973 resultados para Certification authorities


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The introduction of the Australian curriculum, the use of standardised testing (e.g. NAPLAN) and the My School website have stimulated and in some cases renewed a range of boundaries for young people in Australian Education. Standardised testing has accentuated social reproduction in education with an increase in the numbers of students disengaging from mainstream education and applying for enrolment at the Edmund Rice Education Australia Flexible Learning Centre Network (EREAFLCN). Many young people are denied access to credentials and certification as they become excluded from standardised education and testing. The creativity and skills of marginalised youth are often evidence of general capabilities and yet do not appear to be recognised in mainstream educational institutions when standardised approaches are adopted. Young people who participate at the EREAFLCN arrive with a variety of forms of cultural capital, frequently utilising general capabilities, which are not able to be valued in current education and employment fields. This is not to say that these young people‟s different forms of cultural capital have no value, but rather that such funds of knowledge, repertoires and cultural capital are not valued by the majority of powerful agents in educational and employment fields. How then can the inherent value of traditionally unorthodox - yet often intricate, ingenious, and astute-versions of cultural capital evident in the habitus of many young people be made to count, be recognised, be valuated?Can a process of educational assessment be a field of capital exchange and a space which crosses boundaries through a valuating process? This paper reports on the development of an innovative approach to assessment in an alternative education institution designed for the re engagement of „at risk‟ youth who have left formal schooling. A case study approach has been used to document the engagement of six young people, with an educational approach described as assessment for learning as a field of exchange across two sites in the EREAFLCN. In order to capture the broad range of students‟ cultural and social capital, an electronic portfolio system (EPS) is under trial. The model draws on categories from sociological models of capital and reconceptualises the eportfolio as a sociocultural zone of learning and development. Results from the trial show a general tendency towards engagement with the EPS and potential for the attainment of socially valued cultural capital in the form of school credentials. In this way restrictive boundaries can be breached and a more equitable outcome achieved for many young Australians.


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Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA) pose considerable challenges to designers, operators and certification authorities. Questions concerning seating arrangement, nature and design of recreational space, the number, design and location of internal staircases, the number of cabin crew required and the nature of the cabin crew emergency procedures are just some of the issues that need to be addressed. Other more radical concepts such as blended wing body (BWB) design, involving one or two decks with possibly four or more aisles offer even greater challenges. Can the largest exits currently available cope with passenger flow arising from four or five aisles? Do we need to consider new concepts in exit design? Should the main aisles be made wider to accommodate more passengers? In this paper we demonstrate how computer based evacuation models can be used to investigate these issues through examination of staircase evacuation procedures for VLTA and aisle/exit configuration for BWB cabin layouts.


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Computer based mathematical models describing the aircraft evacuation process have a vital role to play in the design and development of safer aircraft, the implementation of safer and more rigorous certification criteria, in cabin crew training and post-mortem accident investigation. As the risk of personal injury and the costs involved in performing full-scale certification trials are high, the development and use of these evacuation modelling tools are essential. Furthermore, evacuation models provide insight into the evacuation process that is impossible to derive from a single certification trial. The airEXODUS evacuation model has been under development since 1989 with support from the UK CAA and the aviation industry. In addition to describing the capabilities of the airEXODUS evacuation model, this paper describes the findings of a recent CAA project aimed at investigating model accuracy in predicting past certification trials. Furthermore, airEXODUS is used to examine issues related to the Blended Wing Body (BWB) and Very Large Transport Aircraft (VLTA). These radical new aircraft concepts pose considerable challenges to designers, operators and certification authorities. BWB concepts involving one or two decks with possibly four or more aisles offer even greater challenges. Can the largest exits currently available cope with passenger flow arising from four or five aisles? Do we need to consider new concepts in exit design? Should the main aisle be made wider to accommodate more passengers? In this paper we discuss various issues evacuation related issues associated VLTA and BWB aircraft and demonstrate how computer based evacuation models can be used to investigage these issues through examination of aisle/exit configurations for BWB cabin layouts.


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A integração de serviços na perspetiva dos cidadãos e empresas e a necessidade de garantir algumas características da Administração Pública como a versatilidade e a competitividade colocam alguns constrangimentos na conceção das arquiteturas de integração de serviços. Para que seja possível integrar serviços de forma a que se garanta a mutabilidade da Administração Pública, é necessário criar dinamicamente workflows. No entanto, a criação de dinâmica de workflows suscita algumas preocupações ao nível da segurança, nomeadamente em relação à privacidade dos resultados produzidos durante a execução de um workflow e em relação à aplicação de políticas de controlo de participação no workflow pelos diversos executores do mesmo. Neste trabalho apresentamos um conjunto de princípios e regras (arquitetura) que permitem a criação e execução de workflows dinâmicos resolvendo, através de um modelo de segurança, as questões referidas. A arquitetura utiliza a composição de serviços para dessa forma construir serviços complexos a que poderá estar inerente um workflow dinâmico. A arquitetura usa ainda um paradigma de troca de mensagens-padrão entre os prestadores de serviços envolvidos num workflow dinâmico. O modelo de segurança proposto está intimamente ligado ao conjunto de mensagens definido na arquitetura. No âmbito do trabalho foram identificadas e analisadas várias arquiteturas e/ou plataformas de integração de serviços. A análise realizada teve como objetivo identificar as arquiteturas que permitem a criação de workflows dinâmicos e, destas, aquelas que utilizam mecanismos de privacidade para os resultados e de controlo de participação dos executores desses workflows. A arquitetura de integração que apresentamos é versátil, escalável, permite a prestação concorrente de serviços entre prestadores de serviços e permite criar workflows dinâmicos. A arquitetura permite que as entidades executoras do workflow decidam sobre a sua participação, decidam sobre a participação de terceiros (a quem delegam serviços) e decidam a quem entregam os resultados. Os participantes são acreditados por entidades certificadores reconhecidas pelos demais participantes. As credenciais fornecidas pelas entidades certificadoras são o ponto de partida para a aplicação de políticas de segurança no âmbito da arquitetura. Para validar a arquitetura proposta foram identificados vários casos de uso que exemplificam a necessidade de construção de workflows dinâmicos para atender a serviços complexos (não prestados na íntegra por uma única entidade). Estes casos de uso foram implementados num protótipo da arquitetura desenvolvido para o efeito. Essa experimentação permitiu concluir que a arquitetura está adequada para prestar esses serviços usando workflows dinâmicos e que na execução desses workflows os executores dispõem dos mecanismos de segurança adequados para controlar a sua participação, a participação de terceiros e a privacidade dos resultados produzidos no âmbito dos mesmos.


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Detecting misbehavior (such as transmissions of false information) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a very important problem with wide range of implications, including safety related and congestion avoidance applications. We discuss several limitations of existing misbehavior detection schemes (MDS) designed for VANETs. Most MDS are concerned with detection of malicious nodes. In most situations, vehicles would send wrong information because of selfish reasons of their owners, e.g. for gaining access to a particular lane. It is therefore more important to detect false information than to identify misbehaving nodes. We introduce the concept of data-centric misbehavior detection and propose algorithms which detect false alert messages and misbehaving nodes by observing their actions after sending out the alert messages. With the data-centric MDS, each node can decide whether an information received is correct or false. The decision is based on the consistency of recent messages and new alerts with reported and estimated vehicle positions. No voting or majority decisions is needed, making our MDS resilient to Sybil attacks. After misbehavior is detected, we do not revoke all the secret credentials of misbehaving nodes, as done in most schemes. Instead, we impose fines on misbehaving nodes (administered by the certification authority), discouraging them to act selfishly. This reduces the computation and communication costs involved in revoking all the secret credentials of misbehaving nodes. © 2011 IEEE.


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El uso de Internet por parte de los ciudadanos para relacionarse con las Administraciones Públicas o en relación con actividades de comercio electrónico crece día a día. Así lo evidencian los diferentes estudios realizados en esta materia, como los que lleva a cabo el Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información (http://www.ontsi.red.es/ontsi/). Se hace necesario, por tanto, identificar a las partes intervinientes en estas transacciones, además de dotarlas de la confidencialidad necesaria y garantizar el no repudio. Uno de los elementos que, junto con los mecanismos criptográficos apropiados, proporcionan estos requisitos, son los certificados electrónicos de servidor web. Existen numerosas publicaciones dedicadas a analizar esos mecanismos criptográficos y numerosos estudios de seguridad relacionados con los algoritmos de cifrado, simétrico y asimétrico, y el tamaño de las claves criptográficas. Sin embargo, la seguridad relacionada con el uso de los protocolos de seguridad SSL/TLS está estrechamente ligada a dos aspectos menos conocidos:  el grado de seguridad con el que se emiten los certificados electrónicos de servidor que permiten implementar dichos protocolos; y  el uso que hacen las aplicaciones software, y en especial los navegadores web, de los campos que contiene el perfil de dichos certificados. Por tanto, diferentes perfiles de certificados electrónicos de servidor y diferentes niveles de seguridad asociados al procedimiento de emisión de los mismos, dan lugar a diferentes tipos de certificados electrónicos. Si además se considera el marco jurídico que afecta a cada uno de ellos, se puede concluir que existe una tipología de certificados de servidor, con diferentes grados de seguridad o de confianza. Adicionalmente, existen otros requisitos que también pueden pasar desapercibidos tanto a los titulares de los certificados como a los usuarios de los servicios de comercio electrónico y administración electrónica. Por ejemplo, el grado de confianza que otorgan los navegadores web a las Autoridades de Certificación emisoras de los certificados y cómo estas adquieren tal condición, o la posibilidad de poder verificar el estado de revocación del certificado electrónico. El presente trabajo analiza todos estos requisitos y establece, en función de los mismos, la correspondiente tipología de certificados electrónicos de servidor web. Concretamente, las características a analizar para cada tipo de certificado son las siguientes:  Seguridad jurídica.  Normas técnicas.  Garantías sobre la verdadera identidad del dominio.  Verificación del estado de revocación.  Requisitos del Prestador de Servicios de Certificación. Los tipos de certificados electrónicos a analizar son:  Certificados de servidor web:  Certificados autofirmados y certificados emitidos por un Prestador de Servicios de Certificación.  Certificados de dominio simple y certificados multidominio (wildcard y SAN)  Certificados de validación extendida.  Certificados de sede electrónica. ABSTRACT Internet use by citizens to interact with government or with e-commerce activities is growing daily. This topic is evidenced by different studies in this area, such as those undertaken by the Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información (http://www.ontsi.red.es/ontsi/ ). Therefore, it is necessary to identify the parties involved in these transactions, as well as provide guaranties such as confidentiality and non-repudiation. One instrument which, together with appropriate cryptographic mechanisms, provides these requirements is SSL electronic certificate. There are numerous publications devoted to analyzing these cryptographic mechanisms and many studies related security encryption algorithms, symmetric and asymmetric, and the size of the cryptographic keys. However, the safety related to the use of security protocols SSL / TLS is closely linked to two lesser known aspects:  the degree of security used in issuing the SSL electronic certificates; and  the way software applications, especially web Internet browsers, work with the fields of the SSL certificates profiles. Therefore, the diversity of profiles and security levels of issuing SSL electronic certificates give rise to different types of certificates. Besides, some of these electronic certificates are affected by a specific legal framework. Consequently, it can be concluded that there are different types of SSL certificates, with different degrees of security or trustworthiness. Additionally, there are other requirements that may go unnoticed both certificate holders and users of e-commerce services and e-Government. For example, the degree of trustworthiness of the Certification Authorities and how they acquire such a condition by suppliers of Internet browsers, or the possibility to verify the revocation status of the SSL electronic certificate. This paper discusses these requirements and sets, according to them, the type of SSL electronic certificates. Specifically, the characteristics analyzed for each type of certificate are the following:  Legal security.  Technical standards.  Guarantees to the real identity of the domain.  Check the revocation status.  Requirements of the Certification Services Providers. The types of electronic certificates to be analyzed are the following:  SSL electronic certificates:  Self-signed certificates and certificates issued by a Certification Service Provider.  Single-domain certificates and multi-domain certificates (wildcard and SAN)  Extended Validation Certificates.  “Sede electrónica” certificates (specific certificates for web sites of Spanish Public Administrations).


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As the number of potential applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) grows in civilian operations and national security, National Airworthiness Authorities are under increasing pressure to provide a path for certification and allow UAS integration into the national airspace. The success of this integration depends on developments in improved UAS reliability and safety, regulations for certification, and technologies for operational performance and safety assessment. This paper focusses on the latter and describes the use of a framework for evaluating robust autonomy of UAS, namely, the autonomous system’s ability to either continue operation in the presence of faults or safely shut down. The paper draws parallels between the proposed evaluation framework and the evaluation of pilots during the licensing process. It also discusses how the data from the proposed evaluation can be uses as an aid for decision making in certification and UAS designs.


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As the number of Uninhabited Airborne Systems (UAS) proliferates in civil applications, industry is increasingly putting pressure on regulation authorities to provide a path for certification and allow UAS integration into regulated airspace. The success of this integration depends on developments in improved UAS reliability and safety, regulations for certification, and technologies for operational performance and safety assessment. This paper focusses on the last topic and describes a framework for quantifying robust autonomy of UAS, which quantifies the system's ability to either continue operating in the presence of faults or safely shut down. Two figures of merit are used to evaluate vehicle performance relative to mission requirements and the consequences of autonomous decision making in motion control and guidance systems. These figures of merit are interpreted within a probabilistic framework, which extends previous work in the literature. The valuation of the figures of merit can be done using stochastic simulation scenarios during both vehicle development and certification stages with different degrees of integration of hardware-in-the-loop simulation technology. The objective of the proposed framework is to aid in decision making about the suitability of a vehicle with respect to safety and reliability relative to mission requirements.


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Certains mouvements sociaux transnationaux (MSTN) militent pour le respect des normes sociales et environnementales en particulier dans les pays à bas salaires. Ils développent pour cela de nouveaux instruments, des labels et des codes de conduites. Ces mouvements sociaux transnationaux cherchent au travers ces derniers à renforcer la régulation sociale, environnementale et sa démocratisation au plan international. Mais la privatisation de la vérification des normes sociales et environnementales nuit à l’indépendance économique des auditeurs. Ainsi, ce mode de régulation s’avère contraire à leur objectif à long terme : une régulation sociale encadrée par des pouvoirs publics démocratisés.


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In this paper I argue that a voluntary certification system for highly accomplished teachers must be part of a coherent system of professional accountability which is developed, implemented and managed by the profession. This would be a system that engages professional judgement of evidence provided by teachers in relation to their professional knowledge and practice, and professional standards for teaching would provide the organising framework for that judgment. It would be a system incorporating and aligning all forms of professional licensure, including entry into the profession and subsequent professional milestones. It would be a system that all partners in the profession across Australia—employers, professional associations, and registration authorities—endorse, participate in and align with.

The profession can take the lead in developing and implementing such a coherent and coordinated national approach by carefully developing a system to recognise and reward highly accomplished teaching. Such a system should aim to recognise and build teacher quality by defining what it is highly accomplished teachers know and are able to do. Moreover, such a system must fi nd ways of making teaching public and acknowledging teaching as intellectual work which involves professional judgment that draws on a recognised professional knowledge base and contextualised knowledge about students and their learning.

The paper is presented in two main sections. First, a proposed conceptual framework for the professional recognition and certification of highly accomplished teachers is outlined. Then, the argument for this proposed conceptual framework is presented drawing on learnings from relevant research and professional activity in both Australia and the USA.