52 resultados para Detained
Guidance on the transfer of mentally disordered patients detained under the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986 to and from Hospitals in Great Britain - August 2011.
Errata on p. [viii].
Ed. by S. Cock. Cf. Introductory details and dedication.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo a análise das políticas de segurança pública e justiça criminal no Espírito Santo entre 1989 e 2013, utilizando metodologia historiográfica e observando a distância entre os objetivos oficiais e as consequências práticas. No primeiro capítulo, me concentro na contextualização histórica das políticas criminais, analisando a formação organizacional do sistema punitivo brasileiro. Coloco ênfase, de um lado, no processo de militarização, isto é, a adoção de hierarquia, disciplina e formação militares nas agências de segurança pública, e de outro lado, e nas sucessivas legislações penais aprovadas pelo Congresso Nacional. Tais processos nacionais se refletem no Espírito Santo, onde se difundiram “grupos de extermínio” como a Scuderie Le Cocq, mas não havia política de segurança pública. A primeira surge em meio a grave crise política, entre 1999 e 2002. Mas os seus propósitos são mais avançados com o processo de reforma administrativa após 2003, quando o governo se esforça por impôr modelos de gestão empresariais e parcerias público privadas à administração estadual, incluindo a segurança pública e sistema penitenciário. Com isto, ocorre uma rápida expansão do encarceramento seletivo em condições extremas de superlotação e violência, desenvolvendo uma indústria carcerária. No segundo capítulo, realizo uma análise na qual relaciono informações criminais, penitenciárias, econômicas e demográficas, tanto no contexto do Brasil quanto do Espírito Santo. Constato que a repressão estatal tem “preferência” por homens, negros, jovens e de baixa escolaridade; por crimes de drogas e contra o patrimônio, com a utilização cada vez maior da prisão provisória. No Espírito Santo o encarceramento seletivo cresce em maior velocidade que na média nacional, o que se reflete no perfil da população carcerária, sendo esta ainda mais negra, jovem, de baixa escolaridade e presa por tráfico e drogas e em regime provisório, com frequentes denúncias fundamentadas de torturas, mortes e desaparecimentos forçados entre as populações criminalizadas.
The centre piece of my presentation is one particular and interesting manuscript of the Goa Historical Archives, listed as codex 860, which and contains details about manumission of slaves in Goa during the period 1682-1760. Curiously, the “Fathers of Christians” involved in this process of manumission were several Jesuits until the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1759. The last four folios cover the year 1760 under a non-Jesuit, probably an Augustinian monk, appointed to take over the Old College of St Paul, while the Jesuits were detained before being deported.
Designing electric installation projects, demands not only academic knowledge, but also other types of knowledge not easily acquired through traditional instructional methodologies. A lot of additional empirical knowledge is missing and so the academic instruction must be completed with different kinds of knowledge, such as real-life practical examples and simulations. On the other hand, the practical knowledge detained by the most experienced designers is not formalized in such a way that is easily transmitted. In order to overcome these difficulties present in the engineers formation, we are developing an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), for training and support concerning the development of electrical installation projects to be used by electrical engineers, technicians and students.
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação apresentada na Universidade do Minho com vista à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação (Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação)
This paper presents the CloudAnchor brokerage platform for the transaction of single provider as well as federated Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources. The platform, which is a layered Multi-Agent System (MAS), provides multiple services, including (consumer or provider) business registration and deregistration, provider coalition creation and termination, provider lookup and invitation and negotiation services regarding brokerage, coalitions and resources. Providers, consumers and virtual providers, representing provider coalitions, are modelled by dedicated agents within the platform. The main goal of the platform is to negotiate and establish Service Level Agreements (SLA). In particular, the platform contemplates the establishment of brokerage SLA – bSLA – between the platform and each provider or consumer, coalition SLA – cSLA – between the members of a coalition of providers and resource SLA – rSLA – between a consumer and a provider. Federated resources are detained and negotiated by virtual providers on behalf of the corresponding coalitions of providers.
O presente artigo analisa, no quadro da ecolinguística, uma notícia publicada num jornal brasileiro, acerca de um funcionário público proeminente detido pela polícia. Reconhece a centralidade da enunciação para a análise linguística e procura identificar a ideologia subjacente à modalização operada. Defende que o artigo analisado simplifica a realidade, cria dicotomias simplistas e, num certo sentido, manipula os factos para criar espetacularização e atrair o público. Em particular, evoca o interdiscurso ambiental que percorre a esfera pública para, por associação, valorizar a imagem do indivíduo-alvo e, em seguida, inverter a valorização e criar dele uma imagem fortemente disfórica. O interdiscurso ambiental é, então, dado como pacífico, aceite inquestionavelmente por todos os cidadãos, e a militância ambiental é apresentada como traço mais elevado do caráter do indivíduo em causa.. Apesar de se apresentar como uma notícia, com caraterística de texto objetivizado, o artigo em análise é claramente avaliativo e substitui os tribunais pela praça pública para a condenação do indivíduo-alvo, mesmo sem o ter ouvido e considerado a sua defesa.
En l'àmbit judicial es constata una relació entre drogoaddicció i delicte. Els addictes a drogues han iniciat amb freqüència algun programa de desintoxicació o han sol·licitat suport mèdic o psicològic. L'estudi es proposa avaluar l'associació entre la conducta il·legal i l'abús de substàncies tòxiques, així com interpretar l'eficàcia dels tractaments terapèutics en la disminució d’aquesta associació, i les repercussions de les teràpies tant sobre els pacients com sobre el seu entorn. És un estudi observacional prospectiu d’una mostra de 100 subjectes que tenen relació amb el consum de drogues d'abús, al Jutjat de Guàrdia de Barcelona i en subjectes interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona. Els resultats de l’estudi diuen que el sexe masculí hi està representat en un 94%, la mitjana d’edat és de 25,5 anys, amb baix nivell d’estudis i sense professió qualificada. Gairebé la meitat de la mostra són estrangers i solters. Els pacients estudiats són politoxicòmans amb un consum majoritari de cocaïna (92%), cannabis (87%), alcohol (71%) i el 54% d’heroïna. Destaca l’alta freqüència dels UDVP i de la positivitat als tres virus (VIH, VHC, VHB), tot i que es demostra el descens de l’ús de la via parenteral. El 73% dels subjectes comenten delictes contra la propietat. El 93% de la mostra han estat en tractament, però en períodes curts (70%). El 72,7% que estan en PMM consumeixen habitualment cocaïna. Els pacients tractats amb psicofàrmacs són detinguts menys vegades que la resta de pacients. Pocs pacients han fet tractaments combinats amb psicoteràpia o lliure de drogues. Entre la població de detinguts, els tractaments rebuts han resultat beneficiosos pel que fa a autoestima, autoagressivitat, heteroagressivitat, conflictivitat penal i violència en els fets delictius, però aquestes variables quasi no es modifiquen en el cas dels joves. Els tractaments produeixen un benefici als pacients toxicòmans i disminueixen la conflictivitat penal. Els tractaments s’han d’iniciar en els primers estadis del consum, així com potenciar l’adhesió i el seguiment. Els centres penitenciaris de justícia juvenil, les comissaries i els jutjats de guàrdia són els llocs idonis per a l’abordatge del tractament del drogodependent.
The right to be treated humanely when detained is universally recognized. Deficiencies in detention conditions and violence, however, subvert this right. When this occurs, proper medico-legal investigations are critical irrespective of the nature of death. Unfortunately, the very context of custody raises serious concerns over the effectiveness and fairness of medico-legal examinations. The aim of this manuscript is to identify and discuss the practical and ethical difficulties encountered in the medico-legal investigation following deaths in custody. Data for this manuscript come from a larger project on Death in Custody that examined the causes of deaths in custody and the conditions under which these deaths should be investigated and prevented. A total of 33 stakeholders from forensic medicine, law, prison administration or national human rights administration were interviewed. Data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Forensic experts are an essential part of the criminal justice process as they offer evidence for subsequent indictment and eventual punishment of perpetrators. Their independence when investigating a death in custody was deemed critical and lack thereof, problematic. When experts were not independent, concerns arose in relation to conflicts of interest, biased perspectives, and low-quality forensic reports. The solutions to ensure independent forensic investigations of deaths in custody must be structural and simple: setting binding standards of practice rather than detailed procedures and relying on preexisting national practices as opposed to encouraging new practices that are unattainable for countries with limited resources.
In this report, the authors present two cases of accidental death in children of addicted parents. In the first case, the child was left unattended at home while the mother went out to buy cocaine. She was arrested and detained with no mention of the unsupervised child. The cause of death in this case was determined to be starvation and dehydration. In the second case, a child mistakenly received a methadone suppository by her father instead of an antipyretic suppository. Toxicological analysis of the femoral blood revealed methadone at a concentration of 1.2 mg/L. The cause of death was determined to be methadone intoxication. The literature is reviewed and discussed. We report these cases to illustrate the risk of harm to children from illicit drugs and prescription medications at home and because there is no mention of accidental death in children following a methadone suppository administration in the current literature.
This report, the Full Report, is the culmination of the Task Force’s responsibilities as set out in Executive Order 5, dated October 30, 2007. The Executive Order specifies a number of goals and report requirements.There is a commonly held perception that the use of detention may serve as a deterrent to future delinquency. Data in this report reflect that approximately 40% of youth detained in 2006 were re-detained in 2006. Research conducted by national experts indicates that, particularly for low risk/low level offenders, that the use of detention is not neutral, and may increase the likelihood of recidivism. Comparable data for Iowa are not available (national data studied for this report provide level of risk, but risk level related to detention is not presently available for Iowa). The Task Force finds no evidence suggesting that recidivism levels (as related to detention risk) in Iowa should be different than found in other states. Data in this report also suggest that detention is one of the juvenile justice system’s more costly sanctions ($257 - $340 per day). Other sites and local jurisdictions have been able to redirect savings from the reduced use of juvenile detention to support less costly, community-based detention alternatives without compromising public safety.
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for July 12, 1813 includes an account of the capture of the Chesapeake, report of explosion of the schooner Eagle off New London, report Com. Hardy had detained a smack, was determined to destroy all smacks and other small craft he found, reports of recent events at Malden, Fort George, head of the Lake, Sacketts Harbour, two reports of attack on Hampton, report of British attack near point of Nansemond River/Craney Island, second report of battle on/near Craney Island, additional report of attack at Hampton, marine news from Baltimore, report that sickness rampant throughout Army, many deaths reported, report that British were fortifying Brownstown, but deserters from British believe Michigan could be retaken by 3000 troops, report Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George to supervise repair of fortifications, report British reinforced from Kingston in Niagara and in Malden, report Gen. Hampton arrived at Albany on way to Burlington, report Gen. Parker left Albany, headed to Burlington, report of 400 men marching from Greenbush to the frontier, report of battles at Stoney Creek, 40 Mile Creek, report that Gen. Boyd lost an action with British in which 8 to 10 hundred men killed and taken from Americans, reports British had captured stores at Black Rock, Sodus, and Oswego, report of British victory in a battle 5 miles from Queenston, troop strength under Dearborn in Niagara reported between 2 and 3 thousand, additional reports of Battle of Beaverdams, reports Dearborn had resumed command, after lengthy illness, Gen. Boyd remained at Fort George, reports natives had been sieging Fort Wayne.