992 resultados para Automotive market


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At this time, each major automotive market bares its own standards and test procedures to regulate the vehicle green house gases emissions and, thus, fuel consumption. Hence, much are the ways to evaluate the overall efficiency of motor vehicles. The majority of such standards rely on dynamometer cycle tests that appraise only the vehicle as a whole, but fail to assess emissions for each component or sub-system. Once the amount of work generated by the power source of an ICE vehicle to overcome the driving resistance forces is proportional to the energy contained in the required amount of fuel, the power path of the vehicle can be straightforwardly modeled as a set of mechanical systems, and each sub-system evaluated for its share on the total fuel consumption and green house gases emission. This procedure enables the estimation of efficiency gains on the system due to improvement of particular elements on the vehicle's driveline. In this work a simple systematic mechanical model of an arbitrary smallsized hatch back was assembled and total required energy calculated for different regulatory cycles. All the modeling details of the energy balance throughout the system are presented. Afterward, each subsystem was investigated for its role on the fuel consumption and the generated emission quantified. Furthermore, the application of the modeling technique for different sets of sub-systems was introduced. Copyright © 2011 SAE International.


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China is becoming an increasingly important automotive market. Customer’s vehicle usage, preferences and requirements differ from traditional western markets in a number of aspects – rear seat usage rates are higher, vehicles are used for business purposes as well as for private transport and rear seat usage is generally more important to Chinese customers compared to their western counterparts. The purpose of this project is to dimension and investigate these differences from an ergonomics perspective and use these results to guide the design of future products. The focus for this project will be specific to vehicles in the CD segment. More specifically, this project focuses on the second row ‘ambience’. Ambience refers to the global feeling perceived by second row passengers, and the main factors contributing to ambience are: ingress and egress comfort, seat comfort, roominess, and ease of use of the controls. In order to investigate the aforementioned parameters, an experimental study has been conducted in Shanghai, China. This experiment involved 80 healthy Chinese CD- and D-car customers. These subjects were asked to evaluate different features present in the second row environment of three different cars: A Ford Mondeo, Toyota Camry and Mercedes S-class. Various data has been collected during this experiment: First, the anthropometric dimensions of the subjects have been measured. The subjects were also asked to fill a questionnaire about demographics, their own car usage, and their perception of a various number of features present in the three tested cars. A great amount of technical data was also collected. The first part of this report presents the results given by the questionnaires. It includes Chinese demographics, vehicle usage habits, and the subjective perception of the features present in the tested cars. It also presents the results of the anthropometric measurements. This gives a first insight into Chinese customers’ habits and preferences. The second part deals with the technical data recorded during the experiment: second row seat adjustment ranges, roominess, optimal location of controls, and pressure mapping analysis. Analysis of technical data allows a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to comfort and ambience perception. Using the technical data together with the comfort ratings given by the subjects in the questionnaire, recommendations on several design parameters were provided. Finally, an experimental study of car ingress-egress has been conducted in a University laboratory controlled environment. During this study, the ingress and egress motion of 20 customers from Chinese origin was recorded using a motion capture system. The last part of this report presents the protocol and data processing that led to building an ingress-egress motion database that was provided to Ford.


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There is considerable demand for sensors that are capable of detecting ultra-low concentrations (sub-PPM) of toxic gases in air. Of particular interest are NO2 and CO that are exhaust products of internal combustion engines. Electrochemical (EC) sensors are widely used to detect these gases and offer the advantages of low power, good selectivity and temporal stability. However, EC sensors are large (1 cm3), hand-made and thus expensive ($25). Consequently, they are unsuitable for the low-cost automotive market that demands units for less than $10. One alternative technology is SnO2 or WO3 resistive gas sensors that are fabricated in volume today using screen-printed films on alumina substrates and operate at 400°C. Unfortunately, they suffer from several disadvantages: power consumption is high 200 mW; reproducibility of the sensing element is poor; and cross-sensitivity is high. © 2013 IEEE.


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Esta investigación se realizo con el fin de conocer el comportamiento y dinámica del sector automotriz en Colombia, haciendo especial énfasis en el sector de los vehículos de gama media, debido a que son el segmento de mayor movimiento del mercado automotriz en Colombia. El estudio se llevo a cabo utilizando el periodo de estudio entre 2004 y 2009 para identificar la situación actual del sector, en el que participaron las cuatro principales ensambladoras del país según la clasificación CIIU utilizada por la Superintendencia de Sociedades.


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Las empresas multidomesticas en su direccionamiento estratégico necesitan de un sistema de control de gestión que les permita entender cómo se está desarrollando su estrategia en los diferentes mercados, frente a los objetivos planteados, de esta forma la implementación de estos sistemas de gestión generan la posibilidad de poder medir, valorar e informar sobre el cumplimiento y la evolución de los resultados previstos y ser un apoyo para la estrategia de mercados multidomesticos. Frente al contexto actual colombiano, se encontro que el mercado del sector automotriz, conformado por empresas multinacionales con una administración estratégica multidomestica, está cada vez más competitivos.Mediante la utilización de los sistemas de control de gestión es posible establecer e identificar variables que fomenten el aprendizaje organizacional, un campo de investigación académica y de práctica profesional el cual permite desarrollar variables claves dentro de la organización como lo son la innovación, la estrategia, la productividad y la toma de decisiones. Variables que favorecen el dinamismo y sostenibilidad del sector automotriz y las organizaciones que la conforman. Así garantizan un mayor aprendizaje creciente en el tiempo, por medio del cual se garantiza la perfecta armonía entre todos los empleados sin jerarquizacion y filtros para la información, dando paso al aprendizaje. Por medio de encuestas a directivos de las empresas mencionadas fue posible obtener conclusiones y encontrar similitudes entre el panorama actual contado por ellos mismos y lo que previamente se formulaba basados en fuentes teóricas, demostrando el real impacto de los sistemas de control de gestión en el aprendizaje de las empresas multidomesticas del sector automotriz en Colombia.


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Com um cenário de crescimento encontrado em poucos lugares do mundo, o mercado automotivo brasileiro tornou-se atraente, saltando de investimentos de cerca de US$ 1 bilhão em 2005 para mais de US$ 5 bilhões em 2012 (ANFAVEA, 2013). O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fornecer um estudo de caso relacionado com a cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva brasileira, com especial atenção à gestão de risco. Considerando a lacuna identificada na pesquisa, a saber, termos e definições sobre gestão de risco na cadeia de suprimentos ainda não consolidados e diferenças significativas entre pesquisadores, cobertura inadequada sobre as respostas aos riscos de incidentes e por fim, o uso inadequado de métodos empíricos nas pesquisas publicadas (SODHI; SON; TANG, 2012), a metodologia para o presente trabalho será o estudo de caso, uma vez que o mesmo oferece um meio apropriado para a análise aprofundada de práticas emergentes (VOSS et al., 2002). Dados secundários gerados pelo Sindipeças, pela ANFAVEA e por institutos nacionais serão usados na contextualização do estudo de caso, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com executivos e especialistas das áreas de gestão de risco e cadeia de suprimentos de uma montadora e de um fornecedor tier 2 instalados no Brasil. Desta forma, espera-se mostrar como é a gestão de risco na cadeia de suprimentos da indústria automotiva brasileira através de um estudo de caso extremo, onde dois exemplares dos chamados elos forte (uma montadora) e fraco (um fornecedor tier 2) da cadeia possam ser comparados com base na teoria existente, a fim de entender seus limites, variáveis e eventuais novos achados.


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Aborda-se as medidas de redução da alíquota do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados para o mercado automotivo, como instrumento extrafiscal de incentivo ao setor em questão, diante dos efeitos da crise econômica mundial de 2008. O estudo efetuado tem como objetivo verificar os reais efeitos econômico-tributários da redução do IPI para o setor automotivo, verificando se as vendas, de fato, aumentaram com os programas de incentivo, assim como em que medida o consumidor final foi beneficiado pela desoneração tributária concedida pelo Governo. Como forma de viabilizar o estudo proposto, serão analisados os diferentes programas de incentivo ao setor automobilístico, levando em consideração seus períodos de vigência e evolução das alíquotas no decorrer do tempo. Nesse sentido, demonstra-se necessário analisar a progressão das vendas no período analisado, assim como a evolução dos preços dos automóveis objetos do benefício fiscal. Conforme se verificará, as medidas de redução do IPI proporcionaram a recuperação do setor automotivo, com um considerável aumento nas vendas, além de terem beneficiado o consumidor final, com uma significativa redução do preço de mercado dos automóveis.


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This paper aims to conduct a study to evaluate and measure the possible impact that the unavailability of spare parts can have on customer satisfaction for car dealerships in the post-sales. A theoretical-conceptual review on the subject of satisfaction and loyalty, on the backdrop of the reality of the automobile market, allowed the construction of a research tool dedicated to collect opinions of car owners, to allow an analysis empirical relationship between the availability of parts, repairs or scheduled service possible, and change or stay on the mark on the occasion of change of vehicle. 236 forms were applied to car owners in the city of Natal / RN. The results obtained in this survey allowed the identification of the unavailability of parts as a significant factor, among others, the motivation for the customer to switch brands. Collaterally, we could also conclude that the dynamics of change in marks, whatever its motivation, is reflected in the perceived positions of the different brands as the market share both in strictly quantitative terms and in terms of relative positioning, with significant changes in the ranking of consumer preferences for different brands available


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This work was motivated by the importance of conducting a study of vehicle emissions in captive fleets with diesel engine, coupled with the predictive maintenance plan. This type of maintenance includes techniques designed to meet the growing market demand to reduce maintenance costs by increasing the reliability of diagnoses, which has increased interest in automated predictive maintenance on diesel engines, preventing problems that might evolve into routine turn into serious situations, solved only with complex and costly repairs, the Reliability Centered Maintenance, will be the methodology that will make our goal is reached, beyond maintaining the vehicles regulated as fuel consumption and emissions. To Therefore, technical improvements were estimated capable of penetrating the automotive market and give the inshore fleet emission rates of opacity of the vehicles, being directly related to the conditions of the lubricating oil thus contributing to reducing maintenance costs by contributing significantly to emissions of pollutants and an improvement in the air in large cities. This criterion was adopted and implemented, em 241 buses and produced a diagnosis of possible failures by the correlation between the characterization of used lubricating oils and the analysis of opacity, with the objective of the aid the detection and solution of failures for the maintenance of sub-systems according to design criteria, and for this to be a deductive methodology to determine potential causes of failures, has been automated to implement a predictive maintenance system for this purpose was used in our study a mobile unit equipped with a opacimeter and a kit for collection and analysis of lubricating oil and the construction of the network diagnostics, we used a computer program in Microsoft Office Access 2007 platform tool is indispensable for creating a database data, this method is being used and successfully implemented in seven (7) bus companies from the city of Natal (RN) Brazil


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As a result of the industrial competitiveness increase in recent decades, concern about process improvements has been growing significantly. Lean Thinking principles are being more and more applied in the different sectors of the industry and aim to reduce costs, which can generate satisfactory results for an organization. Besides the application of lean tools on workstations, Lean Thinking seeks cultural change of the employees. Although the concepts of this management philosophy are widely disseminated, many organizations find barriers in their implementation and management. This study seeks to identify and evaluate the critical success factors in the implementation of Lean Thinking based on a qualitative research in the manufacturing environment of a multinational chemical company that produces acrylic tapes for the automotive market


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As a result of the industrial competitiveness increase in recent decades, concern about process improvements has been growing significantly. Lean Thinking principles are being more and more applied in the different sectors of the industry and aim to reduce costs, which can generate satisfactory results for an organization. Besides the application of lean tools on workstations, Lean Thinking seeks cultural change of the employees. Although the concepts of this management philosophy are widely disseminated, many organizations find barriers in their implementation and management. This study seeks to identify and evaluate the critical success factors in the implementation of Lean Thinking based on a qualitative research in the manufacturing environment of a multinational chemical company that produces acrylic tapes for the automotive market


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El presente documento se corresponde con el Trabajo Fin de Máster del Máster en Consultoría en Gestión de Empresas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A lo largo del mismo se realizará el estudio de una empresa especializada en el diseño, fabricación y montaje industrial. La empresa se creó en el año 2010 y aunque sus resultados hasta la fecha son satisfactorios se estudiarán posibles oportunidades de negocio con las que la empresa podrá mejorar su rendimiento. Se buscarán proyectos de larga duración que permitan obtener unos ingresos constantes en el tiempo para asegurar una cifra de negocio mayor. Se explorarán áreas clave en el mercado europeo, como son el mercado de las energías renovables y el mercado automovilístico, en los que la compañía ha desarrollado trabajos previos, permitiéndoles situarse como una empresa con experiencia en el sector. Se realizará un plan de negocio que permita primero conocer la historia y el estado actual de la compañía y definirá cuales son las líneas de actuación que la compañía debería explorar en el futuro, permitiendo a la misma ampliar por un lado la facturación anual consiguiendo aumentar igualmente los beneficios netos. ---ABSTRACT---This document corresponds to the Final Project for the Master in Business Management and Consultancy of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Throughout the text, the study of a company specialised in industrial design, manufacture and assembly will be carried out. The company was founded in 2010 and, although its results so far have been satisfactory, possible alternatives and business opportunities will be studied in order to enhance profitability even more. One of the main objectives will be to pursue long running projects that will allow to keep the company's revenue constant in order to ensure a higher turnover. Key areas in the European market will be exploited, such as the renewable energies market and the automotive market in which the Company has previously developed works, enabling a position of a Company with experience in the sector. A business plan will be carried out, and it will allow us to get acquainted with the company's history and present status and, it will define the lines of action that the company should explore in the future, allowing it to increase, on the one hand, the annual turnover and at the same time to expand the Company's net benefits.


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El Gestor de Sugerencias que se desarrolla en este proyecto surge como una necesidad para facilitar la gestión de las ideas de los trabajadores de la planta de FICOSA en Soria, dedicada a la fabricación de componentes de automoción. Este proyecto toma forma dentro del departamento de Mejora Continua de la empresa, en la que trabajan 750 personas. Dada la situación del mercado actual, con varios años consecutivos de descenso de ventas de vehículos en los países occidentales los constructores de automóviles reclaman ajustes de precios constantes, que sólo se pueden obtener con optimización de nuestros recursos y mejoras de los procesos aportando ideas innovadoras y de desarrollo. Este es el objetivo principal de la mejora continua, y la aplicación desarrollada es una herramienta más para conseguirlo. Como parte de la estrategia corporativa de mejora continua citada unas líneas más arriba, basada en teorías mundialmente reconocidas como el método KAIZEN, se identificaron las sugerencias de los empleados como una fuente de valor incalculable para la mejora, ya que a través del conocimiento de la mano de obra directa se pueden identificar más fácil y rápidamente los “desperdicios” de un proceso productivo. Dadas las dimensiones de la planta, dividida en cuatro secciones productivas, y el alto volumen de empleados, se planteó el problema de gestionar las sugerencias de una forma dinámica y simple, surgiendo este proyecto como respuesta a la necesidad de facilitar esta gestión. El proyecto se basa en el desarrollo global de una herramienta automática de gestión de sugerencias de mejora proporcionadas por los trabajadores, de uso sencillo, que sea dinámica, que nos permita centralizar las ideas y tener un resumen de los ahorros que estas sugerencias aportan. El proyecto se inicia con la definición de los objetivos concretos de la herramienta, y su desarrollo, hasta la fase de elaboración de manuales de uso, planificación de formación a todos los empleados, implementación, seguimiento y mejora de la misma. ABSTRACT. The Suggestion Management System developed on this Project arises from the needs to make easier the management of the ideas of the employees of Ficosa Soria production plant, facility dedicated to the production of automotive components of first level. This project has been developed inside the Continuous Improvement Department of Ficosa Soria where works 750 employees. Due to the current situation of the automotive market, with several years of sales decrease on Europe, the OEM´s request continuous price adjustments, these requests can be only obtained with the optimization of our resources and the improvement of our processes including innovative and development ideas. This is the main objective of the continuous improvement, and the application development it is another tool more to get the final objective. As a part of the strategy of continuous improvement mentioned a few lines above, based on the world renowned theories as the method KAIZEN, there was identified the employee suggestion as a very profitable source for the continuous improvement, due to the know-how of the direct labor it could be easier identified the “wastes” of our productive process. Considering the plant dimensions, split in four productive sections, and also considering the number of employees, it was raised the problem of how to manage the suggestions in a very simple and dynamic way, creating this project as an answer to the needs of make easier the management. This project is based on the global development of an automatic tool of suggestion management given by our employees, easy to use, dynamic and allow us to centralize the ideas and to have a summary of the savings that the suggestions gave. The project it is originated with the definition of the concrete objectives of the tool and its development, until the phase of creation use manuals, training planification to all employees, implementation, follow and improvement itself.


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A rápida evolução do mercado automotivo, em função de maiores restrições sobre as emissões, impulsionou a utilização de várias alternativas para melhorias dos motores diesel, entre elas as mudanças nos seus componentes com o auxílio de ferramentas de modelagem e a utilização de combustíveis alternativos. As características dos combustíveis afetarão a queima e, assim, alteram os resíduos do processo de combustão. Novos combustíveis podem também ser utilizados como uma alternativa para veículos de gerações anteriores com o intuito de reduzir as emissões. Este estudo mostra os efeitos da utilização do Biodiesel B20 e do Biodiesel Amyris em motores de combustão interna. Para isso, foram realizados testes de motores em salas dinamométricas, e seus resultados confrontados e discutidos. Além disso, são abordados os efeitos do combustível no processo da combustão. Esta Dissertação está concentrada, principalmente, na emissão de NOx e de material particulado, que são poluentes mais restritivos perante a Legislação brasileira de emissões CONAMA P7.


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Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) can provide an attractive traction drive for electric vehicle applications. To lower the investment in the off-board charging station facilities, a multi-functional switched reluctance motor topology is proposed on the basis of the traditional asymmetrical half-bridge converter. The SRM phase windings are employed as input filter inductors and centre-tapped windings are also developed to form symmetrical inductors for three-phase grid supply. Owing to the varying rotor position, phase inductors are unequal between one another. A hysteresis control scheme is therefore developed for grid-connection operation. In addition to AC supplies, the proposed topology can also supports the DC-source charging. A new current sharing strategy is employed to diminish the influence of the unequal winding inductances. The simulation and experimental tests are carried out to verify the proposed topology and control methods. Since this work eliminates the need for building charging station infrastructure, its potential economic impact on the automotive market can be significant.