134 resultados para Artère faciale


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Facial Artery Musculomucosal Flap in Skull Base Reconstruction Xie L. MD, Lavigne F. MD, Rahal A. MD, Moubayed SP MD, Ayad T. MD Introduction: Failure in skull base defects reconstruction can have serious consequences such as meningitis and pneumocephalus. The nasoseptal flap is usually the first choice but alternatives are necessary when this flap is not available. The facial artery musculomucosal (FAMM) flap has proven to be successful in head and neck reconstruction but it has never been reported in skull base reconstruction. Objective: To show that the FAMM flap can reach some key areas of the skull base and be considered as a new alternative in skull base defects reconstruction. Methods: We conducted a cadaveric study with harvest of modified FAMM flaps, endoscopic skull base dissection and maxillectomies in 13 specimens. Measures were taken for each harvested FAMM flap. Results: The approximate mean area for reconstruction from the combination of the distal FAMM and the extension flaps is 15.90 cm2. The flaps successfully covered the simulated defects of the frontal sinus, the ethmoid areas, the planum sphenoidale, and the sella turcica. Conclusion: The FAMM flap can be considered as a new alternative in the reconstruction of skull base defects. Modifications add extra length to the traditional FAMM flap and can contribute to a tighter seal of the defect as opposed to the FAMM flap alone.


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Objectifs: Etude prospective sur l'efficacité de la chimio-perfusion super-sélective avec Melphalan dans l'artère ophtalmique en tant qu'agent tumoricide chez l'enfantatteint de rétinoblastome avancé, pour éviter l'énucléation chirurgicale et/ou la radiothérapie externe. Matériels et méthodes: 19 enfants (âge moyen 25 mois) atteints de rétinoblastome de groupe D ont reçu 1 à 3 séances d'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan (0,35 mg/kg) dans l'artère ophtalmique sous anesthésie générale. Au total 48 procédures ont été réalisées. Chaque séance était associée à une injection intra-vitréenne deMelphalan, ainsi qu'à une thermothérapie et/ou une cryothérapie. Résultats: Le traitement a été effectué avec succès chez 17/19 enfants avec une régression importante du volume tumoral. L'énucléation ainsi que la radiothérapie externeont pu être évitées dans 15/17 enfants, sur un suivi moyen d'une année. Aucune complication systémique ou thromboembolique n'a été observée. Lescomplications locales ont comporté 2 décollements de la rétine, 5 oedèmes conjonctivaux et palpébraux, 1 cas de pigmentation cutanée locale, 1 vasospasmetransitoire de l'artère carotide interne et 2 cas d'artériopathie occlusive choroïdienne sectorielle . Conclusion: L'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan s'avère être très efficace dans les cas avancés de rétinoblastome chez l'enfant, aussi bien comme techniquecurative que pour éviter l'énucléation et/ou la radiothérapie externe.


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The neuropsychological records of 56 patients operated for clipping were studied. Almost every patient remained autonomous and without invalidating motor defect. The present study was aimed at specifying the type and frequency of neuropsychological sequelae and, to a lesser extent, the role of various pathophysiological factors. A main concern was to examine to what extent and at what post-operative interval the neuropsychological assessment can predict the intellectual and socioprofessional outcome of each individual patient. The neuropsychological assessment performed beyond the acute phase showed evidence of intellectual sequelae in about two thirds of the patients. Only one case of permanent anterograde amnesia was observed, probably due to unavoidable inclusion of a hypothalamic artery in the clip during surgery. Transient anterograde amnesia and confabulations were occasionally observed, generally for less than three weeks. A common finding was impaired performance on memory and/or executive tests. In a minority of patients, language disorders, visuoperceptive and visuoconstructive disabilities were found, probably in relation with hemodynamic changes at distance from the aneurysm. Global impairment of intellectual function was not uncommon in the acute post-operative phase but it evolved in most cases towards a more selective impairment, for instance restricted to executive and memory functions, in the chronic phase. The neuropsychological investigation carried out 4 to 15 weeks post-operatively provided satisfactory information about possible long-lasting intellectual disturbances and professional resumption. In particular, persistent global intellectual impairment, persistent amnesia and confabulations 4-15 weeks post-operative were associated with cessation of professional activity; executive and memory impairment, behavioral disturbances such as those encountered in patients with frontal lobe damage were associated with a decreased probability of full-time employment. Pre- and post-operative angiography were not good predictors of long-term cognitive outcome: normal angiography was not necessarily followed by normal neuropsychological outcome, conversely abnormal angiography could be found together with normal neuropsychological outcome. By contrast, there was a relationship between left-lateralised abnormalities on post-operative angiography and occurrence of language disorders; similarly, there was a relationship between side of craniotomy and type of deficits, that is language disorders versus visuoperceptive-visuoconstructive impairments.


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The clinical significance of facial palsy hinges on its psychosocial consequences. While its causes are very numerous, several infections account for a majority of cases: Lyme disease, geniculate zoster (Ramsay Hunt syndrome), while the role of HSV-1 in essential (Bell's) palsy remains controversial. Essentials of facial palsy management are discussed, including the importance of the functional grading of palsy, the complexity of Lyme disease serological diagnosis, and its treatment using doxycycline, antiviral and steroids treatment of geniculate zoster, while regarding essential facial palsy, only steroids, but not antiviral have been shown to improve functional recovery.


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Although rare, popliteal artery aneurysms are the most common peripheral aneurysms and are frequently associated with abdominal aorta aneurysms. They are often bilateral. One third of patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis, with an insidious evolution. Symptomatic patients may present with symptoms of either acute ischemia or chronic ischemia, or rarely compression or rupture. Surgical exclusion of aneurysm followed by venous bypass remains the treatment of choice. Endovascular treatment is an attractive alternative currently reserved for patients at high risk, with good anatomical criteria. Elective treatment before symptoms onset is preferable given the best results in terms of patency and complications. A conservative approach is allowed for small aneurysms without major embolic risk provided careful monitoring by ultrasound.


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La naissance d'un enfant avec une fente oro-faciale est souvent vécue comme un événement à portée traumatique pour les parents, pouvant avoir un impact sur les représentations de l'enfant et la mise en place de la relation. Cet article propose un bilan des dix années de recherche lausannoise sur le développement de la parentalité et des liens précoces, auprès des familles d'enfants naissant avec une fente, depuis l'annonce du diagnostic jusqu'à l'âge préscolaire. Des aspects tels que les représentations parentales. les interactions précoces, ainsi que la qualité de l'attachement sont investigués.


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Facial palsy is an unusual pathology that requires standard investigations and management. A clinical overview of the current attitudes is suggested to the general practitioners in order to help them in initiating the adequate investigations and treatment before referring the patient to a specialist.


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Objectifs L'embolisation de l'artère splénique (EAS) proximale serait mieux tolérée que la distale ou segmentaire, les mêmes objectifs cliniques étant remplis. Notre hypothèse est que l'EAS proximale aurait un taux de complications inférieur notamment concernant les infections et infarcissements. Matériels et méthodes Soixante-treize patients ont bénéficié d'une EAS proximale vs. distale ou segmentaire dans un centre universitaire sur une période de 5 ans. Les données cliniques et l'imagerie préinterventionnelle ont été revues avec détermination du grade de la lésion traumatique splénique et de la quantité d'hémopéritoine. Les complications dues à l'intervention, 0 = pas de complications à 3 = complications importantes, ont été identifiées par le suivi postinterventionnel. Résultats Les complications dues à l'EAS proximale (N=11, médian = 1,0, range = 0-2, moyenne = 0,64) ne différaient pas de manière significative par rapport à celles de l'EAS distale (N=62, médian = 1,0, range = 0-3, moyenne = 0,87), U=303,0, Z = − 0,63, p = 0,30, r = − 0,07. Conclusion L'EAS proximale est une intervention sûre et efficace. Elle démontre de façon non-significative moins de complications postinterventionnelles et en particulier pas de splénectomie secondaire supplémentaire par rapport à l'EAS distale. Ces résultats nous encouragent à poursuivre une étude prospective qui pourrait révéler un avantage significatif de l'EAS proximale.


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Popliteal entrapment is a rare compression syndrome involving vascular (and neurologic) structures of the popliteal fossa. In this article we review the popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). PAES is a cause of intermittent claudication that can be, although rarely, complicated with acute limb-threatening ischemia. PAES occurs more often in young adult. Concerning pathophysiology, PAES is provoked by an abnormal relationship between popliteal artery and muscular-tendon structures within the popliteal fossa. A surgical repair is usually required to resolve mechanical compression or vascular damage.


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La sténose de l'artère rénale (SAR) est souvent associée à une maladie athéromateuse diffuse et, en conséquence, à une morbidité et une mortalité cardiovasculaires accrues. Le nombre de revascularisations de l'artère rénale a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Mais les succès rapportés par cette procédure, par rapport à un traitement médical seul, semblent modestes tant sur le contrôle de la pression artérielle que sur la progression de l'insuffisance rénale. La mise en évidence d'une SAR ne représente pas systématiquement une indication à une revascularisation. Plusieurs critères doivent être pris en compte, dont la localisation de la sténose, son retentissement hémodynamique, la fonction rénale, la sévérité de l'hypertension artérielle et la facilité avec laquelle le traitement antihypertenseur parvient à normaliser la pression artérielle. Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is often associated with diffuse atherosclerotic disease and consequently an increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Despite evidence of only moderate clinical benefit in comparison with medical treatment to control the blood pressure and to prevent renal failure, renal endovascular revascularisation has become more and more popular. The decision to treat an atherosclerotic renal stenosis by revascularisation should be taken only after a close examination of the hemodynamic impact of the stenosis, the renal function, the severity of hypertension and the quality of blood pressure control achieved by the medical treatment


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Facial reanimation following persistent facial paralysis can be managed with surgical procedures of varying complexity. The choice of the technique is mainly determined by the cause of facial paralysis, the age and desires of the patient. The techniques most commonly used are the nerve grafts (VII-VII, XII-VII, cross facial graft), dynamic muscle transfers (temporal myoplasty, free muscle transfert) and static suspensions. An intensive rehabilitation through specific exercises after all procedures is essential to archieve good results.