998 resultados para Color measurement


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Optical characteristics of stirred curd were simultaneously monitored during syneresis in a 10-L cheese vat using computer vision and colorimetric measurements. Curd syneresis kinetic conditions were varied using 2 levels of milk pH (6.0 and 6.5) and 2 agitation speeds (12.1 and 27.2 rpm). Measured optical parameters were compared with gravimetric measurements of syneresis, taken simultaneously. The results showed that computer vision and colorimeter measurements have potential for monitoring syneresis. The 2 different phases, curd and whey, were distinguished by means of color differences. As syneresis progressed, the backscattered light became increasingly yellow in hue for circa 20 min for the higher stirring speed and circa 30 min for the lower stirring speed. Syneresis-related gravimetric measurements of importance to cheese making (e.g., curd moisture content, total solids in whey, and yield of whey) correlated significantly with computer vision and colorimetric measurements..


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Computer vision is a field that uses techniques to acquire, process, analyze and understand images from the real world in order to produce numeric or symbolic information in the form of decisions [1]. This project aims to use computer vision to prepare an app to analyze a Madeira Wine and characterize it (identify its variety) by its color. Dry or sweet wines, young or old wines have a specific color. It uses techniques to compare histograms in order to analyze the images taken from a test sample inside a special container designed for this purpose. The color analysis from a wine sample using an image captured by a smartphone can be difficult. Many factors affect the captured image such as, light conditions, the background of the sample container due to the many positions the photo can be taken (different to capture facing a white wall or facing the floor for example). Using new technologies such as 3D printing it was possible to create a prototype that aims to control the effect of those external factors on the captured image. The results for this experiment are good indicators for future works. Although it’s necessary to do more tests, the first tests had a success rate of 80% to 90% of correct results. This report documents the development of this project and all the techniques and steps required to execute the tests.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Contribution from Production and Marketing Administration.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hydrogen peroxide gels with different concentrations (20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%) on enamel Knoop microhardness (KNIT) as well as on changes in dental color (C).Methods: Cylindrical specimens of enamel/dentin (3-nun diameter and 2-nun thickness) were obtained from bovine incisors and randomly divided into six groups (n=20), according to the concentration of the whitening gel (20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, control, thickener). After polishing, initial values of KNH0 and color measurement, assessed by spectrophotometry using the CIE L*a*b* system, were taken from the enamel surface. The gels were applied on the enamel surface for 30 minutes, and immediate values of KNHi were taken. After seven days of being stored in artificial saliva, new measures of KNH7 and color (L-7* a(7)* b(7)*, for calculating Delta E, Delta L, and Delta b) were made. Data were submitted to statistical analysis of variance, followed by Tukey test (p<0.05).Results: Differences in gel concentration and time did not influence the microhardness (p=0.54 and p=0.29, respectively). In relation to color changes, Delta E data showed that the 35% gel presented a higher color alteration than the 20% gel did (p=0.006).Conclusion: Bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide gel was more effective than with the 20% gel, without promoting significant adverse effects on enamel surface microhardness.


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A representation of the color gamut of special effect coatings is proposed and shown for six different samples, whose colors were calculated from spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements at different geometries. The most important characteristic of the proposed representation is that it allows a straightforward understanding of the color shift to be done both in terms of conventional irradiation and viewing angles and in terms of flake-based parameters. A different line was proposed to assess the color shift of special effect coatings on a*,b*-diagrams: the absorption line. Similar to interference and aspecular lines (constant aspecular and irradiation angles, respectively), an absorption line is the locus of calculated color coordinates from measurement geometries with a fixed bistatic angle. The advantages of using the absorption lines to characterize the contributions to the spectral BRDF of the scattering at the absorption pigments and the reflection at interference pigments for different geometries are shown.


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From a set of gonioapparent automotive samples from different manufacturers we selected 28 low-chroma color pairs with relatively small color differences predominantly in lightness. These color pairs were visually assessed with a gray scale at six different viewing angles by a panel of 10 observers. Using the Standardized Residual Sum of Squares (STRESS) index, the results of our visual experiment were tested against predictions made by 12 modern color-difference formulas. From a weighted STRESS index accounting for the uncertainty in visual assessments, the best prediction of our whole experiment was achieved using AUDI2000, CAM02-SCD, CAM02-UCS and OSA-GP-Euclidean color-difference formulas, which were no statistically significant different among them. A two-step optimization of the original AUDI2000 color-difference formula resulted in a modified AUDI2000 formula which performed both, significantly better than the original formula and below the experimental inter-observer variability. Nevertheless the proposal of a new revised AUDI2000 color-difference formula requires additional experimental data.


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Os processos de beneficiamento têxtil, como o alvejamento, a purga, o tingimento e as lavagens são reconhecidamente impactantes ao meio ambiente, tanto do ponto de vista de consumo de água, quanto da geração de efluentes. Os efluentes têxteis oriundos dos processos de beneficiamento se caracterizam por apresentarem elevadas concentrações de substâncias emulsificantes, íons cloreto, sólidos e matéria orgânica, além de alta toxicidade. Mas sem dúvida, o maior problema desses efluentes deve-se a presença de corantes e pigmentos. Alguns parâmetros físico-químicos importantes no controle da poluição hídrica são de difícil medição e consequente monitoramento, principalmente pela ausência de legislação que expresse de maneira clara e objetiva os limites destes parâmetros. Este fato permite avaliações dúbias e contestações aos órgãos ambientais. Especificamente no caso do parâmetro cor, esta subjetividade obriga muitas indústrias a empregarem valores de controle de cor oriundos de outros estados, ou até mesmo de outros países. No Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com a NT-202-R-10 do INEA, o critério para cor é estar virtualmente ausente no efluente. Neste contexto, este estudo avaliou algumas metodologias empregadas na determinação da cor em um efluente têxtil. Para a medição de cor, foram empregadas três metodologias descritas na literatura. A primeira metodologia desenvolvida para análise de água, também utilizada para efluentes líquidos, se baseia em medições espectrofotométricas em um único comprimento de onda padrão (450nm ou 465nm), tendo como referência soluções de Pt-Co. Essa metodologia não abrange todas as tonalidades do espectro de cores possíveis para os efluentes têxteis. O segundo método se baseia na medição em três comprimentos de onda (436, 525 e 620nm), denominado índice DFZ. O último método investiga os valores máximos de absorbância, na faixa entre 350 e 700nm, na amostra. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as correções dos valores de medição de cor utilizando os valores máximos de absorbância expressaram melhor a realidade dos dados experimentais, visto que eliminam um possível erro causado pela restrita faixa de detecção do método tradicional, numa região do espectro típica para tonalidades encontradas na água.


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La perspectiva aérea o atmosférica es juzgada por los pintores como parte esencial de la pintura, una vez establecidos los presupuestos geométricos de la representación naturalista mediante la perspectiva lineal. Leonardo da Vinci fue el primer autor en definir la perspectiva aérea o atmosférica, conocidos ya a través de L. B. Alberti los fundamentos geométricos de la perspectiva lineal en el tratado De Pictura (1435). Doscientos años después, tras la influyente publicación del Optics de Newton, contextualizadas bajo el espíritu racionalista del siglo XVIII, el artículo estudia las recomendaciones que desde la ciencia y los científicos (específicamente a través de tres figuras relevantes: Brook Taylor, J. H. Lambert y Gaspard Monge) se dan a los pintores con la pretensión de arbitrar una medición exacta del color, en confrontación con el tradicional empirismo del mundo artístico. Este tema puede considerarse un capítulo de gran interés en la larga historia de la pintura y la representación de los fenómenos atmosféricos, cuyos antecedentes teóricos tienen su inicio en el Débat sur le Coloris de la Académie Française del siglo XVII y sus resultados, conducirán hacia el nacimiento de la moderna Teoría del color, en respuesta a una cuestión tan compleja sobre cómo pintar el aire.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das injúrias mecânicas por impacto, compressão ou corte na firmeza e coloração de goiabas 'Paluma' e 'Pedro Sato', colhidas no estádio de maturação de vez e armazenadas sob condições de ambiente. Na injúria por impacto, os frutos foram deixados cair, em queda livre, de uma altura de 1,20 m, sofrendo dois impactos, em lados opostos da porção equatorial do fruto. Na injúria por compressão, os frutos foram submetidos a um peso de 3 kg, por 15 minutos. Para a injúria por corte, foram efetuados dois cortes, no sentido longitudinal dos frutos, de exatamente 30 mm de comprimento por 2 mm de profundidade. Os frutos injuriados foram colocados em bandejas de isopor e armazenados sob condições de ambiente (23,4±1 °C, 62±6 % UR). A firmeza dos frutos submetidos ao impacto e compressão foi calculada pela relação peso(N)/área injuriada (m2). A evolução da coloração foi feita através de leituras diárias em reflectômetro Minolta CR 200b, procurando comparar a coloração da área lesionada com a da área não lesionada do mesmo fruto. Com relação à injúria por compressão, não se detectou diferença significativa entre as cultivares testadas, mas com relação ao impacto, os frutos da 'Paluma' tiveram uma firmeza significativamente maior que os da 'Pedro Sato'. A área injuriada mostrou maior escurecimento e retardo no amarelecimento, indicado pelo maior ângulo Hue, típico do amadurecimento de goiabas. Os valores de cromaticidade foram sempre inferiores nas áreas injuriadas, de ambas as cultivares, indicando menor síntese de pigmentos carotenóides nessas regiões. Os frutos da 'Pedro Sato' foram caracterizados como mais escuros e mais esverdeados que os da 'Paluma' ao longo do período de armazenamento, independentemente das injúrias.


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This study evaluated the influence of surfactants on the effectiveness of 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) and 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) bleaching gels. One hundred and forty bovine teeth were used, which were stained by immersion in a coffee, red wine, and tobacco mixture for 7 days. At the end of this process, the color measurement at baseline was taken with the Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer. The teeth were divided into seven groups: (a) negative control (NC), (b) positive control for HP (PC-35), (c) HP + Tween 20 (T20-35), (d) HP + laurel sodium sulfate (LSS-35), (e) positive control for CP (PC-10), (f) CP + Tween 20 (T20-10), and (g) CP + laurel sodium sulfate (LSS-10). Group NC was kept in artificial saliva for 21 days. Groups PC-35, T20-35, and LSS 35 received three applications of bleaching gel for 10 min; the process was repeated after 7 days. Groups PC-10, T20-10, and LSS-10 received the gel for 8 h per day for 14 days. After the bleaching process, the final color was measured. The analysis of variance and Tukey tests showed statistically significant differences for the parameters of a dagger L, a dagger b, and a dagger E of the HP gels with surfactant and positive control group (PC-35). Within the limits of this in vitro study, the addition of surfactants to HP bleaching gel increased the bleaching effectiveness.


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This in vitro research verified the possibility of eliminating staining caused by coffee and red wine in five composite resins, after being submitted to thermal cycling. Thirty-six specimens were prepared and immersed in water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. After polishing, specimen color was measured in a spectrophotometer Cintra 10 UV (Visible Spectrometer, GBC, Braeside, VIC, Australia). All specimens were submitted to thermal cycling at temperatures of 5 and 55 degrees C with a dwell time of 1 minute, for 1,000 cycles in a 75% ethanol/water solution. After thermal cycling, the specimens were immersed in water at 37 degrees C until 7 days had elapsed from the time the specimens were prepared. All specimens were then taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. The specimens were divided into three groups (N = 12): distilled water (control), coffee, and red wine. For the staining process to occur on only one surface, all the sides, except one, of the surfaces were isolated with white wax. The specimens were immersed in one of the solutions at 37 degrees C for 14 days. The specimens were dried and taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. After this, the specimens were submitted to 20 mu m wear three times, and the color was measured after each one of the wear procedures. Calculation of the color difference was made using CIEDE2000 formula. According to the methodology used in this research, it was concluded that the staining caused by coffee and red wine was superficial and one wear of 20 mu m was sufficient to remove the discoloration.


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People increasingly desire tooth whitening. Considering the wide range of whitening products on the market, this study evaluated the efficacy of whitening toothpastes and mouth rinses compared with the 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) whitening gel. We obtained 120 cylindrical specimens from bovine teeth, which were darkened for 24 hours in a coffee solution. The color measurement was performed by a spectrophotometer using the CIE L*a*b* system, and specimens were divided into six groups according to the use of the following agents: group 1, conventional fluoridated toothpaste; group 2, Close Up White Now; group 3, Listerine Whitening; group 4, Colgate Plax Whitening; group 5, experimental mouth rinse with Plasdone; and group 6, 10% CP Whiteness Perfect. After the simulation of 12 weeks of treatment for groups 1 to 5 and 14 days of treatment for group 6, the specimens were subjected to a new color reading. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (α=0.05), which showed significant differences among groups after 12 weeks for ΔE (p=0.001). Results of the Tukey test revealed that groups 3, 4, and 6 presented significantly higher color alteration than groups 1, 2, and 5. The whitening toothpaste Close Up White Now and the experimental mouth rinse with Plasdone showed similar color alteration as conventional toothpaste after a 12-week treatment simulation. These groups presented significantly lower color alteration compared with whitening mouth rinses Listerine and Colgate Plax Whitening, which showed similar results to those observed after 14 days of bleaching with 10% CP treatment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)