996 resultados para B-form
Several neutral solutes, ranging in size from methanol to a tetrasaccharide, stachyose, are shown to stabilize the left-handed Z form of the methylated polynucleotide poly(dG-m(5)dC). The action of these solutes is consistent with an osmotic stress, that is, with their effect on water chemical potentials coupled to a difference in the number of-associated water molecules between the B and Z conformations. The apparent difference in hydration between the two forms is, however, dependent on the particular solute used to probe the reaction. The effect of solutes is not consistent either with a direct binding of solute or with an indirect effect on electrostatics or ion binding through changes in the solution dielectric constant. The interplay of NaCl and neutral solute in modulating the B-Z transition suggests that salt also could be stabilizing the Z form through an osmotic stress.
ABSTRACT In S. cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14pwt is essential far mitotic exit through its contribution to reducing mitotic CDK activity. But Cdc14pwt also acts as a mare general temporal coordinator of mid and late mitotic events by controlling the partitioning of DNA, microtubule stability and cytokinesis. Cdc14pwt orthologs are well conserved from yeasts to humans, and sequence comparison revealed the presence of three domains, A, B and C, of which A and B form the catalytic domain. Cdc14pwt orthologs are regulated (in part) through cell cycle dependent changes in their localization. Some of them are thought to be kept inactive by sequestration in the nucleolus during interphase. This is the case for flp1pwt, the single identified Cdc14pwt ortholog in the fission yeast S. pombe. In early mitosis, flp1pwt leaves the nucleolus and localizes to the kinetochores, the contractile ring and the mitotic spindle, suggesting that it has multiple substrates and regulates many mitotic processes. flp1D cells show a high chromosome loss rate and septation defects, suggesting a role for flp1wt in the fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis. The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanisms underlying flp1pwt functions and the control of its activity. A structure-function analysis has revealed that the presence of both A and B domains is required for biological function and for proper flp1pwt mitotic localization. In contrast, the C domain of flp1pwt is responsible for its proper nucleolar localization in G2/interphase. My data suggest that dephosphorylation of substrates by flp1pwt is not necessary for any changes in localization of flp1pwt except that at the medial ring. In that particular case, the catalytic activity of flp1pwt is required for efficient localization, therefore revealing an additional level of regulation. All the functions of flp1pwt assayed to date require its catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of further identification of its substrates. As described for other orthologs, the capability of selfinteraction and phosphorylation status might help to control flp1pwt activity. My data suggest that flp1pwt forms oligomers in vivo and that phosphorylation is not essential far localization changes of the protein. In addition, the hypophosphorylated form of flp1pwt might be specifically involved in the promotion of cytokinesis. The results of this study suggest that multiple modes of regulation including localization, selfassociation and phosphorylation allow a fine-tuning regulation of flp1pwt phosphatase activity, and more generally that of Cdc14pwt family of phosphatases. RESUME Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, la protéine phosphatase Cdc14pwt est essentielle pour la sortie de mitose du fait de sa contribution dans la réduction d'activité des CDK mitotiques. Comme elle contrôle également le partage de l'ADN, la stabilité des microtubules et la cytokinèse, Cdc14pwt est en fait considérée comme un coordinateur temporel général des évènements de milieu et de fin de mitose. Les orthologues de Cdc14pwt sont bien conservés, des levures jusqu'à l'espèce humaine. Des comparaisons de séquence ont révélé la présence de trois domaines A, B et C, les deux premiers constituant le domaine catalytique. Ils sont régulés (en partie) via des changements dans leur localisation, eux-mêmes dépendants du cycle cellulaire. Plusieurs de ces orthologues sont supposés inactivés par séquestration dans le nucléole en interphase, ce qui est le cas de flp1pwt le seul orthologue de Cdc14pwt identifié chez la levure fissipare S, pombe. En début de mitose, flp1pwt quitte le nucléole et localise au niveau des kinetochores, de l'anneau contractile d'actine et du fuseau mitotique, ce qui laisse supposer de multiples substrats et fonctions. Comme les cellules délétées pour le gène flp1wt présentent un taux élevé de perte de chromosome et des défauts de septation, flp1pwt semble jouer un rôle dans la fidélité de la transmission du matériel génétique et la cytokinèse. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions assurées par flp1pwt d'une part, et dans le contrôle de son activité d'autre part. Une analyse structure-fonction a révélé que la présence simultanée des deux domaines A et B est requise pour la fonction biologique de flp1pwt et sa localisation correcte pendant la mitose. Par contre, le domaine C de flp1pwt confère une localisation nucléolaire adéquate en G2/interphase. Mes données suggèrent que la déphosphorylation de substrats par flp1pwt est dispensable pour sa localisation correcte excepté celle à l'anneau médian, qui requiert dans ce cas, l'activité catalytique de flp1pwt, révélant ainsi un niveau de régulation supplémentaire. Toutes les fonctions de flp1 pwt testées jusqu'à présent nécessitent également son activité catalytique, ce qui accentue l'importance de l'identification future de ses substrats. Comme cela a déjà été décrit pour d'autres orthologues, la capacité d'auto-intéraction et le niveau de phosphorylation pourraient contrôler l'activité de flp1pwt. En effet, mes données suggèrent que flp1pwt forme des oligomères in vivo et que la phosphorylation n'est pas essentielle pour les changements de localisation observés pour la protéine. De plus, la forme hypophosphorylée de flp1pwt pourrait être spécifiquement impliquée dans la promotion de la cytokinèse. De multiples modes de régulation incluant la localisation, l'auto-association et la phosphorylation semblent permettre un contrôle fin et subtil de l'activité de la phosphatase flp1pwt, et plus généralement celle des protéines de la famille de Cdc14pwt.
The intracellular location of nucleic acid sensors prevents recognition of extracellular self-DNA released by dying cells. However, on forming a complex with the endogenous antimicrobial peptide LL37, extracellular DNA is transported into endosomal compartments of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, leading to activation of Toll-like receptor-9 and induction of type I IFNs. Whether LL37 also transports self-DNA into nonplasmacytoid dendritic cells, leading to type I IFN production via other intracellular DNA receptors is unknown. Here we found that LL37 very efficiently transports self-DNA into monocytes, leading the production of type I IFNs in a Toll-like receptor-independent manner. This type I IFN induction was mediated by double-stranded B form DNA, regardless of its sequence, CpG content, or methylation status, and required signaling through the adaptor protein STING and TBK1 kinase, indicating the involvement of cytosolic DNA sensors. Thus, our study identifies a novel link between the antimicrobial peptides and type I IFN responses involving DNA-dependent activation of cytosolic sensors in monocytes.
When the compounds are heated in an inert atmosphere it can be verified the consecutive partial sublimation, fusion, partial volatilization and partial thermal decomposition of the anhydrous complexes. When in an oxidating atmosphere the above process is only verified to Cu(II) chelates. Anhydrous copper(II) complexes present a monoclinic structure in the b form and the volatilized compound in a a form. Zinc(II) and cadmium(II) hydrated complexes are isomorphous and they present different cell dimensions from those reported previously.
A high-resolution crystal structure is reported for d(TpA)*, the intramolecular thymine-adenine photoadduct that is produced by direct ultraviolet excitation of the dinucleoside monophosphate d(TpA). It confirms the presence of a central 1,3-diazacyclooctatriene ring linking the remnants of the T and A bases, as previously deduced from heteronuclear NMR measurements by Zhao et al. (The structure of d(TpA)*, the major photoproduct of thymidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyadenosine. Nucleic Acids Res., 1996, 24, 1554-1560). Within the crystal, the d(TpA)* molecules exist as zwitterions with a protonated amidine fragment of the eight-membered ring neutralizing the charge of the internucleotide phosphate monoanion. The absolute configuration at the original thymine C5 and C6 atoms is determined as 5S,6R. This is consistent with d(TpA)* arising by valence isomerization of a precursor cyclobutane photoproduct with cis-syn stereochemistry that is generated by [2 + 2] photoaddition of the thymine 5,6-double bond across the C6 and C5 positions of adenine. This mode of photoaddition should be favoured by the stacked conformation of adjacent T and A bases in B-form DNA. It is probable that the primary photoreaction is mechanistically analogous to pyrimidine dimerization despite having a much lower quantum yield.
The calcium-mediated interaction of DNA with monolayers of the non-toxic, zwitterionic phospholipid, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine when mixed with 50 mol% of a second lipid, either the zwitteronic 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine or neutral cholesterol was investigated using a combination of surface pressure-area isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy, external reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and specular neutron reflectivity in combination with contrast variation. When calcium and DNA were both present in the aqueous subphase, changes were observed in the compression isotherms as well as the surface morphologies of the mixed lipid monolayers. In the presence of calcium and DNA, specular neutron reflectivity showed that directly underneath the head groups of the lipids comprising the monolayers, DNA occupied a layer comprising approximately 13 and 18% v/v DNA for the 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine and cholesterol-containing monolayers, respectively. The volume of the corresponding layer for 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine only containing monolayers was ∼15% v/v DNA. Furthermore regardless of the presence and nature of the second lipid and the surface pressure of the monolayer, the specular neutron reflectivity experiments showed that the DNA-containing layer was 20–27 Å thick, suggesting the presence of a well-hydrated layer of double-stranded DNA. External reflectance Fourier transform infrared studies confirmed the presence of double stranded DNA, and indicated that the strands are in the B-form conformation. The results shed light on the interaction between lipids and nucleic acid cargo as well as the role of a second lipid in lipid-based carriers for drug delivery.
The binding selectivity of the M(phen)(edda) (M = Cu, Co, Ni, Zn; phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, edda = ethylenediaminediacetic acid) complexes towards ds(CG)(6), ds(AT)(6) and ds(CGCGAATTCGCG) B-form oligonucleotide duplexes were studied by CD spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The binding mode is intercalation and there is selectivity towards AT-sequence and stacking preference for A/A parallel or diagonal adjacent base steps in their intercalation. The nucleolytic properties of these complexes were investigated and the factors affecting the extent of cleavage were determined to be: concentration of complex, the nature of metal(11) ion, type of buffer, pH of buffer, incubation time, incubation temperature, and the presence of hydrogen peroxide or ascorbic acid as exogenous reagents. The fluorescence property of these complexes and its origin were also investigated. The crystal structure of the Zn(phen)(edda) complex is reported in which the zinc atom displays a distorted trans-N4O2 octahedral geometry; the crystal packing features double layers of complex molecules held together by extensive hydrogen bonding that inter-digitate with adjacent double layers via pi...pi interactions between 1,10-phenanthroline residues. The structure is compared with that of the recently described copper(II) analogue and, with the latter, included in molecular modeling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Under physiological conditions B-form DNA is an exceedingly stable structure. However, experimental evidences obtained through nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence anisotropy suggest that the structure of the double helix fluctuates substantially. We describe photoacoustic phase modulation frequency measurements of ethidium bromide (Eb) with calf thymus, DNA. As in fluorescence phase modulation measurements, we used an intercalating dye as a probe; however, we monitored the triplet excited state lifetime at different ionic strengths. The triplet lifetime of Eb varied from about 0.30 ms, with no DNA present, to 20 ms, (at a DNA:Eb molar ratio of 5). With salt titration, this value falls, to about 2.0 ms. This result suggests, a strong coupling between the phenantridinium ring of the ethidium and the base pairs because of the stacking movement of the DNA molecule under salt effect. This, effect may be understood considering DNA as a polyelectrolyte. The counterions, in the solution shield the phosphate groups, reducing the electrostatic repulsion force between them, hence compacting the DNA molecule. The results from Fourier transform infrared demonstrated two important bands: 3187 cm(-1) corresponding to the symmetric stretching of the NH group of the bases, and 1225 cm(-1) corresponding to the asymmetric stretching of phosphate groups shifted toward higher wavenumbers, suggesting a proximity between the intercalant and base pairs and a modification of the DNA backbone state, both induced by salt accretion.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Calculations were run on the methylated DNA base pairs adenine:thymine and adenine:difluorotoluene to further investigate the hydrogen-bonding properties of difluorotoluene (F). Geometries were optimized using hybrid density functional theory. Single-point calculations at the MP2(full) level were performed to obtain more rigorous energies. The functional counterpoise method was used to correct for the basis set superposition error (BSSE), and the interaction energies were also corrected for fragment relaxation. These corrections brought the B3LYP and MP2 interaction energies into excellent agreement. In the gas phase, the Gibbs free energies calculated at the B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory predict that A and T will spontaneously form an A:T pair while A:F spontaneously dissociates into A and F. Solvation effects on the pairing of the bases were explored using implicit solvent models for water and chloroform. In aqueous solution, both A:T and A:F are predicted to dissociate into their component monomers. Semiempirical calculations were performed on small sections of B-form DNA containing the two pairs, and the results provide support for the concept that base stacking is more important than hydrogen bonding for the stability of the A:F pair within a DNA helix.
Quantitative radiolarian assemblage analysis has been conducted on middle and upper Eocene sediments (Zones RP16 to RP18) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052 in order to establish the radiolarian magnetobiochronology and determine the nature of the faunal turnover across the middle/late Eocene boundary in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We recognize and calibrate forty-five radiolarian bioevents to the magneto- and cyclo-stratigraphy from Site 1052 to enhance the biochronologic resolution for the middle and late Eocene. Our data is compared to sites in the equatorial Pacific (Leg 199) to access the diachrony of biostratigraphic events. Eleven bioevents are good biostratigraphic markers for tropical/subtropical locations (south of 30°N). The primary markers (lowest occurrences of Cryptocarpium azyx and Calocyclas bandyca) which are tropical zonal boundary markers for Zones RP17 and RP18 provide robust biohorizons for correlation and age determination from the low to middle latitudes and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some other radiolarian bioevents are highly diachronous (<1 million years) between oceanic basins. A significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is recognized within Chron C17n.3n (37.7 Ma) where 13 radiolarian species disappear rapidly in less than 100 kyr and 4 new species originate. The radiolarian faunal turnover coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminifera. We name the turnover phase, the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover (MLET). Assemblage analysis reveals the MLET to be associated with a decrease in low-mid latitude taxa and increase in cosmopolitan taxa and radiolarian accumulation rates. The MLET might be related to increased biological productivity rather than to surface-water cooling.
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, eight sites (Sites 1215-1222) were cored in the Central Pacific. Late Eocene-early Oligocene thick radiolarian-rich biogenic sediments were collected from Holes 1218A, 1219A, and 1220A. This is the first attempt to calibrate the ages of Paleogene radiolarian events using magnetostratigraphy in this region. A total of 107 species and species groups, which are valuable for stratigraphic correlation, are listed with numeric data and figures. Among these three holes, a total of 77 radiolarian events were recognized and their ages were calibrated by correlation with paleomagnetic events recorded in Hole 1220A.
Com a finalidade de determinar as formas do arco dentário inferior de maior incidência na oclusão normal natural, utilizou-se um método matemático associado ao emprego de uma função polinomial, o qual foi aplicado a 63 modelos de arcadas inferiores selecionados a partir de 6118 adolescentes. Todos os indivíduos eram portadores de dentição permanente, incluindo os segundos molares, e oclusão normal natural. Em cada dente foi fixada uma esfera de vidro, que teve a função de simular o acessório do aparelho ortodôntico, sendo utilizada na medição das distâncias entre o centro da imagem dessas esferas aos eixos x e y. Após a digitalização dos modelos de gesso, as imagens foram plotadas em um programa de computador, a fim de se obterem a função polinomial de sexto grau e o gráfico dessa função para os 126 segmentos de curva, originados das secções das imagens em lado direito e esquerdo. A seguir organizaram-se esses segmentos, de acordo com as características da curvatura anterior dos arcos dentários, em oito grupos diferentes de formas, que receberam as denominações de Forma A, Forma B, Forma C, Forma D, Forma E, Forma F, Forma G, Forma H. Cada grupo foi, então, dividido em três subgrupos, conforme os tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande. Os resultados indicaram 23 formas representativas do arco dentário inferior e uma forma média para a oclusão normal natural.
Com a finalidade de determinar as formas do arco dentário inferior de maior incidência na oclusão normal natural, utilizou-se um método matemático associado ao emprego de uma função polinomial, o qual foi aplicado a 63 modelos de arcadas inferiores selecionados a partir de 6118 adolescentes. Todos os indivíduos eram portadores de dentição permanente, incluindo os segundos molares, e oclusão normal natural. Em cada dente foi fixada uma esfera de vidro, que teve a função de simular o acessório do aparelho ortodôntico, sendo utilizada na medição das distâncias entre o centro da imagem dessas esferas aos eixos x e y. Após a digitalização dos modelos de gesso, as imagens foram plotadas em um programa de computador, a fim de se obterem a função polinomial de sexto grau e o gráfico dessa função para os 126 segmentos de curva, originados das secções das imagens em lado direito e esquerdo. A seguir organizaram-se esses segmentos, de acordo com as características da curvatura anterior dos arcos dentários, em oito grupos diferentes de formas, que receberam as denominações de Forma A, Forma B, Forma C, Forma D, Forma E, Forma F, Forma G, Forma H. Cada grupo foi, então, dividido em três subgrupos, conforme os tamanhos pequeno, médio e grande. Os resultados indicaram 23 formas representativas do arco dentário inferior e uma forma média para a oclusão normal natural.