916 resultados para Cordillera Oriental
Ultramafic rocks occur scattered along a 300 km long NNW-SSE trending belt, parallel to the central Peruvian Andes in the Cordillera Oriental, from Tarma (Junín Dept.) to Huancapallac and Tingo María (Huánuco Dept.). The Tarma occurrences (Tapo and Acobamba) are dealt with here, as the first step of a broader research. The Tapo massif comprises strongly tectonised serpentinites with scarce peridotitic relics, amphibolites and podiform chromitites. It was overthrust on early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks of the Andean basement (Ambo Group), and it shows evidences of a pre-Andean deformational history, not observed in the Ambo Group; the basal thrust plane is folded by the Andean tectonics. The two smaller Acobamba occurrences are also allochtonous and show similar tectonic features. Major and trace element composition of amphibolites point to a tholeiitic basalt (to picrobasalt) protolith, compatible with an ocean-ridge or ocean-island environment. Small podiform chromitite lenses and chromite disseminations also occur; they are strongly deformed, metamorphosed and overprinted by hydrothermal alteration related to deformation, and were the subject of small scale mining. The ores comprise mainly chromite, ferritchromite, spinel, magnetite, ilmenite and scarce sulphides, as well as the secondary minerals stichtite and nimite. Results of this work exclude current interpretations of the Tarma ultramafites as autochtonous igneous intrusives, and point to a new interpretation for their emplacement.
En el Perú se conocen escasos complejos ultramáficos, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros países de la región (Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, etc.) o del Caribe, como Cuba (Pereira et al., 2004). Dichos complejos son habitualmente de dimensiones reducidas y han sido interpretados tradicionalmente como resultado de la intrusión de un magma ultrabásico profundo, que se emplaza en sills, diques o cuerpos intrusivos en secuencias metasedimentarias y en otras litologías, a las que se atribuye una edad precámbrica como a las intrusiones
Successful conservation of tropical montane forest, one of the most threatened ecosystems on earth, requires detailed knowledge of its biogeochemistry. Of particular interest is the response of the biogeochemical element cycles to external influences such as element deposition or climate change. Therefore the overall objective of my study was to contribute to improved understanding of role and functioning of the Andean tropical montane forest. In detail, my objectives were to determine (1) the role of long-range transported aerosols and their transport mechanisms, and (2) the role of short-term extreme climatic events for the element budget of Andean tropical forest. In a whole-catchment approach including three 8-13 ha microcatchments under tropical montane forest on the east-exposed slope of the eastern cordillera in the south Ecuadorian Andes at 1850-2200 m above sea level I monitored at least in weekly resolution the concentrations and fluxes of Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3-N, NH4-N, DON, P, S, TOC, Mn, and Al in bulk deposition, throughfall, litter leachate, soil solution at the 0.15 and 0.3 m depths, and runoff between May 1998 and April 2003. I also used meteorological data from my study area collected by cooperating researchers and the Brazilian meteorological service (INPE), as well as remote sensing products of the North American and European space agencies NASA and ESA. My results show that (1) there was a strong interannual variation in deposition of Ca [4.4-29 kg ha-1 a-1], Mg [1.6-12], and K [9.8-30]) between 1998 and 2003. High deposition changed the Ca and Mg budgets of the catchments from loss to retention, suggesting that the additionally available Ca and Mg was used by the ecosystem. Increased base metal deposition was related to dust outbursts of the Sahara and an Amazonian precipitation pattern with trans-regional dry spells allowing for dust transport to the Andes. The increased base metal deposition coincided with a strong La Niña event in 1999/2000. There were also significantly elevated H+, N, and Mn depositions during the annual biomass burning period in the Amazon basin. Elevated H+ deposition during the biomass burning period caused elevated base metal loss from the canopy and the organic horizon and deteriorated already low base metal supply of the vegetation. Nitrogen was only retained during biomass burning but not during non-fire conditions when deposition was much smaller. Therefore biomass burning-related aerosol emissions in Amazonia seem large enough to substantially increase element deposition at the western rim of Amazonia. Particularly the related increase of acid deposition impoverishes already base-metal scarce ecosystems. As biomass burning is most intense during El Niño situations, a shortened ENSO cycle because of global warming likely enhances the acid deposition at my study forest. (2) Storm events causing near-surface water flow through C- and nutrient-rich topsoil during rainstorms were the major export pathway for C, N, Al, and Mn (contributing >50% to the total export of these elements). Near-surface flow also accounted for one third of total base metal export. This demonstrates that storm-event related near-surface flow markedly affects the cycling of many nutrients in steep tropical montane forests. Changes in the rainfall regime possibly associated with global climate change will therefore also change element export from the study forest. Element budgets of Andean tropical montane rain forest proved to be markedly affected by long-range transport of Saharan dust, biomass burning-related aerosols, or strong rainfalls during storm events. Thus, increased acid and nutrient deposition and the global climate change probably drive the tropical montane forest to another state with unknown consequences for its functions and biological diversity.
El estudio y conocimiento en general de la Geología y la Paleontología del Triásico de las Zonas Externas de la Cordillera Bética ha resultado difícil debido, entre otras cosas, a la importante tectónica a la que se han visto sometidos los afloramientos del sureste español y a la escasez y mala preservación de los fósiles existentes en ellos. Ello ha provocado que existan relativamente pocos trabajos de índole geológico o paleontológico sobre materiales del Triásico a lo largo de la historia y que no muchos investigadores hayan dedicado a los mismos parte de sus investigaciones. No obstante, en los últimos años se han realizado una serie de estudios estratigráficos y tectónicos que han sentado la base para la elaboración de trabajos paleontológicos desarrollados sobre diversos grupos de fósiles. Esto ha permitido impulsar novedosas investigaciones y obtener resultados interesantes sobre el origen, las características y la evolución de las cuencas triásicas del sureste español y también integrar los datos obtenidos en el contexto del Triásico de la península ibérica. Con todo, los estudios de detalle sobre la Paleontología de ammonoideos del Triásico han sido históricamente muy escasos en España y más aún en dicho sector de la Cordillera Bética. Al comienzo de esta Tesis Doctoral, sólo se conocía la existencia de un pequeño número (inferior a la veintena) de ejemplares, y no estaban claras las causas de esta escasez en comparación con otros dominios españoles como por ejemplo la Cordillera Costero Catalana o Menorca. Así pues, estudiar los posibles ammonoideos del Triásico y sus aspectos paleontológicos se trataba de un reto en el cual había numerosas incógnitas por resolver, sobre todo en cuanto a la cantidad y tipo de ammonoideos existentes y si sería posible establecer una bioestratigrafía con ammonoideos que fuera la base de dataciones precisas y que permitiera un conocimiento más detallado del Triásico del sur de España, así como su correlación con rocas de la misma edad de otras cuencas del borde occidental del Tethys. Con estos planteamientos y objetivos y teniendo en cuenta las posibilidades paleontológicas previas del área seleccionada se acometió este trabajo de investigación...
The planktonic foraminifers biostratigraphy is crucial in order to precise the timing of the main tectonosedimentary and palaeogeographic events through the evolution of the Bajo Segura Basin. Our results indicates that the marine stratigraphic record of the basin spans from the earliest late Miocene to the early Pliocene. For this temporal interval, all the recent, astronomically calibrated, planktonic foraminifers biozones had been documented. The oldest depositional stage in the basin is marked by a regional-scale transgression in coincidence with the MMi9 biozone (early Tortonian). The youngest basin-wide marine episode occurs at the MPl4a biozone (Zanclean). The Messinian Salinity Crisis, as a specially noticeable event in the Mediterranean domain, is bracketed between the last Messinian biozone (MMi13c) and the first Pliocene biozone (MPl1).
En este trabajo hemos cuantificado las tasas de deformación actual de la cuenca del Bajo Segura (NE del corredor de cizalla de la Bética oriental), a partir del análisis de una red GPS con 11 vértices geodésicos. Se han analizado los datos de cuatro campañas GPS entre junio de 1999 y enero de 2013, que han sido procesados con la versión 6.2 del software GIPSY-OASIS. Este software utiliza la técnica de posicionamiento puntual de precisión conocido por las siglas PPP. Se observa un acortamiento ~N-S en toda la cuenca de mayor magnitud en el sur, en la zona de falla del Bajo Segura, con valores que varían de oeste a este entre 0,73 y 0,24 mm/año. En el borde septentrional de la cuenca, en la zona de falla de Crevillente, los valores de acortamiento N-S son menores. Sin embargo, en esta falla se ha observado un movimiento lateral sinistrorso que, en la componente E-O, varía entre 0,44 y 0,75 mm/año.
La sección de El Barcelón, localizada en el sector interno del Arco de Águilas (Cordillera Bética oriental), registra la reinundación pliocena. Consta de una unidad basal de conglomerados, A, y una unidad B de margas limosas y areniscas glauconíticas. Los rasgos icnológicos esculpidos sobre los bloques de la unidad A, atribuibles a la icnofacies de Entobia, sugieren una transgresión rápida. En la unidad B se han reconocido tres asociaciones de foraminíferos bentónicos: una asociación I propia de ambientes epibatiales, seguida de la II, propia de medios circalitorales, y finalmente, una asociación III, infralitoral. En general, las asociaciones apuntan a condiciones eutróficas, con estrés ambiental, y a episodios de corrientes energéticas en el fondo.
Sandstone petrography and mudstone mineralogy and geochemistry of Triassic mudstones and sandstones from continental redbeds of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) provide useful information on provenance, palaeoclimate and geodynamics during the early stages of the Pangea break-up, and on their diagenetic evolution. The sandstones are quartzarenites to sub-litharenites, with minor lithic fragments and rare feldspars. The mudstone samples show a PAAS like elemental distribution. The samples likely record recycling processes from their metasedimentary basement rocks that significantly affected the weathering indices, and monitors cumulative effects, including a first cycle of weathering at the source rocks. Sandstone composition and chemical–mineralogical features of mudstones record a provenance derived from continental block and recycled orogen that were weathered under warm and episodically wet climate. Source areas were located towards the east of the present-day Malaguide outcrops, and were formed by fairly silicic rock types, made up mainly of Palaezoic metasedimentary rocks, similar to those of the Paleozoic underlying series, with subordinate contributions from magmatic–metamorphic sources, and a rare supply from mafic metavolcanic rocks. Clay-mineral distribution of mudstones is dominated by illite and illite/smectite mixed-layer that result from differences in provenance, weathering, and burial/temperature history. Illite crystallinity values, illitization of kaolinite, occurrence of typical authigenic minerals and apatite fission-track studies, coupled with a subsidence analysis of the whole Malaguide succession suggest burial depths of at least 4–6 km with temperatures of 140–160 °C, typical of the burial diagenetic stage, and confirm the Middle Miocene exhumation of the Betic Internal Domain tectonic stack topped by the Malaguide Complex.
New data reveal Early Burdigalian ‘Numidian-like lithofacies’ in successions of the internal (southernmost) part of the South Iberian Margin (SIM) and the south-western margin of the Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM). The well-known Numidian Formation was deposited in the external (Massylian) sub-domain of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (a south-western branch of the Tethys Ocean). The anomalous occurrence of ‘Numidian-like lithofacies’ is induced by the particular Early Miocene palaeogeographical and geodynamic complexity of the sector. This consisted of a ‘triple point’ with a dextral transform fault between the SIM and the MM-Maghrebian Flysch Basin system. In this framework, the ageing of Iberian reliefs and the MM collapse, coupled with an African Margin upbulging, and a shortening of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (both related to the subduction), could have resulted in the arrival of the Numidian depositional system from so far away.
The marine stratigraphic record of the Granada Basin (central Betic Cordillera, Spain) is composed of three Late Miocene genetic units deposited in different sea-level contexts (from base to top): Unit I (sea-level rise), Unit II (high sea-level), and Unit III (low sea-level). The latter mainly consists of evaporites precipitated in a shallow-basin setting. Biostratigraphic analyses based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton indicate four late Tortonian bioevents (PF1-CN1, PF2, PF3, and PF4), which can be correlated with astronomically-dated events in other sections of the Mediterranean. PF1-CN1 (7.89 Ma) is characterized by the influx of the Globorotalia conomiozea group (including typical forms of Globorotalia mediterranea) and by the first common occurrence of Discoaster surculus; PF2 (7.84 Ma) is marked by the first common occurrence of Globorotalia suterae; PF3 (7.69 Ma) is typified by the influx of dextral Neogloboquadrina acostaensis; and PF4 (7.37 Ma) is defined by the influx of the Globorotalia menardii group II (dextral forms). The PF1 event occurred in the upper part of Unit I, whereas PF2 to PF4 events occurred successively within Unit II. The age of Unit III (evaporites) can only be estimated in its lower part based on the presence of dextral Globorotalia scitula, which, together with the absence of the first common occurrence of the G. conomiozea group (7.24 Ma), points to the latest Tortonian. Comparisons with data from the other Betic basins indicate that the evaporitic phase of the Granada Basin (7.37–7.24 Ma) is not synchronous with those from the Lorca Basin (7.80 Ma) and the Fortuna Basin (7.6 Ma). In the Bajo Segura Basin (easternmost Betic Cordillera), no evaporite deposition occurred during the late Tortonian. The evaporitic unit of the Granada Basin (central Betics) records the late Tortonian restriction of the Betic seaway (the marine connection between the Atlantic and Mediterranean). The diachrony in the restriction of the Betic seaway is related to differing tectonic movements in the central and eastern sectors of the Betic Cordillera.
Los sedimentos continentales (Plioceno-Cuaternario) que afloran en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix (Sur de España) muestran una ciclicidad de 100 ka consistente en la alternancia de depósitos de abanicos aluviales y sedimentos fluvio-lacustres. Durante el Plioceno y el Pleistoceno la Cuenca de Guadix era endorreica, y se caracterizaba por la existencia de un sistema axial fluvial y una orla marginal de abanicos aluviales transversales. En la zona de estudio, estos sistemas estaban relacionados lateralmente, ocupando de forma alterna el valle axial en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix. La edad estimada para la alternancia, ca. 100 ka, cae en la banda de excentricidad de alta frecuencia de Milankovitch. Estas fases podrían interpretarse como el resultado de máximos de excentricidad (inviernos más largos y fríos, con mayor volumen de precipitaciones que favorecerían las progradaciones de los abanicos) o de excentricidad mínima (períodos más secos y fríos, con una cubierta vegetal más escasa en las áreas fuente y, por tanto, un mayor aporte de sedimento por precipitaciones muy concentradas en el tiempo al sistema aluvial). Se muestra cómo los datos paleomagnéticos no son lo suficientemente precisos para proporcionar una buena correlación de las fases de progradación con la curva de excentricidad de Laskar et al. (2004), por lo que se pone en duda su precisión a la hora de determinar el significado climático de la ciclicidad.