999 resultados para Aminolevulinic Acid


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Administration of 3,5-diethoxy carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) to mice resulted in a striking increase in the level of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase in liver. Although the enzyme activity was primarily localized in mitochondria and postmicrosomal supernatant fluid, a significant level of activity was also detected in purified nuclei. The time course of induction showed a close parallelism between the bound and free enzyme activities with the former always accounting for a higher percentage of the total activity as compared to the latter. Studies with cycloheximide indicated a half-life of around 3 hr for both the bound and free ALA synthetase. Actinomycin D and hemin prevented enzyme induction when administered along with DDC, but when administered 12 hr after DDC treatment Actinomycin D did not lead to a decay of either the bound or free enzyme activity and hemin inhibited the bound enzyme activity but not the free enzyme level. The molecular sizes of the mitochondrial and cytosolic ALA synthetase(s) were found to be similar on sephadex columns.


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Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) stability within topical formulations intended for photodynamic therapy (PDT) is poor due to dimerisation to pyrazine-2,5-dipropionic acid (PY). Most strategies to improve stability use low pH vehicles, which can cause cutaneous irritancy. To overcome this problem, a novel approach is investigated that uses a non-aqueous vehicle to retard proton-induced charge separation across the 4-carbonyl group on ALA and lessen nucleophilic attack that leads to condensation dimerisation. Bioadhesive anhydrous vehicles based on methylvinylether-maleic anhydride copolymer patches and poly(ethyleneglycol) or glycerol thickened poly(acrylic acid) gels were formulated. ALA stability fell below pharmaceutically acceptable levels after 6 months, with bioadhesive patches stored at 5°C demonstrating the best stability by maintaining 86.2% of their original loading. Glycerol-based gels maintained 40.2% in similar conditions. However, ALA loss did not correspond to expected increases in PY, indicating the presence of another degradative process that prevented dimerisation. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis was inconclusive in respect of the mechanism observed in the patch system, but showed clearly that an esterification reaction involving ALA and both glycerol and poly(ethyleneglycol) was occurring. This was especially marked in the glycerol gels, where only 2.21% of the total expected PY was detected after 204 days at 5°C. Non-specific esterase hydrolysis demonstrated that ALA was recoverable from the gel systems, further supporting esterified binding within the gel matrices. It is conceivable that skin esterases could duplicate this finding upon topical application of the gel and convert these derivatives back to ALA in situ, provided skin penetration is not affected adversely.


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opical administration of excess exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) leads to selective accumulation of the potent photosensitiser protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in neoplastic cells, which can then be destroyed by irradiation with visible light. Due to its hydrophilicity, ALA penetrates deep lesions, such as nodular basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) poorly. As a result, more lipophilic esters of ALA have been employed to improve tissue penetration. In this study, the in vitro release of ALA and M-ALA from proprietary creams and novel patch-based systems across normal stratum corneum and a model membrane designed to mimic the abnormal stratum corneum overlying neoplastic skin lesions were investigated. Receiver compartment drug concentrations were compared with the concentrations of each drug producing high levels of PpIX production and subsequent light-induced kill in a model neoplastic cell line (LOX). LOX cells were found to be quite resistant to ALA- and M-ALA-induced phototoxicity. However, drug concentrations achieved in receiver compartments were comparable to those required to induce high levels of cell death upon irradiation in cell lines reported in the literature. Patches released significantly less drug across normal stratum corneum and significantly more across the model membrane. This is of major significance since the selectivity of PDT for neoplastic lesions will be further enhanced by the delivery system. ALA/M-ALA will only be delivered in significant amounts to the abnormal tissue. PpIX will only then accumulate in the neoplastic cells and the normal surrounding tissue will be unharmed upon irradiation.


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Topical photodynamic therapy is used for a variety of malignant and pre-malignant skin disorders, including Bowen's Disease and Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma. A haem precursor, typically 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), acting as a prodrug, is absorbed and converted by the haem biosynthetic pathway to photoactive protoprophyrin IX (PpIX), which accumulates preferentially in rapidly dividing
cells. Cell destruction occurs when PpIx is activated by an intense light source of appropriate wavelength. Topical delivery of ALA avoids the prolonged photosensitivity reactions associated with systemic administration of photosensitisers but its clinical utility is influenced by the tissue penetration characteristics of the drug, its ease of application and the stability of the active agent in the applied dose. This review, therefore, focuses on drug delivery applications for topical, ALA-based PDT. Issues considered in detail include physical and chemical enhancement strategies for tissue penetration of ALA and subsequent intracellular accumulation of PpIX, together with formulation strategies and drug delivery design solutions appropriate to various clinical applications. The fundamental aspects of drug diffusion in
relation to the physicochemical properties of ALA are reviewed and specific consideration is given to the degradation pathways of ALA in formulated systems that, in turn, influence the design of stable topical formulations.


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Photodynamic therapy of deep or nodular skin tumours is currently limited by the poor tissue penetration of the porphyrin precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). In this study, silicon microneedle arrays were used, for the first time, to enhance skin penetration of ALA in vitro and in vivo. Puncturing excised murine skin with 6x7 arrays of microneedles 270 mum in height, with a diameter of 240 mum at the base and an interspacing of 750 mum led to a significant increase in transdermal delivery of ALA released from a bioadhesive patch containing 19 mg ALA cm(-2). Microneedle puncture enhanced ALA delivery to the upper regions of excised porcine skin but, at mean depths of 1.875 mm, ALA concentrations were similar to control values, possibly reflecting binding of ALA by tissue components. However, and importantly, in vivo experiments using nude mice showed that microneedle puncture could reduce application time and ALA dose required to induce high levels of the photosensitiser protoporphyrin IX in skin. This clearly has implications for clinical practice, as shorter application times would mean improved patient and clinician convenience and also that more patients could be treated in the same session. As ALA is expensive and degrades rapidly via a second order reaction, reducing the required dose is also a notable advantage.