28 resultados para Catenary
Catenary risers can present during installation a very low tension close to seabed, which combined with torsion moment can lead to a structural instability, resulting in a loop. This is undesirable once it is possible that the loop turns into a kink, creating damage. This work presents a numerical methodology to analyze the conditions of loop formation in catenary risers. Stability criteria were applied to finite element models, including geometric nonlinearities and contact constraint due to riser-seabed interaction. The classical Greenhill's formula was used to predict the phenomenon and parametric analysis shows a “universal plot” able to predict instability in catenaries using a simple equation that can be applied for typical risers installation conditions and, generically, for catenary lines under torsion.
A mathematical model, numerical simulations and stability and flow regime maps corresponding to severe slugging in pipeline riser systems, are presented. In the simulations air and water were used as flowing fluids. The mathematical model considers continuity equations for liquid and gas phases, with a simplified momentum equation for the mixture, neglecting inertia. A drift-flux model, evaluated for the local conditions in the riser, is used as a closure law. The developed model predicts the location of the liquid accumulation front in the pipeline and the liquid level in the riser, so it is possible to determine which type of severe slugging occurs in the system. The numerical procedure is convergent for different nodalizations. A comparison is made with experimental results corresponding to a catenary riser, showing very good results for slugging cycle and stability and flow regime maps. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Análise dos métodos de medição dos parâmetros geométricos de via e correlação entre os dados obtidos
A razão atribuída à escolha do tema do T.F.M. em Caminhos-de-ferro, tem a ver com o facto de ser uma via de comunicação específica. Contrariamente ao que acontece na execução de auto-estradas, no caminho-de-ferro, a gestora da infra-estrutura responsabiliza-se pela execução, exploração (sinalização e controlo de circulação), abastecimento de energia fornecida às vias que dispõem de catenária (tracção eléctrica), manutenção e conservação da via. O processo de análise e inspecção de geometria de via, é usado quando e necessário preservar a infra-estrutura. Este processo iniciou-se nos caminhos-de-ferro portugueses, há muitos anos, depois da inauguração do primeiro troco de linha férrea. A primeira viagem ocorre em Outubro de 1856, sendo o início do processo em 1968, com a dresina “Matisa PV-6”. Em 1991 a C.P. adquiriu outro veículo de inspecção de via, tendo sido escolhido o VIV02 EM 120 da marca Plasser & Theurer, para substituir “Matisa PV-6”. O tema Análise dos Métodos de Medição dos Parâmetros Geométricos de Via e Correlação entre os Dados Obtidos está directamente relacionado com a manutenção e conservação de via. Na Unidade Operacional Sul (hoje ROS – Região Operacional Sul), local onde desenvolvi o T.F.M., não existem obras de construção de caminhos-de-ferro que pudesse acompanhar e constituir tema para o meu trabalho. Na realidade, com a falta de investimento que se perspectiva no futuro próximo, a manutenção da infra-estrutura passa a ser a actividade principal desenvolvida pela REFER, de modo a assegurar a comodidade, segurança e rapidez na deslocação de cargas e pessoas. A Analise Geométrica de Via e actualmente uma das principais actividades no âmbito da manutenção, que é feita por diagnóstico, contrariamente ao que acontecia no passado em que a conservação metódica era realizada num determinado ano num troço seleccionado independentemente da necessidade ou não da mesma. Uma ajuda preciosa, no que se refere à decisão de se realizar um determinado trabalho de conservação, e a do veículo VIV02 EM 120 que faz inspeções ao longo de toda a rede ferroviária e permite recolher dados e classificar através do desvio padrão, troços com extensão de 200 metros, obtendo os dados relevantes sobre a necessidade de intervenção. Para além do referido veículo existem também equipamentos ligeiros de inspecção dos parâmetros geométricos de via. Um desses equipamentos designa-se por Trólei, não sendo motorizado, pois o mesmo é movido manualmente por um operador. Obviamente que este equipamento não faz a inspecção a toda a rede pois a operação de medição é morosa, sendo contudo utilizado para análise de defeitos geométricos em pequenos trocos, tornando-se assim uma mais-valia, evitando o deslocar de um equipamento “pesado” como o VIV 02 EM 120. Para atingir os objectivos deste trabalho realizaram-se testes de medição com ambos (veiculo e equipamento ligeiro), no mesmo espaço temporal e com as mesmas características físicas, como a temperatura, humidade etc. Os resultados, de acordo com os objectivos, são a comparação entre as medições de ambos, com vista a comprovar a sua utilidade e necessidade, de acordo com os vários tipos de superstruturas constituintes da rede ferroviária nacional.
The top velocity of high-speed trains is generally limited by the ability to supply the proper amount of energy through the pantograph-catenary interface. The deterioration of this interaction can lead to the loss of contact, which interrupts the energy supply and originates arcing between the pantograph and the catenary, or to excessive contact forces that promote wear between the contacting elements. Another important issue is assessing on how the front pantograph influences the dynamic performance of the rear one in trainsets with two pantographs. In this work, the track and environmental conditions influence on the pantograph-catenary is addressed, with particular emphasis in the multiple pantograph operations. These studies are performed for high speed trains running at 300 km/h with relation to the separation between pantographs. Such studies contribute to identify the service conditions and the external factors influencing the contact quality on the overhead system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trabalho de Projecto de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE
The aim of this paper is to present some fundamental aspects of the history of the number e, in particular those related to its origin, a little uncertain, and their unavoidable presence in the most diverse applications in various branches of science. We will highlight the importance of this number in compound interest problems, in the Napier’s logarithms, in the quadrature of the hyperbola, in the catenary problem and mostly in the lush Euler’s contribution to the subject.
In tropical forests, the environmental heterogeneity can provide niche partitioning at local scales and determine the diversity and plant species distribution. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the variations of tree species structure and distribution in response to relief and soil profile features in a portion of the largest remnant of Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. All trees >= 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded in two 0.99 ha plots. Topographic survey and a soil characterization were accomplished in both plots. Topsoil samples (0-20 cm) were taken from 88 quadrats and analyzed for chemical and particle size properties. Differences for both diversity and tree density were identified among three kinds of soils. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the specific abundance varied among the three kinds of soils mapped: a shallow Udept - Orthent / Aquent gradient, probably due to differences in soil drainage. Nutrient content was less likely to affect tree species composition and distribution than relief, pH, Al3+, and soil texture. Some species were randomly distributed and did not show restriction to relief and soil properties. However, preferences in niche occupation detected in this study, derived from the catenary environments found, rise up as an important explanation for the high tree species diversity in tropical forests.
This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for a girth weld made of an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves. Use of these materials is motivated by the increasing demand in the number of applications for manufacturing high strength pipes for the oil and gas industry including marine applications and steel catenary risers. Testing of the pipeline girth welds employed side-grooved, clamped SE(T) specimens and shallow crack bend SE(B) specimens with a weld centerline notch to determine the crack growth resistance curves based upon the unloading compliance (UC) method using the single specimen technique. Recently developed compliance functions and η-factors applicable for SE(T) and SE(B) fracture specimens with homogeneous material and overmatched welds are introduced to determine crack growth resistance data from laboratory measurements of load-displacement records.
The railway overhead (or catenary) is the system of cables responsible for providing electric current to the train. This system has been reported as wind-sensitive (Scanlon et al., 2000), and particularly to the occurrence of galloping phenomena. Galloping phenomena of the railway overhead consists of undamped cable oscillations triggered by aerodynamic forces acting on the contact wire. As is well known, aerodynamic loads on the contact wire depends on the incident flow mean velocity and the angle of attack. The presence of embankments or hills modifies both vertical velocities profiles and angles of attack of the flow (Paiva et al., 2009). The presence of these cross-wind related oscillations can interfere with the safe operation of the railway service (Johnson, 1996). Therefore a correct modelling of the phenomena is required to avoid these unwanted oscillations.
Overhead rigid conductor arrangements for current collection for railway traction have some advantages compared to other, more conventional, energy supply systems. They are simple, robust and easily maintained, not to mention their flexibility as to the required height for installation, which makes them particularly suitable for use in subway infrastructures. Nevertheless, due to the increasing speeds of new vehicles running on modern subway lines, a more efficient design is required for this kind of system. In this paper, the authors present a dynamic analysis of overhead conductor rail systems focused on the design of a new conductor profile with a dynamic behaviour superior to that of the system currently in use. This means that either an increase in running speed can be attained, which at present does not exceed 110 km/h, or an increase in the distance between the rigid catenary supports with the ensuing saving in installation costs. This study has been carried out using simulation techniques. The ANSYS programme has been used for the finite element modelling and the SIMPACK programme for the elastic multibody systems analysis.
The purpose of this study is to determine the critical wear levels of the contact wire of the catenary on metropolitan lines. The study has focussed on the zones of contact wire where localised wear is produced, normally associated with the appearance of electric arcs. To this end, a finite element model has been developed to study the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction. The model includes a zone of localised wear and a singularity in the contact wire in order to simulate the worst case scenario from the point of view of stresses. In order to consider the different stages in the wire wear process, different depths and widths of the localised wear zone were defined. The results of the dynamic simulations performed for each stage of wear let the area of the minimum resistant section of the contact wire be determined for which stresses are greater than the allowable stress. The maximum tensile stress reached in the contact wire shows a clear sensitivity to the size of the local wear zone, defined by its width and depth. In this way, if the wear measurements taken with an overhead line recording vehicle are analysed, it will be possible to calculate the potential breakage risk of the wire. A strong dependence of the tensile forces of the contact wire has also been observed. These results will allow priorities to be set for replacing the most critical sections of wire, thereby making maintenance much more efficient. The results obtained show that the wire replacement criteria currently borne in mind have turned out to be appropriate, although in some wear scenarios these criteria could be adjusted even more, and so prolong the life cycle of the contact wire.