972 resultados para Balance, Ageing, Perturbation, Attention, Warning
This study examined whether providing an auditory warning would facilitate attention switching abilities in older adults during dual-tasking. Fifteen young and 16 older adults performed a tracking task while recovering their balance from a support surface translation. For half of the trials, an auditory warning was presented to inform participants of the upcoming translation. Performance was quantified through electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the lower limb muscles, while the ability to switch attention between tasks was determined by tracking task error. Providing warning of an upcoming loss of balance resulted in both young and older adults increasing their leg EMG activity by 10-165% (p<0.05) in preparation for the upcoming translation. However, no differences in the timing of attention switching were observed with or without the warning (p=0.424). Together, these findings suggest that providing a perturbation warning has minimal benefits in improving attention switching abilities for balance recovery in healthy older adults.
Interhemispheric imbalance is discussed as a pathophysiological mechanism in visuospatial neglect. It is suggested that after a lesion of the right hemisphere the mutual transcallosal inhibition is impaired, resulting in an increased activity of the left hemisphere. We investigated the interhemispheric balance of attention in healthy subjects by using a free visual exploration task and by interfering with the neural activity of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) of either hemisphere using an inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation routine with theta burst stimulation (TBS). Subjects explored colour photographs of real-life scenes presented on a computer screen under four conditions: (i) without TBS; (ii) after TBS over the right PPC; (iii) after TBS over the left PPC; and (iv) after TBS over the right PPC and, after the first half of the task, over the left PPC. Eye movements were measured, and distribution of mean cumulative fixation duration over screen halves was analyzed. TBS over the right PPC resulted in a significant rightward shift of mean cumulative fixation duration of approximately 30 min. The shift could be reversed when a subsequent train of TBS was applied over the left PPC. However, left PPC stimulation alone had no significant effect on visual exploration behaviour. The present study shows that the effect of TBS on the PPC depends on which hemisphere is stimulated and on the state of the contralateral homologue area. These findings are in accordance with the predictions of the interhemispheric rivalry model in neglect.
Federal Highway Administration, Baton Rouge, Fla.
El Linfoma no Hodgkin es un cáncer maligno que tiene baja incidencia a nivel nacional pero altos costos en la atención catalogándose por su manejo como enfermedad de alto costo. El tratamiento de acuerdo a fase de tratamiento, clasificación histológica y respuesta a tratamiento se consideran las alternativas de tratamiento determinadas en guías clínicas en este trabajo se revisará el tratamiento con quimioterapia (CHOP) y el tratamiento con Rituximab + CHOP Objetivo: Evaluar comparativamente el tratamiento con quimioterapia y el Rituximab en cuanto a costo beneficio / utilidad /efectividad y el efecto de ambas terapias sobre la calidad de vida y carga de enfermedad, desde la perspectiva del marco normativo vigente y la aplicación del mismo en una EPS Resultados: en los análisis de costo beneficio, utilidad y efectividad, se evidenció que los costos del tratamiento del Rituximab superan los de quimioterapia, pero al comparar los resultados obtenidos mediante AVISA, y QALY, confirmaron los resultados evidenciados en literatura, siendo estas las variables más sensibles para determinación de protocolos de manejo de Linfoma No Hodgkin. Conclusiones: aunque el Rituximab es una buena opción terapéutica para el Linfoma No Hodgkin, los costos que se ocasionan por este medicamento sobrepasan la compensación recibida por estos usuarios, es necesario que las políticas públicas relacionen este tipo de análisis para adecuar los ingresos a los egresos y permitir el equilibrio económico de la atención, no permitir que por cuestiones de economía empresarial se tomen alternativas equivocas que pueden ir el menos cabo de la salud de los usuarios.
Boosted by a proliferation in metal-detected finds, categories of personal adornment now constitute a vital archaeological source for interpreting Viking-age cultural interaction in the North Sea region. Previous research in England has explored the potential of this metalwork in relation to the formation of ‘Anglo-Scandinavian’ identity, but without due consideration of a wider spectrum of cultural influences. This article redresses the balance by shifting attention to twenty-eight belt fittings derived from richly embellished baldrics, equestrian equipment, and waist belts manufactured on the Frankish continent during the period of Carolingian hegemony in the later eighth and ninth centuries ad. The metalwork is classified and then contextualized in order to track import mechanisms and to assess the impact of Carolingian culture on the northern peripheries of the Frankish empire. The main conclusion is that the adoption, adaptation, and strategic manipulation of Carolingian/northern Frankish identity formed an embedded component of cultural dynamics in Viking-age England, scrutiny of which sheds new light on patterns of interconnectivity linking peoples of the North Sea world.
Written sources from the medieval period focus mainly on the activities of adults, particularly males and often those from the wealthier sections of society. Recent scholarship has attempted to redress this balance by giving attention to medieval women and children, but we are still limited by what we can learn about the daily lives of all members of medieval English society. Osteology, the study of human skeletal remains, suffers from no such bias and can provide substantial and detailed information on growth, health and daily life of the general population. This paper presents the results of a new analysis of the skeletal remains of over 300 medieval girls and young women aged at between 14 and 25 years from a number of English cemetery sites. We incorporate data from the published archaeological literature as well as documentary evidence to provide new insights into the lives and deaths of young medieval women.
Balance maintenance relies on a complex interplay between many different sensory modalities. Although optimal multisensory processing is thought to decline with ageing, inefficient integration is particularly associated with falls in older adults. We investigated whether improved balance control, following a novel balance training intervention, was associated with more efficient multisensory integration in older adults, particularly those who have fallen in the past. Specifically, 76 healthy and fall-prone older adults were allocated to either a balance training programme conducted over 5 weeks or to a passive control condition. Balance training involved a VR display in which the on-screen position of a target object was controlled by shifts in postural balance on a Wii balance board. Susceptibility to the sound-induced flash illusion, before and after the intervention (or control condition), was used as a measure of multisensory function. Whilst balance and postural control improved for all participants assigned to the Intervention group, improved functional balance was correlated with more efficient multisensory processing in the fall-prone older adults only. Our findings add to growing evidence suggesting important links between balance control and multisensory interactions in the ageing brain and have implications for the development of interventions designed to reduce the risk of falls.
This thesis investigated attention focus and balance control in eighteen healthy young adults and eighteen healthy older adults. All participants performed sixteen consecutive trials of a balance task which involved standing for 30-s on an unstable platform that could rotate only in the roll direction. There were no attention focus instructions provided on any of the sixteen trials. Following the completion of the initial and final attempt in the series, participants reported "where" their attention had been focused when performing the task. The results showed differences in balance between young and older adults and improvements in balance with practice in both young and older adults. However, there were no differences in attention focus strategies between young and older adults. Both age groups directed attention to multiple sources during the balance task. An equal focus on internal (i.e., feet, trunk, and other body parts) and external (i.e., the platform) sources with little focus on events not related to the task dominated on the first attempt of the balance task. Focus on internal sources was maintained and focus on events not related to the task increased at the expense of focus on external sources on the final attempt of the balance task. Following the series of sixteen trials to establish "natural" attention focus, participants performed three randomly presented trials, each with specific attention focus instructions (i.e., think about minimizing movements of the feet, the trunk, or the platform). The results showed that, in contrast to the literature, instructions to focus on an internal source, the trunk, actually augmented control of the task as reflected in reduced trunk sway whereas instructions to focus on an internal source, the feet, or an external source, the platform, did not benefit performance on the task. Thus, the distance fi-om the interaction point of the body with the external source is critical and may not depend on whether the source is internal or external. Thus, a global attention focus instruction may not be beneficial and the nature of the task should be considered when adopting attention focus instructions for young and older adults.
Localized muscular fatigue has been identified to have detrimental effects on balance control, an important skill for everyday life. Manipulation of attention focus instructions has been shown to benefit performance of various motor skills including balance and has been found to facilitate endurance during fatiguing tasks. The purpose of this thesis was to determine if the use of attention focus instructions could attenuate the effects of muscular fatigue on balance control. Twenty-four participants performed a balance task (two-legged stance on an unstable platform) before and after a fatigue protocol. Trunk sway, platform excursions, and lower limb muscle activity was measured. Results suggest that use of either internal or external attention focus instructions can reduce the immediate effects of muscular fatigue of the lower limb on balance control as shown through reduced trunk sway and platform excursions. These results have relevance for individuals performing balance tasks in a fatigued state.
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of an ongoing cognitive task on an individual’s ability to generate a compensatory arm response. Twenty young and 16 older adults recovered their balance from a support surface translation while completing a cognitive (counting) task of varying difficulty. Surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings from the shoulders and kinematics of the right arm were collected to quantify the compensatory arm response. Results indicated that the counting task, regardless of its difficulty as well as the age of the individual, had minimal influence on the onset or magnitude of arm muscle activity that occurred following a loss of balance. In contrast to previous research, this study’s findings suggest that the cortical or cognitive resources utilized by the cognitive task are not relied upon for the generation of compensatory arm responses and that older adults are not disproportionately affected by dual-tasking than young adults.
Le risque de chute est une problématique bien présente chez les personnes âgées ou ayant une atteinte neurologique et reflète un déficit des mécanismes neuronaux assurant l’équilibre. De précédentes études démontrent que l’intégration des informations sensorielles est essentielle au contrôle de l’équilibre et que l’inhibition présynaptique (IP) serait un mécanisme important dans le contrôle de la transmission sensorielle. Ainsi, le but de cette étude était d’identifier la contribution du mécanisme d’IP à l’induction de réponses posturales efficaces suite à une perturbation d’équilibre. Notre hypothèse est qu’une diminution d’IP contribuerait à l’induction des ces réponses, en augmentant l’influence de la rétroaction sensorielle sur les réseaux de neurones spinaux. Afin de démontrer cette hypothèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l’excitabilité spinale pendant les perturbations vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière, à l’aide du réflexe H. L’excitabilité spinale était modulée selon la direction de la perturbation et cette modulation survenait dès 75 ou 100 ms (p<0.05), soit avant l’induction des réactions posturales. Puis, à l’aide de techniques plus précises de convergence spinale, nous avons démontré que l’IP était diminuée dès 75 et 100 ms dans les deux directions, suggérant que la transmission des informations sensorielles vers la moelle épinière est accrue juste avant le déclenchement de la réponse posturale. Cette étude met en évidence un mécanisme-clé permettant d’augmenter la rétroaction des informations sensorielles nécessaires à l’induction de réponses posturales appropriées. L’évaluation de ce mécanisme pourrait mener à une meilleure identification des individus à risque de chute.
We present an initial examination of the (alt)metric ageing factor to study posts in Twitter. Ageing factor was used to characterize a sample of tweets, which contained a variety of astronomical terms. It was found that ageing factor can detect topics that both cause people to retweet faster than baseline values, and topics that hold people’s attention for longer than baseline values.
General practitioners, geriatricians, neurologists and health care professionals all over the world will be facing by 2040 the diagnostic, therapeutic and socioeconomic challenges of over 80 million people with dementia. Dementia is one of the most common diseases in the elderly which drastically affects daily life and everyday personal activities, is often associated with behavioural symptoms, personality change and numerous clinical complications and increases the risk for urinary incontinence, hip fracture, and - most markedly - the dependence on nursing care. The costs of care for patients with dementia are therefore immense. Serum cholesterol levels above 6.5 mmol/L are known to be associated with an increased RR of 1.5 and 2.1 to develop Alzheimeŕs disease, the most common form of dementia, and a reduction of serum cholesterol in midlife is associated with a lowered dementia risk. The aim of this work is to critically discuss some of the main results reported recently in the literature in this respect and to provide the pathophysiological rationale for the control of dyslipidemia in the prevention of dementia onset and progression.