999 resultados para Beneficencia-Barcelona-S.XVIII


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Aquest treball documenta l’estada a Barcelona, entre el 1794 i 1798, dels germans Joseph i Peter Petrides, trompistes nascuts a Praga. L’excepcional trajectòria d’ambdós a la capital catalana, com a membres de l’orquestra del Teatre de la Santa Creu i com a solistes destacats, il·lustra el desenvolupament de l’ofici de músic a la ciutat durant l’última dècada del segle XVIII.


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Taking the Royal College of Barcelona (1760 -1843) as a case study this paper shows the development of modern surgery in Spain initiated by Bourbon Monarchy founding new kinds of institutions through their academic activities of spreading scientific knowledge. Antoni Gimbernat was the most famousinternationally recognised Spanish surgeon. He was trained as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgery in Cadiz and was later appointed as professor of theAnatomy in the College of Barcelona. He then became Royal Surgeon of King Carlos IV and with that esteemed position in Madrid he worked resiliently to improve the quality of the Royal colleges in Spain. Learning human bodystructure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education. Gimbernat favoured the study of natural sciences, the new chemistry of Lavoisier and experimental physics in the academic programs of surgery. According to the study of a very relevant set of documents preserved in the library, the so-called “juntas literarias”, among the main subjects debated in the clinical sessions was the concept of human beings and diseases in relation to the development of the new experimental sciences. These documents showed that chemistry andexperimental physics were considered crucial tools to understand the unexplained processes that occurred in the diseased and healthy human bodyand in a medico-surgical context. It is important to stress that through these manuscripts we can examine the role and the reception of the new sciences applied to healing arts.


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Las Juntas Literarias son un conjunto de manuscritos que acreditan reuniones periódicas de los cirujanos del Real Colegio de Cirugía de Barcelona durante la época ilustrada. Se conservan unos 200 documentos —o «actas»— a los que hay que añadir sus respectivas «censuras» (o críticas), el más antiguo data de 1765 y el último data de 1835. La serie documental presenta interrupciones temporales que coinciden con los períodos políticamente conflictivos que sin duda repercutieron en el normal funcionamiento del Colegio. En estas reuniones se presentaban ponencias sobre cuestiones clínicas y sobre las ciencias básicas más florecientes de la época, fundamentalmente la Química. Los documentos, que se han transcrito y editado completos recientemente, representan un hito histórico en relación con el intercambio de experiencias y la formación continua de los cirujanos catalanes.


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Valoració de la premsa periòdica com a font de dades mèdiques. La Gazeta de Barcelona informa sobre la inauguració del Reial Col·legi de Cirurgia (3 abril 1764). Interès dels fulls volanders en temps d’epidèmies. Aportacions del Diari de Barcelona en el segle XIX.


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Sign.: []1, A-L2


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Sign.: [A]-V8