775 resultados para Comprehensive care in health
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Background: Critical care units are designed and resourced to save lives, yet the provision of end-of-life care is a significant component of nursing work in these settings. Limited research has investigated the actual practices of critical care nurses in the provision of end-of-life care, or the factors influencing these practices. To improve the care that patients at the end of life and their families receive, and to support nurses in the provision of this care, further research is needed. The purpose of this study was to identify critical care nurses' end-of-life care practices, the factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care and the factors associated with specific end-of-life care practices. Methods: A three-phase exploratory sequential mixed-methods design was utilised. Phase one used a qualitative approach involving interviews with a convenience sample of five intensive care nurses to identify their end-of-life care experiences and practices. In phase two, an online survey instrument was developed, based on a review of the literature and the findings of phase one. The survey instrument was reviewed by six content experts and pilot tested with a convenience sample of 28 critical care nurses (response rate 45%) enrolled in a postgraduate critical care nursing subject. The refined survey instrument was used in phase three of this study to conduct a national survey of critical care nurses. Descriptive analyses, exploratory factor analysis and univariate general linear modelling was undertaken on completed survey responses from 392 critical care nurses (response rate 25%). Results: Six end-of-life care practice areas were identified in this study: information sharing, environmental modification, emotional support, patient and family-centred decision making, symptom management and spiritual support. The items most frequently identified as always undertaken by critical care nurses in the provision of end-of-life care were from the information sharing and environmental modification practice areas. Items least frequently identified as always undertaken included items from the emotional support practice area. Eight factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care were identified: palliative values, patient and family preferences, knowledge, preparedness, organisational culture, resources, care planning, and emotional support for nurses. Strong agreement was noted with items reflecting values consistent with a palliative approach and inclusion of patient and family preferences. Variation was noted in agreement for items regarding opportunities for knowledge acquisition in the workplace and formal education, yet most respondents agreed that they felt adequately prepared. A context of nurse-led practice was identified, with variation in access to resources noted. Collegial support networks were identified as a source of emotional support for critical care nurses. Critical care nurses reporting values consistent with a palliative approach and/or those who scored higher on support for patient and family preferences were more likely to be engaged in end-of-life care practice areas identified in this study. Nurses who reported higher levels of preparedness and access to opportunities for knowledge acquisition were more likely to report engaging in interpersonal practices that supported patient and family centred decision making and emotional support of patients and their families. A negative relationship was identified between the explanatory variables of emotional support for nurses and death anxiety, and the patient and family centred decision making practice area. Contextual factors had a limited influence as explanatory variables of specific end-of-life care practice areas. Gender was identified as a significant explanatory variable in the emotional and spiritual support practice areas, with male gender associated with lower summated scores on these practice scales. Conclusions: Critical care nurses engage in practices to share control with and support inclusion of families experiencing death and dying. The most frequently identified end-of-life care practices were those that are easily implemented, practical strategies aimed at supporting the patient at the end of life and the patient's family. These practices arguably require less emotional engagement by the nurse. Critical care nurses' responses reflected values consistent with a palliative approach and a strong commitment to the inclusion of families in end-of-life care, and these factors were associated with engagement in all end-of-life care practice areas. Perceived preparedness or confidence with the provision of end-of-life care was associated with engagement in interpersonal caring practices. Critical care nurses autonomously engage in the provision of end-of-life care within the constraints of an environment designed for curative care and rely on their colleagues for emotional support. Critical care nurses must be adequately prepared and supported to provide comprehensive care in all areas of end-of-life care practice. The findings of this study raise important implications, and informed recommendations for practice, education and further research.
Com o objetivo de compreender a busca por cuidado de uma pessoa portadora de transtorno mental em situação de comorbidade clínica, um trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido junto a uma usuária da rede de atenção em saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro-RJ. O atendimento desses casos é um desafio para o campo da saúde mental, pois demanda a elaboração de projetos terapêuticos que rompam com o dilema corpo/mente e promovam cuidado integral. A metodologia adotada foi a construção do itinerário terapêutico seguido pela usuária, tendo sido utilizadas as técnicas de observação participante, entrevista aberta e análise documental, ao longo de 6 meses do ano de 2013, envolvendo também os familiares e profissionais no estudo. Os resultados apontam que a usuária transitou tanto pelo Sistema Único de Saúde quanto pelo Sistema Único de Assistência Social ao longo do itinerário, tendo sido atendida em um centro de referência especializado, uma emergência médica, um hospital psiquiátrico, uma policlínica e uma clínica da família. Além disso, nos serviços de saúde foi descrita principalmente do ponto de vista biomédico, o alcoolismo e a demência predominando como índice de comorbidade psiquiátrica e a hanseníase como índice de comorbidade clínica, o transtorno mental esquizofrenia paranóide sendo o diagnóstico principal. A usuária apresentava-se aos profissionais como uma mãe que gostaria de viver em companhia dos filhos e ao mesmo tempo como alguém com vício de bebida forte, enquanto era considerada pelos familiares bêbada e maloqueira, habitando as ruas do centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro há aproximadamente dez anos. Por meio da narrativa de uma parcela da trajetória de vida e de grande parte do itinerário terapêutico da usuária, nota-se trajetos entre serviços de saúde, casa e rua, bem como passagens marcadas pela vivência de que os profissionais de saúde manifestam asqueiro quando de sua presença. Com base nessa abordagem teórico-metodológica centrada na usuária, nota-se que os seus trajetos e passagens pela cidade e serviços de saúde repercutiram em seu cotidiano de uma forma que sua busca por cuidado converteu-se numa fuga do cuidado
This paper presents a regional commentary (hereafter ‘the commentary’) on the three Australian projects of the Teasdale-Corti Global Health Research Partnership Program. The three Australian projects are: Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Ltd (VAHS), Melbourne, Victoria—Forty Years of Comprehensive Primary Health Care; Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Inc. (Congress), Alice Springs, Northern Territory—Ingkintja, Male Health Program; and Urapuntja Health Service (UHS), Utopia, Northern Territory—Outstation Health Care. It highlights common themes and lessons in respect to the Revitalising Health for All project in the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia.
Depression is a common but frequently undiagnosed feature in individuals with HIV infection. To find a strategy to detect depression in a non-specialized clinical setting, the overall performance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the depression identification questions proposed by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines were assessed in a descriptive cross-sectional study of 113 patients with HIV infection. The clinician asked the two screening questions that were proposed under the EACS guidelines and requested patients to complete the HADS. A psychiatrist or psychologist administered semi-structured clinical interviews to yield psychiatric diagnoses of depression (gold standard). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the HADS-Depression (HADS-D) subscale indicated that the best sensitivity and specificity were obtained between the cut-off points of 5 and 8, and the ROC curve for the HADS-Total (HADS-T) indicated that the best cut-off points were between 12 and 14. There were no statistically significant differences in the correlations of the EACS (considering positive responses to one [A] or both questions [B]), the HADS-D ≥ 8 or the HADS-T ≥ 12 with the gold standard. The study concludes that both approaches (the two EACS questions and the HADS-D subscale) are appropriate depression-screening methods in HIV population. We believe that using the EACS-B and the HADS-D subscale in a two-step approach allows for rapid, assumable and accurate clinical diagnosis in non-psychiatric hospital settings.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for developing an effective evaluation practice within health care settings. Three features are reviewed; capacity building, the application of evaluation to program activities and the utilization of evaluation recommendations. First, the organizational elements required to establish effective evaluation practice are reviewed emphasizing that an organization's capacity for evaluation develops over time and in stages. Second, a comprehensive evaluation framework is presented which demonstrates how evaluation practice can be applied to all aspects of a program's life cycle, thus promoting the scope of evidence-based decision making within an organization. Finally, factors which influence the adoption of evaluation recommendations by decision makers are reviewed accompanied by strategies to promote the utilization of evaluation recommendations in organization decision making.
As all human beings are consumers of health care provision across the life span and in receipt of care delivered by accountable health care professionals, all should have the right to be involved in shaping the future of their own health care. Rights-based participation, when applied successfully, has the potential to inform and influence the delivery of child health care, the child’s experience of health care, plus children’s nursing education (Coyne & Gallagher, 2011). The “right” of every child and young person to participate in research that relates to their own health care is also sustained by the author’s lead position as a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education for pre-registration children’s nursing in Northern Ireland and the appreciation of their voice when practicing as a registered children’s nurse and ward sister. The report provides an insight into seminal work on human and child rights; the historical context of children in Western society, and the evolution of children’s nursing amid the child’s right to participate in shaping their own health care.
RESUMO: A Nigéria tem uma população estimada em cerca de 170 milhões de pessoas. O número de profissionais de saúde mental é muito diminuto, contando apenas com 150 psiquiatras o que perfaz aproximadamente um rácio de psiquiatra: população de mais de 1:1 milhão de pessoas. O Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental de 1991 reconheceu esta insuficiência e recomendou a integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários (CSP). Depois de mais de duas décadas, essa política não foi ainda implementada. Este estudo teve como objetivos mapear a estrutura organizacional dos serviços de saúde mental da Nigéria, e explorar os desafios e barreiras que impedem a integração bem-sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários, isto segundo a perspectiva dos profissionais dos cuidados de saúde primários. Com este objetivo, desenvolveu-se um estudo exploratório sequencial e utilizou-se um modelo misto para a recolha de dados. A aplicação em simultâneo de abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas permitiram compreender os problemas relacionados com a integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP na Nigéria. No estudo qualitativo inicial, foram realizadas entrevistas com listagens abertas a 30 profissionais dos CSP, seguidas de dois grupos focais com profissionais dos CSP de duas zonas governamentais do estado de Oyo de forma a obter uma visão global das perspectivas destes profissionais locais sobre os desafios e barreiras que impedem uma integração bem-sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP. Subsequentemente, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro pessoas-chave, especificamente coordenadores e especialistas em saúde mental. Os resultados do estudo qualitativo foram utilizados para desenvolver um questionário para análise quantitativa das opiniões de uma amostra maior e mais representativa dos profissionais dos CSP do Estado de Oyo, bem como de duas zonas governamentais locais do Estado de Osun. As barreiras mais comummente identificadas a partir deste estudo incluem o estigma e os preconceitos sobre a doença mental, a formação inadequada dos profissionais dos CPS sobre saúde mental, a perceção pela equipa dos CSP de baixa prioridade de ação do Governo, o medo da agressão e violência pela equipa dos CSP, bem como a falta de disponibilidade de fármacos. As recomendações para superar estes desafios incluem a melhoria sustentada dos esforços da advocacia à saúde mental que vise uma maior valorização e apoio governamental, a formação e treino organizados dos profissionais dos cuidados primários, a criação de redes de referência e de apoio com instituições terciárias adjacentes, e o engajamento da comunidade para melhorar o acesso aos serviços e à reabilitação, pelas pessoas com doença mental. Estes resultados fornecem indicações úteis sobre a perceção das barreiras para a integração bem sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP, enquanto se recomenda uma abordagem holística e abrangente. Esta informação pode orientar as futuras tentativas de implementação da integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados primários na Nigéria.------------ABSTRACT: Nigeria has an estimated population of about 170 million people but the number of mental health professionals is very small, with about 150 psychiatrists. This roughly translates to a psychiatrist:population ratio of more than 1:1 million people. The National Mental Health Policy of 1991 recognized this deficiency and recommended the integration of mental health into primary health care (PHC) delivery system. After more than two decades, this policy has yet to be implemented. This study aimed to map out the organizational structure of the mental health systems in Nigeria, and to explore the challenges and barriers preventing the successful integration of mental health into primary health care, from the perspective of the primary health care workers. A mixed methods exploratory sequential study design was employed, which entails the use of sequential timing in the combined methods of data collection. A combination of qualitative and uantitative approaches in sequence, were utilized to understand the problems of mental health services integration into PHC in Nigeria. The initial qualitative phase utilized free listing interviews with 30 PHC workers, followed by two focus group discussions with primary care workers from two Local Government Areas (LGA) of Oyo State to gain useful insight into the local perspectives of PHC workers about the challenges and barriers preventing successful integration of mental health care services into PHC. Subsequently, 4 key informant interviews with PHC co-ordinators and mental health experts were carried out. The findings from the qualitative study were utilized to develop a quantitative study questionnaire to understand the opinions of a larger and more representative sample of PHC staff in two more LGAs of Oyo State, as well as 2 LGAs from Osun State. The common barriers identified from this study include stigma and misconceptions about mental illness, inadequate training of PHC staff about mental health, low government priority, fear of aggression and violence by the PHC staff, as well as non-availability of medications. Recommendations for overcoming these challenges include improved and sustained efforts at mental health advocacy to gain governmental attention and support, organized training and retraining for primary care staff, establishment of referral and supportive networks with neighbouring tertiary facilities and community engagement to improve service utilization and rehabilitation of mentally ill persons. These findings provide useful insight into the barriers to the successful integration of mental health into PHC, while recommending a holistic and comprehensive approach. This information can guide future attempts to implement the integration of mental health into primary care in Nigeria.
During the latest decade Somali-born women with experiences of long-lasting war followed by migration have increasingly encountered Swedish maternity care, where antenatal care midwives are assigned to ask questions about exposure to violence. The overall aim in this thesis was to gain deeper understanding of Somali-born women’s wellbeing and needs during the parallel transitions of migration to Sweden and childbearing, focusing on maternity healthcare encounters and violence. Data were obtained from medical records (paper I), qualitative interviews with Somali-born women (II, III) and Swedish antenatal care midwives (IV). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. Compared to pregnancies of Swedish-born women, Somali-born women’s pregnancies demonstrated later booking and less visits to antenatal care, more maternal morbidity but less psychiatric treatment, less medical pain relief during delivery and more emergency caesarean sections and small-for-gestational-age infants (I). Political violence with broken societal structures before migration contributed to up-rootedness, limited healthcare and absent state-based support to women subjected to violence, which reinforced reliance on social networks, own endurance and faith in Somalia (II). After migration, sources of wellbeing were a pragmatic “moving-on” approach including faith and motherhood, combined with social coherence. Lawful rights for women were appreciated but could concurrently risk creating power tensions in partner relationships. Generally, the Somali-born women associated the midwife more with providing medical care than with overall wellbeing or concerns about violence, but new societal resources were parallel incorporated with known resources (III). Midwives strived for woman-centered approaches beyond ethnicity and culture in care encounters, with language, social gaps and divergent views on violence as potential barriers in violence inquiry. Somali-born women’s strength and contentment were highlighted, and ongoing violence seldom encountered according to the midwives experiences (IV). Pragmatism including “moving on” combined with support from family and social networks, indicate capability to cope with violence and migration-related stress. However, this must be balanced against potential unspoken needs at individual level in care encounters.With trustful relationships, optimized interaction and networking with local Somali communities and across professions, the antenatal midwife can have a “bridging-function” in balancing between dual societies and contribute to healthy transitions in the new society.
Health care accounts for a substantial and growing share of national expenditures, and Australia’s health-care system faces some unprecedented pressures. This paper examines the contribution of creative expertise and services to Australian health care. They are found to be making a range of contributions to the development and delivery of health-care goods and services, the initial training and ongoing professionalism of doctors and nurses, and the effective functioning of health-care buildings. Creative activities within health-care services are also undertaken by medical professionals and patients. Key functions that creative activities address are innovation and service delivery in information management and analysis, and making complex information comprehensible or more useful, assisting communication and reducing psycho-social and distance-mediated barriers, and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of services.
Well-designed indoor environments can support people’s health and welfare. In this literature review, we identify the environmental features that affect human health and wellbeing. Environmental characteristics found to influence health outcomes and/or wellbeing included: environmental safety; indoor air quality (e.g. odour and temperature); sound and noise; premises and interior design (e.g. construction materials, viewing nature and experiencing nature, windows versus no windows, light, colours, unit layout and placement of the furniture, the type of room, possibilities to control environmental elements, environmental complexity and sensory simulations, cleanliness, ergonomics and accessibility, ‛‛wayfinding’’); art, and music, among others. Indoor environments that incorporate healing elements can, for instance, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, lessen pain and shorten hospital stays.
• Government reports consistently recognise the importance of Primary Health Care to an efficient health system. Barriers identified in Australia’s Primary Health Care include workforce pressures, increase rate of chronic disease, and equitable access to Primary Health Care services. • General Practitioners (GPs) are the key to the successful delivery of Primary Health Care especially in rural and remote regions such as the Wheatbelt region in Western Australia (WA). • The Wheatbelt region of WA is vast: some 72,500 residents spread across 150,000km2 in 43 Local Government Authorities catchments. Majority of the Wheatbelt residents live in small towns. There is a higher reported rates of chronic disease, more at risk of chronic diseases and less utilisation of Primary Health Care services in this region. • General practice patients in the Wheatbelt are among those most in need of Primary Health Care services. • Wheatbelt GP Network (the “Network”) was established in 1998. It is a key health service delivery stakeholder in the Wheatbelt. • The Network has responded to the health needs of the community by creating a mobile Allied Health Team that works closely with GPs and is adaptive to ensure priority needs are met. • The Medicare Local model introduced by the Australian Government in 2011 aimed to improve the delivery of Primary Health Care services by improved health planning and coordinating service delivery. • Little if any recognition has been given to the outstanding work that many Divisions of General Practice have done in improving the delivery of Primary Health Care services such as the Network. • The Network has continued to support GPs and general practices and created a complementary system that integrated general practice with the work of an Allied Health Team. Its program mix is extensive. • The Network has consistently delivered on-required contract outputs and has a fifteen (15) years history of operating successfully in a large geographical area comprising in the main smaller communities that cannot support the traditional health services model. • The complexity of supporting International Medical Graduates in the region requires special attention. • The introduction of the Medicare Local in the South West of WA and their intention to take over the delivery of health services, thus effectively shutting the Network will have catastrophic consequences and cannot be supported economically. • The Network proposes to create a new model, built on its past work that increases the delivery of Primary Health Care services through its current Allied Health Team. • The proposal uses the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic currently under construction in Northam, part of the Network and funded by the Australian Government is a key to the proposed new model. • Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic is different from existing models of GP Super Clinics around Australia which focus predominately on co-location of services. Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic utilises a hub and spoke model of service outreach to small rural towns to ensure equitable Primary Health Care coverage and continuum of care in a financially responsible and viable manner. In particular, the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic recognises the importance of Allied Health Professionals and will involve them in a collaborative model with rural general practice. • The proposed model advocated by the Network aims to substitute the South West WA Medicare Local direct service delivery proposed for the Wheatbelt. The Network’s proposed model is to expand on the current hub and spoke model of Primary Health Care delivery to otherwise small unviable Wheatbelt towns. A flexible and adaptive skill mix of Allied Health Professionals, Nurse Practitioners and GPs ensure equitable access to service. Expanded scope of practices are utilised to reduce duplication of service and concentration of services in major towns. This involves a partnership approach. • If the proposed model not funded, the Network and the Wheatbelt region will stand to lose 16 Allied Health Professionals and defeats the purpose of Australian Government current funding for the construction of the Wheatbelt GP Super Clinic. • The Network has considered how its model can best be funded. It proposes a re-allocation of funds made available to the South West WA Medicare Local. • This submission argues that the proposal for the South West WA Medicare Local to take over the service delivery of Primary Health Care services in the Wheatbelt makes no economic sense when an existing agency (the Network) has the infrastructure in place, is experienced in working in this geographical area that has special needs and is capable to expand its programs to meet demand.