959 resultados para Bayesian free-knot regression splines
Cette thèse porte sur l'analyse bayésienne de données fonctionnelles dans un contexte hydrologique. L'objectif principal est de modéliser des données d'écoulements d'eau d'une manière parcimonieuse tout en reproduisant adéquatement les caractéristiques statistiques de celles-ci. L'analyse de données fonctionnelles nous amène à considérer les séries chronologiques d'écoulements d'eau comme des fonctions à modéliser avec une méthode non paramétrique. Dans un premier temps, les fonctions sont rendues plus homogènes en les synchronisant. Ensuite, disposant d'un échantillon de courbes homogènes, nous procédons à la modélisation de leurs caractéristiques statistiques en faisant appel aux splines de régression bayésiennes dans un cadre probabiliste assez général. Plus spécifiquement, nous étudions une famille de distributions continues, qui inclut celles de la famille exponentielle, de laquelle les observations peuvent provenir. De plus, afin d'avoir un outil de modélisation non paramétrique flexible, nous traitons les noeuds intérieurs, qui définissent les éléments de la base des splines de régression, comme des quantités aléatoires. Nous utilisons alors le MCMC avec sauts réversibles afin d'explorer la distribution a posteriori des noeuds intérieurs. Afin de simplifier cette procédure dans notre contexte général de modélisation, nous considérons des approximations de la distribution marginale des observations, nommément une approximation basée sur le critère d'information de Schwarz et une autre qui fait appel à l'approximation de Laplace. En plus de modéliser la tendance centrale d'un échantillon de courbes, nous proposons aussi une méthodologie pour modéliser simultanément la tendance centrale et la dispersion de ces courbes, et ce dans notre cadre probabiliste général. Finalement, puisque nous étudions une diversité de distributions statistiques au niveau des observations, nous mettons de l'avant une approche afin de déterminer les distributions les plus adéquates pour un échantillon de courbes donné.
The main object of this paper is to discuss the Bayes estimation of the regression coefficients in the elliptically distributed simple regression model with measurement errors. The posterior distribution for the line parameters is obtained in a closed form, considering the following: the ratio of the error variances is known, informative prior distribution for the error variance, and non-informative prior distributions for the regression coefficients and for the incidental parameters. We proved that the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients has at most two real modes. Situations with a single mode are more likely than those with two modes, especially in large samples. The precision of the modal estimators is studied by deriving the Hessian matrix, which although complicated can be computed numerically. The posterior mean is estimated by using the Gibbs sampling algorithm and approximations by normal distributions. The results are applied to a real data set and connections with results in the literature are reported. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper addresses the investment decisions considering the presence of financial constraints of 373 large Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using panel data. A Bayesian econometric model was used considering ridge regression for multicollinearity problems among the variables in the model. Prior distributions are assumed for the parameters, classifying the model into random or fixed effects. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the parameters, considering normal and Student t distributions for the error and assumed that the initial values for the lagged dependent variable are not fixed, but generated by a random process. The recursive predictive density criterion was used for model comparisons. Twenty models were tested and the results indicated that multicollinearity does influence the value of the estimated parameters. Controlling for capital intensity, financial constraints are found to be more important for capital-intensive firms, probably due to their lower profitability indexes, higher fixed costs and higher degree of property diversification.
We demonstrate how a prior assumption of smoothness can be used to enhance the reconstruction of free energy profiles from multiple umbrella sampling simulations using the Bayesian Gaussian process regression approach. The method we derive allows the concurrent use of histograms and free energy gradients and can easily be extended to include further data. In Part I we review the necessary theory and test the method for one collective variable. We demonstrate improved performance with respect to the weighted histogram analysis method and obtain meaningful error bars without any significant additional computation. In Part II we consider the case of multiple collective variables and compare to a reconstruction using least squares fitting of radial basis functions. We find substantial improvements in the regimes of spatially sparse data or short sampling trajectories. A software implementation is made available on www.libatoms.org.
Utilisation de splines monotones afin de condenser des tables de mortalité dans un contexte bayésien
Dans ce mémoire, nous cherchons à modéliser des tables à deux entrées monotones en lignes et/ou en colonnes, pour une éventuelle application sur les tables de mortalité. Nous adoptons une approche bayésienne non paramétrique et représentons la forme fonctionnelle des données par splines bidimensionnelles. L’objectif consiste à condenser une table de mortalité, c’est-à-dire de réduire l’espace d’entreposage de la table en minimisant la perte d’information. De même, nous désirons étudier le temps nécessaire pour reconstituer la table. L’approximation doit conserver les mêmes propriétés que la table de référence, en particulier la monotonie des données. Nous travaillons avec une base de fonctions splines monotones afin d’imposer plus facilement la monotonie au modèle. En effet, la structure flexible des splines et leurs dérivées faciles à manipuler favorisent l’imposition de contraintes sur le modèle désiré. Après un rappel sur la modélisation unidimensionnelle de fonctions monotones, nous généralisons l’approche au cas bidimensionnel. Nous décrivons l’intégration des contraintes de monotonie dans le modèle a priori sous l’approche hiérarchique bayésienne. Ensuite, nous indiquons comment obtenir un estimateur a posteriori à l’aide des méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaînes de Markov. Finalement, nous étudions le comportement de notre estimateur en modélisant une table de la loi normale ainsi qu’une table t de distribution de Student. L’estimation de nos données d’intérêt, soit la table de mortalité, s’ensuit afin d’évaluer l’amélioration de leur accessibilité.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a Bayesian analysis for nonlinear regression models under scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. This novel class of models provides a useful generalization of the symmetrical nonlinear regression models since the error distributions cover both skewness and heavy-tailed distributions such as the skew-t, skew-slash and the skew-contaminated normal distributions. The main advantage of these class of distributions is that they have a nice hierarchical representation that allows the implementation of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to simulate samples from the joint posterior distribution. In order to examine the robust aspects of this flexible class, against outlying and influential observations, we present a Bayesian case deletion influence diagnostics based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Further, some discussions on the model selection criteria are given. The newly developed procedures are illustrated considering two simulations study, and a real data previously analyzed under normal and skew-normal nonlinear regression models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The considerable search for synergistic agents in cancer research is motivated by the therapeutic benefits achieved by combining anti-cancer agents. Synergistic agents make it possible to reduce dosage while maintaining or enhancing a desired effect. Other favorable outcomes of synergistic agents include reduction in toxicity and minimizing or delaying drug resistance. Dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis play an important part in the drug discovery process, however analysis are often poorly done. This dissertation is an effort to notably improve dose-response assessment and drug-drug interaction analysis. The most commonly used method in published analysis is the Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method (Chou and Talalay, 1984). The Median-Effect Principle/Combination Index method leads to inefficiency by ignoring important sources of variation inherent in dose-response data and discarding data points that do not fit the Median-Effect Principle. Previous work has shown that the conventional method yields a high rate of false positives (Boik, Boik, Newman, 2008; Hennessey, Rosner, Bast, Chen, 2010) and, in some cases, low power to detect synergy. There is a great need for improving the current methodology. We developed a Bayesian framework for dose-response modeling and drug-drug interaction analysis. First, we developed a hierarchical meta-regression dose-response model that accounts for various sources of variation and uncertainty and allows one to incorporate knowledge from prior studies into the current analysis, thus offering a more efficient and reliable inference. Second, in the case that parametric dose-response models do not fit the data, we developed a practical and flexible nonparametric regression method for meta-analysis of independently repeated dose-response experiments. Third, and lastly, we developed a method, based on Loewe additivity that allows one to quantitatively assess interaction between two agents combined at a fixed dose ratio. The proposed method makes a comprehensive and honest account of uncertainty within drug interaction assessment. Extensive simulation studies show that the novel methodology improves the screening process of effective/synergistic agents and reduces the incidence of type I error. We consider an ovarian cancer cell line study that investigates the combined effect of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors in human ovarian cancer cell lines. The hypothesis is that the combination of DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylation inhibitors will enhance antiproliferative activity in human ovarian cancer cell lines compared to treatment with each inhibitor alone. By applying the proposed Bayesian methodology, in vitro synergy was declared for DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-AZA-2'-deoxycytidine combined with one histone deacetylation inhibitor, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid or trichostatin A in the cell lines HEY and SKOV3. This suggests potential new epigenetic therapies in cell growth inhibition of ovarian cancer cells.
We propose a Bayesian framework for regression problems, which covers areas which are usually dealt with by function approximation. An online learning algorithm is derived which solves regression problems with a Kalman filter. Its solution always improves with increasing model complexity, without the risk of over-fitting. In the infinite dimension limit it approaches the true Bayesian posterior. The issues of prior selection and over-fitting are also discussed, showing that some of the commonly held beliefs are misleading. The practical implementation is summarised. Simulations using 13 popular publicly available data sets are used to demonstrate the method and highlight important issues concerning the choice of priors.
Regression problems are concerned with predicting the values of one or more continuous quantities, given the values of a number of input variables. For virtually every application of regression, however, it is also important to have an indication of the uncertainty in the predictions. Such uncertainties are expressed in terms of the error bars, which specify the standard deviation of the distribution of predictions about the mean. Accurate estimate of error bars is of practical importance especially when safety and reliability is an issue. The Bayesian view of regression leads naturally to two contributions to the error bars. The first arises from the intrinsic noise on the target data, while the second comes from the uncertainty in the values of the model parameters which manifests itself in the finite width of the posterior distribution over the space of these parameters. The Hessian matrix which involves the second derivatives of the error function with respect to the weights is needed for implementing the Bayesian formalism in general and estimating the error bars in particular. A study of different methods for evaluating this matrix is given with special emphasis on the outer product approximation method. The contribution of the uncertainty in model parameters to the error bars is a finite data size effect, which becomes negligible as the number of data points in the training set increases. A study of this contribution is given in relation to the distribution of data in input space. It is shown that the addition of data points to the training set can only reduce the local magnitude of the error bars or leave it unchanged. Using the asymptotic limit of an infinite data set, it is shown that the error bars have an approximate relation to the density of data in input space.