73 resultados para Aminoacid
Pitfalls in organic acid analysis can originate from inadequate methodology, analytical interferences, in vivo interactions and from pre-analytical conditions which often are unknown to the specialized analytical laboratory. Among the latter, ingested food and additives, metabolites of food processing or medications have to be considered. Bacterial metabolites from the gastrointestinal or urogenital system or formed after sample collection can lead to pitfalls as well. An example of such a patient whose urinary metabolites mimic at first glance inherited propionic aciduria is described.
Chromone-3-carbaldehyde reacts with N-methylglycine or glycine in the presence of excess formaldehyde to produce N-(chromone-3-ylmethyl)-N-methylglycine or N,N-di(chromone-3-ylmethyl)glycine, respectively, by a deformylative Mannich type reaction. Use of alanine or leucine or methionine in place of glycine produces N-(chromone-3-ylmethyl)alanine/-leucine/-methionine, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical synthesized from L-arginine by different isoforms NO-synthases. NO possesses multiple and complex biological functions. NO is an important mediator of homeostasis, and changes in its generation or actions can contribute or not to pathological states. The knowledge of effects of NO has been not only important to our understanding of immune response, but also to new tools for research and treatment of various diseases. Knowing the importance of NO as inflammatory mediator in diverse infectious diseases, we decided to develop a revision that shows the participation/effect of this mediator in immune response induced against Giardia spp. Several studies already demonstrated the participation of NO with microbicidal and microbiostatic activity in giardiasis. On the other hand, some works report that Giardia spp. inhibit NO production by consuming the intermediate metabolite arginine. In fact, studies in vitro showed that G. lamblia infection of human intestinal epithelial cells had reduced NO production. This occurs due to limited offer of the crucial substrate arginine (essential aminoacid for NO production), consequently reducing NO production. Therefore, the balance between giardial arginine consumption and epithelial NO production could contribute to the variability of the duration and severity of infections by this ubiquitous parasite.
Symbiotic Aiptasia pulchella and freshly isolated zooxanthellae were incubated in (NaHCO3)-C-14 and NH4Cl for 1 to 240 min, and samples were analysed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and an online radiochemical detector. NH4+ was first assimilated into C-14-glutamate and C-14-glutamine in the zooxanthellae residing in A. pulchella. The specific activities (dpm nmol(-1)) of C-14-glutamate and C-14-glutamine in vivo, were far greater in the zooxanthellae than in the host tissue, indicating that NH4+ was principally incorporated into the glutamate and glutamine pools of the zooxanthellae. C-14-alpha-ketoglutarate was taken up from the medium by intact A. pulchella and assimilated into a small amount of C-14-glutamate in the host tissue, but no C-14-glutamine was detected in the host fraction. The C-14-glutamate that was synthesized was most likely produced from transamination reactions as opposed to the direct assimilation of NH4+. The free aminoacid composition of the host tissue and zooxanthellae of A. pulchella was also measured. The results presented here demonstrate that NH4+ was initially assimilated by the zooxanthellae of A. pulchella.
We evaluated the involvement of dorsal hippocampus (DH) 5-HT1A receptors in the mediation of the behavioral effects caused by the pharmacological manipulation of 5-HT neurons in the median raphe nucleus (MRN). To this end, we used the rat elevated T-maze test of anxiety. The results showed that intra-DH injection of the 5-HT1A/7 agonist 8-OH-DPAT facilitated inhibitory avoidance, an anxiogenic effect, without affecting escape. Microinjection of the 5-HT1A antagonist WAY-100635 was ineffective. In the elevated T-maze, inhibitory avoidance and escape have been related to generalized anxiety and panic disorders, respectively. Intra-MRN administration of the excitatory aminoacid kainic acid, which non-selectively stimulates 5-HT neurons in this brain area facilitated inhibitory avoidance and impaired escape performance, but also affected locomotion. Intra-MRN injection of WAY-100635, which has a disinhibitory effect on the activity of 5-HT neurons in this midbrain area, only facilitated inhibitory avoidance. Preadministration of WAY-100635 into the DH blocked the behavioral effect of intra-MRN injection of WAY-100635, but not of kainic acid. These results indicate that DH 5-HT1A receptors mediate the anxiogenic effect induced by the selective stimulation of 5-HT neurons in the MRN. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, especialidade de Bioquímica-Física pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia
A descarboxilase dos L-aminoácidos aromáticos, um enzima piridoxina dependente, é responsável pela conversão da L-dopa em dopamina e do 5 hidroxitriptofano em serotonina. A deficiência desse enzima, um erro inato do metabolismo dos neurotransmissores, resulta numa doença autossómica recessiva com manifestações neurológicas graves. Os dois casos apresentados de deficiência da descarboxilase dos L-aminoácidos aromáticos, entidade pela primeira vez descrita no nosso país, apresentam características clínicas semelhantes, resultantes da disfunção do metabolismo aminérgico: hipotonia, distonia, atraso no desenvolvimento psicomotor, episódios de movimentos oculógiros, irritabilidade e instabilidade vasomotora. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética cerebrais foram normais em ambos os casos. Os exames bioquímicos e o estudo da actividade enzimática permitiram fazer o diagnóstico de deficiência da descarboxilase dos L-aminoácidos aromáticos. O nosso objectivo é chamar a atenção para a necessidade de investigar os defeitos do metabolismo dos neurotransmilissores na presença de Uma doença neurológica crónica sem etiologia conhecida. A importância de colocar este diagnóstico diferencial, o mais precocemente possível, advém das possibilidades de terapêutica, aconselhamento genético adequado e diagnóstico pré-natal, já hoje existentes.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Patients residing in endemic areas for schistosomiasis in Brazil are usually undernourished and when they develop the hepatosplenic clinical form of the disease should usually receive hospital care, many of them being in need of nutritional rehabilitation before specific treatment can be undertaken. In the mouse model, investigations carried out in our laboratory detected a reduced aminoacid uptake in undernourished animals which is aggravated by a superimposed infection with Schistosoma mansoni. However, in well-nourished infected mice no dysfunction occurs. In this study, we tried to improve the absorptive intestinal performance of undernourished mice infected with S. mansoni by feeding them with hydrolysed casein instead of whole casein. The values obtained for the coefficient of protein intestinal absorption (cpia) among well-nourished mice were above 90% (either hydrolysed or whole protein). In undernourished infected mice, however, the cpia improved significantly after feeding them with hydrolysed casein, animals reaching values close to those obtained in well-nourished infected mice.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and plays a key role in the response of the small intestine to systemic injuries. Mucosal atrophy is an important phenomenon that occurs in some types of clinical injury, such as states of severe undernutrition. Glutamine has been shown to exert powerful trophic effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa after small bowel resection or transplant, radiation injury, surgical trauma, ischemic injury and administration of cytotoxic drugs. Since no study has been performed on the malnourished animal, we examined whether glutamine exerts a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa of the malnourished growing rat. Thirty-five growing female rats (aged 21 days) were divided into 4 groups: control - chow diet; malnutrition diet; malnutrition+chow diet; and malnutrition+glutamine-enriched chow diet (2%). For the first 15 days of the experiment, animals in the test groups received a malnutrition diet, which was a lactose-enriched diet designed to induce diarrhea and malnutrition. For the next 15 days, these animals received either the lactose-enriched diet, a regular chow diet or a glutamine-enriched chow diet. After 30 days, the animals were weighed, sacrificed, and a section of the jejunum was taken and prepared for histological examination. All the animals had similar weights on day 1 of experiment, and feeding with the lactose-enriched diet promoted a significant decrease in body weight in comparison to the control group. Feeding with both experimental chow-based diets promoted significant body weight gains, although the glutamine-enriched diet was more effective. RESULTS: The morphological and morphometric analyses demonstrated that small intestinal villous height was significantly decreased in the malnourished group, and this change was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. Crypt depth was significantly increased by malnutrition, and this parameter was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. The glutamine-enriched diet resulted in the greatest reduction of crypt depth, and this reduction was also statistically significant when compared with control animals. CONCLUSIONS: Enteral glutamine has some positive effects on body weight gain and trophism of the jejunal mucosa in the malnourished growing rat.
La separació d’enantiòmers (isòmers òptics) és molt important en molts diversos camps, com les síntesis quirals, biologia, i en el camp de la farmacologia especialment. És per això, que es fa necessari de disposar de tècniques i mètodes analítics ràpids, fiables i sensibles per a la separació d’enantiòmers. La present tesi s’emmarca en el camp de la separació d’enantiòmers, concretament en la preparació de fases estacionàries quirals per al seu ús en cromatografia liquida. En aquest sentit, s’ha desenvolupat la síntesi i caracterització de molècules polimèriques quirals derivades de l’aminoàcid L-prolina que incorporades en matrius de gel de sílice poden constituïr columnes quirals per a la separació d’enantiòmers per cromatografia liquida. S’han estudiat les característiques enantioselectives d’aquests nous materials en la separació de molècules quirals, trobant-se ésser satisfactòriament enantioselectius. L’interès que suscita l’obtenció d’enantiòmers a gran escala fa que la recerca s’orienti a la recerca de materials amb elevada capacitat de càrrega, és a dir, que puguin donar lloc a la separació d’elevades quantitats d’enantiòmers. Amb aquesta finalitat s’han dut a terme assaigs de capacitat de càrrega, que han posat de manifest la possible aplicació d’aquests materials a la separació preparativa d’enantiòmers. També s’ha parat especial atenció a l’estudi de les característiques de la matriu de gel de sílice, assajant-se altres materials de sílice més porosos i que permeten així treballar amb fluxos més elevats tot reduint-ne el temps d’anàlisi i els costos associats a la separació preparativa d’enantiòmers. L'estudi conformacional d'aquests nous selectors també ha estat contemplat per tal d'explicar l'enantioselectivitat específica que s'observa en certs dissolvents orgànics en els qual es duu a terme la separació dels enantiòmers.