998 resultados para Boarding school


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Mode of access: Internet.


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INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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O presente documento corresponde à realização de um projeto de estruturas em betão armado e estrutura metálica. A escolha deste tema teve como propósito aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do percurso académico, sobretudo em disciplinas do ramo de estruturas. O trabalho desenvolvido é um Projeto de Estabilidade de Betão Armado e Estrutura Metálica de um Internato Masculino para Padres em Onameva, Cunene – Angola. A elaboração deste projeto decorre da realização de um estágio formal de 8 meses na empresa CALCULUS, Miguel Barros – Engenharia, LDA, com o objetivo principal de reunir os requisitos necessários à admissão na Ordem dos Engenheiros. No contexto laboral de um gabinete de projetos de engenharia civil, foi feita a integração de forma gradual e sustentada das competências adquiridas ao longo da formação académica e vivenciadas situações reais de trabalho profissional. De entre as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio, foi escolhido o projeto de estabilidade acima referido pela oportunidade de realizar todas as etapas do seu desenvolvimento, desde a análise da arquitetura até à elaboração das peças escritas e desenhadas, dando assim resposta às exigências necessárias para a conclusão do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil, no ramo de Estruturas, pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto.


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Projecte que pretén planificar els serveis que pot oferir la Residència Diocesana d'Estudiants, amb dues condicions: que sigui tècnicament correcta i entri dintre d'uns principis humanístics mínims i que a això se li doni un sentit d'utilitat social i ajudi, expressament, les parts menys afavorides de la societat (no només econòmicament). Entre els serveis proposats consten els següents: un internat de 300 places per a infants i adolescents; la posada en marxa, obertura i utilització d'un antic internat per a fer-ne una mena de centre de recursos alternatius a l'escola (colònies, campaments, estades educatives, etc.), així com també d'una casa de colònies que està creant-se i de dues zones d'acampada (una a la serra, l'altra a la platja); la creació de l'Escola de l'Esplai diocesana (és dels pocs bisbats de Catalunya que no en té, i aquest bisbat abasta també el nord de Castelló); la generació d'un servei per a elaborar els diversos tipus de mediacions que, a hores d'ara, demana la societat, i dels quals s'espera un fort creixement (matrimonis, menors, etc.), i la cerca d'altres serveis que es puguin oferir a menors i a famílies que tinguin dificultats econòmiques (centre d'acolliments familiars, etc.).


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An accomplished poet, writer and journalist, Ethelwyn Wetherald’s works were present in all Ontario readers for school children. Among her most notable works are; The Indigo Bird, The Red-Winged Blackbird, and The Pasture Field. The above poem Legacies is one of her most famous works and appears on her gravestone. Wetherald was born in 1857 as the sixth child out of an eventual eleven. Although born in Rockwood Ontario, she spent most of her life in Fenwick (Pelham Township), Ontario, where she died in 1940. Wetherald used her surroundings as her inspiration and focused on nature. She has been coined a nature poet and journalist. Wetherald received her education at both the Friends boarding school in Union Springs, N.Y. and at Pickering College in Pickering Ontario. After her schooling she wrote numerous articles for the Toronto Globe under the pen name Bel Thistelwaite, derived from her Grandmother’s name. These articles lead to a position as Women’s editor of the Globe and later she was part of the Advertiser’s editorial staff in London Ontario. Wetherald continued writing after she was finished with the papers and published six volumes of poetry between 1895 and 1931. Her work was not only known amongst school children, but also attracted the attention of Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada in 1907 and Sir Wilfred Laurier, Prime Minster of Canada in 1911. In 1921 she published a book entitled Tree Top Morning, which she dedicated to her daughter Dorothy Rungeling who also became an author. Recently Rungeling published Life and works of Ethelwyn Wetherald 1857-1940 : with a selection of her poems and articles about her mother. Rungeling, Dorothy W., Life and works of Ethelwyn Wetherald


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Temple Grandin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on August 29,1947 to Richard Grandin and Eustacia Cutler. She was diagnosed with autism at age 2. She suffered from delayed speech development and did not begin to speak until the age of 4. Temple’s mother defied the doctors and kept her out of institutions. Temple was given speech therapy as well as an intensive education. Her high school science teacher and her aunt on a ranch in Arizona inspired Temple to continue her studies and pursue a career as a scientist and livestock equipment designer.She graduated from Hampshire Country School (a boarding school for gifted children) in Ridge, New Hampshire in 1966, and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Franklin Pierce College in 1970. In 1975, she received a master’s degree in animal science from Arizona State University and then a doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois in 1989. She is currently a professor at Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is one of the world’s leaders in the design of livestock handling facilities. She has done extensive work in design of handling facilities for animals and has developed animal welfare guidelines for the meat industries. Dr. Grandin is a past member of the board of directors of the Autism Society of America. She lectures to parents and teachers throughout the U.S. on her experiences with autism. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers and verbal thinkers. Some of Temple Grandin’s books include: Animals Make Us Human, Animals in Translation, The Way I See It, The Autistic Brain, and Different…Not Less. In 2010, a movie entitled “Temple Grandin” starring Clare Danes was released. The movie was based on Grandin’s own writings. Temple Grandin is an expert on animal behavior, a bestselling author, and an autism activist. In 2010, she was listed in the “Heroes” category in the “Time” list of the world’s 100 most influential people. She has received numerous awards including an honorary doctorate from McGill, the University of Illinois and Duke University. Temple Granin is a philosophical leader of both the animal welfare and autism advocacy movements. sources: http://www.templegrandin.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Grandin


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Der Name einer kleinen Internatsschule im Berner Oberland taucht zunehmend in den Diskussionen über die Gestaltung von selbst organisiertem Lernen auf: Institut Beatenberg. Der Direktor des Instituts, Andreas Müller, und seine Mitarbeiter sind gefragte Referenten auf Veranstaltungen über die Einführung einer Lehr-Lernkultur, die den Lernenden und seine Lernprozesse in den Mittelpunkt der pädagogischen Arbeit stellt. Zudem finden ihre Publikationen zunehmendes Interesse im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Ein Schlüsselinstrument wurde dabei zum Schlagwort: Kompetenzraster. Doch die stellen nur eines der Instrumente dar, die den ‚Wirkungskreislauf des Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg stützen. Berufliche Schulen in Hessen und Hamburg haben im Rahmen von Modellprojekten mit der Erarbeitung von Kompetenzrastern nach den Vorbildern in Beatenberg begonnen und versprechen sich damit eine neue, auf selbst organisiertem Lernen aufbauende kompetenzorientierte berufliche Bildung. In dem Beitrag werden die Arbeit mit Kompetenzrastern und den dahinter liegenden ‚Lernlandschaften’ sowie der ‚Wirkungskreislauf den Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg kompetenzorientiert dargestellt. Die Dimensionen Definition, Beschreibung, Ordnung, Erwerb, Messung und Anerkennung von Kompetenzen werden herausgearbeitet und die Möglichkeiten von Kompetenzrastern in der beruflichen Bildung kritisch gewürdigt. Der Beitrag ist entlang der genannten Dimensionen gegliedert.


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O presente estudo visa a levantar alguns aspectos relevantes relacionados com o estudo de carência da criança institucionalizada. Pretende-se ensaiar uma avaliação do atraso verbal e motor que tal situação acarreta, bem como da recuperação correspondente que a adoção permite. A escassez de tentativas congêneres em nosso meio, visando a trazer à luz dados de realidade sobre este campo, foi o suporte que originou e motivou o presente trabalho. Para esse fim, procedeu-se preliminarmente a uma revisão à literatura, objetivando fundamentar no plano teórico o trabalho não só à luz da psicologia do desenvo1vimento, bem como a luz da legislação relativa à adoção. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório formulando-se o testando-se hipóteses operacionais extraídas da hipótese geral, de haver diferença significativa, em termos do atraso motor e verbal no desenvolvimento e na recuperação motora e verbal em relação a idade inicial e final, bem como a duração da permanência, da criança institucionalizada e posteriormente adotada. As hipóteses foram testadas em termos estatísticos, através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson adotando um nível de significância de 0,05 para rejeição da hipótese nula.


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Esta pesquisa visa estudar a produção da subjetividade no contexto institucional de um Seminário Católico. Este estabelecimento funciona em regime de internato no qual atualmente 70 seminaristas estudam Filosofia durante 3 anos, numa etapa preparatória para o sacerdócio. Pesquisamos o funcionamento da vida institucional através da observação participante e utilizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas para entender como o seminarista experiencia sua vida. Os resultados preliminares indicam que a vida no contexto institucional do Seminário produz diversas modalizações da subjetividade nos seminaristas internados no estabelecimento: há uma perda considerável de autonomia pessoal, da liberdade de ir e vir, agir e decidir, originando comportamentos de dependência excessiva, de resistência à mudança, de conversão ao papel proposto, de rivalidade fraterna. A contradição detectada entre o aparelho repressivo e o discurso participativo parece produzir nos indivíduos características marcadas pela clivagem e pela recusa.


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Dans cet article on cherche à identifier les effets de l'institutionnalisation dans la production de la subjectivité dans un établissement scolaire total. La recherche est basée sur le roman «O Ateneu » de Raul Pompeia, analysé à partir de la théorie de Goffman (1961-1987) relative aux institutions totales. on décrit l itinéraire moral que le personnage Sergio développe, à son entrée à l'internat, évoquant les vicissitudes par lesquelles il passe dans ce contexte institutionnel : période d'adaptation, crises évolutives, initiations sexuelles, problèmes de rivalités, etc. les établissements totaux semblent s'organiser d'une façon caractéristique et fonctionner de manière autonome. on pourra comprendre les problèmes sociaux et les effets sur la subjectivité produite par les institutions totales par l étude des relations de pouvoir subjacentes à ces types d'établissements. Le temps pendant lequel un individu vit comme interné peut laisser des marques profondes dans sa subjectivité et se configure comme un thème personnel approprié.