153 resultados para CHLOROPHYTA
The complete SSU rDNA was sequenced for 10 individuals of Cladophora vagabunda collected along the coast of Brazil. For C. rupestris (L.) Kütz. a partial SSU rDNA sequence (1634 bp) was obtained. Phylogenetic trees indicate that Cladophora is paraphyletic, but the section Glomeratae sensu lato including C. vagabunda from Brazil, Japan and France, C. albida (Nees) Kütz., C. sericea (Hudson) Kütz., and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. is monophyletic. Within this group C. vagabunda is paraphyletic. The sequence identity for the SSU rDNA varied from 98.9% to 100% for the Brazilian C. vagabunda, and from 98.3% to 99.7% comparing the Brazilian individuals to the ones from France and Japan. Sequence identity of the Brazilian C. vagabunda to C. albida and C. sericea vary from 98.0% to 98.6%. The SSU rDNA phylogeny support partially the morphological characteristics presented by Brazilian populations of C. vagabunda. On the other hand, C. rupestris from Brazil does not group with C. rupestris from France, both sequences presenting only 96.9% of identity. The inclusion of sequences of individuals from Brazil reinforces the need of taxonomical revision for the genus Cladophora and for the complex C. vagabunda.
The green macroalgal species Caulerpa taxifolia is indigenous to tropical/subtropical Australia, ranging as far south as 28degrees and 29degrees 15' S on the Australian mainland east and west coasts, respectively. The origin of disjunct populations of the species, discovered in 2000 on the Australian mainland east coast at localities to 35degrees S remains unknown, variously attributed to introduced exotic strains or range extensions from other eastern Australian populations. Some naturally occurring Australian populations of C. taxifolia are similar to Mediterranean C. taxifolia. In Australia, large broad forms of the species, which have been known in the region since 1860, grow luxuriantly in sheltered seagrass meadows, with some of these populations tolerating minimum surface seawater temperatures in winter of 12.5 to 14.5degreesC. Accordingly, the contention that the Mediterranean has been invaded by a genetically-modified, large, cold-adapted strain of C. taxifolia may be incorrect. It is crucial that genetic markers (DNA fingerprinting, microsatellites) sensitive at the population level are used to accurately determine the genetic relatedness of C. taxifolia populations.
Direct comparisons between photosynthetic O-2 evolution rate and electron transport rate (ETR) were made in situ over 24 h using the benthic macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta), growing and measured at a depth of 1.8 m, where the midday irradiance rose to 400-600 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1). O-2 exchange was measured with a 5-chamber data-logging apparatus and ETR with a submersible pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer (Diving-PAM). Steady-state quantum yield ((Fm'-Ft)/Fm') decreased from 0.7 during the morning to 0.45 at midday, followed by some recovery in the late afternoon. At low to medium irradiances (0-300 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), there was a significant correlation between O-2 evolution and ETR, but at higher irradiances, ETR continued to increase steadily, while O-2 evolution tended towards an asymptote. However at high irradiance levels (600-1200 mumol photons m-(2) s(-1)) ETR was significantly lowered. Two methods of measuring ETR, based on either diel ambient light levels and fluorescence yields or rapid light curves, gave similar results at low to moderate irradiance levels. Nutrient enrichment (increases in [NO3-], [NH4+] and [HPO42-] of 5- to 15-fold over ambient concentrations) resulted in an increase, within hours, in photosynthetic rates measured by both ETR and O-2 evolution techniques. At low irradiances, approximately 6.5 to 8.2 electrons passed through PS II during the evolution of one molecule of O-2, i.e., up to twice the theoretical minimum number of four. However, in nutrient-enriched treatments this ratio dropped to 5.1. The results indicate that PAM fluorescence can be used as a good indication of the photosynthetic rate only at low to medium irradiances.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 26 Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Neste estudo são descritas e ilustradas as espécies de três gêneros de desmídias (Staurastrum, Staurodesmus e Xanthidium) do lago Novo, um ambiente localizado na região dos lagos, na planície costeira do Estado do Amapá. Um total de 35 táxons foi registrado, sendo 23 do gênero Staurastrum, sete do gênero Staurodesmus e cinco do gênero Xanthidium. Todos os táxons apresentados neste trabalho constituem primeira citação para o estado do Amapá.
Este trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar e comparar a estrutura e a dinâmica populacional de Microphrys bicornutus Latreille, 1825 no fital Halimeda opuntia (Halimedaceae) coletado nas formações recifais de Picãozinho (submetida à visitação turística) e São Gonçalo (área controle), na costa de João Pessoa (Nordeste do Brasil), sob influência de fatores ambientais e do número de visitantes. Nas duas áreas de estudo as populações analisadas estiveram compostas por fêmeas e machos maduros e imaturos com significativa predominância de machos e de animais imaturos, freqüência de tamanho e períodos reprodutivos similares. O tamanho máximo dos exemplares, a freqüência de distribuição de tamanho e a razão sexual diferiram dos resultados obtidos para a espécie em outras latitudes e habitats. Dados de razão sexual evidenciam que independentemente do estágio de maturação, os machos apresentam predominância significativa (RS>1,0), e que a proporção de fêmeas diminui com o amadurecimento sexual. Sem sofrer influência da biomassa da alga, e da salinidade e temperatura da água, variações populacionais significativas foram associadas ao aumento de juvenis durante períodos chuvosos. A baixa densidade populacional e a maior desproporção da relação macho: fêmea em subárea de Picãozinho com maior fluxo de pessoas sugerem que estas variações podem ter sido induzidas pelo pisoteio das algas.
En unes campanyes limnológiques realitzades durant el mes de Setembre de 1986 al Delta de l'Ebre, observárem la presencia de Bulbochaete denticulata Wittrock, que creixia entre el plócon de la llacuna de la Tancäda (31TBF097023).
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la ultraestructura y la multiplicación asexual de Microspora quadrata Hazen (Microsporaceae, Chlorophyta) en muestras procedentes de los lagos prepirenaicos, de tipo cárstico, de Basturs y Estaña. M. quadrata presenta las características ultraestructurales propias de la familia Microsporaceae; sus filamentos producen dos tipos de zoosporas biflageladas: esféricas y elípticas. Se describe, asimismo, el proceso de elongación de las zoosporas y se discute su función.
En unes campanyes limnológiques realitzades durant el mes de Setembre de 1986 al Delta de l'Ebre, observárem la presencia de Bulbochaete denticulata Wittrock, que creixia entre el plócon de la llacuna de la Tancäda (31TBF097023).
RESUMO - (Levantamento taxonômico das Chlorophyta (Volvocales, Chlorococcales, Zygnematales) do Reservatório da Pampulha, MG). Foi realizado um levantamento taxonômico das Chlorophyta planctônicas (Volvocales, Chlorococcales, Zygnematales) no Reservatório da Pampulha (Minas Gerais, Brasil). As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente, de maio de 1992 a agosto de 1994. Foram encontradas 36 espécies pertencentes às ordens Chlorococcales, Volvocales e Zygnematales. A ordem Chlorococcales foi a que apresentou maior número de espécies (27 espécies distribuídas em nove famílias), seguida de Zygnematales (oito espécies em uma família) e de Volvocales (uma espécie). A maioria destas espécies (70%) é citada pela primeira vez para o estado de Minas Gerais.
(Monostromatic green algae (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) of São Paulo and Paraná states (Brazil): distribution, growth, and reproduction). Culture studies were used for taxa identification and to understand aspects of the biology and physiology of monostromatic green blades growing in various sites along the coast of São Paulo state (23º30'-25ºl2'S, 45º10'-48ºW) and one site in Paraná state (25º35'S, 48º21'W), southeast and south Brazil, respectively. Possible variations of the growth rate, age of reproduction and life history were tested under different conditions of temperature, salinity and day length. Two species were found: Ulvaria oxysperma (Kützing) Bliding and Monostroma sp. The first one has been previously reported for many temperate and tropical estuaries around the world. Green monostromatic blades with the same life-history and ontogeny as Monostroma sp. have been reported so far only for the tropical coast of Brazil. Species are distinct in their ontogeny of the thallus (constant under different conditions) and limiting temperatures of survival. U. oxysperma grows and reproduces from 10 to 25ºC and dies when maintained at 30ºC; Monostroma sp. does not reproduce at 15ºC and survives at 30ºC. The different salinities and day lengths that were tested had no significant effect on either species.
Temporal dynamics of the chaetophoracean green algae Chaetophora elegans (Roth) C.A. Agardh and Stigeoclonium amoenum Kützing populations was investigated biweekly during late autumn trhough early spring (April to October) in two tropical streams from northwestern São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Abundances of one population of each species was evaluated by the quadrat technique in terms of percent cover and frequency. The fluctuations were related to the following stream variables: temperature, turbidity, specific conductance, pH, oxygen saturation, depth, substratum type, current velocity, irradiance and nutrients. Percent cover and frequency of C. elegans had lower values throughout the study period and was positively correlated to rainfall. Other correlations (i.e. positive of percent cover with depth and current velocity and negative with irradiance) were consistently found, reinforcing the strong influence of rainfall. On the other hand, percent cover and frequency of S. amoenum had higher values, with maximum growth from June to September. Percent cover was negatively correlated to rainfall. Results suggest the precipitation regime as the most important driving force to temporal changes in both populations, but playing different roles in each one. The gelatinous thallus of C. elegans seem to be favored by the increment of current velocity, since higher flows can improve the nutrient uptake by means of reduction in diffusion shell without promoting excessive drag force. In contrast, tufts of S. amoenum are, presumably, more exposed to drag force, and, consequently, more susceptible to mechanical damage effects due to higher current velocities.
Halimeda is a genus of calcified coenocytic green algae with a well known ecological importance in some tropical areas. Bleached calcified segments of Halimeda may accumulate in large deposits of economic potential as is the case in the northeastern coast of Brazil. In a survey of the genus in Brazil based on recent collections and examination of abundant material deposited on Brazilian herbaria we identified seven species: Halimeda cuneata Hering, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. gracilis Harvey ex J. Agardh, H. incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux, H. opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, H. simulans Howe and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux. These species are described in detail, with emphasis on diagnostic characters. Our study has shown that the shape and size of the utricula in surface view, under scanning electron microscopy, can be utilized to discriminate some species. Fertile specimens of Halimeda cuneata and H. discoidea are reported for the first time in the region. Data on vertical and geographical distribution are presented for each species and the southern limit of the genus in the western Atlantic was extended.
Schizomeris Kützing é uma alga filamentosa sem ramificações e com sistema basal de fixação diferenciado. O gênero contém a espécie-tipo Schizomeris leibleinii Kützing e duas espécies pouco conhecidas, S. irregularis Fritsch & Rich e S. indicum (Ghose) Fritsch & Rich. As espécies são diferenciadas, principalmente, através do tipo de sistema basal de fixação. Contudo, a taxonomia específica do gênero é confusa. Estudos morfométricos e morfológicos foram realizados em populações identificadas como S. leibleinii de acordo com duas abordagens. Na primeira, foram analisadas 11 populações de diferentes localidades e na segunda, duas populações distintas através de coletas mensais durante 11 meses. O diâmetro de filamentos multisseriados, diâmetro e comprimento de células de filamentos multi e unisseriados, presença de constrição, ápice dos filamentos e tipo de sistema basal foram analisados em ambas abordagens. Além disso, estudos cariológicos foram efetuados para complementar as informações taxonômicas. Os resultados revelaram ampla variação morfológica, sendo mais acentuada entre as populações de localidades diferentes que nas mesmas populações ao longo do tempo, mas as características mostraram um gradiente contínuo. Os diferentes tipos de sistemas basais descritos para as espécies do gênero (claviforme, apressório, lobado e rizóides) foram encontrados nas populações estudadas. Esses resultados sugerem que a distinção entre as três espécies é muito frágil e não pode ser apoiada pela diferenciação do sistema basal ou por características métricas. Acredita-se que, por essas razões, o gênero Schizomeris seja composto por uma única espécie. A análise cariológica resultou em n = 12, diferindo de estudos anteriores e algumas possíveis explicações são apresentadas.