877 resultados para Continuous chromatographic fractionation
Alkanes having unusual saturated isoprenoidal and methyl-branched structures have been isolated from the bitumen of several sediments. The methanogenic biomarkers 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane and squalane were found in sediments which also contained bacteriogenic glycerol ethers. However, in one ether-containing sediment, 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexamethyldocosane was tentatively identified and this compound was found in place of the established alkane biomarkers. Other hydrocarbons found were regular C21 and C23 isoprenoid alkanes, compounds which cannot be derived from phytol; two isoprenoids of the type 3,7,11.-polymethylalkane, previously reported only in petroleums; 8-methylheptadecane, a probable biomarker for cyanobacteria and a number of its homologs and other methyl-branched alkanes. Ubiquitous branched-chain alkylbenzenes and a homology of trimethylalkylbenzenes were also isolated. Most, or all, of the compounds reported here are probably not catagenetic products but may represent direct algal or bacterial bioinputs.
Combined bioreaction separation studies have been carried out for the first time on a moving port semi-continuous counter-current chromatographic reactor-separator (SCCR-S1) consisting of twelve 5.4cm id x 75cm long columns packed with calcium charged cross-linked polystyrene resin (KORELA V07C). The inversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose in the presence of the enzyme invertase and the biochemIcal synthesis of dextran and fructose from sucrose in the presence of the enzyme dextransucrase were investigated. A dilute stream of the appropriate enzyme in deionised water was used as the eluent stream. The effect of switch time, feed concentration, enzyme activity, eluent rate and enzyme to feed concentration ratio on the combined bioreaction-separation were investigated. For the invertase reaction, at 20.77% w/v sucrose feed concentrations complete conversions were achieved. The enzyme usage was 34% of the theoretical enzyme amount needed to convert an equivalent amount of sucrose over the same time period when using a conventional fermenter. The fructose rich (FRP) and glucose rich (GRP) product purities obtained were over 90%. By operating at 35% w/v sucrose feed concentration and employing the product splitting and recycling techniques, the total concentration and purity of the GRP increased from 32% w/v to 4.6% and from 92.3% to 95% respectively. The FRP concentration also increased from 1.82% w/v to 2.88% w/v. A mathematical model was developed for the combined reaction-separation and used to simulate the continuous inversion of sucrose and product separation using the SCCR-S1. In the biosynthesis of dextran studies, 52% conversion of a 2% w/v sucrose concentration feed was achieved. An average dextran molecular weight of 4 millIon was obtained in the dextran rich (DRP) product stream. The enzyme dextransucrase was purifed successfully using centrifugation and ultrafiltration techniques.
Työssä tutkittiin lignoselluloosapohjaisten väkevähappohydrolysaattien (monosakkaridit, rikki- ja etikkahppo) jatkuvatoimista kromatografista fraktiointia käyttäen Japan Organo SMB -prosessia. Adsorbenttinä toimi happomuotoinen (H+) vahva kationinvaihtohartsi. Panostoimista fraktiointia käytettiin vertailukohtana. Jatkuvatoimisen prosessin optimoinnilla saavutettiin monosakkaridien suurimmaksi tuottavuudeksi 283 mol/(m3 h) (panosprosessille 145 mol/(m3 h). JO-prosessilla saavutettiin korkeat rikki- ja etikkahapon saannot: 97,3 % ja 93,5 %. Monosakkaridisaanto jäi hieman alhaisemmaksi (61,7 %) johtuen monosakkaridi- ja rikkihappo-profiilien hankalasta erottamisesta. Ulostulo virtojen puhtaudet olivat korkeat: 89 % monosakkarideille, 89 % rikkihapolle ja 100 % etikkahapolle.
A review is given of general chromatographic theory, the factors affecting the performance of chromatographi c columns, and aspects of scale-up of the chromatographic process. The theory of gel permeation chromatography (g. p. c.) is received, and the results of an experimental study to optimize the performance of an analytical g.p.c. system are reported. The design and construction of a novel sequential continuous chromatographic refining unit (SCCR3), for continuous liquid-liquid chromatography applications, is described. Counter-current operation is simulated by sequencing a system of inlet and outlet port functions around a connected series of fixed, 5.1 cm internal diameter x 70 cm long, glass columns. The number of columns may be varied, and, during this research, a series of either twenty or ten columns was used. Operation of the unit for continuous fractionation of a dextran polymer (M. W. - 30,000) by g.p.c. is reported using 200-400 µm diameter porous silica beads (Spherosil XOB07S) as packing, and distilled water for the mobile phase. The effects of feed concentration, feed flow rate, and mobile and stationary phase flow rates have been investigated, by means of both product, and on-column, concentrations and molecular weight distributions. The ability to operate the unit successfully at on-column concentrations as high as 20% w/v dextran has been demonstrated, and removal of both high and low molecular weight ends of a polymer feed distribution, to produce products meeting commercial specifications, has been achieved. Equivalent throughputs have been as high as 2.8 tonnes per annum for ten columns, based on continuous operation for 8000 hours per annum. A concentration dependence of the equilibrium distribution coefficient, KD observed during continuous fractionation studies, is related to evidence in the literature and experimental results obtained on a small-scale batch column. Theoretical treatments of the counter-current chromatographic process are outlined, and a preliminary computer simulation of the SCCR3 unit t is presented.
Lignocellulosic biomasses (e.g., wood and straws) are a potential renewable source for the production of a wide variety of chemicals that could be used to replace those currently produced by petrochemical industry. This would lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions and waste amounts, and to economical savings. There are many possible pathways available for the manufacturing of chemicals from lignocellulosic biomasses. One option is to hydrolyze the cellulose and hemicelluloses of these biomasses into monosaccharides using concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst. This process is an efficient method for producing monosaccharides which are valuable platforn chemicals. Also other valuable products are formed in the hydrolysis. Unfortunately, the concentrated acid hydrolysis has been deemed unfeasible mainly due to high chemical consumption resulting from the need to remove sulfuric acid from the obtained hydrolysates prior to the downstream processing of the monosaccharides. Traditionally, this has been done by neutralization with lime. This, however, results in high chemical consumption. In addition, the by-products formed in the hydrolysis are not removed and may, thus, hinder the monosaccharide processing. In order to improve the feasibility of the concentrated acid hydrolysis, the chemical consumption should be decreased by recycling of sulfuric acid without neutralization. Furthermore, the monosaccharides and the other products formed in the hydrolysis should be recovered selectively for efficient downstream processing. The selective recovery of the hydrolysis by-products would have additional economical benefits on the process due to their high value. In this work, the use of chromatographic fractionation for the recycling of sulfuric acid and the selective recovery of the main components from the hydrolysates formed in the concentrated acid hydrolysis was investigated. Chromatographic fractionation based on the electrolyte exclusion with gel type strong acid cation exchange resins in acid (H+) form as a stationary phase was studied. A systematic experimental and model-based study regarding the separation task at hand was conducted. The phenomena affecting the separation were determined and their effects elucidated. Mathematical models that take accurately into account these phenomena were derived and used in the simulation of the fractionation process. The main components of the concentrated acid hydrolysates (sulfuric acid, monosaccharides, and acetic acid) were included into this model. Performance of the fractionation process was investigated experimentally and by simulations. Use of different process options was also studied. Sulfuric acid was found to have a significant co-operative effect on the sorption of the other components. This brings about interesting and beneficial effects in the column operations. It is especially beneficial for the separation of sulfuric acid and the monosaccharides. Two different approaches for the modelling of the sorption equilibria were investigated in this work: a simple empirical approach and a thermodynamically consistent approach (the Adsorbed Solution theory). Accurate modelling of the phenomena observed in this work was found to be possible using the simple empirical models. The use of the Adsorbed Solution theory is complicated by the nature of the theory and the complexity of the studied system. In addition to the sorption models, a dynamic column model that takes into account the volume changes of the gel type resins as changing resin bed porosity was also derived. Using the chromatography, all the main components of the hydrolysates can be recovered selectively, and the sulfuric acid consumption of the hydrolysis process can be lowered considerably. Investigation of the performance of the chromatographic fractionation showed that the highest separation efficiency in this separation task is obtained with a gel type resin with a high crosslinking degree (8 wt. %); especially when the hydrolysates contain high amounts of acetic acid. In addition, the concentrated acid hydrolysis should be done with as low sulfuric acid concentration as possible to obtain good separation performance. The column loading and flow rate also have large effects on the performance. In this work, it was demonstrated that when recycling of the fractions obtained in the chromatographic fractionation are recycled to preceding unit operations these unit operations should included in the performance evaluation of the fractionation. When this was done, the separation performance and the feasibility of the concentrated acid hydrolysis process were found to improve considerably. Use of multi-column chromatographic fractionation processes, the Japan Organo process and the Multi-Column Recycling Chromatography process, was also investigated. In the studied case, neither of these processes could compete with the single-column batch process in the productivity. However, due to internal recycling steps, the Multi-Column Recycling Chromatography was found to be superior to the batch process when the product yield and the eluent consumption were taken into account.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Flory-Huggins interaction parameters and thermal diffusion coefficients were measured for aqueous biopolymer solutions. Dextran (a water soluble polysaccharide) and bovine serum albumin (BSA, a water soluble protein) were used for this study. The former polymer is representative for chain macromolecules and the latter is for globular macromolecules. The interaction parameters for the systems water/dextran and water/BSA were determined as a function of composition by means of vapor pressure measurements, using a combination of headspace sampling and gas chromatography (HS-GC). A new theoretical approach, accounting for chain connectivity and conformational variability, describes the observed dependencies quantitatively for the system water/dextran and qualitatively for the system water/BSA. The phase diagrams of the ternary systems water/methanol/dextran and water/dextran/BSA were determined via cloud point measurements and modeled by means of the direct minimization of the Gibbs energy using the information on the binary subsystems as input parameters. The thermal diffusion of dextran was studied for aqueous solutions in the temperature range 15 < T < 55 oC. The effects of the addition of urea were also studied. In the absence of urea, the Soret coefficient ST changes its sign as T is varied; it is positive for T > 45.0 oC, but negative for T < 45.0 oC. The positive sign of ST means that the dextran molecules migrate towards the cold side of the fluid; this behavior is typical for polymer solutions. While a negative sign indicates the macromolecules move toward the hot side; this behavior has so far not been observed with any other binary aqueous polymer solutions. The addition of urea to the aqueous solution of dextran increases ST and reduces the inversion temperature. For 2 M urea, the change in the sign of ST is observed at T = 29.7 oC. At higher temperature ST is always positive in the studied temperature range. To rationalize these observations it is assumed that the addition of urea opens hydrogen bonds, similar to that induced by an increase in temperature. For a future extension of the thermodynamic studies to the effects of poly-dispersity, dextran was fractionated by means of a recently developed technique called Continuous Spin Fractionation (CSF). The solvent/precipitant/polymer system used for the thermodynamic studies served as the basis for the fractionation of dextran The starting polymer had a weight average molar mass Mw = 11.1 kg/mol and a molecular non-uniformity U= Mw / Mn -1= 1.0. Seventy grams of dextran were fractionated using water as the solvent and methanol as the precipitant. Five fractionation steps yielded four samples with Mw values between 4.36 and 18.2 kg/mol and U values ranging from 0.28 to 0.48.
A literature review of work carried out on batch and continuous chromatographic biochemical reactor-separators has been made. The major part of this work has involved the development of a batch chromatographic reactor-separator for the production of dextran and fructose by the enzymatic action of the enzyme dextransucrase on sucrose. In this reactor, simultaneous reaction and separation occurs thus reducing downstream processing and isolation of products as compared to the existing industrial process. The chromatographic reactor consisted of a glass column packed with a stationary phase consisting of cross linked polysytrene resin in the calcium form. The mobile phase consisted of diluted dextransucrase in deionised water. Initial experiments were carried out on a reactor separtor which had an internal diameter of 0.97cm and length of 1.5m. To study the effect of scale up the reactor diameter was doubled to 1.94cm and length increased to 1.75m. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor uses more enzyme than a conventional batch reactor for a given conversion of sucrose and that an increase in void volume results in higher conversions of sucrose. A comparison of the molecular weight distribution of dextran produced by the chromatographic reactor was made with that from a conventional batch reactor. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor produces 30% more dextran of molecular weight greater than 150,000 daltons at 20% w/v sucrose concentration than conventional reactors. This is because some of the fructose molecules are prevented as acting as acceptors in the chromatographic reactor due to their removal from the reaction zone. In the conventional reactor this is not possible and therefore a greater proportion of low molecular weight dextran is produced which does not have much clinical use. A theoretical model was developed to describe the behaviour of the reactor separator and this model was simulated using a computer. The simulation predictions showed good agreement with experimental results at high eluent flowrates and low conversions.
Plinia edulis, an arboreous species popularly known as ""cambuca"", is native to the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Despite its traditional uses, no reports are available on the safety of this utilization or on the relationship between the antiulcer activity of its extract and its phytochemical compounds. This paper reports on the investigation of the acute toxicity and gastroprotective effect of the aqueous ethanol extract of leaves of Plinia edulis on HCl/ethanol-induced ulcers. In order to correlate the secondary metabolites and the efficacy of the crude drug in traditional medicine, the extract was submitted to chromatographic fractionation after solvent partition. The extract did not show acute toxicity in mice treated with 5 g/kg p.o.. but exhibited significant antiulcer activity in rats at doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg p.o., more active than the reference drug lansoprazole. The ethyl acetate fraction yielded P-amyrin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, and maslinic acid, which were identified based on spectrometric analyses. Since antiulcerogenic activity is not restricted to one class of compounds in plants, the triterpenoids isolated in the extract can be associated with the observed effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy