137 resultados para Competitively
A simulation of competitively primed allele-specific DNA amplification has been constructed and its behavior examined, This has shown that when the ratio of the amount of homoduplex misprime product to the total amount of amplimer is low, it increases by approximately one-fourth of the mispriming frequency with each doubling of the total amount of amplimer, When the ratio is high acid reverse mispriming becomes significant, it asymptotes toward a value
The effect of heterogeneous environments upon the dynamics of invasion and the eradication or control of invasive species is poorly understood, although it is a major challenge for biodiversity conservation. Here, we first investigate how the probability and time for invasion are affected by spatial heterogeneity. Then, we study the effect of control program strategies (e.g. species specificity, spatial scale of action, detection and eradication efficiency) on the success and time of eradication. We find that heterogeneity increases both the invasion probability and the time to invasion. Heterogeneity also reduces the probability of eradication but does not change the time taken for successful eradication. We confirm that early detection of invasive species reduces the time until eradication, but we also demonstrate that this is true only if the local control action is sufficiently efficient. The criterion of removal efficiency is even more important for an eradication program than simply ensuring control effort when the invasive species is not abundant.
In the lowland agro-forest of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor (SMBC), it is considered that a native rodent species, Rattus everetti is competitively dominant over an invasive pest species, Rattus tanezumi. The main aim of this study was to assess the response of R. tanezumi following short term removal of R. everetti. We tested this experimentally by trapping and removing R. everetti from two treatment sites in agro-forest habitat on three occasions over three consecutive months. This was followed by three months of non-removal trapping. Two non-treatment sites were trapped for comparison. Following R. everetti removal, R. everetti individuals rapidly immigrated into the treatment sites and a significantly higher proportion of R. tanezumi females were in breeding condition in the treatment sites than in the non-treatment sites. The results from this study provide evidence of competition between native and invasive rodent species in complex agro-ecosystems. We were also able to demonstrate that R. everetti populations are able to recover rapidly from the non-target effects of short-term lethal control in and around agro-forest.
Newly hatched specific pathogen-free chicks were dosed with a suspension of Bacillus subtilis spores prior to challenge with Escherichia coli O78:K80, a known virulent strain associated with avian colibacillosis. 24 h later. A single oral inoculum of 2.5 x 10(8) spores was sufficient to suppress all aspects of E. coli O78:K80 infection. Colonisation of deep organs was reduced by a factor of over 2 log(10) whilst colonisation of the intestine, as measured by direct caecal count, was reduced over 3 log(10). Shedding of E. coli O78:K80 was measured by semi-quantitative cloacal swabbing and was reduced significantly for the: duration of the experiment, 35 days. B, subtilis persisted in the intestine although with decreasing numbers over the same period. Challenge with the same dose 5 days after pre-dosing with spores overcame any suppressive effect of the spores. Crown Copyright (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This study examines the question of whether apolipoprotein E (apoE) alters steady-state concentrations of plasma cholesterol carried in low density lipoproteins (LDL-C) by acting as a competitive inhibitor of hepatic LDL uptake or by altering the rate of net cholesterol delivery from the intestinal lumen to the liver. To differentiate between these two possibilities, rates of cholesterol absorption and synthesis and the kinetics of hepatic LDL-C transport were measured in vivo in mice with either normal (apoE+/+) or zero (apoE-/-) levels of circulating apoE. Rates of cholesterol absorption were essentially identical in both genotypes and equaled approximately 44% of the daily dietary load of cholesterol. This finding was consistent with the further observation that the rates of cholesterol synthesis in the liver (approximately 2,000 nmol/h) and extrahepatic tissues (approximately 3,000 nmol/h) were also essentially identical in the two groups of mice. However, the apparent Michaelis constant for receptor-dependent hepatic LDL-C uptake was markedly lower in the apoE-/- mice (44 +/- 4 mg/dl) than in the apoE+/+ animals (329 +/- 77 mg/dl) even though the maximal transport velocity for this uptake process was essentially the same (approximately 400 micrograms/h per g) in the two groups of mice. These studies, therefore, demonstrate that apoE-containing lipoproteins can act as potent competitive inhibitors of hepatic LDL-C transport and so can significantly increase steady-state plasma LDL-C levels. This apolipoprotein plays no role, however, in the regulation of cholesterol absorption, sterol biosynthesis, or hepatic LDL receptor number, at least in the mouse.
Addressing high and volatile natural resource prices, uncertain supply prospects, reindustrialization attempts and environmental damages related to resource use, resource efficiency has evolved into a highly debated proposal among academia, policy makers, firms and international financial institutions (IFIs). In 2011, the European Union (EU) declared resource efficiency as one of its seven flagship initiatives in its Europe 2020 strategy. This paper contributes to the discussions by assessing its key initiative, the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (EC 2011 571), following two streams of evaluation. In a first step, resource efficiency is linked to two theoretical frameworks regarding sustainability, (i) the sustainability triangle (consisting of economic, social and ecological dimensions) and (ii) balanced sustainability (combining weak and strong sustainability). Subsequently, both sustainability frameworks are used to assess to which degree the Roadmap follows the concept of sustainability. It can be concluded that it partially respects the sustainability triangle as well as balanced sustainability, primarily lacking a social dimension. In a second step, following Steger and Bleischwitz (2009), the impact of resource efficiency on competitiveness as advocated in the Roadmap is empirically evaluated. Using an Arellano–Bond dynamic panel data model reveals no robust impact of resource efficiency on competiveness in the EU between 2004 and 2009 – a puzzling result. Further empirical research and enhanced data availability are needed to better understand the impacts of resource efficiency on competitiveness on the macroeconomic, microeconomic and industry level. In that regard, strengthening the methodologies of resource indicators seem essential. Last but certainly not least, political will is required to achieve the transition of the EU-economy into a resource efficient future.
O tratamento convencionalmente preconizado para cães acometidos pela CMD consiste na prescrição de vasodilatadores, agentes inotrópicos positivos (digitálico), diuréticos, dieta hipossódica e, quando necessário, antiarrítmicos. O carvedilol é um β-bloqueador de 3ª geração, não seletivo, que bloqueia igualmente e competitivamente os receptores (β1, β2 e α1). Produz uma evidente vasodilatação periférica, exerce efeitos anti-oxidantes, removendo radicais livres de oxigênio e prevenindo a peroxidação lipídica nas membranas cardíacas, prevenindo a perda de miócitos e a ocorrência de arritmias e reduzindo a taxa de mortalidade em pacientes humanos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica, eletrocardiográfica, radiográfica e ecocardiograficamente a evolução de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD) tratatos com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Para tal foram avaliados 49 cães com CMD divididos em: grupo NT, tratado com terapia convencional, e grupo T, tratado com terapia convencional associada ao carvedilol. Os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e a exames complementares durante o período de um ano. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia com carvedilol apresentou boa tolerabilidade na dose de 0,3mg kg-1 12-12horas, aumentou a sobrevida dos cães em 30,9%, não alterou as pressões sistólica e diastólica, reduziu a frequência cardíaca após três semanas de terapia, melhorou significantemente as frações de encurtamento e ejeção após seis meses de tratamento, não promoveu alterações radiográficas e da distância E-septo, diminuiu o índice de letalidade da doença, fato demonstrado pela melhora no escore clínico e na classe funcional dos animais, obtida após três semanas de terapia com carvedilol.
Research conducted on biomass for Ulcos (""Ultra-Low CO(2) Steelmaking"" European Integrated Project) has progressively focused on charcoal supply from tropical eucalyptus plantations. The sustainability of such plantations is being investigated from the viewpoint of their carbon, water and nutrient budgets: they must all be neutral or positive. Field research is producing results at the tree or stand level in several sites of Congo and Brazil, while a spatial model is developed to identify the conditions of biomass neutrality at the scale of the forest ecosystem. The productivity of biomass has been analyzed through the description of practices along the various supply-schemes that competitively feed the steel industry in Brazil and identification of bottlenecks for further expansion.
The Sec1p-like/Munc18 (SM) protein Munc18a binds to the neuronal t-SNARE Syntaxin1A and inhibits SNARE complex assembly. Tomosyn, a cytosolic Syntaxin1A-binding protein, is thought to regulate the interaction between Syntaxin1A and Munc18a, thus acting as a positive regulator of SNARE assembly. In the present study we have investigated the interaction between b-Tomosyn and the adipocyte SNARE complex involving Syntaxin4/SNAP23/VAMP-2 and the SM protein Munc18c, in vitro, and the potential involvement of Tomosyn in regulating the translocation of GLUT4 containing vesicles, in vivo. Tomosyn formed a high affinity ternary complex with Syntaxin4 and SNAP23 that was competitively inhibited by VAMP-2. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay we demonstrate that the VAMP-2-like domain in Tomosyn facilitates the interaction with Syntaxin4. Overexpression of Tomosyn in 3T3-L1 adipocytes inhibited the translocation of green fluorescent protein-GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. The SM protein Munc18c was shown to interact with the Syntaxin4 monomer, Syntaxin4 containing SNARE complexes, and the Syntaxin4/Tomosyn complex. These data suggest that Tomosyn and Munc18c operate at a similar stage of the Syntaxin4 SNARE assembly cycle, which likely primes Syntaxin4 for entry into the ternary SNARE complex.
The 19-amino acid conopeptide (rho-TIA) was shown previously to antagonize noncompetitively alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors (ARs). Because this is the first peptide ligand for these receptors, we compared its interactions with the three recombinant human alpha(1)-AR subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), and alpha(1D)). Radioligand binding assays showed that rho-TIA was 10-fold selective for human alpha(1B)- over alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-ARs. As observed with hamster alpha(1B)-ARs, rho-TIA decreased the number of binding sites (B-max) for human alpha(1B)-ARs without changing affinity (K-D), and this inhibition was unaffected by the length of incubation but was reversed by washing. However, rho-TIA had opposite effects at human alpha(1A)-ARs and alpha(1D)-ARs, decreasing KD without changing Bmax, suggesting it acts competitively at these subtypes. rho-TIA reduced maximal NE-stimulated [H-3] inositol phosphate formation in HEK293 cells expressing human alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibited responses in cells expressing alpha(1A)- or alpha(1D)-ARs. Truncation mutants showed that the amino-terminal domains of alpha(1B)- or alpha(1D)-ARs are not involved in interaction with rho-TIA. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of rho-TIA showed F18A had an increased selectivity for alpha(1B)-ARs, and F18N also increased subtype selectivity. I8A had a slightly reduced potency at alpha(1B)-ARs and was found to be a competitive, rather than noncompetitive, inhibitor in both radioligand and functional assays. Thus rho-TIA noncompetitively inhibits alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibits the other two subtypes, and this selectivity can be increased by mutation. These differential interactions do not involve the receptor amino termini and are not because of the charged nature of the peptide, and isoleucine 8 is critical for its noncompetitive inhibition at alpha(1B)-ARs.
Background: The venoms of Conus snails contain small, disulfide-rich inhibitors of voltage-dependent sodium channels. Conotoxin GS is a 34-residue polypeptide isolated from Conus geographus that interacts with the extracellular entrance of skeletal muscle sodium channels to prevent sodium ion conduction. Although conotoxin GS binds competitively with mu conotoxin GIIIA to the sodium channel surface, the two toxin types have little sequence identity with one another, and conotoxin GS has a four-loop structural framework rather than the characteristic three-loop mu-conotoxin framework. The structural study of conotoxin GS will form the basis for establishing a structure-activity relationship and understanding its interaction with the pore region of sodium channels. Results: The three-dimensional structure of conotoxin GS was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The protein exhibits a compact fold incorporating a beta hairpin and several turns. An unusual feature of conotoxin GS is the exceptionally high proportion (100%) of cis-imide bond geometry for the three proline or hydroxyproline residues. The structure of conotoxin GS bears little resemblance to the three-loop mu conotoxins, consistent with the low sequence identity between the two toxin types and their different structural framework. However, the tertiary structure and cystine-knot motif formed by the three disulfide bonds is similar to that present in several other polypeptide ion channel inhibitors. Conclusions: This is the first three-dimensional structure of a 'four-loop' sodium channel inhibitor, and it represents a valuable new structural probe for the pore region of voltage-dependent sodium channels. The distribution of amino acid sidechains in the structure creates several polar and charged patches, and comparison with the mu conotoxins provides a basis for determining the binding surface of the conotoxin GS polypeptide.
Communities of Practice are places which provide a sound basis for organizational learning, enabling knowledge creation and acquisition thus improving organizational performance, leveraging innovation and consequently increasing competitively. Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoP‟s) can perform a central role in promoting communication and collaboration between members who are dispersed in both time and space. The ongoing case study, described here, aims to identify both the motivations and the constraints that members of an organization experience when taking part in the knowledge creating processes of the VCoP‟s to which they belong. Based on a literature review, we have identified several factors that influence such processes; they will be used to analyse the results of interviews carried out with the leaders of VCoP‟s in four multinationals. As future work, a questionnaire will be developed and administered to the other members of these VCoP‟s
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização
Finding the structure of a confined liquid crystal is a difficult task since both the density and order parameter profiles are nonuniform. Starting from a microscopic model and density-functional theory, one has to either (i) solve a nonlinear, integral Euler-Lagrange equation, or (ii) perform a direct multidimensional free energy minimization. The traditional implementations of both approaches are computationally expensive and plagued with convergence problems. Here, as an alternative, we introduce an unsupervised variant of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network for minimizing the free energy of a fluid of hard nonspherical particles confined between planar substrates of variable penetrability. We then test our algorithm by comparing its results for the structure (density-orientation profiles) and equilibrium free energy with those obtained by standard iterative solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations and with Monte Carlo simulation results. Very good agreement is found and the MLP method proves competitively fast, flexible, and refinable. Furthermore, it can be readily generalized to the richer experimental patterned-substrate geometries that are now experimentally realizable but very problematic to conventional theoretical treatments.
Economical development has always been connected to the commercial exchanges between people, due to the necessity to suppress their needs. With the increasing growth of international business and more competitive and demanding markets, exportation has become an important first step to internationalisation. Unlike what happened in the past, companies must be aware that the enrolment in the current global market is risky and requires elaborated technical procedures. Internationalisation should not be treated as an isolated event of business management. The first part of this paper aims to understand the export process and fit it in the current stage of international trade, keeping in mind the framework of export under the customs law. Then, we tried to understand how Portuguese companies should face this process in their internationalisation strategy, and what skills organisations must acquire to be able to export competitively in the current scenario of globalisation. The investigation was based on interviews in companies that, through a process of internationalisation by exportation, have implemented themselves strongly in extern markets. This investigation allowed us to analyse the companies’ motivations to become international, as well as the selection criteria for the export destinations. It was also possible to identify the main obstacles to the internationalisation of Portuguese companies. We concluded that companies that choose exportation as a way to become international acquire specific skills that enable them to become competitive in international trade. However, studies have failed to answer the second initial question about whether the measures implemented by Customs potentiate exports.