18 resultados para BKV
A budapesti közösségi közlekedési eszközpark jelentős része meghaladta beszerzéskor tervezett hasznos élettartamát. Ezen eszközök továbbüzemeltetése a jelenleg rendelkezésre álló információk alapján még hosszú ideig szükséges, ezért – a hasznos élettartam növelésére vonatkozó komplex és teljes körű módszertan hiányában – 2012-ben a Budapesti Közlekedési Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (továbbiakban BKV Zrt., Társaság) vezetése szakmai döntést hozott e hiány pótlását szolgáló, tudományosan megalapozott rendszer kidolgozására. A hasznos élettartamot tudományos alapon növelő módszertan és technológia kidolgozására vonatkozó együttműködés eredményeképpen előállt az úgynevezett tudományos alapú továbbüzemeltetési protokoll (továbbiakban: TTP) modell. Az új, időtálló modell a továbbüzemeltetés feltételeit műszaki, biztonsági és gazdasági szempontok komplex rendszerbe integrálásával, objektív értékelési módszertan alapján határozza meg, és ezáltal a Társaság menedzsmentje szerint vállalhatónak ítélt szintre mérsékelve az üzemeltetői kockázatok és felelősség mértékét.
Human polyomaviruses JC and BK may cause several clinical manifestations in immunocompromised hosts, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and hemorrhagic cystitis. Molecular detection by PCR is recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting human polyomaviruses in clinical samples. In this study, a real-time PCR assay using the LightCycler platform was evaluated and compared to an in-house PCR assay using a conventional detection method. A total of 122 urine specimens were tested, and human polyomavirus was detected in 49 specimens (40%) by both conventional PCR and LightCycler PCR. The remaining 73 specimens (60%) were found negative by both assays. For 46 of the 49 positive specimens, LightCycler PCR and conventional PCR identified the same polyomavirus type. These samples included 30 samples with JC virus (JCV), 14 samples with BK virus (BKV), and 2 samples in which both viruses were detected. In the remaining three samples, both JCV and BKV were detected by the conventional assay, but only JCV was detected by the LightCycler assay. The results of this study show that the LightCycler PCR assay displays sensitivity and specificity similar to those of a conventional PCR assay. These data, combined with its rapid turnaround time for results and decreased hands-on time, make the LightCycler PCR assay highly suitable for the rapid detection and differentiation of JCV and BKV in the clinical laboratory.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature.
The aim of this study was to characterize the urinary excretion of the BK (BKV) and JC (JCV) human polyomaviruses in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children and adolescents. One hundred and fifty-six patients were enrolled: Group I included 116 HIV-infected children and adolescents [median age = 11.4 years (y); range 1-22 y]; Group II included 40 non-HIV-infected healthy controls (median age = 11.37 y; range 7-16 y). Single urine samples from both groups were screened for the presence of JCV and BKV DNA by polymerase chain reaction at enrolment. The overall rate of JCV and BKV urinary excretion was found to be 24.4% and 40.4%, respectively (n = 156). Group I had urinary excretion of JCV and BKV in 27.6% and 54.3% of subjects, respectively. In contrast, Group II showed positive results for JCV in 17.5% of subjects and for BKV in 12.5% of subjects (p Pearson JCV = 0.20; p Pearson BKV < 0.0001). In Group I, there was no association between JCV/BKV shedding and age, gender or CD4 values. Patients with an HIV viral load < 50 copies/mL had a lower excretion of BKV (p < 0.001) and a trend of lower JCV excretion (p = 0.07). One patient in Group I (1/116, 0.9%) showed clinical and radiological features consistent with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, suggesting that children with HIV/polyomavirus coinfection should be kept under surveillance.
This study evaluated the relative occurrences of BK virus (BKV) and JC virus (JCV) infections in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urine samples were analysed from CKD patients and from 99 patients without CKD as a control. A total of 100 urine samples were analysed from the experimental (CKD patients) group and 99 from the control group. Following DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a 173 bp region of the gene encoding the T antigen of the BKV and JCV. JCV and BKV infections were differentiated based on the enzymatic digestion of the amplified products using BamHI endonuclease. The results indicated that none of the patients in either group was infected with the BKV, whereas 11.1% (11/99) of the control group subjects and 4% (4/100) of the kidney patients were infected with the JCV. High levels of urea in the excreted urine, low urinary cellularity, reduced bladder washout and a delay in analysing the samples may have contributed to the low prevalence of infection. The results indicate that there is a need to increase the sensitivity of assays used to detect viruses in patients with CDK, especially given that polyomavirus infections, especially BKV, can lead to a loss of kidney function following transplantation.
BACKGROUND: Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (PVAN) is a serious complication and cause of graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. In the absence of specific antiviral drugs, early detection of the disease and reduction of immunosuppressive regimen is the cornerstone of therapy. Cidofovir, a nucleoside analogue, has been found to inhibit BK virus (BKV) replication in vitro and has been proposed as treatment of refractory PVAN at low doses; however, its efficacy has never been demonstrated in randomized controlled trials. METHODS: Cidofovir therapy (0.5 mg/kg at a 2-week interval for eight consecutive doses) was initiated in two patients with biopsy-proven PVAN and persistent BKV DNA viraemia (> or = 10,000 copies/ml despite sustained reduction of the immunosuppressive regimen). In addition to these two case reports, we performed a critical review of the literature on the use of cidofovir in PVAN. RESULTS: No significant decrease of BKV viral load in blood was observed during cidofovir therapy and in follow-up of the two patients treated with cidofovir. Our literature review identified 21 publications reporting the use of cidofovir for the treatment of PVAN. All were case reports or small series. The efficacy of cidofovir therapy could not be assessed in 17 of these publications because of lack of data or concomitant reduction of immunosuppressive regimen. The four remaining publications were case reports. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro and clinical data to support the efficacy of cidofovir in the treatment of PVAN are currently lacking. More promising compounds should be identified for further clinical studies.
The detection of BK polyomavirus (BK virus, BKV) in kidney tissue is hampered by nonspecificity of antibodies suited to immunohistochemistry, and nonspecific background with in situ hybridization. The biotin-labeled DNA probe that is commercially available (Enzo Life Sciences, Inc.) shows good signal, but the intrinsic background in kidney tissue is high. We determined that the intrinsic background is due to endogenous biotin or biotin-binding activity in the renal tubular epithelium. Neither antibody blocking procedures nor an avidin/biotin block were entirely satisfactory for eliminating this background staining. We developed a digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe, and protocol, for detecting BK virus in formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded, kidney tissue obtained at autopsy. The hybridization signal is strong and there is no perceptible background staining. Eleven negative control kidneys all failed to hybridize. Conditions for low stringency hybridization may be employed, detecting both the related JC polyomavirus and BKV. Alternatively, high stringency hybridization conditions may be utilized, detecting BKV only. BK associated tubular necrosis is clearly demonstrated in two cases of BK nephritis.
O presente trabalho investigou a ocorrência de infecção pelos poliomavírus JCV e BKV na população de pacientes com doença renal crônica, no Estado do Acre e em um grupo controle de indivíduos sem doença renal. Foram examinadas 100 amostras de urina do grupo de Pacientes e 99 amostras de urina do grupo Controle. Após a extração do DNA, a PCR foi usada para a amplificação de 173pb do gene que codifica o antígeno-T de ambos os vírus. A diferenciação entre as infecções por JCV e por BKV foi realizada por meio da digestão enzimática do produto amplificado, usando-se endonuclease de restrição. Esse estudo não identificou a presença do BKV nas amostras de urina do grupo de Pacientes e do grupo Controle. O JCV foi identificado em 11,1% (11/99) dos indivíduos do grupo Controle e em 4% (4/100) dos indivíduos do grupo de Pacientes. Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos de Pacientes e Controle quanto à média de Uréia (p < 0,001), onde a média no grupo de Pacientes foi significantemente maior do que a média no grupo Controle. Estes resultados sugerem que os elevados níveis de uréia excretada na urina, a baixa celularidade urinária, a diminuição do “washout” (limpeza) da bexiga e o tempo para a análise das amostras, justifiquem a baixa prevalência de infecção encontrada no grupo de pacientes renais crônicos; pois esses fatores podem diminuir a quantidade de vírus na urina ou podem atuar como inibidores da PCR. Esse estudo sugere a necessidade de aumentar a sensibilidade dos testes para a identificação desses vírus.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar a investigação molecular da infecção pelos Poliomavírus JC e BK em pacientes com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) terminal, transplantados e em indivíduos sem DRC. Foram testadas 295 amostras de urina, que após a extração de DNA, foram submetidas à amplificação de um fragmento de 173 pb do gene do antígeno-T de Polyomavirus por meio da PCR seguida pela análise de RFLP, utilizando a endonuclease de restrição BamHI, na qual foi detectado 17,6% (52/295) de infecção por Polyomavirus, sendo 3,9% (4/102) nos pacientes com DRC, 30,5% (18/59) nos pacientes transplantados e 22,4% (30/134) nos assintomáticos. A prevalência da infecção pelo BKV foi de 88,9% (16/18) nos transplantados e de 10,0% (3/30) nos assintomáticos, não sendo detectada a infecção pelo BKV em pacientes com DRC. A prevalência de infecção pelo JCV foi de 3,9% (4/102) nos pacientes com DRC, de 11,1% (2/16) no transplantados e de 90,0% (27/30) nos assintomáticos. O risco de infecção por BKV foi determinada ser 72 vezes maior em pacientes transplantados do que em assintomáticos. A baixa frequência de infecção encontrada entre os pacientes com DRC pode estar relacionada ao fato de que esses pacientes apresentam uma elevada taxa de excreção de uréia na urina, assim como, baixo volume e densidade urinária, podem ser outros dois fatores contribuintes para a ausência de amplificação por estarem associados à baixa carga viral presente. De acordo com estes resultados, sugere-se que a investigação da infecção por Polyomavirus deve ser realizada, rotineiramente, nos pacientes pré e póstransplante, assim como nos doadores de órgãos, uma vez que a infecção por BKV tem sido associada com rejeição de enxerto em transplante de rins.
This study evaluated the relative occurrences of BK virus (BKV) and JC virus (JCV) infections in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urine samples were analysed from CKD patients and from 99 patients without CKD as a control. A total of 100 urine samples were analysed from the experimental (CKD patients) group and 99 from the control group. Following DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify a 173 bp region of the gene encoding the T antigen of the BKV and JCV. JCV and BKV infections were differentiated based on the enzymatic digestion of the amplified products using BamHI endonuclease. The results indicated that none of the patients in either group was infected with the BKV, whereas 11.1% (11/99) of the control group subjects and 4% (4/100) of the kidney patients were infected with the JCV. High levels of urea in the excreted urine, low urinary cellularity, reduced bladder washout and a delay in analysing the samples may have contributed to the low prevalence of infection. The results indicate that there is a need to increase the sensitivity of assays used to detect viruses in patients with CDK, especially given that polyomavirus infections, especially BKV, can lead to a loss of kidney function following transplantation.
A severely immune-suppressed AIDS patient was suspected of suffering from BK virus (BKV) meningoencephalitis, after being studied for common causes of neurological complications of co-infectious origin. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequence analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and brain samples, confirmed the presence of BKV. His clinical condition improved along with the regression of brain lesions, after modifications on his antiretroviral regime. Five months after discharge, the patient was readmitted because of frequent headaches, and a marked inflammatory reaction was evidenced by a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The symptoms paralleled a rising CD4+ lymphocyte count, and immune reconstitution syndrome was suspected. This is the first non-postmortem report of BKV meningoencephalitis in an AIDS patient, showing clinical and radiographic improvement solely under HAART.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of the urinary excretion of BKV and JCV in HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms. METHODS: Urine samples from HIV-infected patients without neurological symptoms were tested for JC virus and BK virus by PCR. Samples were screened for the presence of polyomavirus with sets of primers complementary to the early region of JCV and BKV genome (AgT). The presence of JC virus or BK virus were confirmed by two other PCR assays using sets of primers complementary to the VP1 gene of each virus. Analysis of the data was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test for numerical data and Pearson or Yates for categorical variables. RESULTS: A total of 75 patients were included in the study. The overall prevalence of polyomavirus DNA urinary shedding was 67/75 (89.3%). Only BKV DNA was detected in 14/75 (18.7%) urine samples, and only JCV DNA was detected in 11/75 (14.7%) samples. Both BKV and JCV DNA were present in 42/75 (56.0%) samples. CONCLUSION: In this study we found high rates of excretion of JCV, BKV, and simultaneous excretion in HIV+ patients. Also these results differ from the others available on the literature.
INTRODUCTION. Late chronic allograft disfunction (CAD) is one of the more concerning issues in the management of patients (pts) with renal transplant (tx). Humoral immune response seems to play an important role in CAD pathogenesis. AIM OF THE STUDY. To identify the causes of late chronic allograft disfunction. METHODS. This study (march 2004-august 2011) enrolled pts who underwent renal biopsy (BR) because of CAD (increase of creatininemia (s-Cr) >30% and/or proteinuria >1g/day at least one year after tx). BR were classified according to 1997/2005 Banff classification. Histological evaluation of C4d (positive if >25%), glomerulitis, tubulitis, intimal arteritis, atrophy/fibrosis and arteriolar-hyalinosis were performed. Ab anti-HLA research at BR was an inclusion criteria. Pts were divided into two groups: with or without transplant glomerulopathy (CTG). RESULTS. Evaluated BR: 93/109. BR indication: impaired s-Cr (52/93), proteinuria (23/93), both (18/93). Time Tx-BR: 7.4±6.3 yrs; s-Cr at BR: 2.7±1.4 mg/dl. CTG group(n=49) not-CTG group(n=44) p Time tx-BR (yrs) 9.3±6.7 5.3±5.2 0.002 Follow-up post-BR (yrs) 2.7±1.8 4.1±1.4 0.0001 s-Cr at BR (mg/dl) 2.9±1.3 2.4±1.5 NS Rate (%) of pts: Proteinuria at BR 61% 25% 0.0004 C4d+ 84% 25% <0.0001 Ab anti-HLA+ 71% 30% 0.0001 C4d+ and/or Ab antiHLA 92% 43% 0.0001 Glomerulitis 76% 16% <0.0001 Tubulitis 6% 32% 0.0014 Intimal arteritis 18% 0% 0.002 Arteriolar hyalinosis 65% 50% NS Atrophy/fibrosis 80% 77% NS Graft survival 45% 86% 0.00005 Histological Diagnosis: CTG group (n=49:Chronic rejection 94%;IgA recurrence + humoral activity 4%;IIA acute rejection + humoral activity 2%. Not-CTG group (n=44: GN recurrence 27%;IF/TA 23%; acute rejection 23%;BKV nephritis 9%; mild not specific alterations 18%. CONCLUSIONS: CTG is the morphological lesion mainly related to CAD. In the 92% of the cases it is associated with markers of immunological activity. It causes graft failure within five years after diagnosis in 55% of pts.
Background. Polyomavirus reactivation is common in solid-organ transplant recipients who are given immunosuppressive medications as standard treatment of care. Previous studies have shown that polyomavirus infection can lead to allograft failure in as many as 45% of the affected patients. Hypothesis. Ubiquitous polyomaviruses when reactivated by post-transplant immunosuppressive medications may lead to impaired renal function and possibly lower survival prospects. Study Overview. Secondary analysis of data was conducted on a prospective longitudinal study of subjects who were at least 18 years of age and were recipients of liver and/or kidney transplant at Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Arizona. Methods. DNA extractions of blinded urine and blood specimens of transplant patients collected at Mayo Clinic during routine transplant patient visits were performed at Baylor College of Medicine using Qiagen kits. Virologic assays included testing DNA samples for specific polyomavirus sequences using QPCR technology. De-identified demographic and clinical patient data were merged with laboratory data and statistical analysis was performed using Stata10. Results. 76 patients enrolled in the study were followed for 3.9 years post transplantation. The prevalence of BK virus and JC virus urinary excretion was 30% and 28%. Significant association was observed between JC virus excretion and kidney as the transplanted organ (P = 0.039, Pearson Chi-square test). The median urinary JCV viral loads were two logs higher than those of BKV. Patients that excreted both BKV and JCV appeared to have the worst renal function with a mean creatinine clearance value of 71.6 millimeters per minute. A survival disadvantage was observed for dual shedders of BKV and JCV, log-rank statistics, p = 0.09; 2/5 dual-shedders expired during the study period. Liver transplant and male sex were determined to be potential risk factors for JC virus activation in renal and liver transplant recipients. All patients tested negative for SV40 and no association was observed between polyomavirus excretion and type of immunosuppressive medication (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine and sirolimus). Conclusions. Polyomavirus reactivation was common after solid-organ transplantation and may be associated with impaired renal function. Male sex and JCV infection may be potential risk factors for viral reactivation; findings should be confirmed in larger studies.^
The hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the JC and BK polyoma viruses (JCV and BKV, respectively) are significantly elevated in individuals exhibiting "rogue" cells among their cultured lymphocytes. However, the elevation is so much greater with respect to JCV that the BKV elevation could readily be explained by cross reactivity to the capsid protein of these two closely related viruses. The JCV exhibits high sequence homology with the simian papovavirus, simian virus 40 (SV40), and inoculation of human fetal brain cells with JCV produces polyploidy and chromosomal damage very similar to that produced by SV40. We suggest, by analogy with the effects of SV40, that these changes are due to the action of the viral large tumor antigen, a pluripotent DNA binding protein that acts in both transcription and replication. The implications of these findings for oncogenesis are briefly discussed.