996 resultados para Calc
Neste trabalho, tem-se uma proposta de mostrar como se constrói um sistema de apoio à decisão de pequeno porte, usando-se os aplicativos Calc e Base. O aplicativo Base será usado para armazenar dados que estão em suas tabelas ou para importá-los a partir de uma outra fonte, isto é, a partir de um outro banco de dados (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) ou de arquivos. Com os dados no aplicativo Base, o Calc irá acessá-los e manipulá-los para, finalmente, mostrar os resultados de apoio à decisão do usuário.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo destacar a importância da utilização de software de geoengenharia no estudo das classificações de maciços rochosos nas engenharias de minas e geotécnica. Esta investigação pretendeu demonstrar a importância das classificações geomecânicas e índices geológico‐geomecânicos, tais como a Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Rock Tunnelling Quality Index (Q‐system), Surface Rock Classification (SRC), Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Geological Strength Index (GSI) and Hydro‐Potential Value (HP). Para esse efeito foi criada e desenvolvida uma calculadora geomecânica – MGC‐RocDesign|CALC: ‘Mining Geomechanics Classification systems for rock engineering design (version beta)’ – para de certa forma tornar mais simples, rápido e preciso o estudo das classificações geomecânicas sem que seja necessário recorrer manualmente às fastidiosas tabelas das classificações. A MGC‐RocDesign|CALC foi criada e desenvolvida no programa de folha de cálculo Microsoft Excel™ em linguagem Visual Basic for Applications© proporcionando o ambiente de carregamento de dados mais apelativos para o utilizador. Foi ainda integrada neste aplicativo a Calculadora Geotech|CalcTools que resulta da fusão das bases de dados ScanGeoData|BGD e SchmidtData|UCS criadas por Fonseca et al. (2010). Toda a informação foi integrada numa base de dados dinâmica associada a uma plataforma cartográfica em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Apresenta‐se como caso de estudo um dos trechos subterrâneos do maciço rochoso da antiga mina de volfrâmio das Aveleiras/Tibães (Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga, NW de Portugal). Além disso, apresenta‐se uma proposta de zonamento geomecânico do maciço rochoso da antiga mina das Aveleiras/Tibães com o objetivo de apoiar o dimensionamento de maciços rochosos. Por fim, apresenta‐se uma reflexão em termos de aplicabilidade, das potencialidades e das limitações da Calculadora Geomecânica MGC‐RocDesign|CALC.
The steeply dipping, isoclinally folded early Precambrian (Archean) Berry Creek Metavolcanic Complex comprises primary to resedimented pyroclastic, epiclastic and autoclastic deposits. Tephra erupted from central volcanic edifices was dumped by mass flow mechanisms into peripheral volcanosedimentary depressions. Sedimentation has been essentially contemporaneous with eruption and transport of tephra. The monolithic to heterolithic tuffaceous horizons are interpreted as subaerial to subaqueous pumice and ash flows, secondary debris flows, lahars, slump deposits and turbidites. Monolithic debris flows, derived from crumble breccia and dcme talus, formed during downslope collapse and subsequent gravity flowage. Heterolithic tuff, lahars and lava flow morphologies suggest at least temporary emergence of the edifice. Local collapse may have accompanied pyroclastic volcanism. The tephra, produced by hydromagmatic to magmatic eruptions, were rapidly transported, by primary and secondary mechanisms, to a shallow littoral to deep water subaqueous fan developed upon the subjacent mafic metavolcanic platform. Deposition resulted from traction, traction carpet, and suspension sedimentation from laminar to turbulent flows. Facies mapping revealed proximal (channel to overbank) to distal facies epiclastics (greywackes, argillite) intercalated with proximal vent to medial fan facies crystal rich ash flows, debris flows, bedded tuff and shallow water to deep water lava flows. Framework and matrix support debris flows exhibit a variety of subaqueous sedimentary structures, e.g., coarse tail grading, double grading, inverse to normal grading, graded stratified pebbly horizons, erosional channels. Pelitic to psammitic AE turbidites also contain primary stru~tures, e.g., flames, load casts, dewatering pipes. Despite low to intermediate pressure greenschist to amphibolite grade metamorphism and variably penetrative deformation, relicts of pumice fragments and shards were recognized as recrystallized quartzofeldspathic pseudomorphs. The mafic to felsic metavolcanics and metasediments contain blasts of hornblende, actinolite, garnet, pistacitic epidote, staurolite, albitic plagioclase, and rarely andalusite and cordierite. The mafic metavolcanics (Adams River Bay, Black River, Kenu Lake, Lobstick Bay, Snake Bay) display _holeiitic trends with komatiitic affinities. Chemical variations are consistent with high level fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, amphibole, and later magnetite from a parental komatiite. The intermediate to felsic (64-74% Si02) metavolcanics generally exhibit calc-alkaline trends. The compositional discontinuity, defined by major and trace element diversity, can be explained by a mechanism involving two different magma sources. Application of fractionation series models are inconsistent with the observed data. The tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites are probably derived by low pressure fractionation of a depleted (high degree of partial melting) mantle source. The depleted (low Y, Zr) calc-alkaline metavolcanics may be produced by partial melting of a geochemically evolved source, e.g., tonalitetrondhjemite, garnet amphibolite or hydrous basalt.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Incluye imágenes de captura de pantalla de la herramienta estudiada. Se adjuntan ficheros de prácticas realizadas durante el curso
Individual identification via DNA profiling is important in molecular ecology, particularly in the case of noninvasive sampling. A key quantity in determining the number of loci required is the probability of identity (PIave), the probability of observing two copies of any profile in the population. Previously this has been calculated assuming no inbreeding or population structure. Here we introduce formulae that account for these factors, whilst also accounting for relatedness structure in the population. These formulae are implemented in API-CALC 1.0, which calculates PIave for either a specified value, or a range of values, for F-IS and F-ST.
The 590-580 Ma Itu Granite Province (IGP) is a roughly linear belt of post-orogenic granite plutons similar to 60 km wide extending for some 350 km along the southern edge of the Apia-Guaxupe Terrane in southeastern Brazil. Typical components are subalkaline A-type granites (some with rapakivi texture) that crystallized at varied, but mostly strongly oxidizing conditions, and contrast with a coeval association of also oxidized high-K calc-alkaline granites in terms of major (e. g., lower Ca/Fe) and trace elements (higher Nb, Y, Zr). Mantle-derived magmas (such as those forming the LILE-rich Piracaia Monzodiorite, with epsilon(Nd(t)) = -7 to -10, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((t)) = 0.7045-0.7055) are inferred to derive from enriched subcontinental lithosphere modified during previous subduction, and may have played a role in the generation of the A-type granites, adding melts or fluids or both to the lower crust from which the latter were generated. The IGP is interpreted as a reflection of crust uplift and increased heat flux during ascent of hot, less dense asthenosphere after continental collision, probably reflecting breakoff of an oceanic slab coeval to the right-lateral accretion of a terrane related to the Mantiqueira Orogenic System.
Marca tip. en port. (Renouard, 893)
The Biarjmand granitoids and granitic gneisses in northeast Iran are part of the Torud–Biarjmand metamorphic complex, where previous zircon U–Pb geochronology show ages of ca. 554–530 Ma for orthogneissic rocks. Our new U–Pb zircon ages confirm a Cadomian age and show that the granitic gneiss is ~30 million years older (561.3 ± 4.7 Ma) than intruding granitoids(522.3 ± 4.2 Ma; 537.7 ± 4.7 Ma). Cadomian magmatism in Iran was part of an approximately 100-million-year-long episode of subduction-related arc and back-arc magmatism, which dominated the whole northern Gondwana margin, from Iberia to Turkey and Iran. Major REE and trace element data show that these granitoids have calc-alkaline signatures. Their zircon O (δ18O = 6.2–8.9‰) and Hf (–7.9 to +5.5; one point with εHf ~ –17.4) as well as bulk rock Nd isotopes (εNd(t)= –3 to –6.2) show that these magmas were generated via mixing of juvenile magmas with an older crust and/or melting of middle continental crust. Whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf model ages (1.3–1.6 Ga) suggest that this older continental crust was likely to have been Mesoproterozoic or even older. Our results, including variable zircon εHf(t) values, inheritance of old zircons and lack of evidence for juvenile Cadomian igneous rocks anywhere in Iran, suggest that the geotectonic setting during late Ediacaran and early Cambrian time was a continental magmatic arc rather than back-arc for the evolution of northeast Iran Cadomian igneous rocks.
CL imaging and U–Th–Pb data for a population of zircons from two of the Évora Massif granitoids (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia) show that both calc-alkaline granitoids have zircon populations dominated by grains with cores and rims either showing or not showing differences in Th/U ratio, and having ages in the range ca. 350–335 Ma (Early Carboniferous). Multistage crystallization of zircon is revealed in two main growth stages (ca. 344–342 Ma and ca. 336–335 Ma), well represented by morphologically complex zircons with cores and rims with different ages and different Th/U ratios that can be explained by: (1) crystallization from melts with different compositions (felsic peraluminous to felsic-intermediate metaluminous; 0.001 Th/U ratio < 0.5) and (2) transient temperature fluctuations in a system where anatectic felsic melts periodically underwent injection of more mafic magmas at higher temperatures. The two studied calc-alkaline granitoids do not include inherited zircons (pre-Carboniferous), probably because they were formed at the highest grade of metamorphism (T 837 °C; granulite facies) and/or because they were derived from inheritance-poor felsic and mafic rocks from a previous cycle, as suggested by the internal structures of zircon cores. These Variscan magmatic rocks with crystallization ages estimated at ca. 336–335 Ma are spatially and temporally related to high-temperature metamorphism, anatexis, processes of interaction between crustal- and mantle-derived magmas and intra-orogenic extension that acted in SW Iberia during the Early Carboniferous.
U–Pb geochronological study of zircons from nodular granites and Qtz-diorites comprising part of Variscan high- grade metamorphic complexes in Gredos massif (Spanish Central System batholith) points out the significant presence of Cambro-Ordovician protoliths among the Variscan migmatitic rocks that host the Late Carboniferous intrusive granitoids. Indeed, the studied zone was affected by two contrasted tectono-magmatic episodes, Car- boniferous (Variscan) and Cambro-Ordovician. Three main characteristics denote a close relation between the Cambro-Ordovician protholiths of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade metamorphic complex, strongly reworked during the Variscan Orogeny, and other Cambro-Ordovician igneous domains in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif: (1) geochemical features show the ferrosilicic signature of nodular granites. They plot very close to the average analysis of themetavolcanic rocks of the Ollo de Sapo formation (Iberia). Qtz-diorites present typical calc-alkaline signatures and are geochemically similar to intermediate cordilleran granitoids. (2) Both Qtz-diorite and nodular granite samples yield a significant population of Cambro-Ordovician ages, ranging between 483 and 473 Ma and between 487 and 457 Ma, respectively. Besides, (3) the abundance of zircon inher- itance observed on nodular granites matches the significant component of inheritance reported on Cambro- Ordovician metagranites and metavolcanic rocks of central and NW Iberia. The spatial and temporal coincidence of both peraluminous and intermediate granitoids, and specifically in nodular granites and Qtz-diorite enclaves of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade complex, is conducive to a common petrogenetic context for the formation of both magmatic types. Tectonic and geochemical characteristics describe the activity of a Cambro-Ordovician arc-back-arc tectonic set- ting associated with the subduction of the Iapetus–Tornquist Ocean and the birth of the Rheic Ocean. The exten- sional setting is favorable for the generation, emplacement, and fast rise of subduction-related cold diapirs, supported by the presence of typical calc-alkaline cordilleran granitoids contemporary with ferrosilicic volcanism.
We consider time-space fractional reaction diffusion equations in two dimensions. This equation is obtained from the standard reaction diffusion equation by replacing the first order time derivative with the Caputo fractional derivative, and the second order space derivatives with the fractional Laplacian. Using the matrix transfer technique proposed by Ilic, Liu, Turner and Anh [Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., 9:333--349, 2006] and the numerical solution strategy used by Yang, Turner, Liu, and Ilic [SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 33:1159--1180, 2011], the solution of the time-space fractional reaction diffusion equations in two dimensions can be written in terms of a matrix function vector product $f(A)b$ at each time step, where $A$ is an approximate matrix representation of the standard Laplacian. We use the finite volume method over unstructured triangular meshes to generate the matrix $A$, which is therefore non-symmetric. However, the standard Lanczos method for approximating $f(A)b$ requires that $A$ is symmetric. We propose a simple and novel transformation in which the standard Lanczos method is still applicable to find $f(A)b$, despite the loss of symmetry. Numerical results are presented to verify the accuracy and efficiency of our newly proposed numerical solution strategy.
The composition of the lithosphere can be fundamentally altered by long-lived subduction processes such that subduction-modified lithosphere can survive for 100's Myrs. Incorrect petrotectonic interpretations result when spatial-temporal-compositional trends of, and source contributions to, magmatism are not properly considered. Western Mexico has had protracted Cenozoic magmatism developed mostly in-board of active oceanic plate subduction beneath western North America. A broad range of igneous compositions from basalt to high-silica rhyolite were erupted with intermediate to silicic compositions in particular, showing calc-alkaline and other typical subduction-related geochemical signatures. A major Oligocene rhyolitic ignimbrite “flare-up” (>300,000 km3) switched to a bimodal volcanic phase in the Early Miocene (~100,000 km3), associated with distributed extension and opening of numerous grabens. Extension became more focussed ~18 Ma resulting in localised volcanic activity along the future site of the Gulf of California. This localised volcanism (known as the Comondú “arc”) was dominantly effusive and andesite-dacite in composition. Past tectonic interpretations of Comondú-age volcanism may have been incorrect as these regional temporal-compositional changes are alternatively interpreted as a result of increased mixing of mantle-derived basaltic and crust-derived rhyolitic magmas in an active rift environment rather than fluid flux melting of the mantle wedge above the subducting Guadalupe Plate.