976 resultados para EIC,SiPM,dRICH,silicon photomultiplier
L’Electron Ion Collider (EIC) è un futuro acceleratore di particelle che ha l’obiettivo di approfondire le nostre conoscenze riguardo l’interazione forte, una delle quattro interazioni fondamentali della natura, attraverso collisioni di elettroni su nuclei e protoni. L’infrastruttura del futuro detector comprende un sistema d’identificazione basato sull’emissione di luce Cherenkov, un fenomeno che permette di risalire alla massa delle particelle. Una delle configurazioni prese in considerazione per questo sistema è il dual-radiator RICH, basato sulla presenza di due radiatori all’esterno dei quali si trovano dei fotorivelatori. Un’opzione per questi sensori sono i fotorivelatori al silicio SiPM, oggetto di questo lavoro di tesi. L’obiettivo dell’attività è lo studio di un set-up per la caratterizzazione della risposta di sensori SiPM a basse temperature, illuminati attraverso un LED. Dopo un’analisi preliminare per determinare le condizioni di lavoro, si è trovato che la misura è stabile entro un errore del 3.5%.
Lo studio che verrà presentato in questo lavoro di tesi riguarda la caratterizzazione di Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM): essi sono sensori a semiconduttore che sono stati proposti per la realizzazione del layer Time-Of-Flight (TOF) del nuovo esperimento proposto ad LHC, ALICE 3. Sono stati testati sensori diversi, sia in termini di casa di fabbricazione (FBK o HPK), sia in termini di struttura; in particolare, i modelli a disposizione di produzione FBK sono singoli SPAD, singoli SiPM e mini-array di SiPM, mentre i modelli HPK sono tutti singoli SiPM. La caratterizzazione è avvenuta mediante misure di corrente e capacità del sensore al variare della tensione (curve IV e curve CV); l'obiettivo primario è studiare e confrontare tali andamenti, in modo da poter selezionare i sensori con caratteristiche simili per la costruzione del layer del TOF. Si è osservato che sensori della stessa casa produttrice e con la stessa struttura interna esibiscono comportamenti quasi sovrapponibili, dimostrando in generale una ottima uniformità.
Next generation PET scanners should fulfill very high requirements in terms of spatial, energy and timing resolution. Modern scanner performances are inherently limited by the use of standard photomultiplier tubes. The use of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) is proposed for the construction of a 4D-PET module of 4.8×4.8 cm2 aimed to replace the standard PMT based PET block detector. The module will be based on a LYSO continuous crystal read on two faces by Silicon Photomultipliers. A high granularity detection surface made by SiPM matrices of 1.5 mm pitch will be used for the x–y photon hit position determination with submillimetric accuracy, while a low granularity surface constituted by 16 mm2 SiPM pixels will provide the fast timing information (t) that will be used to implement the Time of Flight technique (TOF). The spatial information collected by the two detector layers will be combined in order to measure the Depth of Interaction (DOI) of each event (z). The use of large area multi-pixel Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) detectors requires the development of a multichannel Data Acquisition system (DAQ) as well as of a dedicated front-end in order not to degrade the intrinsic detector capabilities and to manage many channels. The paper describes the progress made on the development of the proof of principle module under construction at the University of Pisa.
The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a novel detector technology that has undergone a fast development in the last few years, owing to its single-photon resolution and ultra-fast response time. However, the typical high dark count rates of the sensor may prevent the detection of low intensity radiation fluxes. In this article, the time-gated operation with short active periods in the nanosecond range is proposed as a solution to reduce the number of cells fired due to noise and thus increase the dynamic range. The technique is aimed at application fields that function under a trigger command, such as gated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.
The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a novel detector technology that has undergone a fast development in the last few years, owing to its single-photon resolution and ultra-fast response time. However, the typical high dark count rates of the sensor may prevent the detection of low intensity radiation fluxes. In this article, the time-gated operation with short active periods in the nanosecond range is proposed as a solution to reduce the number of cells fired due to noise and thus increase the dynamic range. The technique is aimed at application fields that function under a trigger command, such as gated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.
A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is used, in radiation detectors like the positron emission tomography(PET), to transform the current pulse produced by a photo-sensitive device into an output voltage pulse with a desired amplitude and shape. The TIA must have the lowest noise possible to maximize the output. To achieve a low noise, a circuit topology is proposed where an auxiliary path is added to the feedback TIA input, In this auxiliary path a differential transconductance block is used to transform the node voltage in to a current, this current is then converted to a voltage pulse by a second feedback TIA complementary to the first one, with the same amplitude but 180º out of phase with the first feedback TIA. With this circuit the input signal of the TIA appears differential at the output, this is used to try an reduced the circuit noise. The circuit is tested with two different devices, the Avalanche photodiodes (APD) and the Silicon photomultiplier (SIPMs). From the simulations we find that when using s SIPM with Rx=20kΩ and Cx=50fF the signal to noise ratio is increased from 59 when using only one feedback TIA to 68.3 when we use an auxiliary path in conjunction with the feedback TIA. This values where achieved with a total power consumption of 4.82mv. While the signal to noise ratio in the case of the SIPM is increased with some penalty in power consumption.
We present a new physical principle to design an optoelectronic device, which consists of a multilayered semiconductor structure, where the necessary conditions for generation of photoelectrons are met, such that it will enable sequential avalanche multiplication of electrons and holes inside two depletion slabs created around the p - n junctions of a reverse biased pn - i - pn structure. The mathematical model and computer simulations of this Semiconductor Photo-electron Multiplier (SPEM) for different semiconductor materials are presented. Its performance is evaluated and compared with that of conventional devices. The Geiger operational mode is briefly discussed which may be used in Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) as an elementary photo detector to enhance its performance.
A small Positron Emission Tomography demonstrator based on LYSO slabs and Silicon Photomultiplier matrices is under construction at the University and INFN of Pisa. In this paper we present the characterization results of the read-out electronics and of the detection system. Two SiPM matrices, composed by 8 × 8 SiPM pixels, 1.5 mm pitch, have been coupled one to one to a LYSO crystals array. Custom Front-End ASICs were used to read the 64 channels of each matrix. Data from each Front-End were multiplexed and sent to a DAQ board for the digital conversion; a motherboard collects the data and communicates with a host computer through a USB port. Specific tests were carried out on the system in order to assess its performance. Futhermore we have measured some of the most important parameters of the system for PET application.
The GRAIN detector is part of the SAND Near Detector of the DUNE neutrino experiment. A new imaging technique involving the collection of the scintillation light will be used in order to reconstruct images of particle tracks in the GRAIN detector. Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) matrices will be used as photosensors for collecting the scintillation light emitted at 127 nm by liquid argon. The readout of SiPM matrices inside the liquid argon requires the use of a multi-channel mixed-signal ASIC, while the back-end electronics will be implemented in FPGAs outside the cryogenic environment. The ALCOR (A Low-power Circuit for Optical sensor Readout) ASIC, developed by Torino division of INFN, is under study, since it is optimized to readout SiPMs at cryogenic temperatures. I took part in the realization of a demonstrator of the imaging system, which consists of a SiPM matrix connected to a custom circuit board, on which an ALCOR ASIC is mounted. The board communicates with an FPGA. The first step of the present project that I have accomplished was the development of an emulator for the ALCOR ASIC. This emulator allowed me to verify the correct functioning of the initial firmware before the real ASIC itself was available. I programmed the emulator using VHDL and I also developed test benches in order to test its correct working. Furthermore, I developed portions of the DAQ software, which I used for the acquisition of data and the slow control of the ASICs. In addition, I made some parts of the DAQ firmware for the FPGAs. Finally, I tested the complete SiPMs readout system at both room and cryogenic temperature in order to ensure its full functionality.
L'Electron-Ion Collider è un futuro acceleratore di particelle che approfondirà la nostra conoscenza riguardo l'interazione forte tramite la collisione di elettroni con nuclei e protoni. Uno dei progetti attualmente considerati per la costruzione del rivelatore, il dual-radiator RICH, prevede l'impiego di due radiatori Cherenkov, sui quali verranno montati dei fotorivelatori per rilevare l'emissione della luce Cherenkov e risalire alla massa delle particelle. L'opzione di base per questi rivelatori sono i sensori al silicio SiPM. Questo lavoro di tesi si basa sullo studio delle prestazioni di un prototipo per l'acquisizione dei dati rilevati dai SiPM che sfrutta l'effetto termoelettrico per raffreddare la zona in cui sono situati i sensori. L'analisi dei dati acquisiti ha portato alla conclusione che le prestazioni del prototipo sono confrontabili con quelle misurate all'interno di una camera climatica quando si trovano alla stessa temperatura.
In questa tesi si riportano i risultati di uno studio della risoluzione temporale di un fotomoltiplicatore al Silicio (SiPM). La diffusione di questi rivelatori è in notevole aumento sia nelle ricerche di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare che nelle applicazioni mediche. I vantaggi sono legati alla loro insensibilità ai campi magnetici e ai facili modi di operazione (piccoli, robusti e con utilizzo a basso voltaggio). Usati sino ad ora per la misura di cariche, sono oggi di grande interesse per possibili applicazioni che richiedano alta risoluzione temporale (sistemi di tempo di volo, trigger, calorimetria). In questo studio sono stati studiati due tipi diversi di accoppiamento Scintillatore-SiPM: diretto o tramite fibre. Per queste analisi sono stati utilizzati diversi metodi di acquisizione e successivamente si sono incrociati i relativi risultati.
Résumé : Les photodiodes à avalanche monophotonique (SPAD) sont d'intérêts pour les applications requérant la détection de photons uniques avec une grande résolution temporelle, comme en physique des hautes énergies et en imagerie médicale. En fait, les matrices de SPAD, souvent appelés photomultiplicateurs sur silicium (SiPM), remplacent graduellement les tubes photomultiplicateurs (PMT) et les photodiodes à avalanche (APD). De plus, il y a une tendance à utiliser les matrices de SPAD en technologie CMOS afin d'obtenir des pixels intelligents optimisés pour la résolution temporelle. La fabrication de SPAD en technologie CMOS commerciale apporte plusieurs avantages par rapport aux procédés optoélectroniques comme le faible coût, la capacité de production, l'intégration d'électronique et la miniaturisation des systèmes. Cependant, le défaut principal du CMOS est le manque de flexibilité de conception au niveau de l'architecture du SPAD, causé par le caractère fixe et standardisé des étapes de fabrication en technologie CMOS. Un autre inconvénient des matrices de SPAD CMOS est la perte de surface photosensible amenée par la présence de circuits CMOS. Ce document présente la conception, la caractérisation et l'optimisation de SPAD fabriqués dans une technologie CMOS commerciale (Teledyne DALSA 0.8µm HV CMOS - TDSI CMOSP8G). Des modifications de procédé sur mesure ont été introduites en collaboration avec l'entreprise CMOS pour optimiser les SPAD tout en gardant la compatibilité CMOS. Les matrices de SPAD produites sont dédiées à être intégrées en 3D avec de l'électronique CMOS économique (TDSI) ou avec de l'électronique CMOS submicronique avancée, produisant ainsi un SiPM 3D numérique. Ce SiPM 3D innovateur vise à remplacer les PMT, les APD et les SiPM commerciaux dans les applications à haute résolution temporelle. L'objectif principal du groupe de recherche est de développer un SiPM 3D avec une résolution temporelle de 10 ps pour usage en physique des hautes énergies et en imagerie médicale. Ces applications demandent des procédés fiables avec une capacité de production certifiée, ce qui justifie la volonté de produire le SiPM 3D avec des technologies CMOS commerciales. Ce mémoire étudie la conception, la caractérisation et l'optimisation de SPAD fabriqués en technologie TDSI-CMOSP8G.
The new stage of the Mainz Microtron, MAMI, at the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Johannes Gutenberg-University, operational since 2007, allows open strangeness experiments to be performed. Covering the lack of electroproduction data at very low Q2, p(e,K+)Lambda and p(e,K+)Sigma0, reactions have been studied at Q^2 = 0.036(GeV/c)^2 andrnQ^2 = 0.05(GeV=c)^2 in a large angular range. Cross-section at W=1.75rnGeV will be given in angular bins and compared with the predictions of Saclay-Lyon and Kaon Maid isobaric models. We conclude that the original Kaon-Maid model, which has large longitudinal couplings of the photon to nucleon resonances, is unphysical. Extensive studies for the suitability of silicon photomultipliers as read out devices for a scintillating fiber tracking detector, with potential applications in both positive and negative arms of the spectrometer, will be presented as well.
DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) è un esperimento internazionale attualmente in costruzione al laboratorio Fermilab in Illinois, Stati Uniti. Il suo scopo sarà quello di studiare alcuni dei fenomeni e quesiti aperti che riguardano i neutrini: particelle debolmente interagenti facenti parte del Modello Standard. In particolare DUNE intende studiare il fenomeno dell'oscillazione di sapore dei neutrini, osservare neutrini provenienti da supernove e stelle di neutroni per studiarne la formazione e ricercare l'eventuale decadimento dei protoni. L'esperimento sarà formato da due siti sperimentali distanti circa 1300 km tra loro: il Near Detector situato a Fermilab ed il Far Detector, situato al Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. Questa tesi è rivolta in particolare al sistema di fotorivelazione del Far Detector, che utilizza fotomoltiplicatori al silicio (Silicon Photomultipliers, o SiPM). Questi dispositivi dovranno funzionare in condizioni criogeniche in argon liquido, perciò è stata avviata un'intensiva campagna di test volta alla caratterizzazione e validazione dei sensori che saranno montati nell'apparato. La sezione INFN di Bologna è coinvolta in questa campagna e dovrà testare una parte dei SiPM destinati all'impiego in DUNE. A tale scopo è stato realizzato, nei laboratori INFN, un sistema per il test di tali dispositivi in criogenia su larga scala. L'attività di tesi ha previsto la caratterizzazione di diversi SiPM sia a temperatura ambiente sia in criogenia e l'analisi delle distribuzioni statistiche dei parametri di diversi campioni di SiPM.
In this work we report new silicon and germanium tubular nanostructures with no corresponding stable carbon analogues. The electronic and mechanical properties of these new tubes were investigated through ab initio methods. Our results show that these structures have lower energy than their corresponding nanoribbon structures and are stable up to high temperatures (500 and 1000 K, for silicon and germanium tubes, respectively). Both tubes are semiconducting with small indirect band gaps, which can be significantly altered by both compressive and tensile strains. Large bandgap variations of almost 50% were observed for strain rates as small as 3%, suggesting their possible applications in sensor devices. They also present high Young's modulus values (0.25 and 0.15 TPa, respectively). TEM images were simulated to help in the identification of these new structures.