1000 resultados para Bering Sea


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The North Pacific and Bering Sea regions represent loci of cyclogenesis and storm track activity. In this paper climatological properties of extratropical storms in the North Pacific/Bering Sea are presented based upon aggregate statistics of individual storm tracks calculated by means of a feature-tracking algorithm run using NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data from 1948/49 to 2008, provided by the NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Climate Diagnostics Center. Storm identification is based on the 850-hPa relative vorticity field (ζ) instead of the often-used mean sea level pressure; ζ is a prognostic field, a good indicator of synoptic-scale dynamics, and is directly related to the wind speed. Emphasis extends beyond winter to provide detailed consideration of all seasons. Results show that the interseasonal variability is not as large during the spring and autumn seasons. Most of the storm variables—genesis, intensity, track density—exhibited a maxima pattern that was oriented along a zonal axis. From season to season this axis underwent a north–south shift and, in some cases, a rotation to the northeast. This was determined to be a result of zonal heating variations and midtropospheric moisture patterns. Barotropic processes have an influence in shaping the downstream end of storm tracks and, together with the blocking influence of the coastal orography of northwest North America, result in high lysis concentrations, effectively making the Gulf of Alaska the “graveyard” of Pacific storms. Summer storms tended to be longest in duration. Temporal trends tended to be weak over the study area. SST did not emerge as a major cyclogenesis control in the Gulf of Alaska.


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English abstract: We hypothesized that the arctic fox, Alopex lagopus (Linnaeus), population on St. Lawrence Island was cyclic and that its fluctuations in size. structure, and productivity were correlated with the relative size of the population of northern voles, Microtus oeconomus Pallas, the primary prey. Based on a nine-year study, we determined that the variations in size of the fox and vole populations were similar, but they both were of low amplitude and not closely correlated. The high pregnancy rate (mean, 86%/yr) and numbers of young conceived (mean, 11.5/pregnancy) did not vary significantly among years, probably because of the consistently abundant and diverse food supply available to the foxes. The age composition of the trappers' catch of foxes each winter also was comparatively stable, but it was closely correlated with the size of the vole population in the previous summer. The survival of the young foxes during the summer probably was dependent on the availability of the voles, The composition of the catch also appeared to be influenced by immigration of faxes from the adjacent continents via the pack ice. French abstract: Nous avons émis I'hypothèse que la population du renard arctique, Alopex lagopus (Linnaeus), sur I'île Saint Lawrence était cyclique el que les fluctuations concernant sa tailIe, sa structure et sa productivité étaient corrélées à la taille relative de la population du campagnol nordique. Microtus oeconomus Pallas, sa principale proie. En nous appuyant sur une étude menée sur neuf ans, nous avons déterminé que les variations dans la taille des populations du renard et du campagnol étaient semblables. mais que toutes deux avaient une faible amplitude et n'étaient pas corrélées de façon étroite. Le taux de grossesse élevé (moyenne 86 p. cent/an) et Ie nombre dc petits conçus (moyenne 11,5/grossesse) ne variaient pas de façon significative au cours des ans, probablement à cause de I'abondance et de la variété de sources de nourriture pour les renards. La composition d'âge des prises des trappeurs était également stable d'un hiver à I'autre, mais elle était corrélée de façon étroite avec la taille de la population dc campagnols au cours de I'été précédent. La survie des renardeaux au cours de I'été dépendait probablement de la disponibilité des campagnols. La composition des prises semblait aussi être influencée par I'immigration des renards venant des terres continentales adjacentes par la voie de la banquise.


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The oxygen isotopic composition and Mg/Ca ratios in the skeletons of long-lived coralline algae record ambient seawater temperature over time. Similarly, the carbon isotopic composition in the skeletons record delta(13)C values of ambient seawater dissolved inorganic carbon. Here, we measured delta(13)C in the coralline alga Clathromorphum nereostratum to test the feasibility of reconstructing the intrusion of anthropogenic CO(2) into the northern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The delta(13)C was measured in the high Mgcalcite skeleton of three C. nereostratum specimens from two islands 500 km apart in the Aleutian archipelago. In the records spanning 1887 to 2003, the average decadal rate of decline in delta(13)C values increased from 0.03% yr(-1) in the 1960s to 0.095% yr(-1) in the 1990s, which was higher than expected due to solely the delta(13)C-Suess effect. Deeper water in this region exhibits higher concentrations of CO(2) and low delta(13)C values. Transport of deeper water into surface water (i.e., upwelling) increases when the Aleutian Low is intensified. We hypothesized that the acceleration of the delta(13)C decline may result from increased upwelling from the 1960s to 1990s, which in turn was driven by increased intensity of the Aleutian Low. Detrended delta(13)C records also varied on 4-7 year and bidecadal timescales supporting an atmospheric teleconnection of tropical climate patterns to the northern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea manifested as changes in upwelling.


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Acritarchs have received limited attention in palynological studies of the Cenozoic, although they have much potential both for refining Neogene and Quaternary stratigraphy, especially in mid- and high northern latitudes, and developing palaeoceanographical reconstructions. Here we formally describe and document the stratigraphical and palaeotemperature ranges (from foraminiferal Mg/Ca) of four new acritarch species: Cymatiosphaera? aegirii sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? fensomei sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? icenorum sp. nov. and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov. In reviewing the stratigraphical distributions of all species of the genus Lavradosphaera De Schepper & Head, 2008, we demonstrate their correlation potential between the North Atlantic and Bering Sea in the Pliocene. Additionally, Lavradosphaera lucifer De Schepper & Head, 2008 and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov., while not themselves overlapping stratigraphically, have morphological intermediates that do partially overlap and may represent an evolutionary trend consequent upon climate cooling in the Late Pliocene. Finally, we show that the highest abundances of the acritarchs presented here were living in the eastern North Atlantic, in surface-water temperatures not very different from today.


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Past changes in North Pacific sea surface temperatures and sea-ice conditions are proposed to play a crucial role in deglacial climate development and ocean circulation but are less well known than from the North Atlantic. Here, we present new alkenone-based sea surface temperature records from the subarctic northwest Pacific and its marginal seas (Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk) for the time interval of the last 15 kyr, indicating millennial-scale sea surface temperature fluctuations similar to short-term deglacial climate oscillations known from Greenland ice-core records. Past changes in sea-ice distribution are derived from relative percentage of specific diatom groups and qualitative assessment of the IP25 biomarker related to sea-ice diatoms. The deglacial variability in sea-ice extent matches the sea surface temperature fluctuations. These fluctuations suggest a linkage to deglacial variations in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and a close atmospheric coupling between the North Pacific and North Atlantic. During the Holocene the subarctic North Pacific is marked by complex sea surface temperature trends, which do not support the hypothesis of a Holocene seesaw in temperature development between the North Atlantic and the North Pacific.


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here is controversy over the role of marine methane hydrates in atmospheric methane concentrations and climate change during the last glacial period. In this study of two sediment cores from the southeast Bering Sea (700 m and 1467 m water depth), we identify multiple episodes during the last glacial period of intense methane flux reaching the seafloor. Within the uncertainty of the radiocarbon age model, the episodes are contemporaneous in the two cores and have similar timing and duration as Dansgaard-Oeschger events. The episodes are marked by horizons of sediment containing 13C-depleted authigenic carbonate minerals; 13C-depleted archaeal and bacterial lipids, which resemble those found in ANME-1 type anaerobic methane oxidizing microbial consortia; and changes in the abundance and species distribution of benthic foraminifera. The similar timing and isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates in the two cores is consistent with a region-wide increase in the upward flux of methane bearing fluids. This study is the first observation outside Santa Barbara Basin of pervasive, repeated methane flux in glacial sediments. However, contrary to the "Clathrate Gun Hypothesis" (Kennett et al., 2003), these coring sites are too deep for methane hydrate destabilization to be the cause, implying that a much larger part of the ocean's sedimentary methane may participate in climate or carbon cycle feedback at millennial timescales. We speculate that pulses of methane in these opal-rich sediments could be caused by the sudden release of overpressure in pore fluids that builds up gradually with silica diagenesis. The release could be triggered by seismic shaking on the Aleutian subduction zone caused by hydrostatic pressure increase associated with sea level rise at the start of interstadials.


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The clay mineral composition at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343 in the Bering Sea was analyzed so as to unravel their provenance over glacial-interglacial cycles for the last 2.4 Ma. Smectite was negatively correlated with the sum of illite and chlorite; therefore, their ratio [S/(I + C)] was used as an indicator of clay mineral composition changes. In general, the S/(I + C) ratio was rather similar for glacial and interglacial periods during most of the last 2.4 Ma. In addition, these results overlap with those of surface sediments in the modern East Aleutian Basin, which suggests that smectite-rich clay particles are delivered from the Aleutians by the northward Bering Slope Current (BSC) rather than from rivers in western Alaska. However, some clay mineral compositions of the glacial periods after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT: 1.25-0.7 Ma) were characterized by low illite and relatively high smectite. During this period, extensive ice-rafting might have transported the smectite-rich clay particles to Site U1343 from the glacial shelf off Alaska and/or from glacial rivers from that area.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios (d13C and d15N) of organic matter were measured in three sediment cores from deep basins of the Bering Sea to investigate past changes in surface nutrient conditions. For surface water reconstructions, hemipelagic layers in the cores were distinguished from turbidite layers (on the basis of their sedimentary structures and 14C ages) and analyzed for isotopic studies. Although d13C profiles may have been affected by diagenesis, both d15N and d13C values showed common positive anomalies during the last deglaciation. We explain these anomalies as reflecting suppressed vertical mixing and low nutrient concentrations in surface waters caused by injection of meltwater from alpine glaciers around the Bering Sea.


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Little is known concerning the effect of CO2 on phytoplankton ecophysiological processes under nutrient and trace element-limited conditions, because most CO2 manipulation experiments have been conducted under elements-replete conditions. To investigate the effects of CO2 and iron availability on phytoplankton ecophysiology, we conducted an experiment in September 2009 using a phytoplankton community in the iron limited, high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the Bering Sea basin . Carbonate chemistry was controlled by the bubbling of the several levels of CO2 concentration (180, 380, 600, and 1000 ppm) controlled air, and two iron conditions were established, one with and one without the addition of inorganic iron. We demonstrated that in the iron-limited control conditions, the specific growth rate and the maximum photochemical quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem (PS) II decreased with increasing CO2 levels, suggesting a further decrease in iron bioavailability under the high-CO2 conditions. In addition, biogenic silica to particulate nitrogen and biogenic silica to particulate organic carbon ratios increased from 2.65 to 3.75 and 0.39 to 0.50, respectively, with an increase in the CO2 level in the iron-limited controls. By contrast, the specific growth rate, Fv/Fm values and elemental compositions in the iron-added treatments did not change in response to the CO2 variations, indicating that the addition of iron canceled out the effect of the modulation of iron bioavailability due to the change in carbonate chemistry. Our results suggest that high-CO2 conditions can alter the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients through decreasing iron bioavailability in the iron-limited HNLC regions in the future.