1000 resultados para Anti-inflamação


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Accidents caused by venomous animals represents a significant and serious public health problem in certain regions of Brazil, as well as in other parts of the world by the frequency with which they occur and the mortality they cause. The use of plant extracts as an antidote for poisoning cases is an ancient practice used in many communities that have no access to antivenom. Medicinal plants represent an important source of obtaining bioactive compounds able to assist directly in the treatment of poisoning or indirectly supplementing serum therapy currently used. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds from M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in the inflammatory process induced by carrageenan and the venom of B. jararaca and T. serrulatus. The results showed that both M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa were capable of inhibiting cell migration and cytokines levels in peritonitis induced by carrageenin and venom of T. serrulatus. In poisoning by B. jararaca model, mice treated with the plants in studies decreased the leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity. Finally the M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa had antiphlogistic activity, reducing edema formation and exerted inhibitory action of leukocyte migration in local inflammation induced by the venom of B. jararaca. Through of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) analysis was possible identified the presence of flavonoids ,saponins and/or terpenes in aqueous extract of M. tenuiflora. By High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis, it was possible to identify the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid in aqueous extract of H. speciosa. We conclude that the administration of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of H. speciosa and M. tenuiflora resulted in inhibition of the inflammatory process in different experimental models. This study demonstrates for the first time the effect of M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in inhibition of the inflammation caused by B. jararaca and T. serrulatus venom.


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Recentemente tem-se observado um crescente interesse pelo uso de plantas aromáticas, devido às inúmeras propriedades benéficas que lhes têm sido associadas, e a sua aplicação em diversas indústrias, como a indústria alimentar e farmacêutica. Este estudo incidiu sob três ervas aromáticas utilizadas comummente em Portugal: coentros, salsa e segurelha. O objetivo do mesmo foi contribuir para um melhor conhecimento das propriedades bioativas das plantas estudadas, através da determinação do seu teor em compostos fenólicos totais e em flavonoides, e avaliação das suas atividades antioxidante, antimicrobiana e anti-inflamatória. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada através de diferentes tipos de ensaios, nomeadamente avaliação da capacidade redutora, com os ensaios FRAP e CUPRAC, avaliação da capacidade de sequestro do radical DPPH• e avaliação da capacidade de sequestro do radical anião superóxido. A atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada utilizando três estirpes microbianas, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Candida albicans. Por sua vez, a ação anti-inflamatória foi determinada através de ensaios in-vivo apenas para a segurelha, utilizando dois modelos, um para a inflamação aguda (modelo de edema da pata induzido pela carragenina) e outro para a inflamação crónica (modelo da colite ulcerativa). Os resultados demonstraram que todos os extratos de plantas aromáticas possuem atividade antioxidante, sendo que o extrato de segurelha foi aquele que apresentou um maior teor de compostos fenólicos e flavonoides, bem como o que demonstrou possuir uma maior atividade antioxidante relativamente aos restantes extratos estudados, o que sugere o envolvimento destes compostos neste tipo de atividade antioxidante. Entre o extrato de coentros e salsa, o extracto de coentros apresentou um teor em compostos fenólicos e uma actividade antioxidante significativamente superior relativamente ao extracto de salsa. O extrato de segurelha foi o único que apresentou ação antimicrobiana, o que poderá indicar que os compostos fenólicos se encontram também interligados com esta propriedade. A atividade anti-inflamatória foi determinada apenas para o extrato de segurelha, sendo que se observou que este possui efeitos benéficos para a inflamação aguda e crónica, o que poderá estar novamente relacionado com o seu teor em fenóis e flavonoides. O efeito anti-inflamatório observado com o extrato de segurelha no modelo de colite pode ser muito útil do ponto de vista de profilaxia pois o extrato foi administrado aos animais logo a seguir à indução da colite e os resultados demonstram haver uma diminuição significativa da extensão e violência dos sinais da inflamação crónica observados no grupo controlo positivo.


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FUNDAMENTO: Em indivíduos com doença renal crônica e doença cardiovascular (DCV) concomitante, apontou-se relação entre o volume do átrio esquerdo (AE) e os níveis séricos de proteína C reativa (PCR). OBJETIVO: Verificar a presença de associações entre inflamação sistêmica e dilatação do AE em pacientes de hemodiálise (HD) sem DCV clinicamente manifesta. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal em população sob HD (> 3 meses), excluindo-se pacientes com afecções inflamatórias crônicas ou agudas (infecções, neoplasias, doenças autoimunes) instabilidade hemodinâmica, uso de drogas anti-inflamatórias, hiperparatireoidismo, arritmias, valvopatia mitral e evento cardiovascular (CV) prévio. Dosagens de PCR e interleucina 6 (IL-6), e ecodopplercardiograma foram obtidos. Coeficientes de correlação foram determinados para avaliar as associações entre as variáveis. RESULTADOS: Incluídos 58 pacientes (28 homens, idade 55 ± 15 anos), sob HD há 24 ± 16 meses, 45% hipertensos, 26% diabéticos, com medianas de PCR 5,1 mg/dl e IL-6 6,1 pg/dl. A PCR correlacionou-se significativamente com dimensão do AE (p = 0,040), volume indexado do AE (VIAE, p = 0,02) e onda E do fluxo mitral (p = 0,014). A IL-6, apesar da forte associação com a PCR (r = 0,75, p < 0,001), não se correlacionou com índices ecocardiográficos. Indivíduos no quartil superior da PCR tiveram VIAE significativamente maior do que os demais (42 ± 17 versus 32 ± 11 ml/m², p = 0,015). CONCLUSÕES: Em indivíduos sob HD sem evento CV prévio, houve associação entre elevação da PCR e aumento do AE. Os achados sugerem uma ligação entre processos fisiopatológicos relacionados à dilatação atrial esquerda e o estado inflamatório sistêmico de pacientes sob HD.


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Prostaglandins (PG's), produced from arachidonic acid metabolism, are potent mediators of inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) exert their effects by inhibition of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS) enzyme, which catalyses the first committed step in arachidonic acid metabolism. Two isoforms of PGHS are known: PGHS-1, constitutively expressed in most tissues, and is responsible for physiological production of PG's. The second isoform, PGHS-2, is induced by cytokines, mitogens and endotoxins in inflammatory cells, and appears to be responsible for the elevated production of PG's during inflammation. With the recent discovery of the inducible PGHS (PGHS-2), the medicinal chemist now possesses a novel target for designing therapeutic agents that could provide suitable anti-inflammatory activity without the ulcerogenic and renal side effects associated with currently available NSAIDs, all of which inhibit both PGHS-1 and PGHS-2.


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A uveíte peri e pós-operatória é o maior problema da cirurgia para extração de catarata no cão, sendo considerada o fator mais importante para o sucesso cirúrgico, imediato e tardio. Diversos protocolos pré e pós-operatórios utilizando agentes anti-inflamatórios esteroidais e não-esteroidais têm sido empregados na tentativa de controle da uveíte cirurgicamente induzida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a reação inflamatória pós-operatória, clinicamente e por meio da pressão intraocular (PIO), após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação para extração de catarata em cães, com e sem implante de lente intraocular (LIO) em piggyback. Empregaram-se, 25 cães portadores de catarata, subdivididos em dois grupos: G1 (com implante de LIO), G2 (sem implante de LIO). A técnica cirúrgica adotada foi a facoemulsificação bimanual unilateral. Avaliações clínicas e mensurações da PIO foram aferidas antes do procedimento cirúrgico (0) e nos tempos 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 60 dias após o ato cirúrgico. Cães do grupo G1 apresentaram sinais clínicos de uveíte visivelmente mais intensos, relativamente aos do G2. Entretanto, a PIO não demonstrou diferença significativa entre os dois grupos analisados, nem entre os olhos operados e os contralaterais. A utilização de duas LIOs humanas em piggyback no cão é exequível, porém suscita mais inflamação e complicações no pós-operatório.


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Introdução: Atualmente, é descrita elevada prevalência de hipovitaminose D no Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES), a qual se associa a algumas manifestações clínicas e maior atividade inflamatória. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre insuficiência de vitamina D com LES e marcadores inflamatórios. Métodos: Estudo transversal, tendo sido avaliados 45 pacientes com LES e 24 controles sem a doença. Níveis de 25-hidroxivitamina D [25(OH)D] menores que 30 ng/mL foram considerados insuficientes. A atividade da doença foi avaliada pelo Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI). Foram avaliados, ainda, proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCRus) e interleucina-6 (IL-6) para verificação do status inflamatório. Para avaliação do envolvimento renal, foram realizados análise de elementos anormais e sedimentoscopia urinárias (EAS), hematúria e piúria quantitativas, proteinúria e depuração de creatinina em urina de 24 horas e anti-DNA de dupla hélice sérico. Resultados: A prevalência de insuficiência de 25(OH)D foi de 55% nos pacientes lúpicos e 8% nos participantes controles (p = 0,001). A mediana da 25(OH)D foi menor nos pacientes do que no grupo controle. Os pacientes com insuficiência de 25(OH)D apresentaram níveis mais elevados de IL-6 e maior prevalência de hematúria ao EAS. Não houve correlação entre vitamina D, nefrite lúpica e SLEDAI. Conclusão: Em nosso estudo, a insuficiência de vitamina D foi mais prevalente em pacientes com LES e se associou com níveis mais elevados de IL-6 e presença de hematúria.


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Studies indicate that several components were isolated from medicinal plants, which have antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Sepsis is characterized by a systemic inflammation which leads to the production of inflammatory mediators exacerbated by excessive activation of inflammatory cells and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), in which the human neutrophil elastase plays an important role in its pathogenesis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that components of plants, especially legumes, can play a beneficial role in reducing the incidence of different cancers. A chymotrypsin inhibitor of Kunitz (Varela, 2010) was purified from seeds of Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) by fractionation with ammonium sulfate, affinity chromatography on Trypsin-Sepharose, Chymotrypsin-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography on Resource Q 1 ml (GE Healthcare) in system FPLC / AKTA. The inhibitor, called EvCI, had a molecular mass of 17 kDa determined by SDS-PAGE. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE), with an IC50 of 3.12 nM. The EvCI was able to inhibit both pathways of HNE release stimulated by PAF and fMLP (75.6% and 65% respectively). The inhibitor also inhibited leukocyte migration in septic mice about 87% and prolonged the time of coagulation and inhibition factor Xa. EvCI showed neither hemolytic activity nor cytotoxicity. EvCI showed a selective antiproliferative effect to HepG2 cell lines with IC50 of 0.5 micrograms per milliliter. These results suggest EvCI as a molecule antagonist of PAF / fMLP and a potential use in fighting inflammation related disorders, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cancer


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Compounds derived from fungi has been the subject of many studies in order to broaden the knowledge of their bioactive potential. Polysaccharides from Caripia montagnei have been described to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this study, glucans extracted from Caripia montagnei mushroom were chemically characterized and their effects evaluated at different doses and intervals of treatment. It was also described their action on colonic injury in the model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and its action on cells of the human colon carcinoma (HT-29). Compounds extracted of C. montagnei contain high level of carbohydrates (96%), low content of phenolic compounds (1.5%) and low contamination with proteins (2.5%). The (FT-IR) and (NMR) analysis showed that polysaccharides from this species of mushroom are composed of α- and β-glucans. The colonic damage was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, biochemical and immunologic analyses. The results showed a reduction of colonic lesions in all groups treated with the glucans of Caripia montagnei (GCM). GCM significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 (50 and 75 mg/kg, p < 0.05), a major inflammatory cytokine. Biochemical analyses showed that such glucans acted on reducing levels of alkaline phosphatase (75 mg/kg, p < 0.01), nitric oxide (p < 0.001), and myeloperoxidase (p < 0.001). These results were confirmed microscopically by the reduction of cellular infiltration. The increase of catalase activity suggest a protective effect of GCM on colonic tissue, confirming their anti-inflammatory potential. GCM displayed cytostatic activity against HT-29 cells, causing accumulation of cells in G1 phase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Those glucans also showed ability to modulate the adhesion of HT-29 cells to Matrigel® and reduced the oxidative stress. The antiproliferative activity against HT-29 cells displayed by GCM (p <0.001) can be attributed to its cytostatic activity and induction of apoptosis by GCM


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Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide, was the first compound used as an anticoagulant and antithrombotic agent. Due to their structural characteristics, also has great potential anti-inflammatory, though such use is limited in inflammation because of their marked effects on coagulation. The occurrence of heparin-like compounds that exhibit anticoagulant activity decreased in aquatic invertebrates, such as crab Goniopsis cruentata, sparked interest for the study of such compounds as anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential modulator of heparin-like compound extracted from Goniopsis cruentata in inflammatory events, coagulation, and to evaluate some aspects of its structure. The heparin-type compound had a high degree of N-sulphation in its structure, being able to reduce leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity at lower doses compared to heparin and diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory commercial). Furthermore, it was also able to inhibit the production of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor alpha by activated macrophages, inhibited the activation of the enzyme neutrophil elastase in low concentrations and showed a lower anticoagulant effect in high doses as compared to porcine mucosal heparin. Because of these observations, the compound extracted from crab Goniopsis cruentata can be used as a structural model for future anti-inflammatory agents


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In recent years the heparin has been the subject of several studies that aim to expand its use as a therapeutic agent, due to its ability to modulate the activity of various proteins that play important roles in the regulation of pathophysiological processes. In several experiments and preclinical trials, heparin has demonstrated an anti-inflammatory role. However, its clinical use is limited, due to its strong anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic complications. For this reason, considerable efforts have been employed in discovery of heparin analogous (heparinoid) with reduced side effects, that retain the anti-inflammatory properties of heparin. In this context, a heparinoid obtained from the head of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, which presents a structural similarity to heparin, showed, in previous studies, anti-inflammatory activity in a model of acute peritonitis with reduced anticoagulant effect in vitro and low hemorrhagic activity. Thus, the present work had as objective to evaluate the effect the heparinoid of the cephalothorax of gray shrimp on the acute inflammatory response in different times (3 or 6 hours after the induction of inflammatory stimulus), using the model of acute peritonitis induced in mice. It was also analyzed the HL effect over the activity of elastase, an enzyme involved in leukocyte recruitment. Furthermore to check if the different doses of heparin and heparinoid change the hemostatic balance in vivo, was assessed the effect of these compounds on the plasma clotting time in animals submitted to inflammation. The results show that in 3 hours, all doses of heparinoid were able to prevent efficiently in the acute inflammatory process without any anticoagulant effects, unlike the extrapolation dose of heparin, which has induced a large hemorrhage due its high anticoagulant activity. However, 6 hours after induction of inflammation, only the dosages of 0.1 and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparin and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparinoid kept anti-migratory effect, without changing of the hemostatic balance. These results indicate that the anti-migratory effect of theses compounds depends on the dosage and time of inflammatory stimulus. The HL and heparin were also able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme elastase. The discovery of this bioactive compound in the cephalothorax of shrimps can arouse great interest in biotechnology, since this compound could be useful as a structural model interesting for the development of new therapeutic agents for peritonitis


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Sulfated polysaccharides comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a range of several biological activities, including antiviral activity, anticoagulant, antiproliferative, antiherpética, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These anionic polymers are widely distributed in tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates and algae. Seaweeds are the most abundant sources of sulfated polysaccharides in nature. The green algal sulfated polysaccharides are homo or heteropolysaccharides comprised of galactose, glucose, arabinose and/or glucuronic acid. They are described as anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-angiogenic, antitumor compounds. However, there are few studies about elucidation and evaluation of biological/pharmacological effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from green algae, for example, there is only one paper reporting the antinociceptive activity of sulfated polysaccharides of these algae. Therefore this study aimed to obtain sulfated polysaccharides of green seaweed Codium isthmocladum and evaluates them as potential antinociceptive agents. Thus, in this study, the total extract of polysaccharides of green alga C. isthmocladum was obtained by proteolytic digestion, followed by fractionation resulting in five fractions (F0.3, F0.5, F0.7, F0.9 and F1.2) by sequential precipitation with acetone. Using the test of abdominal contractions we observed that the fraction F0.9 was the most potent antinociceptive aompound. F0.9 consists mainly of a sulfated heterogalactana. More specific tests showed that Fo.9 effect is dose and time dependent, reaching a maximum at 90 after administration (10 mg / kg of animal). F0.9 is associated with TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors and inhibits painful sensation in animals. Furthermore, F0.9 inhibits the migration of lymphocytes induced peritonitis test. On the other hand, stimulates the release of NO and TNF-α. These results suggest that F0.9 has the potential to be used as a source of sulfated galactan antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory


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Fucana é um termo que define uma família de hetero e homopolissacarídeos que contem L-fucose em sua estrutura. Neste trabalho uma hererofucan F 2,0v da alga Dictyota menstrualis foi avaliada como agente antinociceptivo e antiinflamatório. A fucana F 2,0v inibiu a migração de leucócitos em até 100% (20.0 mg/kg) para a cavidade peritoneal após estimulo químico, porém, não alterou a expressão das interleucinas IL-1β, IL-6 e de TNF-α. Com relação a sensação dolorosa a F 2,0v (20.0 mg/kg) possui atividade antinociceptiva periférica com potência semelhante à dipirona. Por outro lado não apresentou efeito no teste da placa quente. Análises de microscopia confocal e citometria de fluxo mostram que a F 2,0v se liga a superfície dos leucócitos. O conjunto de resultados apresentados pela fucana F 2,0v sugerem que o mecanismo de ação está relacionado com sua capacidade de inibir a migração de leucócitos para o local da injúria tecidual. Em resumo os dados mostram que F 2,0v apresenta grande potencial como composto antinociceptivo e antiinflamatório. Estudos futuros serão realizados para caracterizar melhor o mecanismo de ação da F 2,0v


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The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintain homeostasis. Several studies have been performed to search new drugs that can contribute to avoiding or minimizing an excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexican in models of inflammation. In mice, the model of peritonitis induced inflammatory zymosan pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanol extracts of C. mexican was able to reduce cell migration to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment of mice with extracts of C. mexican also reduced the ear edema induced by xylene and exerted inhibitory action on the migration of leukocytes in inflammation-induced zymosan the air pouch, and timedependent for the extracts tested in the model of ulcerative colitis induced by DSS 3%, the extract methanol, but not the aqueous C. mexican, significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of colitis, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the culture of mouse colon, in the histological analysis there was a slight reduction of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. We concluded that the administration of the extracts resulted in the reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as reducing the edema formation induced by chemical irritant. This study demonstrates for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from green marine algae Caulerpa mexican


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Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant with favourable anti-inflammatory, metabolic and endothelial effects, and has been widely investigated due to its potential against cardiovascular risk factors. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of oral ALA supplementation on oxidative stress biomarkers, inflammation and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension. This is a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, where the intervention was evaluated prospectively comparing results in both groups. The sample consisted of 64 hypertensive patients who were randomly distributed into ALA group (n = 32), receiving 600 mg / day ALA for twelve weeks and control group (n = 32), receiving placebo for the same period. The following parameters were evaluated before and after intervention: lipid peroxidation, content of reduced glutathione (GSH), enzymatic activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismustase, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions, fasting glucose and anthropometric indicators. There was a statistically significant reduction (p <0.05) in serum concentrations of total cholesterol, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and blood glucose. There was a reduction in body weight and waist, abdominal and hip circumferences in the group that received ALA. In addition, there was a statistically significant increase (p <0.05) in the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in the group receiving ALA. Oral administration of ALA appears to be a valuable adjuvant therapy, which may contribute to decrease the damage caused by oxidative stress and other risk factors associated with the atherosclerotic process