52 resultados para Autosome
A new study in Caenorhabditis elegans shows that homologous autosomes segregate non-randomly with the sex chromosome in the heterogametic sex. Segregation occurs according to size, small autosomes segregating with, and large autosomes segregating away from the X-chromosome. Such sex-biased transmission of autosomes could facilitate the spread of sexually antagonistic alleles whose effects favor the fitness of one sex at the expense of the other. This may provide a first step toward the evolution of new sex determination systems.
Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of several populations of Eurysternus caribaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were analysed through conventional staining, C-banding, base-specific fluorochromes, silver nitrate staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). All specimens showed 2n = 8 in their karyotypes, with a neo-XY sex system (Y is a submetacentric and X a metacentric) and three pairs of submetacentric autosomes. The analysis of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) revealed small blocks located in the centromeric region of all chromosomes which do not present positive staining under the fluorochromes CMA3 and DAPI. Silver nitrate staining revealed that the nucleolar organizer region (NORs) is associated with the sex chromosomes. The FISH technique revealed that rDNA sites in the X and Y are different in size. Data from different populations indicate that the diploid number reduction (2n = 8) observed in E. caribaeus is established and presumably has preceded the dispersion of this species. Moreover, this reduction occasioned the translocation of rDNA sites to the sex chromosomes, X and Y, an uncommon pattern in Scarabaeidae that was observed for the first time by the FISH in this work.
The surface-spreading synaptonemal complex (SC) technique was employed to analyze spermatocytes and oocytes of rainbow trout in order to visualize the process of autosome and sex chromosome synapsis in this species. The structure of lateral elements (LEs) of the SC and the chromosome synapsis process at the stages of leptotene, zygotene and pachytene are described. Comparative analysis of SCs of spermatocytes and oocytes showed a difference in the synaptic process, i.e. in spermatocytes all LEs were synapsed before the appearance of centromeric regions in the biarmed elements, while in the oocytes some fully synapsed LEs, including the centromeric region of the biarmed elements, were found together with fully or partially unsynapsed LEs. In males the sex chromosome synapsis starts only after all autosomes have synapsed. Irregular synapses involving three or four LEs were found in 3.4% of the cells analyzed in mid or late zygotene. Multivalents were found in males and females. Some aspects of initial meiotic development and their implications in rainbow trout cytogenetics, genetics and evolution are discussed.
The karyotypes of 4 species of bats, Artibeus lituratus (Phyllostomatidae), Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Vespertilionidae), Pteropus alecto and P. giganteus (Pteropodidae), were studied after several banding techniques. For A. lituratus, in which an X-autosome translocation was observed, an analysis of the replication pattern in the rearranged chromosome was also made after BrdU incorporation.
Os cariótipos referentes a quatro machos de Alouatta fusca clamitans oriundos do Rio de Janeiro foram analisados através de técnicas de bandamento G, C e NOR. O número diplóide em todos os espécimes foi igual a 49, com a presença de três cromossomos não pareados. A comparação dos padrões de bandamento G com espécimes previamente descritos com 2n = 50 revelou a ocorrência de uma translocação do tipo Y-autossomo, modificando o sistema cromossômico de determinação sexual para o tipo múltiplo, X1X2Y/X1X1 X2X2. Os blocos de heterocromatina constitutiva se distribuíram na região pericentromérica de todos os cromossomos; segmentos intercalares e teloméricos foram visualizados em um par acrocêntrico e em outro submetacêntrico, respectivamente. As regiões organizadoras de nucléolo se localizaram no braço longo de dois pares de pequenos acrocêntricos.
Male patients with an extra sex chromosome or autosome are expected to present primary hypogonadism at puberty owing to meiotic germ-cell failure. Scarce information is available on trisomy 21, a frequent autosomal aneuploidy. Our objective was to assess whether trisomy 21 presents with pubertal-onset, germ-cell specific, primary hypogonadism in males, or whether the hypogonadism is established earlier and affects other testicular cell populations. We assessed the functional status of the pituitary-testicular axis, especially Sertoli cell function, in 117 boys with trisomy 21 (ages: 2 months-20 year). To compare with an adequate control population, we established reference levels for serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in 421 normal males, from birth to adulthood, using a recently developed ultrasensitive assay. In trisomy 21, AMH was lower than normal, indicating Sertoli cell dysfunction, from early infancy, independently of the existence of cryptorchidism. The overall prevalence rate of AMH below the 3rd percentile was 64.3% in infants with trisomy 21. Follicle-stimulating hormone was elevated in patients <6 months and after pubertal onset. Testosterone was within the normal range, but luteinizing hormone was elevated in most patients <6 months and after pubertal onset, indicating a mild Leydig cell dysfunction. We conclude that in trisomy 21, primary hypogonadism involves a combined dysfunction of Sertoli and Leydig cells, which can be observed independently of cryptorchidism soon after birth, thus prompting the search for new hypotheses to explain the pathophysiology of gonadal dysfunction in autosomal trisomy.
The male of Eneoptera surinamensis (Orthoptera-Eneopteridae) is provided with 9 chromosomes, that is, with 3 pairs of autosomes and 3 sex chromosomes. Spermatogonia. - The autosomes of the spermatogonia are of the same size and U-shaped. One of the sex chromosomes approximately equalling the autosomes in size is telocentric, while the other two are much larger and V-shaped. One of the latter is smaller than the other. The sex chromosomes as showed in Figs. 1 and 2 are designated by X, Yl and Y2, X being the larger V, Yl the smaller one and Y2 the rod-shaped. Primary spermatocytes. - Before the growth period of the spermatocytes all the three sex chromosomes are visible in a state of strong heteropycnosis. X is remarkable in this stage in having two long arms well separated by a wide commissural segment. (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). During the growth period Y2 disappears, while X and Yl remain in a condensed form until metaphase. These may be separated from one another or united in the most varied and irregular manner. (Fig. 7 to 12). In the latter case the segments in contact seem to be always different so that we cannot recognize any homology of parts in the sense os genetics. At diplotene Y2 reappears together with the autosomal tetrads. X and Yl may again be seen as separate or united elements. (Figs. 13 and 14). At later diakinesis and metaphase the three sex chromosomes are always independent from each other, Y2 being typically rod-shaped, X and Yl V-shaped, X being a little larger than Yl. (Fig. 15 to 18). At metaphase the three condensed tetrads go to the equatorial plane, while the sex chromosomes occupy any position at both sides of this plane. In almost all figures which could be perfectly analysed X appeared at one side of the autosomal plate an Yl together with Y2 far apart at the other side. (Figs. 16 and 18). Only a few exception have been found. (Figs. 17 and 19). At anaphase X goes in precession to one pole, Yl and Y2 to the other (Figs. 20 and 21). As it is suggested by the few figures in which a localization of the sex chromosomes different from the normal has been observed, the possibility of other types of segregation of these elements cannot be entirely precluded. But, if this does happen, the resulting gametes should be inviable or give inviable zygotes. Early in anaphase autosomes and sex chromosomes divide longitudinally, being maintained united only by the kinetochore. (Figs. 20 and 21). At metaphase the three sex chromosomes seem to show no special repulsion against each other, X being found in the proximity of Yl or Y2 indifferently. At anaphase, however, the evidences in hand point to a stronger repulsion between X on the one side and both Ys on the other, so that in spite of the mutual repulsion of the latter they finish by going to the same pole. Secondary spermatocytes. - At telophase of the primary spermatocytes all the chromosomes enter into distension without disappearing of view. A nuclear membrane is formed around the chromosomes. All the chromosomes excepting Y2 which has two arms, are four-branched. (Fig. 22). Soon the chromosomes enter again into contraction giving rise to the secondary metaphase plate. Secondary spermatocytes provided as expected with four and five chromosomes are abundantly found. (Figs. 23 and 24). In the former all chromosomes are X-shaped while in the latter there is one which is V-shaped. This is the rod- shaped Y2. In the anaphase of the spermatocytes with four chromosomes all the chromosomes are V-shaped, one of them (X) being much larger than the others. In those with five there is one rod-shaped chromosome (Y2). (Fig. 25), Spermatids. Two classes of spermatids are produced, one with X and other with Yl and Y2. All the autosomes as well as Y2 soon enter into solution, X remaining visible for long time in one class and Yl in the other. (Figs. 26 and 27). Since both are very alike at this stage, one cannot distinguish the two classes of spermatids. Somatic chromosomes in the famale. - In the follicular cells of the ovary 8 chromosomes were found, two of which are much larger than the rest. (Figs. 29 and 30). These are considered as being sex chromosomes. CONCLUSION: Eneoptera surinamensis has a new type of sex-determining mechanism, the male being X Yl Y2 and the female XX. The sex chromosomes segregate without entering into contact at metaphase or forming group. After a review of the other known cases of complex sex chromosome mechanism the author held that Eneoptera is the unique representative of a true determinate segregation of sex chromosomes. Y2 behaving as sex chromosome and as autosome is considered as representing an intermediary state of the evolution of the sex chromosomes.
Cytogenetical studies based on conventional coloration by Giemsa, C-banding and Ag-NOR were performed on 2 species of bats from the vespertilionid family: Lasiurus cinereus (Beauvois, 1796) and Lasiurus ega (Gervais, 1856). The 2n was 28 and FN was 48 in both species. The constitutive heterochromatin is located in centromeric regions in the two species and in the short arm of the subtelocentric X chromosome in L. ega. NORs were observed in the secondary constriction of the smaller autosome in both species.
Identifying homology between sex chromosomes of different species is essential to understanding the evolution of sex determination. Here, we show that the identity of a homomorphic sex chromosome pair can be established using a linkage map, without information on offspring sex. By comparing sex-specific maps of the European tree frog Hyla arborea, we find that the sex chromosome (linkage group 1) shows a threefold difference in marker number between the male and female maps. In contrast, the number of markers on each autosome is similar between the two maps. We also find strongly conserved synteny between H. arborea and Xenopus tropicalis across 200 million years of evolution, suggesting that the rate of chromosomal rearrangement in anurans is low. Finally, we show that recombination in males is greatly reduced at the centers of large chromosomes, consistent with previous cytogenetic findings. Our research shows the importance of high-density linkage maps for studies of recombination, chromosomal rearrangement and the genetic architecture of ecologically or economically important traits.
La proprotéine convertase subtilisine/kexine-9 (PCSK9) a été identifiée comme le troisième locus impliqué dans l’hypercholestérolémie autosome dominante (ADH). Les deux autres gènes impliqués dans l’ADH encodent le récepteur des lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDLR) et l’apolipoprotéine B. La PCSK9 est une convertase qui favorise la dégradation du LDLR dans les hépatocytes et augmente le niveau plasmatique de cholestérol des LDL (LDL-C). Les mutations « gain de fonction » de la PCSK9 sont associées à un phénotype d’hypercholestérolémie familiale, tandis que les variantes « perte de fonction » sont associées à un LDL-C réduit et à un risque coronarien plus faible. Pour élucider le rôle physiologique de la PCSK9, nous avons étudié sa régulation génique. En utilisant le RT-PCR quantitatif dans des hépatocytes humains, nous avons analysé la régulation de PCSK9 sous différentes conditions modulant l’expression des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme du cholestérol. Nous avons démontré que l’expression de la PCSK9 était induite par les statines de manière dose-dépendante et que cette induction était abolie par le mévalonate. De plus, le promoteur de PCSK9 contenait deux motifs conservés pour la régulation par le cholestérol : le sterol regulatory element (SRE) et un site Sp1. La PCSK9 circule dans le plasma sous des formes mature et clivée par la furine. Grâce à notre anticorps polyclonal, nous avons mis au point un test ELISA mesurant la PCSK9 plasmatique totale. Une étude transversale a évalué les concentrations plasmatiques de PCSK9 chez des sujets sains et hypercholestérolémiques, traités ou non par des statines ou une combinaison statine/ezetimibe. Chez 254 sujets sains, la valeur moyenne de PCSK9 (écart-type) était de 89,5 (31,9) µg/L. La concentration plasmatique de la PCSK9 corrélait avec celle de cholestérol total, du LDL-C, des triglycérides (TG), de la glycémie à jeun, l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle. Le séquençage de PCSK9 chez des sujets aux extrêmes de la distribution des concentrations de PCSK9 de notre cohorte a révélé la présence d’une nouvelle variation « perte de fonction » : R434W. Chez 200 patients hypercholestérolémiques, la concentration de PCSK9 était plus élevée que chez les sujets sains (P<0,04). Elle a augmenté avec une dose croissante de statine (P<0,001), et a augmenté encore plus suite à l’ajout d’ezetimibe (P<0,001). Chez les patients traités, ceux présentant une hypercholestérolémie familiale (HF; due à une mutation du LDLR) avaient des concentrations plus élevées de PCSK9 que les non-HF (P<0,005), et la réduction de LDL-C corrélait positivement avec la concentration de PCSK9 atteinte de la même manière dans les deux sous-catégories (P<0,02 et P<0,005, respectivement). Par ailleurs, une incubation des cellules HepG2 (hépatocytes) et Caco-2 (entérocytes) avec de l’ezetimibe a provoqué une augmentation de l’ARNm de PCSK9 et de NPC1L1 de 1,5 à 2 fois (P<0,05), mais aucune variation significative de PCSK9 sécrétée n’a été observée, suggérant que ces lignées cellulaires ne sont pas un modèle idéal. Nous avons également mesuré le niveau de PCSK9 chez 1 739 Canadiens-français âgés de 9, 13 et 16 ans. La valeur moyenne (écart-type) de PCSK9 dans cette cohorte était de 84,7 (24,7) µg/L, légèrement plus basse que dans la cohorte d’adultes (89,5 (31,9) µg/L). Chez les garçons, la PCSK9 circulante diminuait avec l’âge, tandis que c’était l’inverse chez les filles. Il y avait des associations positives et significatives entre la PCSK9 et la glycémie à jeun, l’insulinémie, le HOMA-IR, et les paramètres lipidiques (TC, LDL-C, TG, HDL-C, apoAI et apoB). Dans l’analyse multivariée, une hausse de 10% de l’insulinémie à jeun était associée à une augmentation de 1 à 2% de PCSK9. La régulation de PCSK9 est typique de celle d’un gène impliqué dans le métabolisme des lipoprotéines et est probablement la cible du facteur de transcription «sterol regulatory element-binding protein » (SREBP-2). La concentration plasmatique de la PCSK9 est associée avec l’âge, le sexe, et de multiples marqueurs métaboliques chez les enfants et les adultes. La détection de la PCSK9 circulante chez les sujets HF et non-HF signifie que ce test ELISA spécifique à PCSK9 pourrait servir à suivre la réponse à la thérapie chez un grand éventail de sujets. PCSK9 semble être une cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie et de la maladie cardiovasculaire.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomeric and ribosomal sequences was performed in four species of toad genus Chaunus: C. ictericus, C. jimi, C. rubescens and C. schneideri. Analyses based on conventional, C-banding and Ag-NOR staining were also carried out. The four species present a 2n = 22 karyotype, composed by metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, which were indistinguishable either after conventional staining or banding techniques. Constitutive heterochromatin was predominantly located at pericentromeric regions, and telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)(n) were restricted to the end of all chromosomes. Silver staining revealed Ag-NORs located at the short arm of pair 7, and heteromorphism in size of NOR signals was also observed. By contrast, FISH with ribosomal probes clearly demonstrated absence of any heteromorphism in size of rDNA sequences, suggesting that the difference observed after Ag-staining should be attributed to differences in chromosomal condensation and/or gene activity rather than to the number of ribosomal cistrons.
A cytogenetic study was carried out with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) and etoposide (VP-16) in CHO-K1 and XRS-5 (mutant cells deficient for double-strand break rejoining) cell lines to verify the interaction effects of the drugs in terms of induction of chromosomal aberrations. 5-azaC is incorporated into DNA causing DNA hypomethylation, and VP-16 (inhibitor of topoisomerase 11 enzyme) is a potent clastogenic agent. Cells in exponential growth were treated with 5-azaC for I h, following incubation for 7 h, and posttreatment with VP16 for the last 3 h. In K1 cells, the combined treatments induced a significant reduction in the aberrations induced in the X and A (autosome) chromosomes, which are the main target for 5-azaC. However, in XRS-5 cells, the drug combination caused a significant increase in the aberrations induced in those chromosomes, but with a concomitant reduction in the randomly induced-aberrations. In addition, each cell line presented characteristic cell cycle kinetics; while the combined treatment induced an S-arrest in K1 cells, alterations in cell cycle progression were not found for XRS-5, although each drug alone caused a G2-arrest. The different cell responses presented by the cell lines may be explained on the basis of the evidence that alterations in chromatin structure caused by 5-aza-C probably occur to a different extent in K1 and XRS-5 cells, since the mutant cells present a typical hyper-condensed chromosome structure (especially the X- and A chromosomes), but, alternatively, 5-aza-C could induce reactivation of DNA repair genes in XRS-5 cells. Teratogenesis Carcinog. Mutagen. Suppl. 1:171-186, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Chromosomes of a species of Eigenmannia presenting a X1X1X2X2:X1X2Y sex chromosome system, resulting from a Y-autosome Robertsonian translocation, were analyzed using the C-banding technique, chromomycin A(3) (CMA(3)) and mithramycin (MM) staining and in situ digestion by the restriction endonuclease AluI. A comparison of the metacentric Y chromosome of males with the corresponding acrocentrics in females indicated that a C-band-positive, CMA(3)/MM-fluorescent and AluI digestion-resistant region had been lost during the process of translocation, resulting in a diminution of heterochromatin in the males. It is hypothesized that the presence of a smaller amount of G+C-rich heterochromatin in the sex chromosomes of the heteromorphic sex when compared with the homomorphic sex may be associated with the sex determination mechanism in this species and may be a more widely occurring phenomenon in fish with differentiated sex chromosomes than was initially thought.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Scaphum nigra has a uniquechromosomecomplement among approximately 100 species studied so far belonging to the subfamily Phaneropterinae. It is formed by 2n ([male]) = 26 and a FN = 29 and derived from the ancestral karyotype of the group 2n ([male]) = 31, FN = 31, by means of two centric fusions and one tandem fusion. The first between the X chromosome and a medium-sized autosome giving rise to a neo-XY sex chromosome mechanism of recent origin, and the second between two acrocentric ones, the bigger and a medium size, that gave rise to a large submetacentric element whose length is very uncommon in the subfamily. This process has created a bimodal karyotype that contrasts with the majority in this group, whose chromosomes usually can be arranged in a decreasing order of size. A third rearrangement incorporating the chromatin of a medium-sized autosome to the bigger one, explains the reduction observed in the number of chromosomes and the enlarged size of the submetacentric elements. These features demonstrate the effectiveness of chromosome number, their morphology and the change of the sex mechanism as useful tools for taxonomy.