886 resultados para Assessing creative learning


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Es un manual práctico para estimular el pensamiento creativo, la conversación y la escritura en clase. Combina recientes ideas educativas, como la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples, la inteligencia emocional y estilos de aprendizaje preferentes con estrategias eficaces para la aplicación de estos conceptos. Asi, incluye una serie de actividades prácticas, que pueden ser utilizadas durante todo el curriculo y en diferentes edades con niños de todas las capacidades.


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Manual que utiliza la investigación etnográfica para considerar las características principales de la enseñanza creativa y el aprendizaje. Está estructurado en dos secciones: La primera sección explora la naturaleza de la enseñanza creativa y el aprendizaje mediante el examen de cuatro aspectos: la relevancia, el control, la propiedad y la innovación. Se dedica un capítulo a cada uno de estos aspectos, se destacan sus propiedades y se ilustran con ejemplos, principalmente de la práctica en las escuelas primarias. La segunda sección presenta algunos ejemplos para promover el aprendizaje creativo.


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Ante la creciente demanda de mejora y responsabilidad educativa en las instituciones de enseñanza, el libro ofrece, a profesores universitarios y administradores, una guía práctica para la evaluación del aprendizaje de los alumnos en sus instituciones. Contiene temas clave como la promoción de una cultura de evaluación, características de una buena evaluación, destinatarios de la evaluación, organización y coordinación, actitudes y valores a evaluar, establecimiento de estándares y parámetros, y uso de los resultados para la mejora de la enseñanza, el aprendizaje, la planificación y la toma de decisiones.


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Este relatório surge no âmbito da minha Prática do Ensino Supervisionada e representa uma reflexão sobre a minha iniciação como professora de Inglês e de Francês no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. A reflexão teve como objeto o conceito de ‘aprendizagem criativa’ na teoria do ensino da língua estrangeira e a sua aplicação na prática letiva, nas duas escolas onde desenvolvi o meu estágio, a Escola Secundária de Sebastião da Gama e a Escola Básica do 2º e 3º Ciclos de Aranguez, ambas em Setúbal. Para além de uma tentativa de sistematização das abordagens teóricos, de modo a tornar a noção de ‘criatividade’ mais aplicável na prática da docência da língua estrangeira, a nossa reflexão procura evidenciar como e em que situações a aprendizagem se revela criativa e demonstra a sua utilidade para a aula de língua estrangeira.


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Technology-enhanced or Computer Aided Learning (e-learning) can be institutionally integrated and supported by learning management systems or Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) to offer efficiency gains, effectiveness and scalability of the e-leaning paradigm. However this can only be achieved through integration of pedagogically intelligent approaches and lesson preparation tools environment and VLE that is well accepted by both the students and teachers. This paper critically explores some of the issues relevant to scalable routinisation of e-learning at the tertiary level, typically first year university undergraduates, with the teaching of Relational Data Analysis (RDA), as supported by multimedia authoring, as a case study. The paper concludes that blended learning approaches which balance the deployment of e-learning with other modalities of learning delivery such as instructor–mediated group learning etc offer the most flexible and scalable route to e-learning but that this requires the graceful integration of platforms for multimedia production, distribution and delivery through advanced interactive spaces that provoke learner engagement and promote learning autonomy and group learning facilitated by a cooperative-creative learning environment that remains open to personal exploration of constructivist-constructionist pathways to learning.


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Today, Digital Systems and Services for Technology Supported Learning and Education are recognized as the key drivers to transform the way that individuals, groups and organizations “learn” and the way to “assess learning” in 21st Century. These transformations influence: Objectives - moving from acquiring new “knowledge” to developing new and relevant “competences”; Methods – moving from “classroom” based teaching to “context-aware” personalized learning; and Assessment – moving from “life-long” degrees and certifications to “on-demand” and “in-context” accreditation of qualifications. Within this context, promoting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, is currently a key issue in the public discourse and the global dialogue on Education, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped School Classrooms. This volume on Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning contributes to the international dialogue between researchers, technologists, practitioners and policy makers in Technology Supported Education and Learning. It addresses emerging issues related with both theory and practice, as well as, methods and technologies that can support Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning. In the twenty chapters contributed by international experts who are actively shaping the future of Educational Technology around the world, topics such as: - The evolution of University Open Courses in Transforming Learning - Supporting Open Access to Teaching and Learning of People with Disabilities - Assessing Student Learning in Online Courses - Digital Game-based Learning for School Education - Open Access to Virtual and Remote Labs for STEM Education - Teachers’ and Schools’ ICT Competence Profiling - Web-Based Education and Innovative Leadership in a K-12 International School Setting are presented. An in-depth blueprint of the promise, potential, and imminent future of the field, Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning is necessary reading for researchers and practitioners, as well as, undergraduate and postgraduate students, in educational technology.


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The aim of this study was to examine the validity of the Spanish version of the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (Sp-DELES). This instrument assesses students’ perceptions of virtual learning environments using six scales: Instructor Support, Student Interaction and Collaboration, Personal Relevance, Authentic Learning, Active Learning, and Autonomy. Further, the Sp-DELES includes an additional scale that assesses students’ Satisfaction with their classes. The original DELES has been used in at least 27 independent studies with strong reliability and validity. For this study, we sampled 265 students from the University of Alicante enrolled in various hybrid and distance education courses taught by the Department of Health Psychology. We analysed the Sp-DELES for validity using principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation, and for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. The Sp-DELES exhibited good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha for the scales ranging from 0.86 to 0.97) and the original six-factor structure was replicated and accounted for 72.9 % of the total variance. Overall the results are consistent with those of the original English-language version of the instrument. The Sp-DELES has proven to be a reliable and valid instrument for assessing psychosocial learning environments in tertiary-level hybrid and distance-education settings.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the origins of anxiety sensitivity (AS) by assessing youths' learning experiences in relation to their AS symptoms and anxiety symptoms. Participants were 33 youths between 7 to 13 years old (M = 9.39 years, SD = 2.01). Youths were assessed using a structured interview and self-report measures. Chi-square analyses revealed no statistically significant differences in the proportions of boys vs. girls, Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic, and married vs. non-married. Pearson correlation analyses revealed that youths' AS learning experiences were significantly related to youths' AS and to youths' anxiety symptoms scores. Partial correlations between youths' learning experiences associated with AS symptoms in relation to AS scores controlling for anxiety symptoms effects were statistically significant. Findings were consistent with theory and suggest that learning mechanisms may be involved in AS acquisition and maintenance. The findings' implications are discussed regarding possible learning experiences' role in the development of AS.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Arts Fusió és un projecte pedagògic entorn a la transdisciplinarietat artística, consistent en una recerca al voltant d'aquest concepte i dels valors formatius que aporta en processos d'aprenentatge creatiu. A partir d'aquí hem creat uns principis metodològics per orientar una didàctica cap a la fusió del teatre, la dansa, la música i les arts visuals. Per posar de manifest els beneficis de la nostra proposta hem realitzat aplicacions didàctiques en educacio artística superior i en educació secundària obligatòria. Metodològicament ens situem en el paradigma de la complexitat i basem les intervencions en una perspectiva qualitativa exploratòria, en concret dintre de la línia de la investigació avaluativa. Com a resultats del treball hem vist que la transdisciplinarietat artística pot actuar com a mitjà i com a fi educatiu segons el context en el que ens trobem.


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The goal of this study was to determine the effect of a number of factors on the performance proficiency of three intermediate piano students having different learning styles, all of whom shared the same teacher. Four sets of data were collected in this investigation: the methodology of the teacher; the practice behaviour of the participants; the effect of intrinsic factors, such as participant attitude, motivation, and ownership of learning; and the effect of extrinsic factors that included parental influence, and participants' school- and employment-related responsibilities. Performance proficiency and assessment of practice behaviour were measured by three external, professionallyqualified music examiners. Performance proficiency varied to some extent between participants, but they shared similar practice behaviours. Learning style does not, therefore, affect practice behaviour. Although they planned their practice time, participants did not show much evidence of monitoring the quality of their practice. On the other hand, participants showed positive attitude; they were motivated to learn; and they were observed to plan their practice time, all indicators of, among other things, positive influence of the teacher and parents. Participants showed evidence that these constructive habits were a denominator common to both their schoolwork and piano practice. It was apparent that, except for learning style, all factors examined had an effect on performance proficiency. Performance proficiency is, therefore, influenced by a large web of factors, a finding that is instructive for classroom teachers. Teachers need to avoid the temptation to teach toward performance expectations. Emphasis should be placed instead on teaching and assessing formative learning strategies.


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Il y a quelques décennies, l’émergence du discours de la promotion de la santé infléchissait un nouveau tournant à la santé publique, orientant sa pratique vers l’action communautaire, participative et intersectorielle. Parallèlement, au Québec, la réforme du système de santé de 2004 réorganisait le niveau de gouverne locale à travers la création des centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS). Ceux-ci doivent articuler les secteurs des soins et de la santé publique à travers un continuum de services qui va de la promotion de la santé aux soins palliatifs. Ces changements ont des implications majeures pour les acteurs de la santé et de la santé publique, qui doivent composer avec de nouveaux rôles professionnels et de nouvelles stratégies d’action. Le développement professionnel est considéré comme un levier potentiel pour soutenir ces changements. En 2009, une équipe de la Direction de la santé publique de l’Agence de santé et des services sociaux de Montréal concevait un programme de développement professionnel appelé le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé. Ce programme mise sur une approche d’apprentissage de groupe pour permettre aux professionnels des CSSS de développer de nouvelles compétences, une pratique réflexive ainsi que de nouvelles pratiques de promotion de la santé. Basée sur une méthodologie générale qualitative et une approche d’évaluation collaborative, cette thèse utilise plusieurs stratégies d’investigation afin d’évaluer le Laboratoire de promotion de la santé sous trois angles, qui renvoient à sa conceptualisation, à son implantation et à ses effets. Plus spécifiquement, elle vise à : (1) examiner la plausibilité de la théorie d’intervention du programme; (2) décrire et comprendre les processus d’apprentissage d’équipe ainsi que les facteurs qui les influencent; et (3) explorer, du point de vue des participants, les effets réflexifs du Laboratoire. Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, la thèse mobilise diverses perspectives théoriques liées à l’apprentissage individuel, d’équipe et organisationnel. Les résultats des analyses démontrent que : (1) malgré quelques améliorations possibles, le modèle du programme est généralement bien conçu pour parvenir aux résultats visés; (2) l’implantation de ce modèle dans deux sites a donné lieu à des processus d’apprentissage d’équipe différents, bien que conditionnés par des facteurs communs liés aux participants, à l’équipe, au contexte organisationnel et à l’implantation du programme; (3) tel que visé, les participants des deux sites ont développé de la réflexivité vis-à-vis leur pratique et leur rôle professionnel – cette réflexivité adoptant une fonction formative ou critique en regard de l’expérience professionnelle. Ces résultats soulignent le potentiel que représente l’évaluation de la théorie d’intervention pour améliorer la conceptualisation d’un programme de développement professionnel, ainsi que l’intérêt et la pertinence d’évaluer les processus d’apprentissage au niveau de l’équipe dans le cadre d’une approche collective de développement professionnel. De plus, ils appuient l’importance de l’apprentissage réflexif pour l’amélioration des pratiques et l’engagement social des professionnels. En ce sens, ils proposent différentes avenues qui ont le potentiel de consolider les capacités de la main-d’œuvre de santé publique et d’influer conséquemment sur son efficacité à améliorer la santé des collectivités dans le prochain siècle.


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Las organizaciones en la actualidad deben encontrar diferentes maneras de sobrevivir en un tiempo de rápida transformación. Uno de los mecanismos usados por las empresas para adaptarse a los cambios organizacionales son los sistemas de control de gestión, que a su vez permiten a las organizaciones hacer un seguimiento a sus procesos, para que la adaptabilidad sea efectiva. Otra variable importante para la adaptación es el aprendizaje organizacional siendo el proceso mediante el cual las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios del entorno, tanto interno como externo de la compañía. Dado lo anterior, este proyecto se basa en la extracción de documentación soporte valido, que permita explorar las interacciones entre estos dos campos, los sistemas de control de gestión y el aprendizaje organizacional, además, analizar el impacto de estas interacciones en la perdurabilidad organizacional. ​