987 resultados para Computer Sciences Corporation
This paper presents a blended learning approach and a study evaluating instruction in a software engineering-related course unit as part of an undergraduate engineering degree program in computing. In the past, the course unit had a lecture-based format. In view of student underachievement and the high course unit dropout rate, a distance-learning system was deployed, where students were allowed to choose between a distance-learning approach driven by a moderate constructivist instructional model or a blended-learning approach. The results of this experience are presented, with the aim of showing the effectiveness of the teaching/learning system deployed compared to the lecture-based system previously in place. The grades earned by students under the new system, following the distance-learning and blended-learning courses, are compared statistically to the grades attained in earlier years in the traditional face-to-face classroom (lecture-based) learning.
Shipping list no.: 88-100-P.
Mode of access: Internet.
Shipping list no.: 93-0404-P.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of State Vehicle Programs, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of State Vehicle Programs, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Sate Vehicle Programs, Washington D. C.
Final report, January 1979.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 55).
Among daily computer users who are proficient, some are flexible at accomplishing unfamiliar tasks on their own and others have difficulty. Software designers and evaluators involved with Human Computer Interaction (HCI) should account for any group of proficient daily users that are shown to stumble over unfamiliar tasks. We define "Just Enough" (JE) users as proficient daily computer users with predominantly extrinsic motivation style who know just enough to get what they want or need from the computer. We hypothesize that JE users have difficulty with unfamiliar computer tasks and skill transfer, whereas intrinsically motivated daily users accomplish unfamiliar tasks readily. Intrinsic motivation can be characterized by interest, enjoyment, and choice and extrinsic motivation is externally regulated. In our study we identified users by motivation style and then did ethnographic observations. Our results confirm that JE users do have difficulty accomplishing unfamiliar tasks on their own but had fewer problems with near skill transfer. In contrast, intrinsically motivated users had no trouble with unfamiliar tasks nor with near skill transfer. This supports our assertion that JE users know enough to get routine tasks done and can transfer that knowledge, but become unproductive when faced with unfamiliar tasks. This study combines quantitative and qualitative methods. We identified 66 daily users by motivation style using an inventory adapted from Deci and Ryan (Ryan and Deci 2000) and from Guay, Vallerand, and Blanchard (Guay et al. 2000). We used qualitative ethnographic methods with a think aloud protocol to observe nine extrinsic users and seven intrinsic users. Observation sessions had three customized phases where the researcher directed the participant to: 1) confirm the participant's proficiency; 2) test the participant accomplishing unfamiliar tasks; and 3) test transfer of existing skills to unfamiliar software.
In the realm of computer programming, the experience of writing a program is used to reinforce concepts and evaluate ability. This research uses three case studies to evaluate the introduction of testing through Kolb's Experiential Learning Model (ELM). We then analyze the impact of those testing experiences to determine methods for improving future courses. The first testing experience that students encounter are unit test reports in their early courses. This course demonstrates that automating and improving feedback can provide more ELM iterations. The JUnit Generation (JUG) tool also provided a positive experience for the instructor by reducing the overall workload. Later, undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to work together in a multi-role Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) course. The interactions use usability analysis techniques with graduate students as usability experts and undergraduate students as design engineers. Students get experience testing the user experience of their product prototypes using methods varying from heuristic analysis to user testing. From this course, we learned the importance of the instructors role in the ELM. As more roles were added to the HCI course, a desire arose to provide more complete, quality assured software. This inspired the addition of unit testing experiences to the course. However, we learned that significant preparations must be made to apply the ELM when students are resistant. The research presented through these courses was driven by the recognition of a need for testing in a Computer Science curriculum. Our understanding of the ELM suggests the need for student experience when being introduced to testing concepts. We learned that experiential learning, when appropriately implemented, can provide benefits to the Computer Science classroom. When examined together, these course-based research projects provided insight into building strong testing practices into a curriculum.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references.