947 resultados para Design-led innovation


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Design is being performed on an ever-increasing spectrum of complex practices arising in response to emerging markets and technologies, co-design, digital interaction, service design and cultures of innovation. This emerging notion of design has led to an expansive array of collaborative and facilitation skills to demonstrate and share how such methods can shape innovation. The meaning of these design things in practice can't be taken for granted as matters of fact, which raises a key challenge for design to represent its role through the contradictory nature of matters of concern. This paper explores an innovative, object-oriented approach within the field of design research, visually combining an actor-network theory framework with situational analysis, to report on the role of design for fledgling companies in Scotland, established and funded through the knowledge exchange hub Design in Action (DiA). Key findings and visual maps are presented from reflective discussions with actors from a selection of the businesses within DiA's portfolio. The suggestion is that any notions of strategic value, of engendering meaningful change, of sharing the vision of design, through design things, should be grounded in the reflexive interpretations of matters of concern that emerge.


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The typographical naivety of much scientific legibility research has caused designers to question the value of the research and the results. Examining the reasons underlying this questioning, the paper discusses the importance of designers being more accepting of scientific findings, and why legibility investigations have value. To demonstrate how typographic knowledge can be incorporated into the design of studies to increase their validity, the paper reports on a new investigation into the role of serifs when viewed at a distance. The experiment looks into the identification of the lowercase letters ‘j’, ‘i’, ‘l’, ‘b’, ‘h’, ‘n’, ‘u’, and ‘a’ in isolation. All of the letters originate in the same typeface and are presented in one version with serifs and one version without serifs. Although the experiment found no overall legibility difference between the sans serif and the serif versions, the study showed that letters with serifs placed on the vertical extremes were more legible at a distance than the same letters in a sans serif. These findings can therefore provide specific guidance on the design of individual letters and demonstrate the product of collaboration between designer and scientist on the planning, implementation, and analysis of the study.


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For SMEs to operate in the complex and globalised economic landscape of today engaging with innovation can sustain competitive advantage. Within Design Management, design is being increasingly posited as a strategic resource to facilitate the absorption of new design resources and leverage design knowledge in ways that support SMEs through such economic pressures. Evidencing the relationship between design and economic performance is complex, leading to extensive current research and industry efforts to show how design adds economic value. Despite the value of such efforts, it is important to recognise that innovation means different things to different organizations, especially for start-ups and SMEs. Within the rising tide of design-led innovation, there is a gap being explored in how design can effectively capture and evaluate its contribution within the complex and diverse situations of business development it engages. In seeking to address this gap, this paper presents findings from research undertaken within Design in Action (DiA), an AHRC-funded knowledge exchange hub. Presenting DiA as a single case study, the paper offers methodical reflection on five case example start-up businesses funded by DiA in order to explore the value that design-led innovation approaches offered in their formation.


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Depuis la dernière décennie, le biomimétisme est une discipline en plein essor dans le monde du design durable. De plus en plus, cette stratégie prend place dans plusieurs facettes du design, que ce soit dans le design industriel, dans l’architecture ou encore dans le design urbain. Le livre de Janine Benyus intitulé Biomimétisme: Quand la Nature Inspire des Innovations Durables (1997) est largement reconnu comme étant le catalyseur de la stratégie et comme l’indique le titre du livre, le biomimétisme est très souvent associé à l’innovation. Le but principal de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre le lien entre le biomimétisme et l’innovation. Cette recherche sur le biomimétisme comprend un objectif mineur et deux objectifs majeurs. Le premier objectif cherche à comprendre le véritable lien entre le biomimétisme et l’écodesign. Le second objectif vise non seulement à valider la théorie selon laquelle le biomimétisme est une stratégie menant à des solutions de design innovantes, mais également à établir quels types d’innovations ont été générés par cette stratégie. Finalement, le troisième objectif est d’identifier les aspects du biomimétisme qui mènent à des solutions de design innovantes. Pour accomplir ces objectifs, cette recherche utilisera une approche qualitative supportée par des études de cas et une revue de littérature. Afin de contextualiser les deux derniers objectifs, cette étude établit que le biomimétisme et l’écodesign sont des stratégies complémentaires plutôt qu’en compétition. Les conclusions de cette recherche démontrent que la théorie proposant que le biomimétisme soit une stratégie d’innovation est valide et que la discipline est surtout apte à générer l’innovation radicale. Finalement, la recherche indique que l’analogie de distance et la transdisciplinarité sont les deux aspects du biomimétisme aidant à produire des solutions de design innovantes. Le biomimétisme est mieux connu dans le contexte du design durable et cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre le biomimétisme dans le contexte de l’innovation. Considérant que le biomimétisme est une discipline qui suscite beaucoup d’intérêt des milieux académiques et privés, cette recherche participe à l’expansion de la connaissance sur le sujet et propose de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur le biomimétisme et l’innovation.


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The construction industry is widely being criticised as a fragmented industry. There are mounting calls for the industry to change. The espoused change calls for collaboration as well as embracing innovation in the process of design, construction and across the supply chain. Innovation and the application of emerging technologies are seen as enablers for integrating the processes ‘integrating the team’ such as building information modelling (BIM). A questionnaire survey was conducted to ascertain change in construction with regard to design management, innovation and the application of BIM as cutting edge pathways for collaboration. The respondents to the survey were from an array of designations across the construction industry such as construction managers, designers, engineers, design coordinators, design managers, architects, architectural technologists and surveyors. There was a general agreement by most respondents that the design team was responsible for design management in their organisation. There is a perception that the design manager and the client are the catalyst for advancing innovation. The current state of industry in terms of incorporating BIM technologies is posing a challenge as well as providing an opportunity for accomplishment. BIM technologies provide a new paradigm shift in the way buildings are designed, constructed and maintained. This paradigm shift calls for rethinking the curriculum for educating building professionals, collectively.


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Over the past two decades there has been a profusion of empirical studies of organizational design and its relationship to efficiency, productivity and flexibility of an organization. In parallel, there has been a wide range of studies about innovation management in different kind of industries and firms. However, with some exceptions, the organizational and innovation management bodies of literature tend to examine the issues of organizational design and innovation management individually, mainly in the context of large firms operating at the technological frontier. There seems to be a scarcity of empirical studies that bring together organizational design and innovation and examine them empirically and over time in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. This dissertation seeks to provide a small contribution in that direction. This dissertation examines the dynamic relationship between organizational design and innovation. This relationship is examined on the basis of a single-case design in a medium sized mechanical engineering company in Germany. The covered time period ranges from 1958 until 2009, although the actual focus falls on the recent past. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive field work. The main findings are: 1. There is always a bundle of organizational dimensions which impacts innovation. These main organizational design dimensions are: (1) Strategy & Leadership, (2) Resources & Capabilities, (3) Structure, (4) Culture, (5) Networks & Partnerships, (6) Processes and (7) Knowledge Management. However, the importance of the different organizational design dimensions changes over time. While for example for the production of simple, standardized parts, a simple organizational design was appropriate, the company needed to have a more advanced organizational design in order to be able to produce customized, complex parts with high quality. Hence the technological maturity of a company is related to its organizational maturity. 2. The introduction of innovations of the analyzed company were highly dependent on organizational conditions which enabled their introduction. The results of the long term case study show, that some innovations would not have been introduced successfully if the organizational elements like for example training and qualification, the build of network and partnerships or the acquisition of appropriate resources and capabilities, were not in place. Hence it can be concluded, that organizational design is an enabling factor for innovation. These findings contribute to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between organizational design and innovation. This highlights the growing importance of a comprehensive, innovation stimulating organizational design of companies. The results suggest to managers that innovation is not only dependent on a single organizational factor but on the appropriate, comprehensive design of the organization. Hence manager should consider to review regularly the design of their organizations in order to maintain a innovation stimulating environment.


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La ricerca indaga il rapporto tra Design e Innovazione Responsabile calandolo all’interno della relazione tra territorio e pratiche collaborative guidate dal design, ma anche legate al patrimonio culturale immateriale e a un sistema di conoscenza a quintupla elica. La necessità emergente di cura del futuro porta a rivedere il contesto del territorio come campo strumentale per la trasformazione degli individui e della comunità e a domandarsi in che modo il design possa supportare questo cambiamento, abilitando la produzione di conoscenza collaborativa. La ricerca parte dal dimostrare come il modello di innovazione recentemente proposto dalla Comunità Europea attraverso il concetto di Responsible Research Innovation (RRI), poi ripreso nella nozione di Responsible Innovation (RI), sia un campo aperto e responsivo: se integrato con altre discipline, in particolare con il design, può supportare lo sviluppo di processi, politiche, prodotti, servizi e comportamenti che rispettino la relazione tra società, ambiente, identità individuale e collettiva e i ritmi ad essi connessi. Partendo dal contesto sopra descritto, ci si chiede come il design e il designer possano integrare le dimensioni RI nei processi di progettazione, per innovare in modo collaborativo i territori. Si individua quindi nell’Advanced Design la metodologia che, grazie alla sua natura anticipatrice, collaborativa, trasformativa, riesce a coniugarsi virtuosamente con l’approccio RI e supportare il cambiamento in atto. L’intersezione di questi elementi porta alla creazione del Modello Advanced Design per/con l’Innovazione Responsabile (ADIR): un sistema multidimensionale per gruppi di innovazione (quintupla elica) che hanno l’obiettivo di rigenerare in modo collaborativo e inclusivo i territori. L’esperienza sul campo ha confermato come la struttura del modello, formata da un corpus di semi-lavorati, permetta di creare un proprio ritmo, una compenetrazione tra azioni e forme progettuali volti a mantenere il senso di comunità e il coinvolgimento degli attori, a creare relazioni, a sviluppare una trasformazione continua.


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Laggards are the last users to adopt a product. Prior literature on user-led innovation ignores laggards’ impact on innovation. In this paper, we develop the Lag-User Method, through which laggards can generate new ideas. Through six studies with 62 teams in three countries, we apply the method to different technologies and services and present our findings to executives to get managerial insights. Findings reveal that laggards who generate new ideas (lag-users) have different perceptions of user-friendly products and different unfulfilled needs. They prefer simple products. We propose that by involving lag-users in NPD, firms can improve the effectiveness of NPD.


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The I-district effect hypothesis establishes the existence of highly intense innovation in Marshallian industrial districts due to the presence of external localization economies. However, industrial districts are characterized by specific manufacturing specializations in such a way that this effect could be due to these dominant specializations. The objective of this research is to test whether the effect is explained by the conditions of the territory or by the industrial specialization and to provide additional evidence of the existence and causes of the highly intense innovation in industrial districts (I-district effect). The estimates for Spain of a fixed effects model interacting territory and industry suggest that the high innovative performance of industrial districts is maintained across sectors whereas the industrial specialization behaves differently depending on the type of local production system in which it is placed. The I-district effect is related to the conditions of the territory more than to the industrial specialization. The territory is a key variable in explaining the processes of innovation and should be considered a basic dimension in the design of innovation and industrial policies.


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PURPOSE: The impacts of humeral offset and stem design after reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) have not been well-studied, particularly with regard to newer stems which have a lower humeral inclination. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of different humeral stem designs on range of motion and humeral position following RSA. METHODS: Using a three-dimensional computer model of RSA, a traditional inlay Grammont stem was compared to a short curved onlay stem with different inclinations (155°, 145°, 135°) and offset (lateralised vs medialised). Humeral offset, the acromiohumeral distance (AHD), and range of motion were evaluated for each configuration. RESULTS: Altering stem design led to a nearly 7-mm change in humeral offset and 4 mm in the AHD. Different inclinations of the onlay stems had little influence on humeral offset and larger influence on decreasing the AHD. There was a 10° decrease in abduction and a 5° increase in adduction between an inlay Grammont design and an onlay design with the same inclination. Compared to the 155° model, the 135° model improved adduction by 28°, extension by 24° and external rotation of the elbow at the side by 15°, but led to a decrease in abduction of 9°. When the tray was placed medially, on the 145° model, a 9° loss of abduction was observed. CONCLUSIONS: With varus inclination prostheses (135° and 145°), elevation remains unchanged, abduction slightly decreases, but a dramatic improvement in adduction, extension and external rotation with the elbow at the side are observed.