917 resultados para Corrective services system


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Under a Services Agreement dated 16th April 2010 the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) engaged Knowledge Consulting Pty Ltd to conduct an independent review of operations at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) in the ACT. The Review was commissioned following a motion passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly as follows: “That this Assembly: (1) notes: (a) concerns regarding the operation of the AMC; (b) the unanimous findings of the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety report, Inquiry into the delay in the commencement of operations at the Alexander Maconochie Centre; and (c) the Government’s intention to have a review into the operation of the AMC after its first year of operation; and (2) calls on the Government to: (a) commission an independent reviewer to conduct the one year review into the AMC; (b) ensure that the review be open and transparent and public, and include input from community and non-government groups with an interest or involvement in the AMC, including on the terms of reference for the review; (c) ensure the review is completed in a timely manner and be tabled in the Legislative Assembly immediately upon completion; and (d) report upon the progress of the review in August 2010;”


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Since 1999, with the adoption of expansion policy in higher education by the Chinese government, enrollment and graduate numbers have been increasing at an unprecedented speed. Accustomed to a system in which university graduates were placed, many students are not trained in “selling themselves”, which exacerbates the situation leading to a skyrocketing unemployment rate among new graduates. The idea of emphasizing career services comes with increasing employment pressure among university graduates in recent years. The 1998 “Higher Education Act” made it a legislative requirement. Thereafter, the Ministry of Education issued a series of documents in order to promote the development of career services. All higher education institutions are required to set up special career service centers and to set a ratio of 1:500 between career staff and the total number of students. Related career management courses, especially career planning classes, are required to be clearly included as specific modules into the teaching plan with a requirement of no less than 38 sessions in one semester at all universities. Developing career services in higher education has thus become a hot issue. One of the more notable trends in higher education in recent years has been the transformation of university career service centers from merely being the coordinators of on-campus placement into full service centers for international career development. The traditional core of career services in higher education had been built around guidance, information and placements (Watts, 1997). This core was still in place, but the role of higher education career services has changed considerably in recent years and the nature of each part is being transformed (Watts, 1997). Most services are undertaking a range of additional activities, and the career guidance issue is emphasized much more than before. Career management courses, especially career planning classes, are given special focus in developing career services in the Chinese case. This links career services clearly and directly with the course provision function. In China, most career service centers are engaging in the transformation period from a “management-oriented” organization to a “service-oriented” organization. Besides guidance services, information services and placement activities, there is a need to blend them together with the new additional teaching function, which follows the general trend as regulated by the government. The role of career services has been expanding and this has brought more challenges to its development in Chinese higher education. Chinese universities still remain in the period of exploration and establishment in developing their own career services. In the face of the new situation, it is very important and meaningful to explore and establish a comprehensive career services system to address student needs in the universities. A key part in developing this system is the introduction of career courses and delivering related career management skills to the students. So there is the need to restructure the career service sectors within the Chinese universities in general. The career service centers will operate as a hub and function as a spoke in the wheel of this model system, providing support and information to staff located in individual teaching departments who are responsible for the delivery of career education, information, advice and guidance. The career service centers will also provide training and career planning classes. The purpose of establishing a comprehensive career services system is to provide a strong base for student career development. The students can prepare themselves well in psychology, ideology and ability before employment with the assistance of effective career services. To conclude, according to the different characteristics and needs of students, there will be appropriate services and guidance in different stages and different ways. In other words, related career services and career guidance activities would be started for newly enrolled freshmen and continue throughout their whole university process. For the operation of a comprehensive services system, there is a need for strong support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but support by the government in the form of macro-control and policy guarantee, but also a need for close cooperation with the academic administration and faculties to be actively involved in career planning and employment programs. As an integral function within the universities, career services must develop and maintain productive relationships with relevant campus offices and key stakeholders both within the universities and externally.


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This chapter reports the results of a feasibility study into electronic collection of service data at “point of delivery” for disability programs. The investigation revealed that while the proposed system would have produced more fine-grained data, it would not have improved any actor’s knowledge of service delivery. The study illustrated the importance of context in the transition from data to knowledge; the diffused and fragmented organisational structure of social service administration was shown to be a major barrier to effective building and sharing of knowledge. There was some value in the collection of detailed service data but this would have damaged the web of relationships which underpinned the system of service delivery and on which the smooth functioning of that system depended. The study recommended an approach to managing the informal and tacit knowledge distributed among many stakeholders, which was not especially technologically advanced but which supported, in a highly situated manner, the various stakeholders in this multi-organisational context.


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The provision of Human Resource (HR), especially payroll, is a core function in every organization. Previously, providers of HR/payroll have offered their services to their clients via conventional modes of communication, such as telephones, facsimile, and courier services. In recent years, with the advent of the Internet and the emergence of web-based electronic commerce, there has been a rise in the adoption of web-based technology and information
systems by service providers, thereby enabling them to interact with their clients through this medium. This development necessitates the use of web-based user interfaces as workspaces between the HR/payroll providers and their clients, and thus, raises certain concerns that determine the effectiveness of web-based workflow systems. These concerns, related to the use of web interfaces, form the basis of the patterns discussed in this paper


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This study found that user experience and perceived ease of use are the most important factors in considering the user acceptance of e-Services and that there is no significant relationship between user acceptance and continued use of e-Services. The Electronic Services Acceptance Model (E-SAM) explains user adoption of e-Services.


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This article provides an analysis of the policy and practice of prisoner rehabilitation in Queensland, and the extent to which they accord with international best practice. Actual practice was identified through interviews and written submissions from 20 ex-prisoners and 18 prisoner service providers (including two past staff members from Queensland prisons), as well as through an examination of reported judicial review decisions and Department of Corrective Services statistics. The results demonstrate that although the legislation and procedures suggest that a best practice system of prisoner rehabilitation exists in Queensland, there is a significant gulf between policy and practice. Far from being sufficiently prepared for release, Queensland prisoners are generally released directly from high security facilities into a community which they have great difficulty reintegrating into. The results suggest that the corrective services system in Queensland is not succeeding in fulfilling its primary purpose, 'correction', or in meeting its well-publicised goal of ensuring community safety.


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Learning Outcome: Gain knowledge in the area of dietetic training in Australia and the benefits of collaborative partnerships between government and universities to achieve improvements in dietetic service delivery, evidenced based practice, and student placements. Prisoners have high rates of chronic disease, however dietetic services and research in this sector is limited. Securing high quality professional practice placements for dietetic training in Australia is competitive, and prisons provide exciting opportunities. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has a unique twenty year partnership with Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) with a service learning model placing final year dietetic students within prisons. Building on this partnership, in 2007 a new joint position was funded to establish dietetic services to over 5500 prisoners and support viable best practice dietetic education. Evaluation of the past three years of this partnership has shown an expansion of QUT student placements in Queensland prisons, with a third of final year students each undertaking 120 hours of foodservice management practicum. Student evaluations of placement over this period are much higher than the University average. Through the joint position student projects have been targeted on strategic areas to support nutrition and dietetic policy and practice. Projects have been broadened from menu reviews to more comprehensive quality improvement and dietetic research activities, with all student learning activities transferrable to other foodservice settings. Student practice in the prisons has been extended beyond foodservice management to include group education and dietetic counseling. For QCS, student placements have equated to close to a full-time dietitian position, with nutrition policy now being implemented as an outcome of this support. This innovative partnership has achieved a sustainable student placement model, supported research, whilst delivering dietetic services to a difficult to access group. Funding Disclosure: None


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Cette thèse de doctorat, qui s’inscrit dans un programme de doctorat en sciences humaines appliquées, s’est d’abord construite en réponse à un problème concret, celui du roulement des infirmières et des infirmières auxiliaires dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux. En cours de route, il est toutefois apparu nécessaire d’élargir le questionnement à la question du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières pour être en mesure de saisir les dynamiques sociales plus larges qui conditionnent certains choix professionnels, dont la décision de quitter son emploi. Cette thèse poursuit donc deux grands objectifs. D’une part, elle s’attarde à cerner l’ensemble des processus qui conduisent les jeunes infirmières à faire le choix de quitter leur emploi. D’autre part, elle vise à mieux comprendre comment a évolué leur rapport au travail dans le temps. La perspective théorique retenue s’appuie sur deux approches complémentaires, soit celles de la perspective des parcours de vie et de divers courants en sociologie de l’individu qui ont comme point commun d’accorder une place importante au contexte social, aux contraintes structurelles, de même qu’à l’autonomie des acteurs et à leur capacité d’agir sur leur parcours de vie. Ces approches s’avèrent particulièrement pertinentes dans le cadre de notre étude puisqu’elles permettent de rendre compte des liens complexes entre le contexte social plus global, les différents contextes de vie d’un individu et ses comportements en emploi. Elles invitent à conceptualiser le rapport au travail comme un processus qui évolue dans le temps à travers lequel plusieurs éléments de la vie d’un individu et de ses proches se combinent pour donner une orientation particulière aux trajectoires professionnelles. Vu sous cet angle, la décision de quitter se présente également comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long où entrent en jeu plusieurs dimensions de la vie d’un individu. La perspective adoptée dans le cadre de cette thèse permet de combler des lacunes dans ce champ de recherche où peu d’études se sont attardées à comprendre les différents processus qui façonnent le rapport au travail dans le temps et qui conduisent les infirmières à la décision de quitter leur emploi. Pour répondre aux objectifs de recherche, une étude qualitative a été menée. Des entrevues individuelles de type récit de vie ont été effectuées pour comprendre, du point de vue des participantes, comment a évolué leur rapport au travail et les processus qui les ont amenées à quitter leur emploi. Une étude de cas a été effectuée dans un centre de santé et de services sociaux de la province de Québec qui affichait un taux de roulement particulièrement élevé. L’étude visait les infirmières et les infirmières auxiliaires, groupe professionnel fortement touché par le roulement de la main-d’œuvre. Des entretiens en profondeur, d’une durée de 2h30 à 3 heures, ont été réalisées auprès de 42 infirmières et infirmières auxiliaires. Les résultats de la recherche sont présentés à travers la production de trois articles scientifiques. Le premier article, Pour une compréhension dynamique du rapport au travail: la valeur heuristique de la perspective des parcours de vie, a pour objectif de faire ressortir l’intérêt que présentent les principes analytiques associés à cette perspective dans l’étude du rapport au travail. Dans cet article, nous démontrons que le rapport au travail est le résultat d’un processus complexe où les aspirations des individus, leurs conditions concrètes d’emploi et les événements qui surviennent dans leur vie personnelle et familiale entretiennent des liens dynamiques et interdépendants qui façonnent le rapport au travail tout au long de la vie. Cet article apporte des éléments de réflexion à la question posée par plusieurs chercheurs : par quel moyen saisir ce qu’il en est du rapport au travail des jeunes? Le deuxième article, Rencontre entre l’idéaltype de travailleur et l’idéal de travail : le cas de jeunes infirmières en début de vie professionnelle, vise à rendre compte de la manière dont s’est faite la rencontre entre les attentes que les infirmières nourrissent à l’égard du travail et leur réalité concrète de travail à une période précise de leur trajectoire professionnelle, soit celle de leur insertion en emploi et des premières années de pratique. L’article démontre que trois dimensions du rapport au travail sont affectées par les nouvelles normes managériales qui prévalent dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux : 1) la place souhaitée du travail dans la vie, 2) la réalisation de soi par le travail et 3) le sens au travail. Cet article apporte une contribution dans la compréhension du rapport au travail de jeunes professionnelles qui exercent un métier de relation d’aide dans le contexte spécifique du réseau québécois de la santé et des services sociaux. Le troisième article, Comprendre le roulement comme un processus lié au cycle de la vie : le cas des infirmières, traite plus spécifiquement de la question du roulement de la main d’œuvre infirmière. Quatre parcours de départs sont présentés qui possèdent des caractéristiques distinctes relatives à la rencontre entre les attentes et la réalité concrète de travail, l’interaction entre le travail et la vie hors travail et la manière dont s’est construite dans le temps la décision de quitter son emploi. Les résultats démontrent que la décision de quitter se présente comme un processus qui se construit dans un laps de temps plus ou moins long, qui implique différentes dimensions de la vie d’un individu et qui est intimement lié à la quête de réalisation de soi au travail et dans les autres domaines de la vie. Cet article propose une façon d’appréhender le phénomène du roulement qui se distingue des modèles dominants qui abordent cette question à partir d’une lecture essentiellement individualisante et psychologisante des départs. La contribution de cette thèse à l’avancement des connaissances réside principalement dans le fait qu’elle appréhende autrement la question du rapport au travail et celle du roulement de la main-d’œuvre en recourant à la perspective des parcours de vie et à la sociologie de l’individu. L’approche que nous avons préconisée permet de saisir les processus sociaux et la multiplicité des éléments à prendre en considération dans l’étude du rapport au travail des jeunes infirmières et de la décision de quitter son emploi. Elle met en exergue l’importance de considérer le contexte social plus global dans lequel s’inscrit tout individu qui, dans les sociétés contemporaines, doit s’engager dans un travail de construction identitaire tout au long de la vie.


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The relationship between emerging trends in healthcare systems and the consequent research priorities will be explored.

Governments and policy makers in developed countries are increasingly focused on the management of chronic disease, reflecting demographic changes and shifts in the burden of disease. Systems of quality improvement and reward are increasingly based on performance in chronic disease management. There is some evidence that countries with well-developed systems of primary care, such as Australia, achieve better health outcomes at less cost. In the past 15 years, almost all developed countries have undergone some type of health care reform. There has been a major focus on reducing costs; often involving shifting services from secondary to primary care. While there are few international comparisons, most suggest a complex relationship between the strength of primary care within the overall health services system and good performance, particularly with regard to lower costs of care and particularly relevant measures of health.

Aims for 21st century health systems
What, then, are the issues which are shaping contemporary general practice in developed countries? There are several imperatives: Safety, effectiveness, patient-centredness, timeliness, efficiency and equity. A study by the Nuffield Trust (Dargie, 1999) projected the shape of healthcare for the first fifteen years of this century. The study identified six issues that need to be addressed in the process of formulating health systems policies:

• Peoples’ expectations and financial sustainability
• Demography and ageing
• Information and knowledge management
• Scientific advance and new technology
• Workforce education and training
Systems performance and quality (efficiency, effectiveness, economy
and equity)

Each of these six issues requires innovative thinking and priority setting on the part of the health sector, such as the delivery of health services in new and creative ways. Furthermore, there is a clear need for a finely tuned research, development and evaluation strategies to match these goals.


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Existing studies of on-line process control are concerned with economic aspects, and the parameters of the processes are optimized with respect to the average cost per item produced. However, an equally important dimension is the adoption of an efficient maintenance policy. In most cases, only the frequency of the corrective adjustment is evaluated because it is assumed that the equipment becomes "as good as new" after corrective maintenance. For this condition to be met, a sophisticated and detailed corrective adjustment system needs to be employed. The aim of this paper is to propose an integrated economic model incorporating the following two dimensions: on-line process control and a corrective maintenance program. Both performances are objects of an average cost per item minimization. Adjustments are based on the location of the measurement of a quality characteristic of interest in a three decision zone. Numerical examples are illustrated in the proposal. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Traffic Safety Programs, Washington, D.C.


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The increasing use of information and communications technologies among government departments and non-government agencies has fundamentally changed the implementation of employment services policy in Australia. The administrative arrangements for governing unemployment and unemployed people are now constituted by a complex contractual interplay between government departments as ‘purchasers’ and a range of small and large private organizations as ‘providers’. Assessing, tracking and monitoring the activities of unemployed people through the various parts of the employment services system has been made possible by developments in information technology and tailored computer programs. Consequently, the discretionary capacity that is traditionally associated with ‘street-level bureaucracy’ has been partly transformed into more prescriptive forms of ‘screen-level bureaucracy’. The knowledge embedded in these new computer-based technologies is considered superior because it is based on ‘objective calculations’, rather than subjective assessments of individual employees. The relationship between the sociopolitical context of unemployment policy and emerging forms of e-government is explored using illustrative findings from a qualitative pilot study undertaken in two Australian sites. The findings suggest that some of the new technologies in the employment services system are welcomed, while other applications are experienced as contradictory to the aims of delivering a personalized and respectful service.


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In view of the increasingly complexity of services logic and functional requirements, a new system architecture based on SOA was proposed for the equipment remote monitoring and diagnosis system. According to the design principles of SOA, different levels and different granularities of services logic and functional requirements for remote monitoring and diagnosis system were divided, and a loosely coupled web services system was built. The design and implementation schedule of core function modules for the proposed architecture were presented. A demo system was used to validate the feasibility of the proposed architecture.