999 resultados para Art historiography
O presente estudo realiza uma abordagem inédita aos escritos de artista ao entendê-los como elementos de formação do pensamento teórico sobre as artes plásticas no contexto português do século XX. A perspectiva usada evidencia este tipo de texto como fontes disponíveis mas até aqui negligenciadas pelas práticas historiográficas e analisa, de entre a produção textual elaborada por artistas, aquela que configura (nas suas proposições e nos seus objectivos funcionais) um tipo de conceptualização paralelo e concomitante com enunciados teóricos oriundos de outros agentes do campo artístico (como críticos e historiadores). Diogo de Macedo, António Dacosta, José de Almada Negreiros, Júlio Pomar e Nikias Skapinakis são os artistas cuja produção escrita é observada; Aarão de Lacerda, João Barreira, Reynaldo dos Santos e, sobretudo, José-Augusto França, são os autores cujas construções historiográficas são analisadas. Através destes protagonistas dos debates estéticos e da formação de legibilidade do acontecido, verifica-se a possibilidade de renovação do conhecimento do passado a partir do recurso aos textos elaborados por artistas e, ao mesmo tempo, estudam-se as modalidades de formação discursiva, no campo da história da arte, que têm conduzido à exclusão deste tipo de fontes. Modernismo, academismo, artes decorativas, surrealismo, abstracção, realismo, figuração, o estatuto do artista e a função do Estado na promoção das artes são alguns dos assuntos através dos quais se identificam algumas das questões em discussão, num longo período que se estende da década de 1920 à década de 1970 e que tem o seu ponto nodal nos anos do pós-guerra
Jacques Ranciere's work on aesthetics has received a great deal of attention recently. Given his work has enormous range – taking in art and literature, political theory, historiography, pedagogy and worker's history – Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross (UNSW) seek to explore his wider project in this interview, while showing how it leads to his alternative insights into aesthetics. Rancière sets aside the core suppositions linking the medium to aesthetic judgment, which has informed many definitions of modernism. Rancière is emphatic in freeing aesthetic judgment from issues of medium-specificity. He argues that the idea of autonomy associated with medium-specificity – or 'truth to the medium' – was 'a very late one' in modernism, and that post-medium trends were already evident in early modernism. While not stressing a simple continuity between early modernism and contemporary art, Ranciere nonetheless emphasizes the ethical and political ramifications of maintaining an a-disciplinary stance.
Jacques Rancière's work on aesthetics has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Given his work has enormous range – covering art and literature, political theory, historiography, pedagogy and worker's history – Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross (UNSW) explore his wider critical ambitions in this interview, while showing how it leads to alternative insights into aesthetics. Rancière sets aside the core suppositions linking the medium to aesthetic judgment, which has informed many definitions of modernism. Rancière is emphatic in freeing aesthetic judgment from issues of medium-specificity. He argues that the idea of autonomy associated with medium-specificity – or 'truth to the medium' – was 'a very late one' in modernism, and that post-medium trends were already evident in early modernism. While not stressing a simple continuity between early modernism and contemporary art, Ranciere nonetheless emphasizes the on-going ethical and political ramifications of maintaining an a-disciplinary stance.
Thèse effectuée en cotutelle avec l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
La pensée de Nietzsche a joué un rôle déterminant et récurrent dans les discours et les débats qui ont formé et continuent de façonner le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, mais aucune analyse systématique de cette question n’a encore vu le jour. L’influence de Nietzsche a été médiée par divers interlocuteurs, historiens de l’art et philosophes, qui ont encadré ces discussions, en utilisant les écrits du philosophe comme toile de fond de leurs propres idées. Ce mémoire souhaite démontrer que l’impact de Nietzsche dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art existe mais qu’il fut toujours immergé ou éclipsé, particulièrement dans le contexte anglo-américain, l’emphase étant placée sur les médiateurs de ses idées en n’avouant que très peu d’engagement direct avec son œuvre. En conséquence, son importance généalogique pour certains fondateurs de la discipline reste méconnue; sa présence réellement féconde se traduit plutôt comme une absence ou une présence masquée. En vue de démontrer ce propos, nous regardons donc le contexte nietzschéen qui travaille les écrits de certains historiens de l’art, comme Jacob Burckhardt et Aby Warburg, ou des philosophes et d’écrivains ayant marqué la discipline de l’histoire de l’art (plus particulièrement dans le cadre de l’influence de la « French Theory » sur l’histoire de l’art anglo-américaine depuis la fin des années 1970) : Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze et Georges Bataille. Nous examinons certaines voies par lesquelles ses idées ont acquis une pertinence pour l’histoire de l’art avant de proposer les raisons potentielles de leur occlusion ultérieure. Nous étudions donc l’évolution des discours multiples de l’histoire comme domaine d’étude afin de situer la contribution du philosophe et de cerner où et comment ses réflexions ont croisé celles des historiens de l’art qui ont soit élargi ou redéfini les méthodes et les structures d’analyse de leur discipline. Ensuite nous regardons « l’art » de Nietzsche en le comparant avec « l’art de l’histoire de l’art » (Preziosi 2009) afin d’évaluer si ces deux expressions peuvent se rejoindre ou s’il y a fondamentalement une incompatibilité entre les deux, laquelle pourrait justifier ou éclairer la distance entre la pensée nietzschéenne sur l’art et la discipline de l’histoire de l’art telle qu’elle s’institutionnalise au moment où le philosophe rédige son œuvre.
In principle, the world and life itself are the contexts of theatrical events. The term context is broad and thus seems hardly usable. It only makes sense to use the term when terminologies and methodologies determine which parts of their contexts are to be incorporated and analysed for which theatrical event. This presentation exemplifies a method which is particularly suitable for sensibly selecting the most important contexts for research in theatre history. The complexity of the representation increases continuously from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life to Brecht’s “Street Scene” and “Everyday Theatre”, portrayals of rulers in feasts and parades to Hamlet productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company or a Wagner opera in Bayreuth. The different forms of theatre thus constitute a continuum which spans from “everyday theatre” to “art theatre”. The representation of the world in this continuum is sometimes questioned by the means of theatre, for example when Commedia dell’arte takes a critical stance towards the representative theatre of the humanists or when playful devices such as reversal, parody and fragmentation challenge the representative character of productions, which is applied by the Vice character for instance. There is a second component that has an impact on the continuum without a theatrical device: attitude, opinion, norms and bans which originate from society. As excerpts of contexts, they refer to single forms of theatre in the continuum. This results in a complex system of four components which evolves from the panorama between the antipodes “everyday theatre” and “art theatre” as well as both spheres of influence of which only one uses theatrical devices. All components interact in a specific time frame in a specific place in a specific way in each case, which can then be described as the theatricality in this time frame. This presentation will deal with what the concept is capable of doing.
This collection of essays is the first time a group of theatre historians have come together to consider the challenge of applying ethical thinking to attempts to truthfully represent the past. Topics include the life of the celebrated Restoration actor Thomas Betterton, the little-known records of hitherto forgotten women involved in Victorian theatre, amateur theatricals enjoyed by the British army in colonial India, the loss of a pioneering arts centre for African and Caribbean culture, performance art in Wales and present-day community arts in Northern Ireland. While confronting such difficult issues as the instability of evidence and the unreliability of memory, the contributors offer fresh perspectives and innovative strategies for fulfilling their ethical responsibility to the lived experience of the past.
In this article, the author discusses how she applied autoethnography in a study of the design of hypermedia educational resources and shows how she addressed problematic issues related to autoethnographic legitimacy and representation. The study covered a 6-year period during which the practitioner’s perspective on the internal and external factors influencing the creation of three hypermedia CD-ROMs contributed to an emerging theory of design. The author highlights the interrelationship between perception and reality as vital to qualitative approaches and encourages researchers to investigate their reality more fully by practicing the art of autoethnography.