29 resultados para Coccidae.


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The degree and distribution of parasitisation in relation to densities of pink wax scale, Ceroplastes rubens Maskell, on umbrella trees, Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.), in south-eastern Queensland were investigated to determine whether scale outbreaks could be attributed, in part, to low levels of parasitisation. Rates of parasitisation were independent of or inversely dependent on host density, and highly variable, especially at low densities. The absence of density dependent parasitisation may occur as a result of: (i) non-aggregation by parasitoids; (ii) aggregation by parasitoids where parasitisation is limited by intrinsic or extrinsic factors; and/or (iii) high rates of hyperparasitisation.


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The spatial pattern of outbreaks of pink wax scale, Ceroplastes rubens Maskell, within and among umbrella trees, Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.), in southeastern Queensland was investigated. Pink wax scale was common on S. actinophylla, with approximately 84% of trees positive for scale and 14% of bees recording outbreak densities exceeding 0.4 adults per leaflet. Highly aggregated distributions of C. rubens occur within and among umbrella trees. Clumped distributions within trees appear to result from variable birth and death rates and limited movement of first instar crawlers. The patchy distribution of pink wax scale among trees is probably a consequence of variation in dispersal success of scale, host and environmental suitability for establishment and rates of biological control. Pink wax scale was more prevalent on trees in roadside positions and in exposed situations, indicating that such trees are more suitable and/or susceptible to scale colonisation.


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We investigated some of the factors that may lead to outbreaks of pink wax scale, Ceroplastes rubens Maskell, on umbrella trees, Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.). Estimates of birth and death rates of pink wax scale were high and variable within and among trees; variation in these rates was not related to scale density. Adult fecundity correlated significantly but weakly with adult test length; mean fecundity was 292 eggs per female with a range of 5-1178. Adult test length and its variance decreased weakly with increasing density. Field experiments showed that mortality of C. rubens is greatest during the first 24 hours after hatching when approximately half disappear. The rate of loss decreases over time with 0.3% of initial motile first-instar nymphs surviving to maturity. Rates of loss varied significantly between trees, indicating that some trees are more suitable for scale colonisation and survival.


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As espécies de Ceroplastinae (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Coccidae) que ocorrem no Estado de São Paulo são revisadas. São estudadas 36 espécies de Ceroplastinae, das quais 9 são sinonimizadas, 8 espécies novas são descritas e 19 são redescritas. Ceroplastes campinensis Hempel, 1901, C. bicolor Hempel, 1901, C. excaericae Hempel, 1912 e C. farmairii (Signoret, 1866), mencionadas para o Estado de São Paulo, não foram examinadas, devido a não localização do material tipo ou de outros exemplares. Nossos estudos indicaram que C. albolineatus Cockerell, 1894 e C. confluens Cockerell & Tinsley, 1898 foram erroneamente citadas por Hempel, 1900 para o estado de São Paulo. Coccus stellifer Westwood, 1871, atualmente Vinsonia stellifera (Westwood, 1871), é transferida para gênero Ceroplastes como Ceroplastes stellifer (Westwood, 1871) n. comb. C. flosculoides Matile-Ferrero, 1993 é registrada pela primeira vez para o país e C. cassiae (Chavannes, 1848), C. deodorensis Hempel, 1937, C. formosus Hempel, 1900 e C. quadratus Green, 1935 são registradas pela primeira vez no Estado de São Paulo. Ceroplastinae é agora representada por 31 espécies no Estado de São Paulo, todas incluídas no gênero Ceroplastes. Ilustrações e uma chave para espécies são incluídas. Novos sinônimos: C. formicarius Hempel = Ceroplastes communis Hempel, 1900 n. sin.; C. janeirensis Gray, 1828 = Ceroplastes psidii (Chavannes, 1848) n. sin. = C. simplex Hempel, 1900 n. sin.; C. cirripediformis Comstock, 1881 = C. cultus Hempel, 1900 n. sin. = C. cuneatus Hempel, 1900 n. sin. = C. rarus Hempel, 1900 n. sin e C. rotundus Hempel, 1900 n. sin.; C. lucidus Hempel, 1900 = C. novaesi Hempel, 1900 n. sin.; C. grandis Hempel, 1900 = C. rhizophorae Hempel, 1918 n. sin. Novas espécies descritas: C. acutus sp. nov.; C. bragai sp. nov.; C. coronatus sp. nov; C. glomeratus sp. nov; C. jordanensis sp. nov.; C. minimus sp. nov.; C. solanaceus sp. nov.; C. willinkae sp. nov. Espécies redescritas: C. agrestis Hempel, 1932; C. cassiae (Chavannes, 1848); C. cirripediformis; C. deodorensis Hempel, 1900; C. diospyros Hempel, 1928; C. floridensis Comstock, 1881; C. flosculoides Matile-Ferrero, 1993; C. formicarius Hempel, 1900; C. formosus Hempel, 1900; C. grandis Hempel, 1900; C. gregarius Hempel, 1932; C. iheringi Cockerell, 1895; C. janeirensis; C. lucidus; C. purpureus Hempel, 1900; C. quadratus Green, 1935; C. speciosus Hempel, 1900; C. stellifer e C. variegatus Hempel, 1900. São designados lectótipos e paralectótipos para C. agrestis, C. deodorensis, C. diospyros, C. formosus, C. purpureus, C. speciosus e C. variegatus e um neótipo para C. cassiae.


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A new species of soft scale insect from Mexico, Toumeyella fontanai Kondo & Pellizzari sp. nov. is des-cribed and illustrated. A taxonomic key to the species of scale insects of the genus Toumeyella Cockerell known in Mexico is provided.


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The soft scale Cryptostigma urichi (Cockerell, 1894) and the mealybug Farinococcus multispinosus Morrison, 1922 are reported cohabiting inside branches of Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg. (Angico-preto), both tended by the ant Azteca oecocordia Longino, 2007 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). This interaction was observed in the Cerrado region sensu stricto, at the Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, Brazil. A. oecocordia is recorded for the first time in Brazil.


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RESUMO A olivicultura é uma atividade recente no Rio Grande do Sul, com poucas informações sobre os insetos associados. A dinâmica populacional de Saissetia oleae (Oliver) e seu parasitismo natural foram avaliados em pomar de Olea europaea L., cultivar Arbequina, mantidos sob manejo convencional, situado em Caçapava do Sul (30°30'43? S, 53°29'27? O)-RS, Brasil. As amostragens foram mensais, de abril de 2012 a março de 2013. Em cada ocasião, em 20 plantas sorteadas, e dos quadrantes da copa (norte, sul, leste e oeste), foram retirados dois ramos aleatórios (20 a 30 cm de comprimento, com no mínimo 20 folhas), um interno e outro externo. A maior abundância de S. oleae foi na primavera e no verão, e a temperatura foi o fator que interferiu nesta dinâmica. Saissetia oleae distribuiu-se de forma uniforme entre os quadrantes e entre os ramos internos e externos da copa. Nas folhas, observou-se maior abundância de ninfas de primeiro e segundo instares, e nos ramos de ninfas de terceiro instar, adultos e adultos com ovos. A taxa de parasitismo foi de 3,40%.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Binder's title.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Paged continuously.


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