998 resultados para Brabant, Dukes of.
Printer's mark on recto of last leaf in v. 2 and v. 3.
Thesis presented at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, to obtain a Master degree in Conservation and Restoration,Specialization in Textiles
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Engraved printer's device on t.p. (compasses), woodcut version on last p. Etched arms of Albrecht, Grand Duke of Austria, to whom with Isabella of Austria his consort the work is dedicated. Bound in before A1 is folded map of Brabant, dated 1599. Ill. are full-length ports. of the dukes of Brabant, with their coats of arms. Head and tail pieces, initials.
The first part of v.1 contains the minor works of E. de Dynter with facsimiles of an early topographical map of Brabant and of colored coat of arms of the principal cities of Brabant reproduced from ms. 4192 (2097) of the Royal library of Brussels.
Durant els segles XV i primera meitat del XVI, tota mena de productes de luxe eren exportats des dels Països Baixos del sud a tota Europa, moda fomentada pels ducs de Borgonya, que governaven el territori. Malgrat el major número d’estudis sobre les relacions entre la Corona de Castella i Flandes a finals de l’Edat Mitjana, i les més nombroses peces flamenques conservades en aquesta regió veïna, també la Corona d’Aragó mantenia intenses relacions comercials amb els Països Baixos del sud, essent la colònia de mercaders catalans de les primeres en establir-se a Bruges, principal port d’exportació a l’època. És nombrosa la documentació referida a naus catalanes viatjant cap al nord, així com als privilegis de què gaudia aquesta colònia de mercaders. Un bon grapat de peces d’aquesta procedència es conserven a museus i institucions locals. Malgrat que de moltes no se’n coneix el moment d’arribada, d’altres es troben ben documentades o se’n pot deduïr la seva presència a Catalunya des de finals de l’Edat Mitjana, conformant un farcit catàleg. D’altra banda, la documentació d’arxiu ens proporciona valuoses notícies sobre la gran quantitat de peces flamenques avui desaparegudes però que haurien existit a l’època, evidenciant que el que avui ens resta no és més que una molt petita porció del que hauria estat a finals de l’Edat Mitjana, i ens permet acostar-nos a una visió de la societat i els seus gustos més propera a la realitat de l’època, posant de manifest que la moda flamenca arrelaria intensament a Catalunya.
The present 30 volumes seem to have remained with the Dukes of Leuchtenberg, until the ducal library was acquired for sale in 1935 by the dealers Ulrich Hoepli (Milan) and Braus-Riggenbach (Basel). The volumes are not complete, as leaves have been wholly or partly removed throughout; this is particularly evident in preliminary volumes 2 and 10 and volume 75. Prints and the relatively small number of drawings are mostly French, with some German, Dutch and English, and are mostly of the 17th or 18th centuries. They are mounted generally on rectos of leaves, often with hand-written captions. Large prints are occasionally bound in directly; these are often folded. The engraved general title page (bearing the date 1788) appears at the beginning of each volume; below the printed title a hand-written volume number and brief title describing the volume's contents usually appear. In many volumes the title leaf is followed by a hand-written contents leaf listing the section titles, which are also written individually throughout the volume on leaves with etched decorative frames. Sections are numbered continuously throughout the work as a whole. Numbering of the leaves, when present, appears in black ink within each volume at top center recto. Printmakers include B. & J. Audran, Francesco Bartolozzi, Abraham Bosse, Stefano della Bella, Jacques Callot, François Chéreau, Wenceslaus Hollar, Romeyn de Hooghe, Raymond La Fage, Sébastien Le Clerc, Pierre Lepautre, Claude Mellan, Bernard Picart, and Simon Thomassin. There are also early color prints by Gautier-Dagoty and Jean-Baptiste Morret.
Title vignettes; head and tail pieces; initials. The plates and portraits are mounted.
Title vignette.
v. 1 The dukes of Urbino; Edward Baines; Francesco Pforza; Social life in past centuries; Harford's Michael Angelo; Decade of Italian women; Peden the prophet; Filippo Strozzi; Lord Macaulay as a translator; The pope & the friar; Whittington & his cat; Autobiography of Mrs. Piozzi; Early years of Pitt; Last years of Pitt.--v. 2 Washington Irving; Irving at Sunnyside; Reliques of Mrs. Knight; Marc Isambard Brunel; Colossal vestiges; Lady Morgan; Lord Stanhope; Pictor ignotus; Miss Berry; Windham; Our merchant princess; Lucrezia Borgia; America by an American.
Title vignettes; head and tail pieces; initials. The plates and portraits are mounted.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 13 includes "Table sommaire de l'histoire des ducs de Bourgogne."
Includes bibliographical references.