules simples. En particulier, il s?av`ere que, dans le cas d?un nombre premier p impair, tout module d?endo-permutation ind´ecomposable dont la classe est un ´el´ement de torsion dans le groupe de Dade est la source d?un module simple. Finalement, nous avons d´etermin´e, parmi tous les modules d?endo-permutation connus actuellement, lesquels poss`edent une r´esolution de permutation endo-scind´ee. Nous sommes arriv´es `a la conclusion que les seuls modules d?endo-permutation qui n?ont pas de r´esolution de permutation endo-scind´ee sont les modules "exceptionnels" apparaissant pour un 2-groupe de quaternions g´en´eralis´es.<br/><br/>In modular representation theory, endo-permutation modules occupy an important position. Indeed, the role that these modules play, in the analysis of the structure of some particular simple modules for finite p-nilpotent groups, induced E. Dade, in 1978, to give them their current name. A few years later, L. Puig proved that the source of any simple module for any finite psolvable group is an endo-permutation module. More recently, the occurrence of endo-permutation modules has also been noticed in the local analysis of splendid equivalences between derived categories and in the study of fusion systems. We consider the following situation. Given a prime number p, a finite pgroup P and an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p, we are looking for all finitely generated indecomposable capped endo-permutation kP-modules. That is, all finitely generated indecomposable kP-modules such that their endomorphism algebra is a permutation kP-module having a trivial direct summand. Then, we define an equivalence relation on the set of all isomorphism classes of such modules, and it turns out that the tensor product (over k) induces a structure of abelian group on this set. We call this group the Dade group of P. Hence, classifying all indecomposable finitely generated capped endo-permutation kPmodules is equivalent to determining the Dade group of P. At present, the Dade group of an arbitrary finite p-group is still unknown. However, E. Dade computed the Dade group of all finite abelian p-groups, in 1978 already. The first part of this doctoral thesis is concerned with the problem of the classification in the general case and solve it in the case of two families of finite p-groups, namely the metacyclic p-groups, for an odd prime number p, and the extraspecial 2-groups of the shape D8 _· · ·_D8. These two choices have been motivated by the fact that these groups are not far from being abelian. Moreover, some general results concerning the Dade group of arbitrary finite p-groups suggest that the Dade group of the groups belonging to these two families is easier to study. In the second part of this thesis, we have been looking at two particular occurrences of these modules in representation theory of finite groups which motivate the interest of their classification. Thus, we realised endo-permutation modules as sources of simple modules. In particular, it turns out that, in case p is an odd prime, any indecomposable module whose class in the Dade group is a torsion element is the source of some simple module. Finally, we considered all the modules we know at present and determined which ones have an endo-split permutation resolution. We could then conclude that all but the "exceptionnal" modules occurring in the generalized quaternion case have an endo-split permutation resolution.<br/><br/>"Module d?endo-permutation" n?est pas le nom d?une maladie exotique contagieuse (du moins pas `a ma connaissance), comme vous pourriez peut-?etre l?imaginer si vous faites partie des personnes qui croient que le titre de docteur n?est destin´e qu?aux m´edecins. Dans ce cas, il se peut que le sujet dont il est question ici vous cause quelques naus´ees et r´eveille de douloureux souvenirs d?´ecole, car un module d?endo-permutation est un objet math´ematique, alg´ebrique, plus pr´ecis´ement. Ce concept a ´et´e introduit il y a un quart de si`ecle, de l?autre c?ot´e de l?Atlantique, et il s?est r´ev´el´e su_samment int´eressant pour qu?aujourd?hui il ait franchi bien des fronti`eres, celles de l?alg`ebre y compris. Mais de quoi s?agit-il ? Si vous entendez le terme "endo-permutation" probablement pour la premi`ere fois, ce n?est certainement pas le cas pour celui de "module". Cependant, sa d´efinition dans le pr´esent contexte ne co¨ýncide avec aucune de celles figurant dans les dictionnaires ordinaires. Les personnes qui ont d´ej`a entendu parler de Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, ou encore Brauer, pourront vous dire qu?un module est une repr´esentation. "De quoi ?" vous demanderezvous. "Un spectacle de marionnettes, peut-?etre ?" Bien s?ur que non ! Un module d?endo-permutation est une repr´esentation particuli`ere de certains groupes finis, o`u un groupe n?est pas un groupe de rock, comme vous pouvez vous en douter, mais d´esigne un objet math´ematique connu par tous les ´etudiants en sciences au terme de leur premi`ere ann´ee universitaire (en th´eorie, du moins). La "popularit´e" de la notion de groupe, fini ou non, est due au fait que les groupes sont fr´equemment utilis´es, aussi bien dans le domaine abstrait des math´ematiques, que dans le monde r´eel des physiciens, chimistes et autres biologistes (pour ne citer qu?eux). "Mais comment peut-on utiliser concr`etement ces objets invisibles ?" vous demanderez-vous alors. Et bien, justement, en les consid´erant par l?interm´ediaire de leurs repr´esentations, c?est-`a-dire en leur associant des matrices, de fa¸con plus ou moins naturelle. Or, comme il y a "beaucoup trop" de matrices pour un groupe donn´e, elles sont classifi´ees selon certaines de leurs propri´et´es, ce qui permet de les r´epertorier dans diverses familles (celle des modules d?endo-permutation, par exemple). Un groupe est ainsi rendu "concret", car les donn´ees matricielles sont manipulables par tous les scienti- fiques (et leurs ordinateurs), qui peuvent alors les utiliser dans leurs recherches, afin de contribuer au progr`es de la science. En toute franchise, c?est bien loin de ces soucis terre-`a-terre que ce travail de th`ese sur la classification des modules d?endo-permutation a ´et´e accompli. En fait, quitte `a choquer certaines ?ames sensibles, sa r´ealisation est surtout due au caract`ere ´epicure de son auteur, qui, avouons-le, en a ´et´e pleinement satisfait !


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This work investigated the fructooligosaccharides (FOS) synthesis by immobilized inulinase obtained from Kluyveromyces marxianus NRRL Y-7571 in aqueous and aqueous-organic systems using sucrose as substrate. The sequential strategy of experimental design was used to optimize the FOS conversion in both systems. For the aqueous-organic system, a 2(6-2) fractional design was carried out to evaluate the effects of temperature, sucrose concentration, pH, aqueous/organic ratio, enzyme activity, and polyethylene glycol concentration. For the aqueous system, a central composite design for the enzyme activity and the sucrose concentration was carried out. The highest fructooligosaccharides yield (Y FOS) for the aqueous-organic system was 18.2 ± S0.9 wt%, at 40 ºC, pH 5.0, sucrose concentration of 60% (w/w), enzyme activity of 4 U.mL-1, and aqueous/organic ratio of 25/75 wt%. The highest Y FOS for the aqueous system was 14.6 ± 0.9 wt% at 40 ºC, pH 5.0, sucrose concentration of 60 wt%, and enzyme activity of 4.0 U.mL-1.


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Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) is a transmembrane protein whose function is regulated by its immediate lipid environment (annulus). The composition of the annulus is currently unknown or it’s susceptibility to a high saturated fat diet (HSFD). Furthermore it is uncertain if HSFD can protect SERCA from thermal stress. The purpose of the study was to determine SERCA annular lipid composition, resulting impact of a HSFD, and in turn, influence on SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. The major findings were annular lipids were shorter and more saturated compared to whole homogenate and HSFD had no effect on annular lipid composition or SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. Both average chain length and unsaturation index were positively correlated with SERCA activity with and without thermal stress. These findings suggest that annular lipid composition is different than whole homogenate and its composition appears to be related to SERCA function.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Microbiología Industrial) UANL, 2012.


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A high pressure mediated (3+2) cycloaddition polymerization strategy has been employed to afford linear poly(isoxazolidine) architectures. Under these high pressure conditions this cycloaddition process was found to afford primarily endoheterocycles which when translated to the polymerization should ultimately affect the tacticity and resultant properties of the polymer. The stereoselectivity occurred as a result of a lower volume of activation for the endo-transition state and the application of a 'type-I' regime (HOMODipole-LUMODipolarophile) cycloaddition process that features secondary orbital interactions within the extended molecular orbitals. A variety of linker segments were employed in an attempt to affect the physical properties of the polymeric cycloadducts such as T-g and solubility in order to tailor these materials for use in coating applications. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first examples of sigmatropic rearrangements of ene-endo-spirocyclic, tetrahydropyridine-derived ammonium ylids are reported. Thus, spiro[6.7]-ylids rearrange primarily by a [2,3]-pathway, whereas the analogous [6.6]-ylids rearrange by [1,2]- and [2,3]-mechanisms in roughly equal proportions. This method serves as a rapid entry to the core of a range of alkaloids bearing a pyrrolo[1,2-a]azepine or octahydroindolizidine nucleus.


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Metathesis reactions were used to prepare a range of dicopper(II), monocopper(I), diruthenium(II, III), dimolybdenum(II,II) and dirhodium(II,II) complexes of either racemic or resolved forms of endo- and exo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylic acid (C7H9CO2H). The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu2{(±)-endo-μ-O2CC7H9}4(CH3OH)2]·2CH3OH shows the two copper(II) ions bridged by two (+)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions and two (−)-endo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2-carboxylate anions. Methanol molecules occupy the two trans axial sites, and there are also two methanol molecules hydrogen bonded to opposite carboxyl oxygens.