979 resultados para Chloris barbara
Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect and native of North America. It is thermo- and photo-insensitive, hence, can be grown round the year in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. H. annuus and H. tuberosum are cultivated for food, remaining spp. are ornamentals, weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibit the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Much information is available about the allelopathic effects of sunflower crop on following crops in crop rotations. Although it is harmful to all crops, but, is less harmful to crops of Graminae family than other families. It seems that the harmful effects of sunflower in crop rotations are due to release and accumulation of root exudates during crop growth in soil. Soil incorporation of its fresh (green manure) or dry biomass in soil is inhibitory to both crops and weed spp. Several allelochemicals have been characterized from the H. annuus, which inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of A. albus, A. viridis, Agropyron repens (Elymus repens), Ambrosia artemsiifolia, Avena fatua, Celosia crustata, Chenopodium album, Chloris barbara, Cynodon dactylon, D. sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium ageyptium, Digitaria ciliaris, Echinochloa crus-galli, Flaveria australasica, Parthenium hysterophorus, Portulaca oleracea, Sida spinosa, Trianthema portulacastrum, Veronica perisca the inhibitory effects of this crop may be used for weed management with less herbicides for sustainable agriculture.
Barbara at Content Too is a key work of the author's exhibition Lightsite, which toured Western Australian galleries from February 2006 to November 2007. It is a five-minute-long exposure photographic image captured inside a purpose-built, room-sized pinhole camera which is demountable and does not have a floor. The work depicts amateur botanist Barbara Miller-Hornsey conducting a botanical survey. The pinhole camera-room is sited with the biodiverse heath landscape at Bremer Bay in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia. The light from this exterior landscape is 'projected' inside the camera-room and illuminates the interior scene which includes that part of the heath upon which the floorless room is erected, along with Barbara who is kneeling inside. The image evokes the temporality of light. Here, light itself is portrayed as the primary medium through which we both perceive and describe landscape. In this way it is through the agency of light that we construct our connectivity to landscape.
In Art and Cultural Heritage: Law, Policy and Practice Barbara Hoffman as editor brings together an impressive array of practitioners from a variety of fields (from archaeologists to lawyers), to present in single volume aspects of policy, law and practice relevant to cultural heritage, which are not normally addressed in such texts. The book is indeed a comprehensive work to be recommended to policy makers, practitioners, students and other interested readers...
Barbara's story : a thematic analysis of a relative's reflection of being in the intensive care unit
Aim The aim of this reflective account is to provide a view of the intensive care unit (ICU) relative’s experiences of supporting and being supported in the ICU. Background Understanding the relatives’ experiences of ICU is important especially because a recent work has identified the potential for this group to develop post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition that is normally equated with the ICU survivor. Design A thematic analysis was used in identifying emerging themes that would be significant in an ICU nursing context. Setting The incident took place in two 8-bedded ICUs (Private and National Health Service) in October. Results Two emergent themes were identified from the reflective story – fear of the technological environment and feeling hopeless and helpless. Conclusion The use of relative stories as an insight into the live experiences of ICU relatives may give a deeper understanding of their life-world. The loneliness, anguish and pain of the ICU relative extends beyond the walls of the ICU, and this is often negated as the focus of the ICU team is the patient. Relevance to clinical practice: Developing strategies to support relatives might include the use of relative diaries used concurrently with patient diaries to support this groups recovery or at the very least a gaining a sense of understanding for their ICU experience. Relative follow-up clinics designed specifically to meet their needs where support and advice can be given by the ICU team, in addition to making timely and appropriate referrals to counselling services and perhaps involving spiritual leaders where appropriate.
Ultrasonic vocalisations (frequencies > 20 kHz) have been extensively studied in the context of echolocation by bats and other mammals (Sales & Pye 1974; Wilson & Hare 2004). Ultrasonic calls have also been recorded from birds, including the blue-throated hummingbird ( Lampornis clemenciae ) (Pytte et al. 2004), where it was first thought that individuals made use of high pitch calls to avoid masking by background noise in a visually obscured environment. Similarly, city-dwelling great tits ( Parus major ) use song with a higher minimum frequency (although not ultrasonic) compared to woodland birds to communicate with conspecifics to avoid the predominantly low-frequency background noise in the city (Slabbekorn & Peet 2003). The theory that birds use ultrasound to avoid noise masking was discarded when it was discovered that there was no corresponding auditory brainstem response (i.e. sensory perception) to the ultrasonic calls in the hummingbirds producing those calls.
Javanese Performances on an Indonesian Stage: Contesting Culture, Embracing Change, is Barbara Hatley’s first book about the performing arts in Indonesia, a topic that piqued her interest while undergoing a masters program at Yale University in the late 1960s. In this sense, it is a landmark study, for Hatley has since become very well known in Indonesianist circles, especially among those with an interest in matters of culture, popular and elite. Until recently, her writings on Indonesian performing arts have only been available in the form of journal articles and book chapters...
‘KP4’ is based on selected F4 progeny of 8 plants showing a low, creeping, tight-matted, late flowering growth habit. The original parental breeding population was selected from among 1600 diploid Rhodes grass seedlings grown as spaced plants; seven of the selected parental plants were from ‘Katambora’ and the eighth (which did not contribute as a maternal parent beyond the F1 generation) was a seedling from an unreleased accession. Four (4) cycles of mass selection were conducted, in which the selected plants from the previous generation were allowed to inter-cross in isolation in the field, and the resultant progeny later grown as spaced plants in the field for the next cycle of selection. Selection was for the following attributes: prostrate creeping early growth habit with short stolon internodes resulting in a dense stolon mat; leafy appearance; fine leaf and stem; and late flowering (i.e. a long period of vegetative growth before flowering). ‘KP4’ is a synthetic Rhodes grass cultivar multiplied from the selected fourth-generation plants produced by this line of breeding. Breeder: Donald S. Loch, Cleveland, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 3661, Application Number 2006/189, granted 16 December 2008
Albert and Elsa Einstein on the beach with Walter Adams; Santa Barbara, California Portraits; Groups
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Portrait includes a number of family members who were able to get to England before the war and who chose to remain there.
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Albert and Elsa Einstein on the beach with Walter Adams; Santa Barbara, California Portraits; Groups
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Portrait includes a number of family members who were able to get to England before the war and who chose to remain there.
One of the so-called ‘wicked problems’ confronting most nations is poverty, or the unequal distribution of resources. This problem is perennial, but how, where and with which physical, psychological, social and educational effects, and for which students (and their teachers), needs continual scrutiny. Poverty is relative. Entire populations may be poor or groups of people and individuals within nations may be poor. Poverty results from injustice. Not only the un- and under-employed are living in poverty, but also the ‘working poor’. Now we see affluent societies with growing pockets of persistent poverty. While there are those who dispute the statistics on the rise of poverty because different nations use different measures (for example see Biddle, 2013; http://theconversation.com/factcheck-is-poverty-on-the-rise-in-australia-17512), there seems to be little dispute that the gaps between the richest and the poorest are increasing (see http://www.stanford.edu/group/scspi/sotu/SOTU_2014_CPI.pdf)...
Resumen: Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: i) determinar el efecto de la salinidad y la alcalinidad sobre la germinación final y el tiempo al 50% de germinación (T50) de 4 cultivares de C. gayana y ii) estudiar las respuestas de plantas de C. gayana cv. Finecut a la salinidad y alcalinidad. Las semillas se incubaron durante 21 días en soluciones que contenían (mM) 0, 100 y 200 de NaCl combinadas con dos niveles de pH: 5,8 y 9,5. Las plantas se cultivaron en soluciones nutritivas que contenían (mM) 0 y 200 de NaCl y dos niveles de pH: 5,8 y 8,5. La combinación 0 mM de NaClpH= 5,8 se consideró el control en ambos experimentos. La germinación final y el T50 de todos los cultivares mostraron valores similares a los del control con 100 mM de NaCl y pH 9,5. Todos los cultivares cuadriplicaron el T50 en 200 mM de NaCl respecto del control, excepto Tolgar que sólo lo duplicó. En las mismas condiciones, el incremento del pH de 5,8 a 9,5 incrementó aún más el T50 de los cultivares Finecut, Tolgar y Katambora. El cultivo de plantas de C. gayana en una solución nutritiva con 200 mM de NaCl indujo la disminución del peso seco del vástago (29 %) y la raíz (49%), del contenido relativo de agua (6%), del contenido de K+ y Ca2+ y de la relación [K+] / [Na+] y el aumento de la relación V/R y del contenido de Na+ y Cl-, en relación a los valores de las plantas control. En cambio, el incremento del pH de 5,8 a 8,5 solamente indujo el aumento de la MFE (24%) y del contenido de Na+ del vástago de las plantas cultivadas en las soluciones sin agregado de NaCl. En conclusión, para condiciones similares a las existentes en las zonas marginales de la Cuenca del Salado (10 dSm-1 y pH 8,5), todos los cultivares de C. gayana evaluados mostraron porcentajes de germinación similares al control. La alcalinidad tuvo poco efecto sobre el crecimiento de las plantas de C. gayana cv. Finecut, ya sea en ausencia o presencia de NaCl en la solución nutritiva (0 y 200 mM, respectivamente). Por lo tanto, desde el punto de vista de la tolerancia a la alcalinidad, C. gayana podría mostrar un nivel de crecimiento adecuado en los suelos salino/alcalinos de la Cuenca del Salado.
Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento de Chloris gayana Kunth (Grama Rhodes) cv. Fine Cut en relación con los rendimientos del campo natural. Este ensayo experimental se desarrolló en Verónica, Punta Indio, Provincia de Bs As. Las parcelas en donde se realizó el experimento fueron preparadas mediante labranza convencional. La siembra del cultivo se llevó a cabo el 4 Diciembre del 2009. Ésta se realizó en hileras distanciadas en 30cm y con una profundidad de 1cm. En cuanto al modelo experimental utilizado para la medición de biomasa de Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut (con fertilización y sin fertilización), y de macollos, se utilizó un Diseño de Bloques al azar, (DBA), tomando como unidad elemental cada parcela con dos tratamientos. En el caso de la medición de biomasa de campo natural vs. Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut no fertilizada se utilizó un Diseño Completamente Aleatorizado, (DCA), con tres repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante un análisis de varianzas. El rendimiento de Chloris gayana superó al obtenido en el campo natural, (3548,44 Kg Ms ha‐1 vs. 8447,25 kg MS ha‐1 para campo natural y Chloris gayana, respectivamente). La aplicación de 75 kg de Nitrógeno incrementó la producción de Ch. gayana hasta los 14144,34 kg MS ha‐1. Estos rendimientos fueron obtenidos en un lapso de tiempo que va desde fines de diciembre del 2011 hasta mediados de abril del 2012 período en el cual se realizaron 4 cortes. En el cuarto año de producción (2012‐2013) la pastura no rebrotó, siendo las causas aparentes un anegamiento temporario junto con una posible helada que afectó su rebrote. Los datos recolectados sugieren que esta especie podría ser considerada como una alternativa interesante para el incremento de la producción primaria en este ambiente.