968 resultados para C language


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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A test oracle provides a means for determining whether an implementation behaves according to its specification. A passive test oracle checks that the correct behaviour has been implemented, but does not implement the behaviour itself. In previous work, we have presented a method that allows us to derive passive C++ test oracles from formal specifications written in Object-Z. We describe the "Warlock" prototype tool that supports the method. Warlock is built on top of an existing Object-Z type checker and generates oracle code for a substantial subset of the Object-Z language. We describe the architecture of Warlock and its application to a number of Object-Z specifications. We also discuss its current limitations.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educao Fsica


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Cryptographic software development is a challenging eld: high performance must be achieved, while ensuring correctness and com- pliance with low-level security policies. CAO is a domain speci c language designed to assist development of cryptographic software. An important feature of this language is the design of a novel type system introducing native types such as prede ned sized vectors, matrices and bit strings, residue classes modulo an integer, nite elds and nite eld extensions, allowing for extensive static validation of source code. We present the formalisation, validation and implementation of this type system


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Ps-graduao em Cincia da Computao - IBILCE


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrnica e Telecomunicaes


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Dissertao para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotcnica Ramo de Automao e Electrnica Industrial


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Volatile organic compounds are a common source of groundwater contamination that can be easily removed by air stripping in columns with random packing and using a counter-current flow between the phases. This work proposes a new methodology for column design for any type of packing and contaminant which avoids the necessity of an arbitrary chosen diameter. It also avoids the employment of the usual graphical Eckert correlations for pressure drop. The hydraulic features are previously chosen as a project criterion. The design procedure was translated into a convenient algorithm in C++ language. A column was built in order to test the design, the theoretical steady-state and dynamic behaviour. The experiments were conducted using a solution of chloroform in distilled water. The results allowed for a correction in the theoretical global mass transfer coefficient previously estimated by the Onda correlations, which depend on several parameters that are not easy to control in experiments. For best describe the column behaviour in stationary and dynamic conditions, an original mathematical model was developed. It consists in a system of two partial non linear differential equations (distributed parameters). Nevertheless, when flows are steady, the system became linear, although there is not an evident solution in analytical terms. In steady state the resulting ODE can be solved by analytical methods, and in dynamic state the discretization of the PDE by finite differences allows for the overcoming of this difficulty. To estimate the contaminant concentrations in both phases in the column, a numerical algorithm was used. The high number of resulting algebraic equations and the impossibility of generating a recursive procedure did not allow the construction of a generalized programme. But an iterative procedure developed in an electronic worksheet allowed for the simulation. The solution is stable only for similar discretizations values. If different values for time/space discretization parameters are used, the solution easily becomes unstable. The system dynamic behaviour was simulated for the common liquid phase perturbations: step, impulse, rectangular pulse and sinusoidal. The final results do not configure strange or non-predictable behaviours.


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O uso da tecnologia tem crescido nas ltimas dcadas nas mais diversas reas, seja na indstria ou no dia-a-dia, e cada vez mais evidente os benefcios que traz. No desporto no diferente. Cada dia surgem novos desenvolvimentos objetivando a melhoria do desempenho dos praticantes de atividades fsicas, possibilitando atingir resultados nunca antes pensados. Alm disto, a utilizao da tecnologia no desporto permite a obteno de dados biomecnicos que podem ser utilizados tanto no treinamento quando na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos atletas auxiliando na preveno de leses, por exemplo. Deste modo, o presente projeto se aplica na rea do desporto, nomeadamente, na modalidade do surfe, onde a ausncia de trabalhos cientficos ainda elevada, aliando a tecnologia eletrnica ao desporto para quantificar informaes at ento desconhecidas. Trs fatores bsicos de desempenho foram levantados, sendo eles: equilbrio, posicionamento dos ps e movimentao da prancha de surfe. Estes fatores levaram ao desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de medi-los dinamicamente atravs da medio das foras plantares e da rotao da prancha de surfe. Alm da medio dos fatores, o sistema capaz de armazenar os dados adquiridos localmente atravs de um carto de memria, para posterior anlise; e tambm envi-los atravs de uma comunicao sem fio, permitindo a visualizao do centro de presses plantares; dos ngulos de rotao da prancha de surfe; e da ativao dos sensores; em tempo real. O dispositivo consiste em um sistema eletrnico embarcado composto por um microcontrolador ATMEGA1280; um circuito de aquisio e condicionamento de sinal analgico; uma central inercial; um mdulo de comunicao sem fio RN131; e um conjunto de sensores de fora Flexiforce. O firmware embarcado foi desenvolvido em linguagem C. O software Matlab foi utilizado para receo de dados e visualizao em tempo real. Os testes realizados demostraram que o funcionamento do sistema atende aos requisitos propostos, fornecendo informao acerca do equilbrio, atravs do centro de presses; do posicionamento dos ps, atravs da distribuio das presses plantares; e do movimento da prancha nos eixos pitch e roll, atravs da central inercial. O erro mdio de medio de fora verificado foi de -0.0012 0.0064 N, enquanto a mnima distncia alcanada na transmisso sem fios foi de 100 m. A potncia medida do sistema foi de 330 mW.


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Desde sempre o Homem procurou automatizar tarefas repetitivas. Tanto na indstria como no sector domstico ou de comrcio esto constantemente a surgir novos equipamentos procurando aumentar o nvel de automao de diversas tarefas. A necessidade de empresas criadoras de produtos inovadores se manterem concorrenciais obrigou adopo de mtodos de projecto e planeamento mais estruturados e eficientes que eliminem os desperdcios tanto de material como de tempo. Diversas construes em termos oramentais e o aumento da procura de produtos de alta qualidade a baixo custo deu origem a um novo tipo de programas, os programas de simulao virtual. Tal como na indstria, tambm na investigao nas Instituies de Ensino Superior se procuram adoptar os mtodos de trabalho mais eficientes possveis. Uma parte dos programas de simulao robtica utilizados hoje em dia na investigao no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto esto concebidos em linguagem C. Embora esta linguagem seja extremamente capaz, existem mtodos mais adequados de simulao que aceleram o processo de modelao permitindo a visualizao do movimento e simulao de diversas situaes potencialmente criticas sem existir a necessidade de construo de um prottipo funcional do rob. Durante o ltimo ano, este projecto permitiu construir um modelo de um rob quadrpede num programa de simulao virtual chamado Simmechanics. Embora haja j algum trabalho desenvolvido nesta rea, constatou-se que a informao existente possua algumas lacunas. Com o trabalho desenvolvido preparou-se esta dissertao que pretende clarificar algumas questes que surgem na modelao de um rob. Neste documento explica-se como modelar um rob de corpo flexvel, modelar as pernas e as respectivas juntas da anca e do joelho assim como tambm se apresenta a modelao de um contacto com o solo recorrendo a um modelo descrito na literatura. Este documento foi escrito a pensar no leitor, procurando-se explicar de forma simples mas concisa os diversos passos necessrios para construir um modelo virtual de um rob. O autor espera, desta forma, ajudar futuros colegas que pretendam trabalhar com o Simmechanics a mais facilmente se integrarem com o programa aumentando desta forma o declive da curva de aprendizagem e permitindo um maior aproveitamento desta ferramenta.


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Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.


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The present paper reports the precipitation process of Al3Sc structures in an aluminum scandium alloy, which has been simulated with a synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo (spkMC) algorithm. The spkMC implementation is based on the vacancy diffusion mechanism. To filter the raw data generated by the spkMC simulations, the density-based clustering with noise (DBSCAN) method has been employed. spkMC and DBSCAN algorithms were implemented in the C language and using MPI library. The simulations were conducted in the SeARCH cluster located at the University of Minho. The Al3Sc precipitation was successfully simulated at the atomistic scale with the spkMC. DBSCAN proved to be a valuable aid to identify the precipitates by performing a cluster analysis of the simulation results. The achieved simulations results are in good agreement with those reported in the literature under sequential kinetic Monte Carlo simulations (kMC). The parallel implementation of kMC has provided a 4x speedup over the sequential version.


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Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrnica Industrial e Computadores


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In: A. Cunha, E. Kindler (eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (Bx 2015), LAquila, Italy, July 24, 2015, published at http://ceur-ws.org


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Software recongurability became increasingly relevant to the architectural process due to the crescent dependency of modern societies on reliable and adaptable systems. Such systems are supposed to adapt themselves to surrounding environmental changes with minimal service disruption, if any. This paper introduces an engine that statically applies recongurations to (formal) models of software architectures. Recongurations are specied using a domain specic language ReCooPLawhich targets the manipulation of software coordinationstructures,typicallyusedinservice-orientedarchitectures(soa).Theengine is responsible for the compilation of ReCooPLa instances and their application to the relevant coordination structures. The resulting congurations are amenable to formal analysis of qualitative and quantitative (probabilistic) properties.