983 resultados para Clone


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The naturally occurring clonal diversity among field isolates of the major human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax remained unexplored until the early 1990s, when improved molecular methods allowed the use of blood samples obtained directly from patients, without prior in vitro culture, for genotyping purposes. Here we briefly review the molecular strategies currently used to detect genetically distinct clones in patient-derived P. vivax samples, present evidence that multiple-clone P. vivax infections are commonly detected in areas with different levels of malaria transmission and discuss possible evolutionary and epidemiological consequences of the competition between genetically distinct clones in natural human infections. We suggest that, when two or more genetically distinct clones are present in the same host, intra-host competition for limited resources may select for P. vivax traits that represent major public health challenges, such as increased virulence, increased transmissibility and antimalarial drug resistance.


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Summary: In 1984, children presented to the emergency department of a hospital in the small town of Promisso, So Paulo State, Brazil, with an acute febrile illness that rapidly progressed to death. Local clinicians and public health officials recognized that these children had an unusual illness, which led to outbreak investigations conducted by Brazilian health officials in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The studies that followed are an excellent example of the coordinated and parallel studies that are used to investigate outbreaks of a new disease, which became known as Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF). In the first outbreak investigation, a case-control study confirmed an association between BPF and antecedent conjunctivitis but the etiology of the disease could not be determined. In a subsequent outbreak, children with BPF were found to have bacteremia caused by Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius (H. aegyptius), an organism previously known mainly to cause self-limited purulent conjunctivitis. Molecular characterization of blood and other isolates demonstrated the clonal nature of the H. aegyptius strains that caused BPF, which were genetically distant from the diverse strains that cause only conjunctivitis. This led to an intense effort to identify the factors causing the unusual invasiveness of the BPF clone, which has yet to definitively identify the virulence factor or factors involved. After a series of outbreaks and sporadic cases through 1993, no additional cases of BPF have been reported


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Animal cloning has been associated with developmental abnormalities, with the level of heteroplasmy caused by the procedure being one of its potential limiting factors. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the fusion of hemicytoplasts or aggregation of hemiembryos, varying the final cytoplasmic volume, on development and cell density of embryos produced by hand-made cloning (HMC), parthenogenesis or by in vitro fertilization (IVF). One or two enucleated hemicytoplasts were paired and fused with one skin somatic cell. Activated clone and zona-free parthenote embryos and hemiembryos were in vitro cultured in the well-of-the-well (WOW) system, being allocated to one of six experimental groups, on a per WOW basis: single clone or parthenote hemiembryos (1 x 50%); aggregation of two (2 x 50%), three (3 x 50%), or four (4 x 50%) clone or parthenote hemiembryos; single clone or parthenote embryos (1 x 100%); or aggregation of two clone or parthenote embryos (2 x 100%). Control zona-intact parthenote or IVF embryos were in vitro cultured in four-well dishes. Results indicated that the increase in the number of aggregated structures within each WOW was followed by a linear increase in cleavage, blastocyst rate, and cell density. The increase in cytoplasmic volume, either by fusion or by aggregation, had a positive effect on embryo development, supporting the establishment of pregnancies and the birth of a viable clone calf after transfer to recipients. However, embryo aggregation did not improve development on a hemicytoplast basis, except for the aggregation of two clone embryos.


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The application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) technologies in forest inventories has shown great potential to improve the efficiency of forest planning activities. Precise estimates, fast assessment and relatively low complexity can explain the good results in terms of efficiency. The evolution of GPS and inertial measurement technologies, as well as the observed lower assessment costs when these technologies are applied to large scale studies, can explain the increasing dissemination of ALS technologies. The observed good quality of results can be expressed by estimates of volumes and basal area with estimated error below the level of 8.4%, depending on the size of sampled area, the quantity of laser pulses per square meter and the number of control plots. This paper analyzes the potential of an ALS assessment to produce certain forest inventory statistics in plantations of cloned Eucalyptus spp with precision equal of superior to conventional methods. The statistics of interest in this case were: volume, basal area, mean height and dominant trees mean height. The ALS flight for data assessment covered two strips of approximately 2 by 20 Km, in which clouds of points were sampled in circular plots with a radius of 13 m. Plots were sampled in different parts of the strips to cover different stand ages. The clouds of points generated by the ALS assessment: overall height mean, standard error, five percentiles (height under which we can find 10%, 30%, 50%,70% and 90% of the ALS points above ground level in the cloud), and density of points above ground level in each percentile were calculated. The ALS statistics were used in regression models to estimate mean diameter, mean height, mean height of dominant trees, basal area and volume. Conventional forest inventory sample plots provided real data. For volume, an exploratory assessment involving different combinations of ALS statistics allowed for the definition of the most promising relationships and fitting tests based on well known forest biometric models. The models based on ALS statistics that produced the best results involved: the 30% percentile to estimate mean diameter (R(2)=0,88 and MQE%=0,0004); the 10% and 90% percentiles to estimate mean height (R(2)=0,94 and MQE%=0,0003); the 90% percentile to estimate dominant height (R(2)=0,96 and MQE%=0,0003); the 10% percentile and mean height of ALS points to estimate basal area (R(2)=0,92 and MQE%=0,0016); and, to estimate volume, age and the 30% and 90% percentiles (R(2)=0,95 MQE%=0,002). Among the tested forest biometric models, the best fits were provided by the modified Schumacher using age and the 90% percentile, modified Clutter using age, mean height of ALS points and the 70% percentile, and modified Buckman using age, mean height of ALS points and the 10% percentile.


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A infectividade do clone CL-14 do Trypanosoma cruzi para camundongos foi revista utilizando-se como inculo metacclicos de cultura em NNN+LIT, pr-incubados ou no com complemento de cobaio. Nos animais inoculados no observamos parasitemia patente, mas a presena do parasito foi confirmada em 30% deles (9/30) atravs de hemocultivo ou xenodiagnstico, este examinado aos 100 dias. A positividade das hemoculturas pde ser evidenciada a partir dos 60 dias quando procederam de camundongos inoculados com metacclicos tratados com complemento. Nos demais hemocultivos a positividade foi constatada aos 100 dias ou posteriormente. Um reisolado do CL-14 tambm no determinou parasitemia patente em camundongos at 30 dias aps a inoculao. Estes achados so discutidos em relao proteo imunolgica observada em camundongos inoculados com este clone.


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Considering the scarcity of defined antigens, actually useful and reliable for use in the field studies, we propose an alternative method for selection of cDNA clones with potential use in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. Human antibodies specific to a protein fraction of 31/32 kDa (Sm31/32), dissociated from immune complexes, are used for screening of clones from an adult worm cDNA library. Partial sequencing of five clones, selected through this strategy, showed to be related to Schistosoma mansoni: two were identified as homologous to heat shock protein 70, one to glutathione S-transferase, one to homeodomain protein, and one to a previously described EST (expressed sequence tag) of S. mansoni. This last clone was the most consistently reactive during the screening process with the anti-Sm31/32 antibodies dissociated from the immune complexes. The complete sequence of this clone was obtained and the translation data yielded only one ORF (open reading frame) that code for a protein with 57 amino acids. Based on this amino acid sequence two peptides were chemically synthesized and evaluated separately against a pool of serum samples from schistosomiasis patients and non-schistosomiasis individuals. Both peptides showed strong reactivity only against the positive pool, suggesting that these peptides may be useful as antigens for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni.


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INTRODUCTION: The outbreak occurred between February and June 2006 and included identification of the cases, analysis of medical records, cultures from environmental sources, resistance analyses and genotyping profile of Serratia marcescens. METHODS: The cultures were composed of 13 blood isolates, 17 rectal and hand swabs and air sampling. RESULTS: The data obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis exhibited three strains that contaminated 24 patients. Systemic infection was the most common in neonates with lower weight, long periods of hospitalization, premature delivery and the use of mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation revealed the multifactorial nature of the outbreak. An endemic clone of S. marcescens was detected.


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Foi montado um experimento em condies de campo, envolvendo clones diplides e poliplides de Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., objetivando o estudo comparativo de balano hdrico com base na anlise dos seguintes parmetros: potencial hdrico foliar, resistncia estomtica, transpirao, contedo percentual de gua, dficit de saturao foliar, anlise de microestrutura epidrmica e do ndice de eficincia hdrica. De um modo geral, os resultados sugerem maior capacidade hdrica ao clone poliplide IAC-222, conseqente do seu maior ndice de eficincia hdrica, podendo ser definido como vantajoso sobre o diplide por se re-hidratar mais rapidamente aps perodos crticos.


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Com o objetivo de obter dados referentes ao crescimento e concentrao e acmulo de macronutrientes em funo da idade da planta, foram coleta das amostras de folhas, galhos secos, ponta e base de galhos primrios, e ponta, meio e base do tronco de plantas de seringueira clone Fx 3864 com 1,0 a 4,0 anos de idade em plantaes situadas sobre Latossol Vermelho-Amarelo textura argilosa na rea da BONAL S.A., localizada na regio de Rio Branco, AC. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: - O maior incremento no crescimento ocorreu a partir do terceiro ano. - As maiores concentraes de nutrientes, ocorreram nas folhas. - A extrao de nutrientes pela seringueira, por hectare, no quarto ano, foi a seguinte: N - 24, 54 kg, P - 1,82 kg, Ca - 11,07 kg, Mg - 5,29 kg, S - 1,88 kg, - regio do Amazonas. - A extrao total de macronutrientes pelo sistema, em ordem decrescente: N K Ca Mg S P.


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The biological characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm 28c in terms of its growth in LIT medium, cell-cycle, infectivity to mice and interaction with professional and non-professional phagocytic cells shows that it behaves as a bona fide T. cruzi representant. The biological properties of this myotropic clone do not change according to the origin of the trypomastigote forms (i. e., from triatomines, infected mice, cell-culture or from the chemically defined TAUP and TAU3AAG media). In addition Dm 28c metacyclic trypomastigotes from TAU3AAG medium display a high infectivity level to fibroblasts and muscle cells. Experiments on binding of cationized ferritin to trypomastigotes surface show the existence of cap-like structures of ferritin in regions near the kinetoplast. However the nature and role of these anionic sites remain to be determined. The results indicate that metacyclic trypomastigotes from Dm 28c clone obtained under chemically defined conditions reproduce the biological behaviour of T. cruzi, rendering this system very suitable for the study of cell-parasite interactions and for the isolation of trypanosome relevant macromolecules.


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We describe the unusual spread of a penicillin-susceptible methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clone in hospitals in western Switzerland, where the incidence of MRSA is usually low. During a 2-year period, this clone had been responsible for several outbreaks and had been isolated from >156 persons in 21 institutions. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) demonstrated that all of these isolates belonged to the same clone. In 1 of the outbreaks, involving 30 cases, the clone was responsible for at least 17 secondary cases. In contrast, during the period of the latter outbreak, 9 other patients harboring different MRSA strains, as assessed by PFGE, were hospitalized in the same wards, but no secondary cases occurred. These observations suggest that this clone, compared with other MRSA strains, had some intrinsic factor(s) that contributed to its ability to disseminate and could thus be considered epidemic.


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A BALB/c cloned T cell line directed against beef apo cytochrome c was shown to exhibit the Lyt-1+2- cell surface phenotype. The fine specificity of antigen recognition exhibited by the T cell clone was assessed by using a variety of peptide preparations obtained from cytochrome c of different sources. The peptide segment recognized by this T cell clone, in conjunction with I-A region gene products, appeared similar to that bound by a monoclonal antibody specific for beef apo cytochrome c derived from the same strain of mice.


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Approximately 2.0 x 10 cDNA clones of an Schistosoma mansoni lgt11 cDNA library were screened in duplicate with serum from infected mice corresponding to distinct phases of infection. A cDNA clone (7/1) was isolated and recognized only by seven week serum. The clone was subcloned in pGEX-2T and Western-blot studies showed a specific antigenic expression confirming that only serum from the chronic phase is capable of recognizing this antigen. Dot-hybridization with RNA from different developmental phases of the parasite showed that the corresponding 7/1 RNA is expressed in all phases of parasite development in vertebrate hosts


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Attempts to inhibit the recognition of soluble antigens by T lymphocytes using antibodies specific for the antigen in question have been uniformally unsuccessful, in contrast to the observed specific inhibition of antibody generation by B cells. One exception is the unique situation whereby anti-hapten antisera inhibit the T-cell proliferative responses observed when hapten-specific T lymphocytes or clones are cultured with hapten-derivatized cells or proteins. The inability to inhibit T-cell functions by antigen-specific antibodies has been interpreted in several ways: (1) T cells possess a different repertoire from B cells; (2) the antibodies tested recognize epitopes present on the native antigen, whereas T cells recognize non-native (processed) structures; (3) the antigenic determinant(s) recognized by T cells on the surface of antigen presenting cells are either not accessible to antibodies, or are present in low amounts. The development of antigen-specific T-cell clones and monoclonal antibodies both specific for the same antigenic determinants now allows this question to be investigated definitively. Here, we report for the first time the specific inhibition of antigen-induced T-cell clone proliferation by a monoclonal antibody directed against the relevant soluble protein antigen.


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Clone CL Brener is the reference organism used in the Trypanosoma cruzi Genome Project. Some biological parameters of CL Brener were determined: (a) the doubling time of epimastigote forms cultured in liver infusion-tryptose (LIT) medium at 28oC is 5813 hr; (b) differentiation of epimastigotes to metacyclic trypomastigotes is obtained by incubation in LIT-20% Graces medium; (c) trypomastigotes infect mammalian cultured cells and perform the complete intracellular cycle at 33 and 37oC; (d) blood forms are highly infective to mice; (e) blood forms are susceptible to nifurtimox and benznidazole. The molecular typing of CL Brener has been determined: (a) isoenzymatic profiles are characteristic of zymodeme ZB; (b) PCR amplification of a 24Sa ribosomal RNA sequence indicates it belongs to T. cruzi lineage 1; (c) schizodeme, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and DNA fingerprinting analyses were performed