990 resultados para Children hospitals


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Estat de la qüestió sobre l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació als hospitals pediàtrics per tal d'educar en el lleure i pal·liar l'aïllament d'infants i adolescents i les seves famílies durant l'estada a l'hospital. A partir del grau d'implantació de les tecnologies, s'ha fet una anàlisi de diverses experiències d'arreu del món. S'han identificat dos models diferents pel que fa als objectius: els que centren la seva atenció en aspectes curriculars i els que potencien aspectes lúdics. Ambdós compten amb la implicació del personal sanitari vinculat als pacients i amb la figura del voluntari per a gestionar aquests serveis. Les principals diferències entre els projectes estudiats són les fonts de finançament, la tipologia de serveis que ofereixen i la naturalesa de les entitas que els promociona.


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Les "Pautas para bibliotecas al servicio de pacientes de hospital, ancianos y discapacitados en centros de atención de larga duración" elaborades per l'IFLA són el marc normatiu de les biblioteques per a pacients. La seva existència, però, no garanteix el seu compliment; és per això que trobem realitats ben diverses, des dels hospitals que les reinterpreten i adeqüen a les seves necessitats i mitjans fins als que les ignoren o les desconeixen. En aquesta comunicació farem un recorregut per diverses alternatives o interpretacions als espais hospitalaris dedicats tant a l'oci com a la informació dels pacients en un context internacional. Es conclou que la biblioteca per a pacients és un servei en si mateix i es reivindica com un servei més al qual el malalt té dret.


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El estudio realizado demuestra la existencia de una polémica entre el uso terapéutico, por parte de profesionales, y el uso con finalidades lúdicas de la práctica que dificulta su implantación en España. Juzgar la eficacia de la biblioterapia es una tarea compleja, puesto que es difícil delimitar hasta qué punto los cambios experimentados por el paciente de deben a su uso o responden a otros factores (medicación u otras terapias). Para potenciar el uso de la biblioterapia, se propone incentivar una cooperación transversal entre profesionales de la salud y de la información para así crear una red de trabajo que garantice la calidad de su aplicación.


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Comunicação apresentada na 18th Conference International of Health Promotion Hospitals & Health Services "Tackling causes and consequences of inequalities in health: contributions of health services and the HPH network", em Manchester de 14-16 de april de 2010


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The rate of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and associated risk factors were determined in a cross-sectional study involving Swiss children's hospitals. S. aureus was isolated in 562 of 1363 cases. In a stepwise multivariate analysis, the variables age, duration of antibiotic use, and hospitalization of a household member were independently associated with carriage of S. aureus.


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The rate of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and associated risk factors were determined in a cross-sectional study involving Swiss children's hospitals. S. aureus was isolated in 562 of 1363 cases. In a stepwise multivariate analysis, the variables age, duration of antibiotic use, and hospitalization of a household member were independently associated with carriage of S. aureus.


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Background. According to the WHO 2007 country report, Haiti lags behind the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality and maintains the highest under-5 mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. 3 Overall, few studies exist that seek to better grasp barriers in caring for a seriously ill child in a resource-limited setting and only a handful propose sustainable, effective interventions. ^ Objectives. The objectives of this study are to describe the prevalence of serious illnesses among children hospitalized at 2 children's hospitals in Port au Prince, to determine the barriers faced when caring for seriously ill children, and to report hospital outcomes of children admitted with serious illnesses. ^ Methods. Data were gathered from 2 major children's hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti (Grace Children's Hospital [GCH] and Hopital d l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti [HUEH]) using a triangulated approach of focus group discussions, physician questionnaires, and retrospective chart review. 23 pediatric physicians participated in focus group discussions and completed a self-administered questionnaire evaluating healthcare provider knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers relating to the care of seriously ill children in a resource-limited setting. A sample of 240 patient charts meeting eligibility criteria was abstracted for pertinent elements including sociodemographics, documentation, treatment strategies, and outcomes. Factors associated with mortality were analyzed using χ2 test and Fisher exact test [Minitab v.15]. ^ Results. The most common primary diagnoses at admission were gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration (35.5%), severe malnutrition (25.8%), and pneumonia (19.3%) for GCH, and severe malnutrition (32.6%), sepsis (24.7%), and severe respiratory distress (18%) for HUEH. Overall, 12.9% and 27% of seriously ill patients presented with shock to GCH and HUEH, respectively. ^ Shortage of necessary materials and equipment represented the most commonly reported limitation (18/23 respondents). According to chart data, 9.4% of children presenting with shock did not receive a fluid bolus, and only 8% of patients presenting with altered mental status or seizures received a glucose check. 65% of patients with meningitis did not receive a lumbar puncture due to lack of materials. ^ Hospital mortality rates did not differ by gender or by institution. Children who died were more likely to have a history of prematurity (OR 4.97 [95% CI 1.32-18.80]), an incomplete vaccination record (OR 4.05 [95% CI 1.68-9.74]), or a weight for age ≤3rd percentile (OR 6.1 [95% CI 2.49-14.93]. Case-fatality rates were significantly higher among those who presented with signs of shock compared with those who did not (23.1% vs. 10.7%, RR=2.16, p=0.03). Caregivers did not achieve shock reversal in 21% of patients and did not document shock reversal in 50% of patients. ^ Conclusions. Many challenges face those who seek to optimize care for seriously ill children in resource-limited settings. Specifically, in Haiti, qualitative and quantitative data suggest major issues with lack of supplies, pre-hospital factors, including malnutrition as a comorbidity, and early recognition and management of shock. A tailored intervention designed to address these issues is needed in order to prospectively evaluate improvements in child mortality in a high-risk population.^


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BACKGROUND: The neonatal and pediatric antimicrobial point prevalence survey (PPS) of the Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children project (http://www.arpecproject.eu/) aims to standardize a method for surveillance of antimicrobial use in children and neonates admitted to the hospital within Europe. This article describes the audit criteria used and reports overall country-specific proportions of antimicrobial use. An analytical review presents methodologies on antimicrobial use.

METHODS: A 1-day PPS on antimicrobial use in hospitalized children was organized in September 2011, using a previously validated and standardized method. The survey included all inpatient pediatric and neonatal beds and identified all children receiving an antimicrobial treatment on the day of survey. Mandatory data were age, gender, (birth) weight, underlying diagnosis, antimicrobial agent, dose and indication for treatment. Data were entered through a web-based system for data-entry and reporting, based on the WebPPS program developed for the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption project.

RESULTS: There were 2760 and 1565 pediatric versus 1154 and 589 neonatal inpatients reported among 50 European (n = 14 countries) and 23 non-European hospitals (n = 9 countries), respectively. Overall, antibiotic pediatric and neonatal use was significantly higher in non-European (43.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 41.3-46.3% and 39.4%; 95% CI: 35.5-43.4%) compared with that in European hospitals (35.4; 95% CI: 33.6-37.2% and 21.8%; 95% CI: 19.4-24.2%). Proportions of antibiotic use were highest in hematology/oncology wards (61.3%; 95% CI: 56.2-66.4%) and pediatric intensive care units (55.8%; 95% CI: 50.3-61.3%).

CONCLUSIONS: An Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children standardized web-based method for a 1-day PPS was successfully developed and conducted in 73 hospitals worldwide. It offers a simple, feasible and sustainable way of data collection that can be used globally.


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A programme for the control of respiratory diseases in children was conceived for the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, in 1986. Its progress thereafter and the epidemiology of the diseases concerned are examined. Apart from an inquiry into the 64 existing State local health authorities, a sample of 18,255 cases of children assisted by the programme at different levels, including both in-patient and outpatient care, is analysed. Each case record included information about identification (child, doctor and health facility), reasons for calling, diagnoses made and outcome of treatment. Further data were also sought from hospitals and from State mortality records. The programme was found to be poorly implemented in the State but, where implemented, it showed itself capable of resolving problems (only 0.5% of the cases could not be handled) as also of changing ongoing trends (more than 50% reduction in hospital admission rates). Individual assessment of each item of the programme indicated its bottlenecks. Regarding the epidemiology of respiratory diseases, it is observed that the major burden to health services comes from children aged less than five, and that the most important diseases are wheezing illnesses and pneumonia. Morevoer, they were found to be significantly associated (p = 0.000) so that a child in the community presenting wheezing diseases is 5 times more likely to develop pneumonia than a child with any other respiratory diagnosis. Similarly, among the under five deaths it was found that the risk for pneumonia is 3 times greater for children who died presenting wheezing diseases than it is for children with any other sort of diagnosis. In conclusion, the programme is deemed to be efficient and effective but its efficacy is marred by administrative flaws. The successful control of respiratory problems in childhood is related to a proper appreciation of the importance of wheezing diseases.


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AIM: The morbidity associated with osteoporosis and fractures in children and adolescents with spina bifida highlights the importance of osteoporosis prevention and treatment in these patients. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence and pattern of bone fractures in paediatric patients with spina bifida. METHOD: We reviewed the data of all paediatric patients with spina bifida who were treated in our centre between 1999 and 2008. RESULTS: One hundred and thirteen patients were included in the study (63 females, 50 males; mean age 10y 8mo, SD 4y 10mo, range 6mo-18y). The motor levels were thoracic in six, upper lumbar in 22, lower lumbar in 42, and sacral in 43 patients. Of the 113 patients, 58 (51.3%) had shunted hydrocephalus. Thirty-six (31.8%) were non-ambulatory (wheelchair-dependent [unable to self-propel wheelchair] n=3, wheelchair-independent [able to self-propel wheelchair] n=33), 13 were partial ambulators, 61 were full ambulators, and three were below the age of walking. Forty-five fractures were reported in 25 patients. The distal femur was the most common fracture site. Statistical analyses showed that patients with higher levels of involvement and in wheelchairs had a significantly increased risk of having a [corrected] fracture (p<0.001). Spontaneous fractures were the principal mechanism of injury, and an association was identified between fracture mechanism, type of ambulation, and lesion level: the fractures of patients with higher levels of motor functioning and those in wheelchairs were mainly pathological (p=0.01). We identified an association between risk of a second fracture, higher motor level lesion, and non-ambulation. There was an increased risk of having a second fracture after a previous spontaneous fracture (p=0.004). INTERPRETATION: Data in this study indicate a high prevalence of fractures in patients with spina bifida.


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Preterm children born before 32 weeks of gestation represent 1% of the annual births in Switzerland, and are the most at risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities. A neurological surveillance is thus implemented in the neonatal units, and multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental follow-up is offered to all our preterm patients. The follow-up clinics of the University hospitals in Lausanne and Geneva follow the Swiss guidelines for follow-up. An extended history and neurological examination is taken at each appointment, and a standardized test of development is performed. These examinations, which take place between the ages of 3 months and 9 years old, allow the early identification and treatment of developmental disorders frequent in this population, such as motor, cognitive or behavioral disorders, as well as the monitoring of the quality of neonatal care.


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INTRODUCTION: When a child is seen in a clinic with a headache, stroke is certainly not the first on the list of differential diagnoses. In western countries, stroke is typically associated with adults and the elderly. Although rare, haemorrhagic strokes are not exceptional in the paediatric population, as their incidence is around 1/100 000/year. Prompt diagnosis is essential, since delayed treatment may lead to disastrous prognosis in these children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective review of paediatric cases with spontaneous cerebral haemorrhage that presented in two university hospitals in the last ten years. The experience of these primary and tertiary referral centres comprises 22 consecutive cases that are analysed according to aetiology, presenting symptoms, treatment and outcome. RESULTS: 77% of the children diagnosed with haemorrhagic stroke presented with headaches. 41% of them had a sudden onset, while 9% developed headaches over a period of hours to weeks. While 9% presented only with headaches, the majority had either subtle (diplopia, balance problems) or obvious (focal deficits, unilateral weakness and decreased level of consciousness) concomitant neurological signs. 55% had an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), 18% had an aneurysm and 14% had a cavernous malformation. In 14% the aetiology could not be determined. The majority of haemorrhages (82%) were supratentorial, while 18% bled into the posterior fossa. All children underwent an emergency cerebral CT scan followed by specific investigations. The treatment was dependent on the aetiology as well as the mass effect of the haematoma. In 23% an emergent evacuation of the haematoma was performed. Two children (9%) died, and 75% had a favourable clinical outcome. CONCLUSION: Headaches in children are a common problem, and a small minority may reveal an intracranial haemorrhage with poor prognosis if not treated promptly. Although characterisation of headaches is more difficult in a paediatric population, sudden, unusual or intense headaches should lead to imaging work-up. Any neurological finding, even one as subtle as hemianopsia or dysmetria, should alarm the physician and should be followed by emergency imaging investigation. If the cerebral CT reveals a haemorrhage, the child should be referred immediately to a neurosurgical referral centre without further investigation. The outcome is grim for children presenting in coma with fixed, dilated pupils. The long-term result overall for children after spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage is not dismal and depends critically on specialised management.