969 resultados para Armed conflicts


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We investigate the causes of a conflict by adding ambient climate factors to the existing bundle of most significant variables. It turns out that – controlling for possible associations – temperature could actually induce a conflict. We emphasise that temperature could not be a dominant reason in starting a conflict; however, it could escalate the chances when other factors are present. This paper references some of the related psychological studies to support this claim. We also show that grievance factors could actually be rightfully effective in starting an internal conflict alongside greed based reasons. In the end, we believe that it could be informative to study ambient factors more often in economics.


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Ninety-nine Finnish peacekeepers, who had been serving in 15 different operations around the world, participated in the study (8 women, 27-52 years old, m = 37.4, SD = 8.9; and 91 men, 21-69 years old, m = 41.4, SD = 10.2). Three military crisis management trainers from the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre also participated in the study. The data was collected with two webbased questionnaires. In addition two interviews were made with specialists of civilian crisis management in Finland. The study also provides an overview of international treaties concerning children’s rights in armed conflict. The results show that 48.7 % of dangers for children in conflicts reported by the peacekeepers were related to physical injury (e.g. landmines and traffic), and 27.4 % were related to social problems (e.g. poverty, child soldiers, and trafficking). 24.1 % of the peacekeepers had made observations of children’s rights violations either often or very often during peacekeeping operations. 49.6 % of the observations were related to social problems (e.g. child labour or being forced to beg), and 33.0 % were related to physical injury (e.g. assault). Frequency of observation of children’s rights violations was not associated with either sex or military degree of the peacekeepers; instead it was significantly correlated with the peacekeepers’ degree of knowledge of EU’s child protection guidelines. On the basis of the results, it is recommended that knowledge about children’s rights and protection should be included in the training of Finnish crisis management personnel to a much higher degree than at the present.


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This review essay engages with Sandesh Sivakumaran’s book The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict, exploring its significance both in international humanitarian law and international law more generally.


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Unresolved conflicts continue to smoulder in Transnistria, Chechnya, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia. "Para-states" have formed in most conflict-affected areas. These have grown to become permanent players in the region. In Chechnya, guerrilla fights continue in the wake of the Russian army's siege of the republic. The conflict in Tajikistan ended in 1997 and the normalisation process is currently under way. Each of these conflicts has entailed profound political, social, ethnic and economic changes, as well as affecting other spheres of life. Presently, it is impossible to return to the pre-conflict situation. The "para-states" have fortified their independence and are no longer controlled by the external powers on which they depended in the initial phases of the conflicts.


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This article discusses the international legal obligation to identify and record every casualty of armed conflict that finds its basis in the treaties and customs of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The article applies the various facets of the legal obligation to the armed conflicts in Iraq and Sri Lanka and argues that the parties in these conflicts failed in their international legal responsibility to civilians.


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This article offers a fresh examination of the distinction drawn in international humanitarian law (IHL) between international and non-international armed conflicts. In particular, it considers this issue from the under-explored perspective of the influence of international human rights law (IHRL). It is demonstrated how, over time, the effect of IHRL on this distinction in IHL has changed dramatically. Whereas traditionally IHRL encouraged the partial elimination of the distinction between types of armed conflict, more recently it has been invoked in debates in a manner that would preserve what remains of the distinction. By exploring this important issue, it is hoped that the present article will contribute to the ongoing debates regarding the future development of the law of non-international armed conflict.


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The Southern Caucasus is the site of three armed conflicts with separatist backgrounds, which have remained unsolved for years: the conflicts in Georgia's Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and Azerbaijan's conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh (including the areas around Nagorno-Karabakh which were seized by Armenian separatists in the course of the war). Neither Georgia nor Azerbaijan have had any control over the disputed areas since the early 1990s. Both states are simultaneously in conflict with the separatists' informal patrons, respectively Russia and Armenia. After over a decade of relative peace during which the conflicts remained frozen, tension has recently risen considerably: in the case of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, large-scale fighting may break out in the coming months, whereas in the case of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Azeri-Armenian conflict, such a threat may materialise within the next five years. The current formula for politically resolving the conflicts is ineffective and close to exhaustion, and the prospect of any alternative peace plans being developed is rather distant. The conflicts in the Southern Caucasus are of increasing concern to the West, mainly because of the Western actors' constantly growing political and economic involvement in Georgia and Azerbaijan (including support for reforms and development of the gas and oil transmission infrastructures), as well as its less intensive commitments in Armenia. An outbreak of open fighting over the separatist regions would destabilise the Southern Caucasus, largely undoing the results of the actions which the EU, NATO and the USA have taken in the region in recent years. Moreover, the situation in the Southern Caucasus, especially the separatisms themselves, have in fact become an element in the wider geopolitical game between the West and Russia. For Russia, the stakes are maintaining its influence in the region, and for the West, demonstrating its ability to effectively promote democracy and economic modernisation in the countries bordering it.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Nas quatro últimas décadas, a África tem estado envolvida em mais conflitos, na maioria sangrentos e prolongados, que qualquer outro Continente. Todavia, a determinação da liderança política e da sociedade civil na construção da paz, da segurança e da reconciliação com justiça social numa parte importante do Continente africano, permite-nos concluir que nos últimos cinco anos houve mais países a alcançar uma paz com inclusão em África, mesmo que por vezes ainda instável, do que reacendimento de novos conflitos. Mesmo assim, a pobreza extrema estrutural, a desigualdade social crescente, a criminalidade elevada, a corrupção generalizada, a instabilidade política e económica, a má distribuição dos recursos, bem como a pressão demográfica, constituem os principais factores geradores de uma paz “instável” com processos frágeis de reconciliação. Por isso, as diferenças étnicas, culturais e religiosas têm, nestes países, tendência a acentuar, aumentando o risco de conflitos. A solução está, na generalidade dos casos, na realização de eleições livres, honestas e regulares que garantam, não só a participação plena das populações a todos os níveis da vida política, económica, social e institucional, mas, também, a igual distribuição dos benefícios da paz e da riqueza dos seus países, através de uma boa governação com segurança, criação de emprego e inclusão social. Este artigo analisa três aspectos: 1. Prevenção, gestão e resolução de conflitos 1.1. Introdução 1.2. As causas dos conflitos 2. Da paz com inclusão à boa governação com criação de emprego e justiça social 3. Princípios básicos para uma eficaz gestão pós-conflito


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Os conflitos armados que, ao longo de décadas, constituem fenómenos integrantes do quotidiano de vários países africanos em desenvolvimento, são potenciados e perpetuados pelas situações de pobreza e de declínio económico que os caracteriza. O nexo de causalidade circular entre as guerras civis e o subdesenvolvimento traduz um ciclo vicioso que mantém os países mais pobres reféns da “armadilha do conflito” que os condiciona e dificulta a implementação de medidasde promoção do desenvolvimento. Este ciclo vicioso constitui uma “inversão do desenvolvimento” e evidencia como legado de uma guerra civil a grande probabilidade de ocorrência de uma outra guerra civil. Não obstante a relação de causa-efeito frequentemente estabelecida entre o fraccionamento étnico-linguístico e a ocorrência de conflitos violentos, são os factores de ordem económica (nomeadamente a sobre-dependência relativamente à exportação de recursos naturais de grande valor) os principais elementos indutores da conflitualidade armada em África. Ademais, a propagação transfronteiriça destes conflitos intra-estatais, através dos fenómenos de “spill over” e “spill into”, é maximizada por um conjunto de redes (militares, económicas, políticas e sociais) que se tendem a estabelecer entre estados contíguos. Deste modo, independentemente dos factores, agentes e acções potencialmente na origem dos conflitos, as suas consequências serão internacionalizadas colocando em causa a estabilidade regional.


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Edward Said, palestiniano cidadão do mundo, historiador crítico da literatura e da cultura preocupa-se em analisar e desmistificar as representações ideológicas que afirmam a superioridade de uma cultura sobre as outras. Em Orientalismo , publicado originalmente em 1978, demonstra como o colonialismo europeu constrói uma representação do mundo oriental, especialmente do mundo árabe e muçulmano, em que os representados surgem como seres incapazes de autonomia, racionalidade e autogoverno. Como contraponto a esta concepção, desenvolve-se, no período da emancipação e das independências coloniais, uma nova visão em que os povos colonizados de mero objecto de representação se transformam em sujeitos da sua própria história. Em Cultura e Imperialismo , publicado em 1993, Said analisa como os intelectuais e os criadores dos povos dominados elaboram uma nova representação de si próprios e do Outro no âmbito do processo de luta e emancipação colonial. Mas apenas a livre interacção e interdependência das culturas poderá constituir uma síntese superadora do imperialismo e do nacionalismo anticolonial. Dimensão libertadora que se tornará a verdadeira missão e vocação do intelectual sem fronteiras de que Said foi um dos maiores expoentes contemporâneos.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Relações Internacionais


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Gracias al trabajo de las redes transnacionales de defensa los marcos legales internacionales se han adaptado a las nuevas dimensiones que han alcanzado los conflictos armados en los últimos veinte años. Esta investigación estudia el papel de la Violence Against Women in War Network, Japan y del Women's Active Museum on War and Peace, como ejemplos de cómo los actores no gubernamentales pueden sensibilizar y transformar las normas nacionales e internacionales, el comportamiento de los Estados, los organismos supraestatales y a la sociedad en la que desarrollan su labor