75 resultados para Burroughs
The Martian novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs (ERB) provide an early paradigm of racial toleration by displacing the heterogeneous race conflicts of the U. S. to an interplanetary location. There, the protagonist John Carter, representing Burroughs himself, introduces a level of racial acceptance and integration almost unheard of on the Earth of that era (the early twentieth century).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Faculty in the Department of Animal Science initiated soliciting of funds in 1987 to establish a permanent endowment to recognize the distinguished career and major contributions of Dr. Wise Burroughs, a distinguished professor in animal science at Iowa State University. The endowment was established in the Iowa State University Foundation in 1991. The purpose of the fund is to support research and graduate education in the areas of fundamental factors regulating growth in food-producing animals, with emphasis on ruminants; to enhance growth of animals with the goal of improving the competitive position of ruminants as food-producing animals; and to develop innovative approaches to ruminant nutrition and/or growth enhancement as a means to improve desirability of meat produced by food animals. Dr. Burroughs’ research resulted in important and significant developments in technology for modern production systems for beef cattle. He was widely known for his ability to communicate complex ideas and research results for use by those involved in the animal industry. The current Burroughs Team has established three research projects: 1) Ghrelin--How does ghrelin affect blood and body composition in rats?; 2) Use of 25- hydroxyvitamin D3 to improve tenderness of beef; 3) Redesigning beef cattle to have a more healthful fatty acid composition.
Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Title vignettes.
Title vignettes.
v.1. Wake-robin.--v.2. Winter sunshine.--v.3. Locusts and wild honey.--v.4. Fresh fields.--v.5. Indoor studies.--v.6. Birds and poets, with other papers.--v.7. Pepaction and other sketches.--v.8. Signs and seasons. --v.9. Riverby.--v.10. Light of day.--v.11. Ways of nature.--v.12. Literary values.--v.13. Far and near.--v. 14. Leaf and tendril.--v.15. Time and change.--v.16. Summit of the years.--v.17. Breath of life.--v.18. Whitman: a study.--v.19. Under the apple trees.--v. 20. Field and study.--v.21. Accepting the universe.--v.22 Under the maples.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Autograph edition limited to 750 copies."
Mode of access: Internet.
[Publication no. 35]
Tomamos em consideração, no presente artigo, as diferentespráticas do escritor William Seward Burroughs (1914 – 1997) em torno dovariado e multimodal método de composição cut-up , procedimentocaracterizado, inicialmente, pela composição de textos em cortes permutatórios,feitos a partir da justaposição de diferentes fragmentos textuais impressos,previamente existentes, selecionados das mais diferentes fontes (obras literárias,jornais, a Bíblia, tratados médicos, canções pop, gravações ao acaso, discursostelevisivos, os próprios escritos de Burroughs, etc). Experimental e controversapor excelência, a prática do cut-up acabou por constituir, para Burroughs,uma espécie de verdadeiro mecanismo literário - aqui definido em termos deuma writing machine (máquina de escrita) conceitual -, levando-o à produçãode inúmeros outputs textuais e à elaboração de sua famosa Nova Trilogy(Trilogia Nova), composta pelas obras The Soft Machine (1961), The Ticketthat Exploded (1962) eNova Express (1964), bem como aplicações e extensõesdo método em colagens, fotomontagens e na manipulação e adulteração deáudio e vídeo. Mais do que um ponto de concentração, o foco no métodocut-up serve-nos, tanto quanto possível, como ponto de dispersão eagenciamentos, linha de fuga, enfim, multiplicidades. Logo, o estudo do métodoliterário empregado por Burroughs direcionará o olhar também paraprocedimentos análogos em outras mídias, como a pintura, a música e as artesem geral.