963 resultados para Bovine babesiosis


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Babesia sp. is a protozoan hemoparasite that affects livestock worldwide. The Colombian Middle Magdalena is an enzootic region for babesiosis, but there is no previous research providing detail on its transmission cycle. This study aims to assess some Babesia sp. infection indicators in cattle and ticks from the area, by using direct microscopic and molecular techniques to detect the infection. In the cattle, 59.9% and 3.4 % positivity values for B. bigemina and mixed infection (B. bovis + B. bigemina) were found respectively. In ticks, the positivity of B. bigemina reached 79.2% and 9.4% for the mixed infection. The degree of infestation in the region was 3.2 ticks per bovine. There was positive correlation between tick control acaricide frequencies and infestation in bovines. This leads us to infer that control periodicity greater than 90 days, in stable zones, is an abiotic factor that benefits the acquisition of protective immunity in calves, the natural control of the infection and eventual disease absence. It is necessary to monitor the disease by applying new entomological and parasitological indicators showing the complexity of this phenomenon.


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This review presents up-to-date information on the distribution and control measures of babesiosis in Latin America. Bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia bovis and B. bigemia will be emphasized. The disease is endemic is most countries and poses a serious economic burdenon livestock production in the region (U.S.$1365 million/year, FAO, 1989). Of the estimated 250 million cattle in Central and South America, approximately 175 million (70%) are in tick-infested regions. Humid, tropical and subtropical areas favor development of the main vector, the one-host tick Boophilus microplus. In many regions bovine babesiosis is enzootically stable as consequence of a balanced host-parasite relationship. However, Latin America offers a wide range of epidemiologica conditions that are influenced by variations from tropical to cool climates and by susceptible purebred cattle that are regularly imported to upgrade local stocks. The control measures employed in most countries for babesiosis esentially rely on chemotherapy, use of acaricides for B. microplus, and to a lesser degree, on immunization methods. In general, these measures are expensive, time consuming, and in many cases, provide limited success. Finally, the zoonotic potential ob babesiosis will be addressd, with special emphasis on the situation in the United States. Even though bovine babesiosis has long been eradicated from the U.S.A., human babesiosis in endemic in the northeastern region of the country.


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A vaccine strategy against Babesia divergens bovine babesiosis was sucessfully developed after perfecting of an efficient in vitro culture. Crude supernatants and purified fractions were able to induce a vaccine protection in gerbils against B. divergens infection. More, supernatants induced an effective vaccine protection in cattle. The role of B. divergens exoantigens of 17, 37, 46, 70 and 90 kDa in the development of the immune response was cleary demonstrated in gerbils, cattle, and man.


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Bovine babesiosis is endemic in Venezuela, causing significant losses in highly susceptible imported cattle. Current immunoprphylatic methods include the less desirable use of live parasites. Inactivated vaccines derived from exoantigen-containing supernatant fluids of in vitro Babesia bovis and B. bigemina cultures have been developed and constitute a major improvement in vaccine safety, stability and ease of handling. Vaccination trials conducted under field conditions provide the final evaluation of a culture-derived B. bovis-B. bigemina vaccine. During a 5-year period, approximately 8,000 cattle were vaccinated and 16 clinical trials carried out in. 7 states of Venezuela Clinical, serologic and parasitologic data were collected monthly from 10% of the animals over a 2-year period. Data were also collected from a similar number of nonvaccinated control cattle. Analysis of results from these trials demonstrated a reduction in the incidence of clinical disease among vaccinated animals and complete protection against mortality among vaccinated and nonvaccinated cattle. Use of this inactivated vaccine offers the best combination od safety, potency and efficacy for thew immunoprophylatic control of bovine babesiosis.


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Current methods for the control of the cattle tick Boophils microplus and the agent of bovine babesiosis, Babesia bovis are unsatisfactory. Effective immunological control of both parasites would have great advantages. However, naturally acquired immunity to the tick is generally unable to prevent serious production losses. A vaccine against the tick, based on a novel form of immunization, is being developed. A protective antigen has been isolated from the tick, characterized and produced as an effective, recombinant protein. A vaccine incorporating this antigen is currently undergoing field trials. In the Australian situation, improved tick control will probably increase endemic instability with respect to B. bovis. Fortunately, a trivalent, recombinant B. bovis vaccine has also been developed. This too is now undergoing pre-registration field trials.


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Babesia bovis is a tick-borne pathogen that remains an important constraint for the development of cattle industries in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Effective control can be achieved by vaccination with live attenuated phenotypes of the parasite. However, these phenotypes have a number of drawbacks, which justifies the search for new, more efficient immunogens based mainly on recombinant protein technology. In the present paper, ribosomal phosphoprotein P0 from a Brazilian isolate of B. bovis was produced and evaluated with regard to conservation and antigenicity. The protein sequence displayed high conservation between different Brazilian isolates of B. bovis and several Apicomplexa parasites such as Theileria, Neospora and Toxoplasma. IgG from cattle experimentally and naturally infected with B. bovisas well as IgG1 and IgG2 from naturally infected cattle reacted with the recombinant protein. IgG from cattle experimentally infected with Babesia bigemina cross-reacted with B. bovis recombinant P0. These characteristics suggest that P0 is a potential antigen for recombinant vaccine preparations against bovine babesiosis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Bovine babesiosis is a blood parasitic disease. In Brazil it is caused by B. bovis and B. bigemina protozoa, both of which reveal the Boophilus microplus tick as the only biological vector. Animal samples were collected at Experimental Study Farm of Curraleiro Cattle (ESFC) in 2001 (n=117) and 2003 (n=113). The detection of antibodies against B. bovis and B. bigemina was carried out by ELISA-indirect method. This research was aimed at studing seroepidemiological aspects of bovine babesiosis in a Curraleiro herd, as well as obtain information about babesiosis stability in this population and relate the results with available climactic and management information. The occurrence rate of positive animals was 92.3% for B. bovis and 83.8% for B. bigemina in 2001; in 2003 it was 92.9% and 66.4%, respectively. There was a significant difference between seropositive frequency and age in 2003; such a frequency decreased with ageing. It was possible to conclude that despite environmental conditions and chemical controls against endo and ectoparasites, these animals were exposed to Babesia spp and they found themselves in a situation of enzootic stability for babesiosis.


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The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in water buffaloes of the Marajó Island, State of Pará, Brazil. We used an indirectenzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA), with total antigen containing proteins outer surface, and polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), involving the use of SYBR Green based on amplification of a small fragment of the cytochrome b gene. The prevalence of positive animals in iELISA to B. bovis B. bigemina and mixed infection was 24.87% (199/800), 20.75% (166/800) and 18.75% (150/800), respectively. Using the PCR, the presence of B. bovis wasdetected in 15% (18/199) and B. bigemina in 16% (19/199) of animals, and of these, 58% (11/19) presented co-infected by the two agents. The results show a low prevalence of antibodies anti-B. bovis and anti-B. bigemina in water buffaloes from Marajó Island. However, it was observed that the agents of bovine babesiosis circulate in buffaloes, and these may act as reservoirs.


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Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused mainly by Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina, which are associated to considerable economic losses in cattle herds worldwide. Approximately 60% of buffalo herds in South America are located in Northern Brazil. Little is known about the impact of babesiosis on buffalo herds in Brazil. The present work aimed to verify the occurrence of B. bovis and B. bigemina in 542 water buffaloes in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, using molecular and serological techniques. The percentage of seropositive animals for B. bovis and B. bigemina was 41.2% and 19.0%, respectively, by ELISA. B. bovis and B. bigemina DNA were detected in 15 and 16% of sampled buffaloes, respectively. A high correlation (Kappa index of 0.9) between serological and molecular tests suggests that the combination of the utilized techniques in the present study is suitable for babesiosis diagnosis in an endemic unstable area. Significantly difference of positivity for serological and molecular assays was verified to localities and reproductive status of sampled animals, but not between buffalo breeds. The immune status of sampled buffaloes associated to the circulation of babesiosis agents in sampled population suggests that the studied area is at risk to clinical babesiosis outbreaks. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that this region can be classified as endemically unstable. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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O objetivo do estudo foi testar a prevalência sorológica e molecular de Babesia bovis e Babesia bigemina em búfalos da Ilha de Marajó, Pará. Foi utilizado ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimático indireto (iELISA) com antígeno total contendo proteínas de superfície externa e reação em cadeia da polimerase (qPCR), envolvendo o uso de SYBR Green com base na amplificação de um pequeno fragmento de gene do citocromo b. A prevalência de animais positivos no ELISA para B. bovis, B. bigemina e para infecção mista foi de 24.87% (199/800), 20.75% (166/800) e 18.75% (150/800), respectivamente. Na PCR foi detectado a presença de B. bovis em 15% (18/199) e de B. bigemina em 16% (19/199) dos animais, sendo que destes, 58% (11/19) apresentavam-se co-infectados pelos dois agentes. Os resultados mostram uma baixa prevalência de anticorpos anti-B. bovis e anti-B. bigemina em búfalos da Ilha do Marajó. Porém, observou-se que os agentes da babesiose bovina circulam em búfalos, podendo estes atuar como reservatórios.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)