978 resultados para Burchill, Janet, 1955- -- Exhibitions
Crònica de l’exposició 'Josep Danés, l’arquitecte dels Pirineus', dedicada a mostrar les obres que durant les primeres dècades del segle XX va dur a terme aquest arquitecte a les comarques pirinenques i que es va dur a terme a Núria l'estiu de 2007
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In its earliest and simplest form queer theory proposes that sexual identity is not essential, but socially constructed, and understandings of identity, gender and sexuality are constructed differently at different times and in different places. Queer theory aims to challenge normative understandings of sex, sexuality and gender, and also normative concepts of knowledge and being. Since its inception, queer theory has been taken up by a number of disciplines as an analytical framework. These include cultural geography, education studies, film studies and sociology. In the last decade queer theory has been used to consider citizenship, diasporas and post colonial experiences. A queer theoretical perspective has also been used to analyse emotions, the Death Drive, phenomenology, and disability. As queer theory enters its third decade Janet Halley and Andrew Parker ask what is after sex? ‘What has queer theory become now that it has a past?’
On the 9th April 1955, RAAF Lincoln Bomber A73-64, on a mercy flight to transfer a critically ill infant from Townsville to Brisbane, crashed at Mount Superbus killing the four crew and two civilians on board. The immediate search and rescue was organised by a group of Brisbane bushwalkers who were camping in the area. Police and RAAF personnel subsequently joined the civilians at the crash site to recover the victims. During their initial search of the crash they located what were believed to be the remains of five adults. The arrival of the RAAF Senior Medical Officer (SMO) the following day revealed that only four adult bodies had been found and the bodies of both civilians, an adult and infant, were missing. Later that day the remains of six victims were recovered from the crash site and conveyed to the Warwick Police Station for identification. The RAAF SMO was responsible for the identifications of the aircrew while the Government Medical Officer, police and coroner were responsible for the identifications of the civilians. Eight days later, further remains of the infant were found by a civilian looking through the wreckage. This paper uses archival records not previously researched from a Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) perspective to stimulate interest among forensic practitioners, criminologists and other interested parties in the history of DVI and how practices in Australia have evolved.
This article considers the impact of the copyright term extension upon public exhibitions in libraries and cultural institutions. It focuses upon the legal action taken by the Joyce Estate to prevent the staging of "Rejoyce Dublin 2004", a festival celebrating the centenary of Bloomsday. It evaluates the emergency legislation rushed through by the Irish Parliament, Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) Act 2004 (Ireland) to safeguard the celebrations. It concludes that copyright law needs to be revised to promote the interests of libraries and other cultural institutions.
This 'project' investigates Janet Cardiff's Whispering Room. It examines how Cardiff deconstructs the privileging of the visual over all other corporeal senses in her work, the Whispering Room. Using sound as a fulcrum, Cardiff explores the links between subjects, collective narratives, memories, experiences and performances. Janet Cardiff destabilizes time and space and fractures the continuum through the use of sound. My 'project' celebrates sound as a transgressive medium — sound not as a gendered medium but as a vehicle in which to speak (to) gender. It explores how sound can destabilize notions of perception and reception and question art and museal practices. In the process this 'project' reveals the complexity of interpreting and representing art as an object. My aim is to reflect the very intertextual and expressionist collage that Cardiff has created in Whispering Room in my own text. Cardiff solicits the viewer's intimacy and participation. Whispering Room is a physical yet metonymic space in which Cardiff creates a place for performatvity, experience, memory, desire and speech, thus she opens up a space for the utterance and performance of the viewer. Viewers construct and create meaning/s for themselves within this mnemonic space by digging up their own memories, desires and reveries. The strength of Cardiff's work is that it relies on a viewer to perform, a body to trigger the pseudo-spectacle and a voice to interrupt the whispers. One might ask of Whispering Room where the illusionistic space begins and where the physical space ends. This 'project' investigates how in Whispering Room there is no one experience but many experiences.
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The novel was written in 2001. Description of post-war Germany from the viewpoint of a German, Fritz Meyer, who was a member of a local Nazi Youth organization in Sonneborn. He fought as a soldier and fell into the hands of the English in Northern France. He was taken to Canada as a prisoner of war. He escaped the camp and found refuge at a German family. Description of erotic encounters. Reflection on Nazi ideology. At the request of the family he returns to Germany for something subscribed as "the great errand", taking up the identity of a former American G.I. Desolation of post-war Germany. Confrontation with British emigre soldiers. Identifying with the anger of his German countrymen. Reflection on the Bible and the denial of the Jewish roots of Christianity. Creating an underground network of conspiracy with former Nazi leaders and high members of the Catholic church in order to continue the ideals of National Socialism. Donations from secret supporters abroad. Connections with the political leaders in the newly established German Republic. Revisionist history.
Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.
Contains correspondence, printed material, and photographs relating to Jews in the medical profession, used as a basis for Kagan's several works on Jews in medicine, including the correspondence of members of the American Physicians Fellowship Committee of the Israel Medical Association; includes also correspondence relating to the Near East and the internationalization of Jerusalem, 1945-1954; and personal correspondence. Among the correspondents are Bernard M. Baruch and Christian A. Herter.
Helsingin Kulttuuritalo rakennettiin vuosina 1955–1958 vastaamaan Suomen kommunistisen puolueen ja muiden kansandemokraattisten järjestöjen toimitilojen puutteeseen. Kulttuuritalo oli myös kommunistien vastaus Helsingissä jo 1900-luvun alusta lähtien käytyyn konserttisali keskusteluun. Kulttuuritalo rakennettiin SKP:n päämajaksi, mutta sinne asettui myös lukuisia muita kansandemokraattisia järjestöjä. Kulttuuritalon suunnitteli professori Alvar Aalto. Pro gradu -tutkielmassani olen tarkastellut Helsingin Kulttuuritalon rakentamista ja paikan hengen muodostumista vuosien 1955–1959 välillä. Aikarajaus kattaa Kulttuuritalon rakennusvuodet sekä sen ensimmäisen kokonaisen toimintavuoden. Tutkielman ensisijaiset tutkimuskysymykset ovat: Miksi Helsingin Kulttuuritalo rakennettiin, millainen rakennusprosessi oli ja millainen paikan henki Kulttuuritalolle muodostui vuosien 1955–1959 aikana? Teoreettisen viitekehyksen tutkielmalle muodostaa paikan hengen käsite. Primäärilähteinä tutkielmassa ovat Kansan Arkistosta löytyvät Kulttuuritalo Oy:n ja Kulttuurityö ry:n kokoelmat sekä sanomalehdet. Sanomalehtiä käytetään Kulttuuritalon paikan hengen ilmentämiseen. Kulttuuritalo rakennettiin pääasiassa talkoovoimin. Talkoisiin osallistui runsaasti ihmisiä niin pääkaupunkiseudulta kuin ulkopaikkakunnilta. Suurin osa Kulttuuritalon rakentamisen rahoituksesta tuli kommunistisilta poliittisilta järjestöiltä ja ammattijärjestöiltä. Pyynnöistä huolimatta Helsingin kaupungilta tai Suomen valtiolta ei tippunut tukea kommunistien hankkeelle. NKP osallistui Kulttuuritalon rakennuskustannuksiin sekä suorin tavaralahjoituksia että epäsuoraan Bukarestissa sijainneen kansainvälisen rahaston kautta, joka toimi SKP:n rahoittajana. Kulttuuritalon paikan hengen luominen liittyi tiiviisti Kulttuuritalon rakentamiseen, sillä paikan henki alkoi muodostua jo talon rakennusvaiheessa. Kulttuuritalon paikan hengen rakentamiseen osallistuivat niin kommunistit ja kansandemokraatit kuin kommunismin vastustajat. Kommunismin vastustajilla tarkoitan tutkielmassa oikeistoa ja sosiaalidemokraatteja. Kommunismin vastustajat vastustivat tavallisesti myös Kulttuuritaloa, mikä kytkee 1950-luvun suomalaisen antikommunismin Kulttuuritalon paikan hengen muodostamiseen. Kun kommunistit rakensivat Kulttuuritalon paikan hengen positiivista puolta, sosiaalidemokraatit ja oikeistolaiset lehdet osallistuivat sen negatiivisen puolen muodostamiseen. Kulttuuritalon paikan hengestä muodostui vuosien 1955–1959 aikana voimakkaan punainen. Kulttuuritalon punaisuus sai kuitenkin kaksi merkitystä: Kommunisteille ja kansandemokraateille se merkitsi työväenliikkeen solidaarisuutta, tasa-arvoa ja voimaa. Kulttuuritalo oli heille osoitus työväen voimasta, ja he toivoivat sen auttavan kommunisteja saavuttamaan laajemman kannatuksen ja hyväksytyn aseman yhteiskunnassa. Kommunismin vastustajille Kulttuuritalo puolestaan merkitsi perinteistä yhteiskuntaa uhkaavaa tekijää. Kulttuuritalon oli heidän mielestään vaarallinen paikka, jonka avulla kommunistit pyrkivät vahvistamaan asemiaan yhteiskunnassa. Kulttuuritalon paikan henki heijasti näin suomalaisen yhteiskunnan kahtiajakautuneisuutta. Kulttuuritalon paikan henki vaikutti myös talon käyttöön. Kulttuuritalon ottivat innolla omakseen kommunistit ja kansandemokraatit, mutta sosiaalidemokraatit ja oikeistolaiset eivät halunneet sitä käyttää, vaikka Kulttuuritalon juhlasali olikin Helsingissä ainoa, joka täytti kansainvälisestikin tasokkaan akustiikan vaatimukset.
Landscape is shaped by natural environment and increasingly by human activity. In landscape ecology, the concept of landscape can be defined as a kilometre-scale mosaic formed by different land-use types. In Helsinki Metropolitan Region, the landscape change caused by urbanization has accelerated after the 1950s. Prior to that, the landscape of the region was mainly only shaped by agriculture. The goal of this study was in addition to describing the landscape change to discuss the factors impacting the landscape change and evaluate thelandscape ecological impacts of the change. Three study areas at different distances from Helsinki city centre were chosen in order to look at the landscape change. Study areas were Malmi, Espoo and Mäntsälä regions representing different parts of the urban-to-rural gradient in 1955, 1975, 1990 and 2009. Land-use of the maps was then digitized into five classes: agricultural lands, semi-natural grasslands, built areas, waters and others using GIS methods. First, landscape change was studied using landscape ecological indices. Indices used were PLAND i.e. the proportions of the different land-use types in the landscape; MPS, SHEI and SHDI which describe fragmentation and heterogeneity of the landscape; and MSI and ED which are measures of patch shape. Second, landscape change was studied statistically in relation to topography, soil and urban structure of the study areas. Indicators used concerning urban structure were number of residents, car ownership and travel-related zones of urban form which indicate the degree of urban sprawl within the study areas. For the statistical analyses, each of the 9.25 x 9.25 km sized study areas was further divided into grids with resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 kilometres. Third, the changes in the green structure of the study areas were evaluated. The landscape change reflected by the proportions of the land-use types was the most notable in Malmi area where a large amount of agricultural land was developed from 1955 to 2009. The proportion of semi-natural grasslands also showed an interesting pattern in relation to urbanization. When urbanization started, a great number of agricultural lands were abandoned and turned into semi-natural grasslands but as the urbanization accelerated, the number of semi-natural grasslands started to decline because of urban densification. Landscape fragmentation and heterogeneity were the most widespread in Espoo study area which is not only because of the great differences in relative heights within the region but also its location in the rural-urban fringe. According to the results, urbanization induced agricultural lands to be more regular in shape both spatially and temporally whereas for built areas and semi-natural grasslands the impact of urbanization was reverse. Changes in landscape were the most insignificant in the most rural study area Mäntsälä. In Mäntsälä, built area per resident showed the greatest values indicating a widespread urban sprawl. The values were the smallest in highly urbanized Malmi study area. Unlike other study areas, in Mäntsälä the proportion of developing land in the ecologically disadvantageous cardependent zone was on the increase. On the other hand, the green structure of the Mäntsälä study area was the most advantageous whereas Malmi study area showed the most ecologically disadvantageous structure. Considering all the landscape ecological criteria used, the landscape structure of Espoo study area proved to be the best not least because of the great heterogeneity of its landscape. Thus the study confirmed the previous results according to which landscape heterogeneity is the most significant in areas exposed to a moderate human impact.