946 resultados para Cambial and apical meristems
O estudo da dinâmica de crescimento em espécies arbóreas permite melhor compreender a adaptação de uma espécie ao ambiente em que se desenvolve. Dados dessa natureza ainda são escassos no Brasil considerando-se a diversidade de espécies e fitofisionomias existentes. Esse tipo de estudo tem sido apontado como de grande relevância principalmente diante das situações atuais de desmatamento e mudanças climáticas, que exigem recuperação de áreas degradadas e prospectar como as espécies nativas sobreviveram diante deste ambiente de aceleradas mudanças. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a dinâmica de crescimento de Tabebuia rosea, por meio do monitoramento mensal da fenologia apical e cambial caulinar e dos teores dos pigmentos fotossintetizantes: clorofilas a, b, totais e carotenoides. Os resultados obtidos foram correlacionados entre si e também com a sazonalidade das variáveis ambientais: temperatura, precipitação e fotoperíodo. No que se refere aos teores dos pigmentos fotossintetizantes, foi também avaliada as oscilações observadas nas folhas obtidas nas orientações geográficas: norte, sul, leste e oeste. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Campus da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. A fenologia dos ápices caulinares foi acompanhada mensalmente a partir de observações qualitativas e quantitativas em 15 indivíduos. As amostras contendo a zona cambial foram obtidas por método não destrutivo e processadas segundo as técnicas usuais em histologia vegetal. A extração dos pigmentos fotossintéticos foi realizada em acetona 80%, com posterior centrifugação e análise ao espectrofotômetro em diferentes comprimentos de onda. Tabebuia rosea apresentou aumento na largura da zona cambial em número de camadas celulares e em micrômetros, diminuição do diâmetro radial da célula inicial fusiforme e aumento em micrômetros da camada de células em processo de alongamento e diferenciação do xilema secundário no mesmo período em que a copa das árvores estava ocupada por folhas adultas e com os teores mais elevados de clorofilas nas folhas, coincidindo com o período em que as variáveis ambientais apresentaram-se elevadas, corroborando os resultados já obtidos para outras espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica se desenvolvendo no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A maior concentração de carotenoides foi observada no período em que as variáveis ambientais apresentavam índices elevados e as plantas estavam mais expostas à radiação luminosa, possivelmente em função de um maior investimento em fotoproteção. Cabe destacar que o lado oeste da copa das árvores mostrou uma tendência em apresentar maiores concentrações dos pigmentos fotossintéticos estudados, resultado ainda não observado na literatura até o momento, o que pode ser uma estratégia da espécie em compensar níveis baixos de radiação solar com acúmulo de clorofilas.
Bibliography: p. 29-30.
Epithelial invagination in many model systems is driven by apical cell constriction, mediated by actin and myosin II contraction regulated by GTPase activity. Here we investigate apical constriction during chick lens placode invagination. Inhibition of actin polymerization and myosin II activity by cytochalasin D or blebbistatin prevents lens invagination. To further verify if lens placode invaginate through apical constriction, we analyzed the role of Rho-ROCK pathway. Rho GTPases expression at the apical portion of the lens placode occurs with the same dynamics as that of the cytoskeleton. Overexpression of the pan-Rho inhibitor C3 exotoxin abolished invagination and had a strong effect on apical myosin II enrichment and a mild effect on apical actin localization. In contrast, pharmacological inhibition of ROCK activity interfered significantly with apical enrichment of both actin and myosin. These results suggest that apical constriction in lens invagination involves ROCK but apical concentration of actin and myosin are regulated through different pathways upstream of ROCK. genesis 49: 368-379, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Effect of intracanal dressings on repair and apical bridging of teeth with incomplete root formation
Periapical repair and apical bridging were studied in dog's teeth with incomplete root formation and induced chronic periapical lesions treated with different dressings. A total of 75 root canals from the upper and lower premolars of 4 dogs approximately 6 months of age were chemo-mechanically prepared and filled with the following dressings: antibacterial dressing consisting of a calcium hydroxide+camphorated p-monochlorophenol paste applied for 7 days and followed by monthly renewed calcium hydroxide paste as temporary dressing at 30, 60 and 90 days (Group A); antibacterial dressing consisting of camphorated p-monochlorophenol alone for 7 days, followed by temporary dressing with calcium hydroxide paste renewed at 30, 60 and 90 days (Group B). A control group (Group C) received no dressings. Ninety days after the last calcium hydroxide paste (Groups A, B) and after the last irrigation/aspiration (Group C), the animals were killed, the maxillae and mandibles were removed, and the material submitted to routine histological processing and examination. Both root canal dressings, were of fundamental importance for apical repair and bridging. The apical bridging was predominantly complete in Group A, incomplete in Group B, and absent in Group C. The calcium hydroxide+camphorated p-monochlorophenol combination gave better results than camphorated p-monochlorophenol alone.
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the correspondence between gap formation and apical microleakage in root canals filled with epoxy resin-based (AH Plus) combined or not with resinous primer or with a dimethacrylate-based root canal sealer (Epiphany). Material and Methods: Thirty-nine lower single-rooted human premolars were filled by the lateral condensation technique (LC) and immersed in a 50-wt% aqueous silver nitrate solution at 37 degrees C (24 h). After longitudinal sectioning, epoxy resin replicas were made from the tooth specimens. Both the replicas and the specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The gaps were observed in the replicas. Apical microleakage was detected in the specimens by SEM/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The data were analyzed statistically using an Ordinal Logistic Regression model and Analysis of Correspondence (alpha=0.05). Results: Epiphany presented more regions containing gaps between dentin and sealer (p<0.05). There was correspondence between the presence of gaps and microleakage (p<0.05). Microleakage was similar among the root-filling materials (p>0.05). Conclusions: The resinous primer did not improve the sealing ability of AH Plus sealer and the presence of gaps had an effect on apical microleakage for all materials.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the thickness and the anatomic characteristics of the Schneiderian membrane and cortical bone using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scannning in patients referred for planning of apical surgery of maxillary molars.
The LEAFY/FLORICAULA genes from Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum are necessary for normal flower development and play a key role in diverse angiosperm species. A homologue of these flower meristem-identity genes, NEEDLY (NLY), has been identified in Pinus radiata. Although the NLY protein shares extensive sequence similarity with its angiosperm counterparts, it is lacking the proline-rich and acidic motifs thought to function as transcriptional activation domains. NLY already is expressed during vegetative development at least 5 years before the transition to the reproductive phase. Expression of NLY in transgenic Arabidopsis promotes floral fate, demonstrating that, despite its sequence divergence, NLY encodes a functional ortholog of the FLORICAULA/LEAFY genes of angiosperms. Expression of the LFY∷NLY transgene can largely complement the defects in flower development caused by a severe lfy allele.
The role of basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange in transepithelial HCO3- absorption (JHCO3) was examined in the isolated, perfused medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) of the rat. In Na(+)-free solutions, addition of Na+ to the bath resulted in a rapid, amiloride-sensitive increase in intracellular pH. In MTALs perfused and bathed with solutions containing 146 mM Na+ and 25 mM HCO3-, bath addition of amiloride (1 mM) or 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA, 50 microM) reversibly inhibited JHCO3 by 50%. Evidence that the inhibition of JHCO3 by bath amiloride was the result of inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange included the following: (i) the IC50 for amiloride was 5-10 microM, (ii) EIPA was a 50-fold more potent inhibitor than amiloride, (iii) the inhibition by bath amiloride was Na+ dependent, and (iv) significant inhibition was observed with EIPA as low as 0.1 microM. Fifty micromolar amiloride or 1 microM EIPA inhibited JHCO3 by 35% when added to the bath but had no effect when added to the tubule lumen, indicating that addition of amiloride to the bath did not directly inhibit apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange. In experiments in which apical Na+/H+ exchange was assessed from the initial rate of cell acidification following luminal EIPA addition, bath EIPA secondarily inhibited apical Na+/H+ exchange activity by 46%. These results demonstrate basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange enhances transepithelial HCO3- absorption in the MTAL. This effect appears to be the result of cross-talk in which an increase in basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity secondarily increases apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity.
Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are adapted to diverse environmental conditions from the tropics to about 70ºN, so different responses to environmental conditions can be found. Most genotypes of garden strawberry (F. x ananassa Duch.) and woodland strawberry (F. vesca L.) are short-day (SD) plants that are induced to flowering by photoperiods under a critical limit, but also various photoperiod x temperature interactions can be found. In addition, continuously flowering everbearing (EB) genotypes are found. In addition to flowering, axillary bud differentiation in strawberry is regulated by photoperiod. In SD conditions, axillary buds differentiate to rosette-like structures called "branch crowns", whereas in long-day conditions (LD) they form runners, branches with 2 long internodes followed by a daughter plant (leaf rosette). The number of crown branches determines the yield of the plant, since inflorescences are formed from the apical meristems of the crown. Although axillary bud differentiation is an important developmental process in strawberries, its environmental and hormonal regulation has not been characterized in detail. Moreover, the genetic mechanisms underlying axillary bud differentiation and regulation of flowering time in these species are almost completely unresolved. These topics have been studied in this thesis in order to enhance strawberry research, cultivation and breeding. The results showed that 8-12 SD cycles suppressed runner initiation from the axillary buds of the garden strawberry cv. Korona with the concomitant induction of crown branching, and 3 weeks of SD was sufficient for the induction of flowering in the main crown. Furthermore, a second SD treatment given a few weeks after the first SD period can be used to induce flowering in the primary branch crowns and to induce the formation of secondary branches. Thus, artificial SD treatments effectively stimulate crown branching, providing one means for the increase of cropping (yield) potential in strawberry. It was also shown by growth regulation applications, quantitave hormone analysis and gene expression analysis that gibberellin (GA) is one of the key signals involved in the photoperiod control of shoot differentiation. The results indicate that photoperiod controls GA activity specifically in axillary buds, thereby determining bud fate. It was further shown that chemical control of GA biosynthesis by prohexadione-calcium can be utilized to prevent excessive runner formation and induce crown branching in strawberry fields. Moreover, ProCa increased berry yield up to 50%, showing that it is an easier and more applicable alternative to artificial SD treatments for controlling strawberry crown development and yield. Finally, flowering gene pathways in Fragaria were explored by searching for homologs of 118 Arabidopsis thaliana flowering-time genes. In total, 66 gene homologs were identified, and they distributed to all known flowering pathways, suggesting the presence of these pathways also in strawberry. Expression analysis of selected genes revealed that the mRNA of putative floral identity gene APETALA1 accumulated in the shoot apex of the EB genotype after the induction of flowering, whereas it was absent in vegetative SD genotype, indicating the usefulness of this gene product as the marker of floral initiation. The present data enables the further exploration of strawberry flowering pathways with genetic transformation, gene mapping and transcriptomics methods.
Flowering is generally considered to be advanced by water deficits in many woody perennial species. A long-standing paradigm being that as a plant senses severe environmental conditions resources are diverted away from vegetative growth and towards reproduction before death. It is demonstrated that in Rhododendron flowering is promoted under water deficit treatments. However, the promotion of flowering is not achieved via all increase in floral initiation, but through separate developmental responses. If regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is imposed prior to the time of initiation, fewer vegetative nodes are formed before the apical meristems switch to floral initiation, and chronologically, floral initiation occurs earlier. Both RDI and partial rootzone drying (PRD) treatments stimulate the development of more flowers Oil each inflorescence if the treatments are continued after the plant has undergone floral initiation. However, floral initiation is inhibited by soil water deficits. If the soil water deficit continues beyond the stages of floral development then anthesis call occur prematurely oil the fully formed floral buds without a need for a winter chilling treatment. It is hypothesised that inhibition of floral initiation in plants experiencing severe soil water deficits results from the inhibitory action Of ABA transportation to the apical meristem from stressed roots. It is demonstrated that ABA applications to well-watered Rhododendron inhibit floral initiation. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An outdoor experiment was conducted to increase understanding of apical leaf necrosis in the presence of pathogen infection. Holcus lanatus seeds and Puccinia coronata spores were collected from two adjacent and otherwise similar habitats with differing long-term N fertilization levels. After inoculation, disease and necrosis dynamics were observed during the plant growing seasons of 2003 and 2006. In both years high nutrient availability resulted in earlier disease onset, a higher pathogen population growth rate, earlier physiological apical leaf necrosis onset and a reduced time between disease onset and apical leaf necrosis onset. Necrosis rate was shown to be independent of nutrient availability. The results showed that in these nutrient-rich habitats H. lanatus plants adopted necrosis mechanisms which wasted more nutrients. There was some indication that these necrosis mechanisms were subject to local selection pressures, but these results were not conclusive. The findings of this study are consistent with apical leaf necrosis being an evolved defence mechanism.
This clinical study was conducted to correlate the levels of endotoxins and bacterial counts found in primary endodontic infection with the volume of periapical bone destruction determined by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis. Moreover, the levels of bacteria and endotoxins were correlated with the development of clinical features. Twenty-four root canals with primary endodontic disease and apical periodontitis were selected. Clinical features such as pain on palpation, pain on percussion, and previous episode of pain were recorded. The volume (cubic millimeters) of periapical bone destruction was determined by CBCT analysis. Endotoxins and bacterial samplings were collected by using sterile/apyrogenic paper points. Endotoxins were quantified by using limulus amebocyte lysate assay (KQCL test), and bacterial count (colony-forming units [CFU]/mL) was determined by using anaerobic culture techniques. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple logistic regression (P < .05). Endotoxins and bacteria were detected in 100% of the root canal samples (24 of 24), with median values of 10.92 endotoxin units (EU)/mL (1.75-128 EU/mL) and 7.5 × 10(5) CFU/mL (3.20 × 10(5)-8.16 × 10(6) CFU/mL), respectively. The median volume of bone destruction determined by CBCT analysis was 100 mm(3) (10-450 mm(3)). The multiple regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between higher levels of endotoxins present in root canal infection and larger volume of bone destruction (P < .05). Moreover, higher levels of endotoxins were also correlated with the presence of previous pain (P < .05). Our findings revealed that the levels of endotoxins found in root canal infection are related to the volume of periapical bone destruction determined by CBCT analysis. Moreover, the levels of endotoxin are related to the presence of previous pain.
Besides the risk of filling material extrusion throughout the apex, a satisfactory apical seal can be difficult to achieve in canals with open apices or iatrogenic enlargements of the apical constriction. These situations pose a challenge to root canal filling. This paper describes the root canal filling of a maxillary right canine with an overinstrumented apex, complete loss of the apical stop, extensive canal transportation and apical periodontitis. A 5 mm calcium hydroxide apical plug was placed before root canal filling. The plug was made by soaking paper points with saline, dipping the points in calcium hydroxide powder and then applying it to the apex several times, until a consistent apical plug was obtained. The canal was then irrigated with saline in order to remove any residual calcium hydroxide from the root canal walls, dried with paper points and obturated with an inverted #80 gutta-percha cone and zinc oxide-eugenol based sealer by the lateral condensation technique. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed formation of mineralized tissue sealing the apical foramen, apical remodeling and no signs of apical periodontitis.
To provide an integrated perspective on mineral particle effects in salmonids, juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to daily mica particle pulses for 8 and 24 days. On day 8, increased immature erythrocyte proportions indicated a previous stress response. This response was absent on day 24, on which condition factor as well as plasma protein and aspartate aminotransferase activity decreased. The latter two related negatively to the hepato-somatic index, suggesting metabolic adaptations. The hepato-somatic index increased on days 8 and 24, while spleen-somatic index increased on day 24. No histopathological damage occurred in gills, liver, spleen, or kidney. However, splenic melano-macrophages increased on both days, and hyaline degenerations of kidney tubular cells were apparent on day 24. Overall, particle pulses affected rainbow trout more via turbidity rather than by physical damage. We conclude that (i) rainbow trout may adapt to sediment pulses as early as 8 days of exposure and (ii) particle pulses over 24 days can cause structural and metabolic changes in rainbow trout, even when gill damage is absent and apical effects on condition are moderate.
Drought strongly influences root activities in crop plants and weeds. This paper is focused on the performance of the heavy metal accumulator Solanum nigrum, a plant which might be helpful for phytoremediation. The water potential in a split root system was decreased by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Rubidium, strontium and radionuclides of heavy metals were used as markers to investigate the uptake into roots, the release to the shoot via the xylem, and finally the basipetal transport via the phloem to unlabeled roots. The uptake into the roots (total contents in the plant) was for most makers more severely decreased than the transport to the shoot or the export from the shoot to the unlabeled roots via the phloem. Regardless of the water potential in the labeling solution, 63Ni and 65Zn were selectively redistributed within the plant. From autoradiographs, it became evident that 65Zn accumulated in root tips, in the apical shoot meristem and in axillary buds, while 63Ni accumulated in young expanded leaves and roots but not in the meristems. Since both radionuclides are mobile in the phloem and are, therefore, well redistributed within the plant, the unequal transfer to shoot and root apical meristems is most likely caused by differences in the cell-to-cell transport in differentiation zones without functional phloem (immature sieve tubes).