996 resultados para COLORADO


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Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress influencing plant productivity worldwide. Schinopsis quebracho colorado is one of the most important woody species in the Gran Chaco, an and and salt-prone subtropical biome of South America. To gain a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms that allow plant establishment under salt conditions, germination and seedling growth of S. quebracho colorado were examined under treatment with a range of NaCl solutions (germination: 0-300 mmol l(-1) NaCl; seedling growth: 0-200 mmol l(-1) NaCl). The aim was to test the hypothesis that S. quebracho colorado is a glycophite that shows different salt tolerance responses with development stage. Proline content, total soluble carbohydrates and Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations in leaves and roots of seedlings, and the chlorophyll concentration and relative water content of leaves were measured. Germination was not affected by 100 mmol l(-1) NaCl, but decreased at a concentration of 200 mmol l(-1). At 300 mmol l(-1) NaCl, germination did not occur. Seedling growth decreased drastically with increasing salinity. An increase in NaCl from 0 to 100 mmol l(-1) also significantly reduced the leaf relative water content by 22% and increased the proline concentration by 60% in roots. In contrast, total soluble carbohydrates were not significantly affected by salinity. Seedlings showed a sodium exclusion capacity, and there was an inverse correlation between Cl- concentration and the total chlorophyll concentration. S. quebracho colorado was more tolerant to salinity during germination than in the seedling phase. The results suggest that this increased tolerance during germination might, in part, be the result of lower sensitivity to high tissue Na+ concentrations. The significant increment of proline in the roots suggests the positive role of this amino acid as a compatible solute in balancing the accumulation of Na+ and Cl- as a result of salinity. These results help clarify the physiological mechanisms that allow establishment of S. quebracho colorado on salt-affected soils in arid and semi-arid Gran Chaco. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of the mode of exposure of second instar Colorado potato beetles to Beauveria bassiana on conidia acquisition and resulting mortality were investigated in laboratory studies. Larvae sprayed directly with a B, bassiana condial suspension, larvae exposed to B, bassiana-treated foliage, and larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage experienced 76, 34, and 77% mortality, respectively. The total number of conidia and the proportion of germinating conidia were measured over time for four sections of the insect body: the ventral surface of the head (consisting mostly of ventral mouth parts), the ventral abdominal surface, the dorsal abdominal surface, and the legs. From observations at 24 and 36 h posttreatment, mean totals of 161.1 conidia per insect were found on sprayed larvae, 256.1 conidia on larvae exposed only to treated foliage, and 408.3 conidia on larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage, On sprayed larvae, the majority of conidia were found on the dorsal abdominal surface, whereas conidia were predominantly found in the ventral abdominal surface and mouth parts on larvae exposed to treated foliage, Between 24 and 36 h postinoculation the percentage of conidia germinating on sprayed larvae increased slightly from 80 to 84%), On the treated foliage, the percentage of germinated conidia on larvae increased from 35% at 24 h to 50% at 36 h posttreatment, Conidia germination on sprayed larvae on treated foliage was 65% at 24 h and 75% at 36 h posttreatment, It is likely that the gradual acquisition of conidia derived from the continuous exposure to B. bassiana inoculum on the foliar surface was responsible for the increase in germination over time on larvae exposed to treated foliage, The density and germination of conidia were observed 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after being sprayed with or dipped in conidia suspensions or exposing insects to contaminated foliage, Conidia germinated twice as fast on sprayed insects as with any other treatment within the first 12 h, This faster germination may be due to the pressure of the sprayer enhancing conidial lodging on cuticular surfaces. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Laboratory studies investigated the interaction between the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and sublethal doses of the insecticides imidacloprid and cyromazine when applied to larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlinenta (Say). When second instars were fed potato leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and a range of doses of B. bassiana, a synergistic action was demonstrated. Similar results were observed when larvae were sprayed directly with B. bassiana conidia and immediately fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid. No synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid 24 h after application of R. bassiana conidia to larvae. However, a synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid and sprayed with B, bassiana conidia 24 h later. Although sublethal doses of both imidacloprid and the triazine insect growth regulator (IGR) cyromazine prolonged the duration of the second instar, only imidacloprid interacted with B. bassiana to produce a synergistic response in larval mortality. In leaf consumption studies, the highest dose of B, bassiana tested promoted feeding in inoculated second instars. Feeding was inhibited when larvae were fed foliage treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and significantly reduced when fed foliage treated with a sublethal dose of cyromazine. Starvation of larvae for 24 h immediately after B. bassiana treatment produced a similar result to the combined treatment of B. bassiana and imidacloprid and increased the level of mycosis when compared with B. bassiana controls. Imidacloprid treatment affected neither the rate of germination of B. bassiana conidia on the insect cuticle nor the rate at which conidia were removed from the integument after application. The statistical analysis used to detect synergism and the possible role of starvation-induced stress factors underlying the observed synergistic interactions are discussed.


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Os aspectos de crescimento, desenvolvimento e qualidade de frutos cítricos na região de Colorado do Oeste, RO, não têm sido explorados. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a qualidade fisico-química de frutos de lima ácida Tahiti em diferentes épocas de desenvolvimento, sem irrigação, na região de Colorado do Oeste, RO. O experimento foi realizado no Instituto Federal de Rondônia (IFRO), Campus de Colorado do Oeste, durante os anos de 2006, 2007 e 2008, com o acompanhamento das safras de 2006/07 e 2007/08. Para cada safra foram avaliadas oito épocas de desenvolvimento dos frutos, da fase de chumbinho à colheita. Determinaram-se soma térmica em graus-dia, unidades fototérmicas e precipitação pluviométrica. Houve influência das condições meteorológicas na duração das épocas de desenvolvimento dos frutos e na qualidade dos frutos na safra 2006/07, mas na safra 2007/08 não houve diferença significativa para peso, tamanho médio dos frutos, acidez e rendimento médio de suco. Tamanho e peso dos frutos, pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez, relação SS/AT e teor de vitamina C do suco dos frutos apresentaram valores médios adequados aos padrões comerciais exigidos pelo mercado in natura e pela indústria. O rendimento de suco dos frutos colhidos na safra 2006/07 apresentou qualidade satisfatória para atender às necessidades do mercado in natura ou industrial, mas não para a safra 2007/08, devido ao baixo rendimento de suco dos frutos, provavelmente em razão da menor precipitação pluviométrica ocorrida nessa safra. O índice tecnológico encontrado nas safras avaliadas está abaixo do exigido pela indústria.


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A substituição da floresta por outro tipo de uso do solo pode levar a perdas significativas na matéria orgânica do solo, alterando sua dinâmica e como consequência alterando as entradas e saídas de nutrientes do sistema. Neste trabalho o objetivo foi avaliar o estoque de nutrientes em diferentes sistemas de uso de solo em Colorado do Oeste-RO. Os sistemas avaliados foram o agroflorestal (teca e cacau), florestal (teca com cinco anos), teca com oito anos, agrossilvopastoril (teca, cacau e pasto) e pastagem tendo a mata nativa como referência. Em cada sistema foram abertas três minitrincheiras, nas quais foram coletadas amostras deformadas e indeformadas nas profundidades de 0 a 5, 5 a 10, 10 a 20 e 20 a 30 cm. Nessas amostras foram determinados os nutrientes: N, P, K, Ca e Mg, a matéria orgânica, a densidade do solo e os teores de argila. Observaram-se diferenças nos estoques de nutrientes no solo entre os sistemas de uso e em profundidade. A concentração de nutrientes foi influenciada pelo sistema de uso do solo. O nutriente mais estocado em todos os sistemas de uso é o Ca, os valores variaram entre 5188,48 e 2912,86 kg ha-1 e o menos estocado o K, com estoques entre 46,22 e 17,33 kg ha-1. O sistema teca com cinco anos foi o sistema que mais se aproximou da mata, quanto ao armazenamento de nutrientes.


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En base a los trabajos realizados a nivel de fisiología de pre-cosecha, se continúa con los objetivos específicos referentes a las relaciones nutricionales en lo que respecta a fertilización nitrogenada y condición del nitrógeno en el suelo. Todo ello a fin de relacionar los períodos críticos en el ciclo del cultivo sometido a diferentes tratamientos de fertilización. Se continuará con el desarrollo del Modelo de pronóstico de crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de ajo, extendiendo a futuro datos del cultivo a productores. Los estudios de post-cosecha han avanzado en la determinación de distintos índices de carácter bioquímico y fisiológico a fin de tomar decisiones en relación a la calidad del ajo que se consume y se exporta. El objetivo de este trabajo es: - Determinar que el período crítico para la fertilización nitrogenada es el comprendido entre el inicio del crecimiento aéreo y llenado del bulbo y depende principalmente de las condiciones edáficas.


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Highly evolved rhyolite glass plus near-solidus mineral assemblages in voluminous, dacitic, crystal-rich ignimbrites provide an opportunity to evaluate the late magmatic evolution of granodiorite batholiths. This study reports laser-ablation ICP-MS analyses of trace element concentrations in feldspars, hornblende, biotite, titanite, zircon, magnetite, and interstitial glass of the crystal-rich Fish Canyon Tuff. The high-silica rhyolite glass is characterized by relatively high concentrations of feldspar-compatible elements (e.g., 100 ppm Sr and 500 ppm Ba) and low concentrations of Y (< 7 ppm) and HREE (&SIM; 1 ppm Yb), hence high LREE/HREE (Ce/Yb > 40) compared to many well-studied high-silica rhyolite glasses and whole-rock compositions. Most minerals record some trace element heterogeneities, with, in particular, one large hornblende phenocryst showing four- to six-fold core-to-rim increases in Sr and Ba coupled with a decrease in Sc. The depletions of Y and HREE in the Fish Canyon glass relative to the whole-rock composition (concentrations in glass &SIM; 30% of those in whole rocks) reflect late crystallization of phases wherein these elements were compatible. As garnet is not stable at the low-P conditions at which the Fish Canyon magma crystallized, we show that a combination of modally abundant hornblende (&SIM; 4%) + titanite (&SIM; 0.5-1%) and the highly polymerized nature of the rhyolitic liquid led to Y and HREE depletions in melt. Relatively high Sr and Ba contents in glass and rimward Sr and Ba increases in euhedral, concentrically zoned hornblende suggest partial feldspar dissolution and a late release of these elements to the melt as hornblende was crystallizing, in agreement with textural evidence for feldspar (and quartz) resorption. Both observations are consistent with thermal rejuvenation of the magma body prior to eruption, during which the proportion of melt increased via feldspar and quartz dissolution, even as hydrous and accessory phases were crystallizing. Sr/Y in Fish Canyon glass (13-18) is lower than the typical ``adakitic'' value (> 40), confirming that high Sr/Y is a reliable indicator of high-pressure magma generation and/or differentiation wherein garnet is implicated.


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En las especies que exhiben heterosis, el conocimiento de la aptitud combinatoria del germoplasma en cruzamientos con probadores genéticamente divergentes permite su clasificación según grupos heteróticos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar 48 líneas de maíz (Zea mays) flint colorado en base a su comportamiento en cruzamientos de prueba con los probadores dentados sB73 y sMo17 del patrón heterótico Reid x Lancaster y con los probadores flint HP3 y P5L2 del patrón heterótico local HP3 x P5L2 en cuatro ambientes durante la campaña 1991/92. Se realizaron los análisis de variancia por ambiente y en forma combinada a través de ambientes para: rendimiento en grano, altura de inserción de espiga, días a floración masculina, número de hileras de grano, largo y diámetro de espiga, peso de 300 granos y peso hectolítrico. Se estimaron los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman para el rendimiento de los cruzamientos de prueba con cada probador. Las interacciones línea por probador fueron altamente significativas para la mayoría de las variables y no hubo correlación entre el ordenamiento de mérito de las líneas basado en su comportamiento en cruzamientos de prueba. Ello refleja la importancia de efectos génicos no aditivos y la capacidad discriminatoria de estos probadores en cruzamientos con las líneas evaluadas.