997 resultados para Anesthetic agent


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Postanesthetic pain is a relatively common complication after local anesthesia. This complication may be caused by the anesthetic technique or by the anesthetic solution used. Tissue reactions induced by the anesthetic solutions may be one of the factors resulting in pain after anesthesia. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze tissue reactions induced by different anesthetic solutions in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The following solutions were utilized: 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor; a 0.5% bupivacaine solution with 1:200,000 adrenaline; a 4% articaine solution and 2% mepivacaine, both with 1:100,000 adrenaline; and a 0.9% sodium chloride solution as a control. Sterilized absorbent paper cones packed inside polyethylene tubes were soaked in the solutions and implanted in the subcutaneous region. The sacrifice periods were 1, 2, 5, and 10 days after surgery. The specimens were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological analysis. The results showed that there is a difference in tissue irritability produced by the local anesthetic solutions. The results also showed that there is no relation between the concentration of the drug and the inflammatory intensity, that the mepivacaine and articaine solutions promoted less inflammatory reaction than the bupivacaine, and that the lidocaine solution produced the least intense inflammation.


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En salle d’opération, les tâches de l’anesthésiste sont nombreuses. Alors que l’utilisation de nouveaux outils technologiques l’informe plus fidèlement sur ce qui se passe pour son patient, ces outils font que ses tâches deviennent plus exigeantes. En vue de diminuer cette charge de travail, nous avons considérer l’administration automatique d’agents anesthésiques en se servant de contrôle en boucle fermée. À cette fin, nous avons développé un système d’administration d’un agent anesthésique (le propofol) visant à maintenir à un niveau optimal la perte de conscience du patient pendant toute la durée d’une chirurgie. Le système comprend un ordinateur, un moniteur d’anesthésie et une pompe de perfusion. L’ordinateur est doté d’un algorithme de contrôle qui, à partir d’un indice (Bispectral IndexTM ou BIS) fournit par le moniteur d’anesthésie détermine le taux d’infusion de l’agent anesthésiant. Au départ, l’anesthésiste choisit une valeur cible pour la variable de contrôle BIS et l’algorithme, basé sur système expert, calcule les doses de perfusion de propofol de sorte que la valeur mesurée de BIS se rapproche le plus possible de la valeur cible établie. Comme interface-utilisateur pour un nouveau moniteur d’anesthésie, quatre sortes d’affichage ont été considérés: purement numérique, purement graphique, un mélange entre graphique et numérique et un affichage graphique intégré (soit bidimensionnel). À partir de 20 scenarios différents où des paramètres normaux et anormaux en anesthésie étaient présentés à des anesthésistes et des résidents, l’étude des temps de réaction, de l’exactitude des réponses et de la convivialité (évaluée par le NASA-TLX) a montré qu’un affichage qui combine des éléments graphiques et numériques était le meilleur choix comme interface du système. Une étude clinique a été réalisée pour comparer le comportement du système d’administration de propofol en boucle fermée comparativement à une anesthésie contrôlée de façon manuelle et conventionnelle où le BIS était aussi utilisé. Suite à l’approbation du comité d’éthique et le consentement de personnes ayant à subir des chirurgies générales et orthopédiques, 40 patients ont été distribués également et aléatoirement soit dans le Groupe contrôle, soit dans le Groupe boucle fermée. Après l’induction manuelle de propofol (1.5 mg/kg), le contrôle en boucle fermée a été déclenché pour maintenir l’anesthésie à une cible de BIS fixée à 45. Dans l’autre groupe, le propofol a été administré à l’aide d’une pompe de perfusion et l’anesthésiste avait aussi à garder manuellement l’indice BIS le plus proche possible de 45. En fonction du BIS mesuré, la performance du contrôle exercé a été définie comme excellente pendant les moments où la valeur du BIS mesurée se situait à ±10% de la valeur cible, bonne si comprise de ±10% à ±20%, faible si comprise de ±20% à ±30% ou inadéquate lorsque >±30%. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, le système a montré un contrôle excellent durant 55% du temps total de l’intervention, un bon contrôle durant 29% du temps et faible que pendant 9% du temps. Le temps depuis l’arrêt de la perfusion jusqu’à l’extubation est de 9 ± 3.7 min. Dans le Groupe contrôle, un contrôle excellent, bon, et faible a été enregistré durant 33%, 33% et 15% du temps respectivement et les doses ont été changées manuellement par l’anesthésiste en moyenne 9.5±4 fois par h. L’extubation a été accomplie après 11.9 ± 3.3 min de l’arrêt de la perfusion. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, un contrôle excellent a été obtenu plus longtemps au cours des interventions (P<0.0001) et un contrôle inadéquat moins longtemps (P=0.001) que dans le Groupe contrôle. Le système en boucle fermée d’administration de propofol permet donc de maintenir plus facilement l’anesthésie au voisinage d’une cible choisie que l’administration manuelle.


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Il existe peu d’études sur les effets physiologiques et pharmacologiques du médicament anesthésiant le plus utilisé chez les anoures, la tricaïne méthanesulfonate, et son utilisation chez la grenouille Xenopus laevis. Notre premier objectif était d’évaluer l’effet de bains d’immersion de 20 minutes de 1 et 2 g/L de tricaïne méthanesulfonate sur la fonction cardiorespiratoire, l’analgésie et les réflexes ainsi que d’étudier la pharmacocinétique. Nos résultats démontrent que des bains de 1 et 2 g/L produisent une anesthésie chirurgicale de 30 et 60 minutes respectivement, sans effet significatif sur le système cardiorespiratoire. À la suite d’une immersion à 2 g/L, on note une demi-vie terminale de 3,9 heures. Cette dose ne produit aucun effet sur l’histologie des tissus 24 heures après l’immersion. Dans une deuxième expérience, nous avons évalué les effets d’une surdose de tricaïne méthanesulfonate en bain d’immersion sur les systèmes cardiorespiratoire et nerveux central grâce à l’électroencéphalographie ainsi que l’effet d’une injection de pentobarbital sodique après 2 heures d’immersion. L’EEG montre un effet dépresseur sur le SNC avec l’utilisation de la tricaïne méthanesulfonate sans voir un arrêt de signal d’EEG sur la période de 2 heures d’enregistrement. Les surdoses à 1 g/L et 3 g/L n’ont pas d’effet significatif sur le rythme cardiaque, et l’injection de pentobarbital suite au bain d’immersion de tricaïne méthanesulfonate est nécessaire pour induire l’euthanasie. Nous avons démontré que le bain de tricaïne méthanesulfonate peut produire une anesthésie de 30 à 60 minutes avec dépression du SNC sans effet cardiovasculaire chez les Xenopus laevis.


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Introducción: Se conocen los beneficios del uso de los tubos endotraqueales con neumotaponador, aunque dicha práctica tiene un impacto sobre el trabajo respiratorio durante el acto anestésico sin embargo se propone estudiar las consecuencias físicas de la variación en la longitud de los tubos para compensar dicha perdida de flujo, con base en la ley de Hagen-Poiseuille. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vitro, en el cual se realizaron mediciones repetidas de flujo, variando la longitud y diámetro de diferentes tubos endotraqueales pediátricos (desde calibre 3.5mm hasta 6.5mm), con longitudes de 20cm, 15 cm, 10 cm y manteniendo su longitud original. Se analizaron los datos con el fin de medir el impacto sobre el flujo. Resultados: A pesar que los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p0,000), la variación en la longitud de los tubos endotraqueales pediátricos tiene mucho menor impacto sobre la variación en el flujo, que la modificación del diámetro. Discusión: Si bien la práctica de acortar la longitud de un tubo endotraqueal pediátrico puede ayudar a reducir el espacio muerto y la retención de CO2, el impacto que tiene sobre el flujo es poco. Cuando se trata de disminuir el trabajo respiratorio de un niño en ventilación espontánea durante el acto anestésico, se debe escoger de forma apropiada el calibre de tubo correspondiente para la edad.


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Ketamine and propofol are two well-known, powerful anesthetic agents, yet at first sight this appears to be their only commonality. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic agent, whose main mechanism of action is considered to be N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonism; whereas propofol is a general anesthetic agent, which is assumed to primarily potentiate currents gated by γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors. However, several experimental observations suggest a closer relationship. First, the effect of ketamine on the electroencephalogram (EEG) is markedly changed in the presence of propofol: on its own ketamine increases θ (4–8 Hz) and decreases α (8–13 Hz) oscillations, whereas ketamine induces a significant shift to beta band frequencies (13–30 Hz) in the presence of propofol. Second, both ketamine and propofol cause inhibition of the inward pacemaker current Ih, by binding to the corresponding hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 (HCN1) subunit. The resulting effect is a hyperpolarization of the neuron’s resting membrane potential. Third, the ability of both ketamine and propofol to induce hypnosis is reduced in HCN1-knockout mice. Here we show that one can theoretically understand the observed spectral changes of the EEG based on HCN1-mediated hyperpolarizations alone, without involving the supposed main mechanisms of action of these drugs through NMDA and GABAA, respectively. On the basis of our successful EEG model we conclude that ketamine and propofol should be antagonistic to each other in their interaction at HCN1 subunits. Such a prediction is in accord with the results of clinical experiment in which it is found that ketamine and propofol interact in an infra-additive manner with respect to the endpoints of hypnosis and immobility.


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Pain relief for removal of femoral sheath after cardiac procedures
Procedures for the non-surgical management of coronary heart disease include balloon angioplasty and intracoronary stenting. At the start of each procedure an introducer sheath is inserted through the skin (percutaneously) into an artery, frequently a femoral artery in the groin. This allows the different catheters used for the procedure to be exchanged easily without causing trauma to the skin. At the end of the procedure the sheath is removed and, if the puncture site isn't "sealed" using a device closure, firm pressure is required over the site for 30 minutes or more to control any bleeding and reduce vascular complications. Removing the sheath and the firm pressure required to control bleeding can cause pain, although this is generally mild. Some centres routinely give pain relief before removal such as intravenous morphine, or an injection of a local anaesthetic in the soft tissue around the sheath (called a subcutaneous injection). Adequate pain control during sheath removal is also associated with a reduced incidence of a vasovagal reaction, a potentially serious complication involving a sudden drop of blood pressure and a slowed heart rate. Four studies were reviewed in total. Three trials involving 498 participants compared subcutaneous lignocaine, a short acting local anaesthetic, with a control group (participants received either no pain relief or an inactive substance known as a placebo). Two trials involving 399 people compared intravenous opioids (fentanyl or morphine) and an anxiolytic (midazolam) with a control group. One trial involving 60 people compared subcutaneous levobupivacaine, a long acting local anaesthetic, with a control group. Intravenous pain regimens and subcutaneous levobupivacaine appear to reduce the pain experienced during femoral sheath removal. However, the size of the reduction was small. A significant reduction in pain was not experienced by participants who received subcutaneous lignocaine or who were in the control group. There was insufficient data to determine a correlation between pain relief administration and either adverse events or complications. Some patients may benefit from routine pain relief using levobupivacaine or intravenous pain regimens. Identifying who may potentially benefit from pain relief requires clinical judgement and consideration of patient preference. The mild level of pain generally experienced during this procedure should not influence the decision as some people can experience moderate levels of pain.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To evaluate the cardiorespiratory effects of continuous infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane.Design: A prospective experimental study.Animals: Twelve mixed breed dogs allocated into 2 groups: saline (n=6) and ketamine (n=6).Interventions: After obtaining baseline measurements (time [T] 0) in awake dogs, hypovolemia was induced by the removal of 40 mL of blood/kg over 30 minutes. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with desflurane (1.5 minimal alveolar concentration) and 30 minutes later (T75) a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of saline or ketamine (100 mu g/kg/min) was initiated. Cardiorespiratory evaluations were obtained 15 minutes after hemorrhage (T45), 30 minutes after desflurane anesthesia, and immediately before initiating the infusion (T75), and 5 (T80), 15 (T90), 30 (T105) and 45 (T120) minutes after beginning the infusion.Measurements and main results: Hypovolemia (T45) reduced the arterial blood pressures (systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure [DAP] and mean arterial pressure [MAP]), cardiac (CI) and systolic (SI) indexes, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in both groups. After 30 minutes of desflurane anesthesia (T75), an additional decrease of MAP in both groups was observed, heart rate was higher than T0 at T75, T80, T90 and T105 in saline-treated dogs only, and the CI was higher in the ketamine group than in the saline group at T75. Five minutes after starting the infusion (T80), respiratory rate (RR) was lower and the end-tidal CO(2) (ETCO(2)) was higher compared with values at T45 in ketamine-treated dogs. Mean values of ETCO(2) were higher in ketamine than in saline dogs between T75 and T120. The systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) was decreased between T80 and T120 in ketamine when compared with T45.Conclusions: Continuous IV infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane induced an increase in ETCO(2), but other cardiorespiratory alterations did not differ from those observed when the same concentration of desflurane was used as the sole anesthetic agent. However, this study did not evaluate the effectiveness of ketamine infusion in reducing desflurane dose requirements in hypovolemic dogs or the cardiorespiratory effects of ketamine-desflurane balanced anesthesia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective To evaluate the effects of butorphanol on cardiopulmonary parameters in dogs anesthetized with desflurane and breathing spontaneously.Study design Prospective, randomized experimental trial.Animals Twenty dogs weighing 12 +/- 3 kg.Methods Animals were distributed into two groups: a control group (CG) and butorphanol group (BG). Propofol was used for induction and anesthesia was maintained with desflurane (10%). Forty minutes after induction, the dogs in the CG received sodium chloride 0.9% (0.05 mL kg(-1) IM), and dogs in the BG received butorphanol (0.4 mg kg(-1) IM). The first measurements of body temperature (BT), heart rate (HR), arterial pressures (AP), cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), central venous pressure (CVP), stroke volume index (SVI), pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure (PAOP), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP), left ventricular stroke work (LVSW), systemic (SVR) and pulmonary (PVR) vascular resistances, respiratory rate (fR), and arterial oxygen (PaO(2)) and carbon dioxide (PaCO(2)) partial pressures were taken immediately before the administration of butorphanol or sodium chloride solution (T0) and then at 15-minute intervals (T15-T75).Results In the BG, HR, AP, mPAP and SVR decreased significantly from T15 to T75 compared to baseline. fR was lower at T30 than at T0 in the BG. AP and fR were significantly lower than in the CG from T15 to T75. PVR was lower in the BG than in the CG at T30, while PaCO(2) was higher compared with T0 from T30 to T75 in the BG and significantly higher than in the CG at T30 to T75.Conclusions and clinical relevance At the studied dose, butorphanol caused hypotension and decreased ventilation during desflurane anesthesia in dogs. The hypotension (from 86 +/- 10 to 64 +/- 10 mmHg) is clinically relevant, despite the maintenance of cardiac index.


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OBJETIVO: Obter o padrão de normalidade da pressão e comprimento do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE) em gatos anestesiados com tiopental e analisar a viabilidade prática do anestésico para uso neste tipo de investigação sobre atividade motora do esôfago de felinos. MÉTODOS: em 12 gatos anestesiados com tiopental sódico foram realizados estudos manométricos do EIE, com leitura por perfusão em três canais radiais. Foram avaliadas as pressões e comprimentos do EIE. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios da pressão e comprimento do EIE foram 33,52 ± 12,42 mmHg e 1,6 ± 0,4 cm, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível estabelecer valor de referência para a pressão e comprimento do EIE de felinos, com uma contenção e retorno confortáveis para o animal, utilizando o tiopental sódico como agente anestésico.


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Foram utilizados 30 frangos com 20 semanas de idade, pesando em média 2,90 ± 0,65kg divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos. A indução da anestesia foi realizada com máscara facial artesanal conectada ao sistema de Maggil Modificado, utilizando entre 3,0 e 3,5 vezes a dose anestésica mínima (DAM) de cada agente e fluxo diluente de O2 de 2l/min, sendo que posteriormente os animais foram intubados e mantidos com valores de aproximadamente 1,7DAM durante 65 minutos. O isofluorano causou maior depressão respiratória e hipotensão; o halotano proporcionou maiores valores de pressão arterial e temperatura corporal e o sevofluorano, menor depressão respiratória e hipotensão em relação ao grupo do isofluorano, sendo considerado o agente mais indicado para a utilização em aves. A indução e recuperação foram mais rápidas com o sevofluorano, embora sem diferença significativa estatisticamente.


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Craniofacial pain is a frequent challenge for the physician anamnesis with the goal to obtain specific and useful information about symptoms in craniofacial pain. It can be improved by identifying aching points. In the article, the authors present a practical and specific schedule for physical examination to be applied in patients with chronic pain. This specific schedule, which has proved useful in detecting the exact anatomic sites of pain, has a sequence ordered which includes palpation and inspection of muscles, nerves and arteries.


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The effect of thiopentone/halothane anaesthesia on the release of endogenous opioid, adrenocorticotrophin, arginine vasopressin, cortisol and catecholamine was investigated in ponies. The contribution made by halothane itself was studied by maintaining six ponies with a constant 12 per cent end tidal halothane concentration and five with a concentration ranging between 0.8 and 12 per cent. Cardiorespiratory depression was more prolonged in the ponies receiving a constant 1-2 per cent end tidal halothane concentration than in those which received less halothane. Plasma lactate concentration increased and haematocrit decreased during halothane anaesthesia. The concentrations of met-enkephalin, dynorphin and catecholamines did not change and those of β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophin, arginine vasopressin and cortisol increased during halothane anaesthesia. Halothane appeared to be a major stimulus to pituitary adrenocortical activation because the adrenocortical secretion was proportional to the amount of halothane inhaled. β-endorphin increased proportionally more than adrenocorticotrophin and their plasma concentrations were not correlated, suggesting that they have independent secretion mechanisms.