992 resultados para Characterization study


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The SnO2 material prepared by sol-gel method was modified by thiourea solution in different concentrations (0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 mol dm(-3)). Then the structure and the average grain size of the SnO2 material were investigated by X-ray power diffraction. In order to understand the nature of the species on the SnO2 surfaces, the thermal gravimetric and differential thermal analyzer (TG-DTA) and IR spectra of these modified and unmodified sample were taken. The result indicates that the stability of oxygen adsorbed on thiourea-modified surface was improved and the amount of surface hydroxyl groups adsorbed on this grain surface was decreased. The thiourea adsorbed on SnO2 grain surface is translated to SO42- after sintered at 600 degrees C. SO42- species stabilize the resistance of the SnO2 sensor. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CHARACTERIZATION STUDY OF CAMBUCI FRUIT [Campomanesia phaea (O. Berg.) Landrum] AND ITS APPLICATION IN JELLY PROCESSING The objective of this paper was to study possible differences of varieties of cambuci fruit reported by producers by means of fruit characterization and elaboration of jelly. The fruits were divided in four possible varieties groups, named as A, B, C and D, and submitted to analysis regarding weight, ash, moisture, pH, soluble solids, acidity, ratio, ascorbic acid and water activity. To the preparation of the jelly was chosen the variety A with two formulations, 50%50% and 40%60%, fruit and sugar respectively. Concerning the possible varieties of cambuci only water activity was not significantly different. The acidity and ratio of B variety are noteworthy, because it did differ from the others presenting a more satisfactory result for in natura consumption. All other tests presented statistic alteration of at least one variety, but since these data can be influenced by edaphoclimatic conditions they must be carefully observed. Lower results for pH, acidity, luminosity and degrees hue, were observed for the 60% sugar jelly sample, which contributed for its better results in the preference test for the attributes appearance, color, flavor and texture. The evaluation of attribute aroma of both samples (50% and 60%) did not differ.


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The kinetics of photomineralization of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) sensitized by Degussa P25 TiO2 in O2-saturated solution is studied as a function of the following different experimental parameters: pH, [TiO2], percentage O2 [O2], [4-CP], T, I, lambda and [KNO3]. At pH 2 and T=30-degrees-C the initial relative rate of CO2 photogeneration R(CO2) conforms to a Langmuir-Hinshelwood-type kinetic scheme and the relationship between R(CO2) and the various experimental parameters may be summarized as follows: R(CO2) = gammaK(O2)[O2](I(a))(theta)K(4-CP]0/(1 + K(O2])(1 + K(4-CP)[4-CP]0) where gamma is a proportionality constant, K(O2) = 0.044 +/- 0.005[O2]-1, theta = 0.74 +/- 0.05 and K(4-CP) = (29 +/- 3) x 10(3) dm3 mol-1. The overall activation energy for this photosystem was determined as 16 +/- 2 kJ mol-1. This work forms part of an overall characterization study in which it is proposed that the 4-CP-TiO2-O2 photosystem is adopted as a standard test system for incorporation into all future semiconductor-sensitized photomineralization studies in order to facilitate comparisons between the results of the different studies.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Anaerobic digestion of food scraps has the potential to accomplish waste minimization, energy production, and compost or humus production. At Bucknell University, removal of food scraps from the waste stream could reduce municipal solid waste transportation costs and landfill tipping fees, and provide methane and humus for use on campus. To determine the suitability of food waste produced at Bucknell for high-solids anaerobic digestion (HSAD), a year-long characterization study was conducted. Physical and chemical properties, waste biodegradability, and annual production of biodegradable waste were assessed. Bucknell University food and landscape waste was digested at pilot-scale for over a year to test performance at low and high loading rates, ease of operation at 20% solids, benefits of codigestion of food and landscape waste, and toprovide digestate for studies to assess the curing needs of HSAD digestate. A laboratory-scale curing study was conducted to assess the curing duration required to reduce microbial activity, phytotoxicity, and odors to acceptable levels for subsequent use ofhumus. The characteristics of Bucknell University food and landscape waste were tested approximately weekly for one year, to determine chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), and biodegradability (from batch digestion studies). Fats, oil, and grease and total Kjeldahl nitrogen were also tested for some food waste samples. Based on the characterization and biodegradability studies, Bucknell University dining hall food waste is a good candidate for HSAD. During batch digestion studies Bucknell University food waste produced a mean of 288 mL CH4/g COD with a 95%confidence interval of 0.06 mL CH4/g COD. The addition of landscape waste for digestion increased methane production from both food and landscape waste; however, because the landscape waste biodegradability was extremely low the increase was small.Based on an informal waste audit, Bucknell could collect up to 100 tons of food waste from dining facilities each year. The pilot-scale high-solids anaerobic digestion study confirmed that digestion ofBucknell University food waste combined with landscape waste at a low organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 g COD/L reactor volume-day is feasible. During low OLR operation, stable reactor performance was demonstrated through monitoring of biogas production and composition, reactor total and volatile solids, total and soluble chemical oxygendemand, volatile fatty acid content, pH, and bicarbonate alkalinity. Low OLR HSAD of Bucknell University food waste and landscape waste combined produced 232 L CH4/kg COD and 229 L CH4/kg VS. When OLR was increased to high loading (15 g COD/L reactor volume-day) to assess maximum loading conditions, reactor performance became unstable due to ammonia accumulation and subsequent inhibition. The methaneproduction per unit COD also decreased (to 211 L CH4/kg COD fed), although methane production per unit VS increased (to 272 L CH4/kg VS fed). The degree of ammonia inhibition was investigated through respirometry in which reactor digestate was diluted and exposed to varying concentrations of ammonia. Treatments with low ammoniaconcentrations recovered quickly from ammonia inhibition within the reactor. The post-digestion curing process was studied at laboratory-scale, to provide a preliminary assessment of curing duration. Digestate was mixed with woodchips and incubated in an insulated container at 35 °C to simulate full-scale curing self-heatingconditions. Degree of digestate stabilization was determined through oxygen uptake rates, percent O2, temperature, volatile solids, and Solvita Maturity Index. Phytotoxicity was determined through observation of volatile fatty acid and ammonia concentrations.Stabilization of organics and elimination of phytotoxic compounds (after 10–15 days of curing) preceded significant reductions of volatile sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide) after 15–20 days of curing. Bucknell University food waste has high biodegradability and is suitable for high-solids anaerobic digestion; however, it has a low C:N ratio which can result in ammonia accumulation under some operating conditions. The low biodegradability of Bucknell University landscape waste limits the amount of bioavailable carbon that it can contribute, making it unsuitable for use as a cosubstrate to increase the C:N ratio of food waste. Additional research is indicated to determine other cosubstrates with higher biodegradabilities that may allow successful HSAD of Bucknell University food waste at high OLRs. Some cosubstrates to investigate are office paper, field residues, or grease trap waste. A brief curing period of less than 3 weeks was sufficient to produce viable humus from digestate produced by low OLR HSAD of food and landscape waste.


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The interaction phenomena of nanosecond Q-switched diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser using 355nm radiation with 0.2mm thick 316L stainless steel foil was investigated at incident laser fluence range of 19 - 82Jcm-2. The characterization study was performed with and without the use of assist gas by utilizing micro supersonic minimum length nozzles (MLN), specifically designed for air at inlet chamber pressure of 8bar. MLN ranged in throat diameters of 200μm, 300μm, and 500μm respectively. Average etch rate per pulse under the influence of three micro supersonic impinging jets, for both oxygen and air showed the average etch rate was reduced when high-speed gas jets were utilized, compared to that without any gas jets, but significant variation was noticed between different jet sizes. Highest etch rate and quality was achieved with the smallest diameter nozzle, suggesting that micro nozzles can produce a viable process route for micro laser cutting.


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The results of a detailed characterization study of a novel UV-activated colorimetric oxygen indicator are described. The indicator uses nanoparticles of titania to photosensitize the reduction of methylene blue by triethanolamine in a polymer encapsulation medium, using UVA light. Upon UV irradiation, the indicator bleaches and remains in this colorless state in the dark, unless and until it is exposed to oxygen, whereupon its original color is restored. The indicator is reusable and irreversible. The rate of color recovery is proportional to the level of oxygen present. A layer of PET (poly(ethylene terephthalate)), of thickness b, placed on top of the indicator film slows down its response, and the 90% recovery time is proportional to b.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Une partie du travail a mené a un dépôt de brevet.


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La protection de l’environnement est un enjeu capital de la société contemporaine. Suite à la révolution industrielle, la contamination de l’environnement a pris divers chemins pour se retrouver dans notre eau, notre atmosphère et, de manière parfois moins évidente, dans nos sols. Considérant le nombre de sites contaminés répertoriés par le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, on peut s’interroger sur l’efficacité des dispositions prévues à la section IV.2.1 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement qui prévoit des pouvoirs d’ordonnance de caractérisation et de réhabilitation pouvant viser de manière rétroactive non seulement le pollueur et celui ayant permis la contamination, mais également, dans certains cas, le gardien, à quelque titre que ce soit, du terrain. En 2003, le cadre réglementaire en matière d’ordonnances de décontamination a fait l’objet d’une réforme majeure, dont les grandes lignes sont rapportées dans la première partie de cette étude. Toutefois, l’application de ces mesures relève d’un pouvoir de nature discrétionnaire pour le ministre, cette discrétion faisant l’objet de développements dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire. Le nombre d’ordonnances rendues par le ministre en matière de décontamination des sites est si peu élevé qu’on ne peut éviter de traiter, dans la dernière partie de notre étude, de l’éventuelle responsabilité de l’État en lien avec la contamination des sols, considérant les principes de développement durable et surtout, d’équité intergénérationnelle qui, selon nous, devraient se refléter dans l’application des pouvoirs d’ordonnance du ministre de l’Environnement.


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Purpose - Recently, Colac Otway Shire in Australia released its management plan for Lake Colac, claiming over-enrichment of the lake with nutrients and degraded water quality. This paper aims to investigate these claims by establishing a correlation between key water and ecological indicators and land uses.

Design/methodology/approach - Examines the correlation between impairment and stressors in Lake Colac. This was achieved by identifying the likely sources of pollutants into Lake Colac; identifying any existing monitoring program; and characterizing the water and sediment inputs. The likely impacts of increased nutrients and sediment levels on indigenous flora and fauna were also examined. The use of meiofauna (very small benthic metazoan animals) was investigated as an indicator of degraded sites. Plankton diversity as a measure of water health was also assessed.

Findings - Water quality in Lake Colac was found to vary both temporally and spatially, and exhibited low attainment against acceptable trigger values/objectives. At current levels the lake can be classified as poorly degraded. Likely sources of pollution were identified to be related to land uses in the catchments. The biota of the lake, investigated at four study sites, yielded a sparse, benthic macrofaunal assemblage that was dominated by oligochaetes. In contrast, an abundant and taxonomically diverse meiofaunal assemblage was noted. Future meiofaunal analyses are likely to resolve suitable biotic indicator species of free-living nematodes in response to land use and waterway threats specified in the study. Originality value - This work will provide a better understanding of integrated environmental systems to enable development of best management practices, thus transforming the way the land and water are used in the future. Following the present work, other key water and ecological indicators (increased dispersion and dominance of biological species) at five additional sites were studied. Alternative management options for the effluent generated at Colac Sewage Treatment Plant and possible ecological effects of each option were also evaluated. More recently, a sediment characterization study was also carried out at sensitive sites representative of locations where build up of sediments and algae outbreaks are reported. This will enable classification of sediment and evaluation of dredging options.