999 resultados para Antígenos de superfície


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are adult multipotent cells with fibroblastoid morphology and adherent to plastic. Furthermore, they can be obtained from different sources. Besides bone marrow, these cells are taken from umbilical cord blood, umbilical vein, saphenous vein, peripheral blood, arteries, liver and fetal pancreas, placenta, dental pulp and adipose tissue. MSCs derived from adipose tissue are important because of the abundant number of cells that can be obtained from this tissue, easy access and little discomfort to the patient. This study compared two techniques for obtaining MSCs from adipose tissue: mechanical dissociation (MD) and enzymatic digestion (ED). We also analyzed the inter-species cross-reactions using commercial monoclonal antibodies directed against surface antigens of stem cells from different species: mouse, horse, rabbit, monkey and human. We found that MD technique is favorable in relation to ED within 15 days of culture, and ED is more efficient in the first days of culture. The data also showed that MD causes less damage to cellular DNA. About inter-species cross-reactions, the monoclonal antibody A69 directed against stem cells from rabbits, which can be used in veterinary medicine, particularly in research involving horses


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Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, triggering dangerous complications in immunocompromised patients and pregnant women, as well as having great economic impact for the livestock. So far the control of toxoplasmosis is made primarily by chemotherapy. However, most drugs used routinely have some limitations. In order to control this disease, several research groups, including ours, has been working to develop a medical-veterinary vaccine based on parasite antigens, vectors and protocols of immunization. In this study were implemented and standardized methodologies for amplification and cloning of recombinant immunogens in the system for the development of a prototype vaccine, based on the surface antigens of T. gondii and recombinant adenovirus encoding these antigens. Genes encoding BAG1, GRA2 and SAG1 proteins were amplified. We established a strategy for cloning SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and TgAMA1- genes in recombinant system. The genes encoding SAG1 and SAG2 were cloned and their sequences showed high similarity with sequences from GenBank. The virtual translation of these proteins showed polymorphisms in the amino acid sequence, which can be correlated with levels of antigenicity. Simultaneously, the adenovirus encoding the SAGs (HAdSAGs) were expanded, purificated and characterizated. Immunization of C57bl/6 mice, using viral supernatant was not enought to elicit immune responses at high levels, being required HAdSAGs titration for future immunizations. Therefore, this study allowed the cloning of the two genes important for the development of a prototype vaccine. Besides, implementations methodologies that permit advancements in the development of a vaccine against toxoplasmosis using adenovirus to express proteins of the parasite


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The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease in which malignant myeloblasts expand, build up and suppress normal hematopoietic activity would represent a major diagnostic challenge. With the advent of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry, the diagnosis of these tumors have become more faithful, facilitating the treatment and monitoring of patients. The objectives of this study: diagnosis and classification of AML based on immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a panel of AcMo specific for acute leukemias, set the frequency of AML in samples from patients with acute leukemias sent to the Department of Hematology Blood Center of Rio Grande do Norte - HEMONORTE, establish standards of antigen expression for different subtypes of acute leukemia and its correlation with the newly diagnosed cases refractory to treatment and recurrence of the disease, standardization of methods for detection and labeling of surface antigens by flow cytometry and intracytoplasmic flow, and observe the frequency of acute leukemia with aberrant phenotypes rare. During the study, 351 were diagnosed acute leukemia, and 179 (51%) classified as AML and 172 (49%) and ALL, which were excluded from the present work. Of the 179 AML, 92 (51.4%) were female and 87 (48.6%) were male, with ages ranging from 3 to 95 years of ag, with higher incidence in individuals in the age group of 41 to 65. Splenomegaly was the clinical finding more present, a total of 147 cases (82.1%), followed by hepatomegaly present in 132 cases (73.7%). The hemorrhagic events were observed in 55 cases (30.7%). Lymphadenopathy in turn was detected in 20 of 179 cases (11.2%). In order to classify subtypes of AML, we used a large panel of monoclonal antibodies, obtaining the following results: AML M0, 02 (1.1%) AML M1, 40 (22.3) AML M2, 60 (33.5) AML M3, 22 (12.3%) AML M4, 10 (5.6) AML M5, 13 (7.3%) AML M6 06 (3.4%) and AML M7 01 (0.6%). We observed some cases with aberrant expression of some antigens such as CD7, CD4, CD19, CD3, CD5 and TdT, CD 7 was present in 30 (16.8%), CD4 in 5 (2.8%), the CD 3 in 5 (2.8%), the CD19 in 3 (1.7%), the CD5 in 3 (1.7%) and TDT was in 7 (3.9%) cases of AML .the CD8 and CD79a was present in only a 1 case.


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Anticorpos para antígenos cardíacos foram analisados por ELISA em 14 soros de camundongos Balb/c hiperimunizados com Streptococcus mutans, inativado pelo formaldeído. Os níveis de anticorpos da classe IgG anticoração e antimiosina elevaram-se significativamente nos animais imunizados quando comparados com os controles, especialmente no grupo A, imunizado e reestimulado com antígenos solúveis de S. mutans. Neste grupo, os resultados do Western Blot mostraram reatividade com miosina cardíaca e uma banda de 35 kDa. A análise histológica dos corações dos animais do grupo B, imunizado e reestimulado com antígenos de superfície do microrganismo, demonstrou a presença de degeneração celular, tipo hidrópica e hialina e focos inflamatórios constituídos de linfócitos e macrófagos no miocárdio e pericárdio. Os resultados deste trabalho reforçam a hipótese da existência de mimetismo antigênico entre tecido cardíaco e S. mutans e chamam a atenção para o risco de desenvolvimento de anticorpos reativos com antígenos próprios induzidos por vacina anticárie com componentes estreptocócicos.


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The authors report a case of superficial acral fibromyxioma (SAF) in a 74-year-old male who presented with a painless mass in a periungual dorsoradial region of the right thumb. It is a rare benign neoplasm, which was recently described, that arouse on the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the hands and feet, especially in the proximity to the ungual region of male adults. Surgical treatment was performed with the excision in blocks of the margins of the lesion and fragmentation of the nail and nail matrix, according to the literature recommendation. Although there may be local recurrence in 22% of the cases, the patient presents no symptoms, deformities or functional limitations. In addition, there was no sign of tumor recurrence 18 months after the surgery. We are not aware of a similar case report in the Brazilian literature


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Descrevem-se nove casos de processos neoplásicos de células B, com baixa densidade de Ig da membrana. Em todos estes casos se observa uma alta percentagem de MRFC e a presença de antigénios da classe II do MHC. Dos nove doentes apresentados, oito têm um quadro clínico e laboratorial típico de LLC e um tem um quadro compatível com uma LLC na sua fase inicial. A identificação dos isotipos da Ig de membrana sugere que a transformação neoplásica na LLC pode ocorrer em diferentes estádios de diferenciação do linfócito B. A expressão simultânea de três marcadores de superfície (baixa densidade de 1g. MRFC e Ia) e a sua estreita correlação com a LLC — B, evidencia a sua utilidade no diagnóstico da doença.


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A vacinação com antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B não tem eficácia satisfatória em pacientes hemodialisados. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar uma possível associação entre antígenos leucocitários humanos e a baixa capacidade de produção de anticorpos protetores (anti-HbS) contra o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B em pacientes renais crônicos de programa de hemodiálise. Os antígenos HLA DR e DQ foram determinados em 76 pacientes hemodialisados por meio da técnica clássica de microlinfocitotoxicidade. Os resultados demonstraram que 34,2% dos pacientes eram não-respondedores à vacina VHB. As especificidades HLA mais freqüentes foram: HLA-DR3, DR7 e DQ2, com associação significante para a especificidade HLA-DR3 (p=0,0025; OR 5,1; IC95% 1,36-19,10). Estes dados sugerem a associação dos genes HLA de classe II com a incapacidade de resposta humoral à vacina VHB.


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A nanotecnologia tornou possível estruturar nanopartículas (NPs), utilizando-se polímeros biodegradáveis e atóxicos, como a quitosana (QS) - capaz de carrear e disponibilizar antígenos para a mucosa, devido sua propriedade mucoadesiva. Uma vacina liofilizada, em comparação a uma formulação líquida, possui inúmeras vantagens, tais como melhora na estabilidade do produto e melhor resistência às variações de temperatura, aumentando sua vida de prateleira e possibilitando melhor logística do produto aos locais onde o acesso à rede refrigerada é difícil; ademais, um produto liofilizado tem sua mucoadesividade aumentada, possibilitando maior tempo de permanência na mucosa. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar a resposta imune, em camundongos, de uma vacina desenvolvida por um mecanismo de entrega intranasal do HBsAg (Antígeno de superfície da Hepatite B) encapsulado pelo método de incorporação em nanopartículas de quitosana (NPs) liofilizadas. A formação das NPs foi realizada pela interação eletroestática da quitosana e do TPP (tripolifosfato de sódio), utilizando método de geleificação iônica. Formulações de NPs com glicina 5% apresentaram boas características após reconstituição, umidade residual inferior a 1% e processo de liofilização de 13 horas. Foi avaliada a imunogenicidade da inoculação do HBsAg em formulações de NPs de quitosana líquida e liofilizada, verificando-se que a forma líquida produziu anticorpos IgG contra HBsAg.


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Este material compõe o Curso de Especialização em Nefrologia Multidisciplinar (Unidade 4, Módulo 6), produzido pela UNA-SUS/UFMA. Trata-se de um recurso educacional interativo que apresenta os aloantígenos de superfície reconhecidos, como produtos codificados pelo sistema maior de histocompatibilidade humano (MHC) denominado HLA, localizado no braço curto do cromossomo 6, e como os produtos desse sistema são divididos.


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This works describes the use of experimental design and surface response methodology for optimization of saponin extraction from Ampelozizyphus amazonicus. For this purpose, a method employing extraction based on maceration assisted by ultrasound technique was utilized. The following factors were studied: extraction length of time and solvent composition. The total saponin was determined by using a gravimetric method and the results expressed by their relative proportion to total crude extract. For the specific condition, 60% hydro-alcoholic solution and 18 minutes extraction length of time has shown the best results. This method can be useful for extraction of substances with biological importance


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Base cutting and feeding into harvesters of plants lying close to the ground surface require an efficient sweeping action of the cutting mechanism. It is not the case of conventional sugarcane harvesters which have rigid blades mounted on discs capable to contaminate the cane with dirt as well as damage the ratoons. The objective of this work was to simulate the sweeping performance of a segmented base cutter. The model was developed using the laws of dynamic. Simulation included two rotational speeds (400 and 600 rpm), two cutting heights (0.12 and 0.13 m) and two disk tilting angles (-10º and -12º). The simulated sweeping angle varied between 56º and 193º, which are very promising as a mean to cutting and feeding cane sticks lying on the ground. Cutting height was the variable that affected sweeping action the most. This behavior indicates the need to have an automatic control of the cutting disk height in order to keep good sweeping performance as the harvester moves forward.