984 resultados para Alberta Infant Motor Scale
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata alle 1 500 gramman painoisena syntyneiden keskoslasten motorista kehitystä kolmen, kuuden ja kahdentoista kuukauden korjatussa iässä, sekä tuoda esille mahdollisia motorisen kehityksen yhteisiä piirteitä Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) -testistöllä arvioituna. Työ toteutettiin yhteistyössä Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimialan fysioterapian yksikön kanssa, jossa keskoslasten motorisen kehityksen arviointi AIMS-testistöllä oli toteutettu vuosina 2005 - 2006. Idea opinnäytetyöhön syntyi yhteisten keskusteluiden pohjalta fysioterapeuttien kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli analysoida ja koota yhteenveto Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimialalle heidän tutkimastaan aineistosta. Työ oli luonteeltaan kuvaileva kvantitatiivinen tutkimus valmiiksi saadun aineiston pohjalta. Aineisto koostui yhteensä 109 keskoslapsen AIMS-testistön arviointilomakkeista. Keskoslapsista 54 oli kolmen kuukauden, 42 kuuden kuukauden ja 13 kahdentoista kuukauden korjatussa iässä. Tulokset analysoitiin käyttämällä SPSS 13.0 Windows Release-tilasto-ohjelmaa ja tulokset esitettiin taulukoiden ja kuvioiden avulla. Tiedonkeruumenetelminä käytimme kirjallisuuden lisäksi uusimpia tutkimusartikkeleita sekä asiantuntijahaastattelua. Kolmen kuukauden ikäisistä keskoslapsista 51 sijoittui AIMS-testistön motorista kehitystä kuvaaville käyrille. Kolme lasta jäi käyrien alapuolelle. Kuuden kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten kokonaispistemäärissä oli enemmän hajontaa. 15 lasta jäi AIMS-testistön motorista kehitystä kuvaavien käyrien alapuolelle. Kahdentoista kuukauden ikäisistä lapsista yhdeksän sijoittui motorista kehitystä kuvaaville käyrille ja neljä lasta jäi käyrien alapuolelle. Yhteisenä piirteenä kaikilta kolmen kuukauden ikäisiltä ja 14 kuuden kuukauden ikäiseltä lapselta puuttui taito tukeutua yläraajoihin istuma-asennossa (Sitting With Propped Arms). Tutkimustulosten perusteella kolmen kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten motorinen kehitys oli valtaosalla (51/54) ikätasoista. Kuuden ja kahdentoista kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten motorisessa kehityksessä yksilölliset erot olivat suurempia. Tutkimusjoukkomme keskoslapsista motorinen kehitys oli ikätasoa heikompaa 22 keskoslapsella. Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimiala saa käyttöönsä työmme tulokset, joita voidaan hyödyntää keskoslasten motorisen kehityksen seurannassa sekä fysioterapian kehittämisessä. Työmme lisää AIMS-testistön tunnettavuutta ja siitä on myös laajemmin hyötyä lasten parissa työskenteleville fysioterapeuteille.
This study had as its objective to analyze the intraclass reliability of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), in the Brazilian version, in preterm and term infants. It was a methodological study, conducted from November 2009 to April 2010, with 50 children receiving care in two public institutions in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Children were grouped according to gestational age as preterm and term, and evaluated by three evaluators in the communication laboratory of a public institution or at home. The intraclass correlation indices for the categories prone, supine, sitting and standing ranged from 0.553 to 0.952; most remained above 0.800, except for the standing category of the third evaluator, in which the index was 0.553. As for the total score and percentile, rates ranged from 0.843 to 0.954. The scale proved to be a reliable instrument for assessing gross motor performance of Brazilian children, particularly in Ceará, regardless of gestational age at birth.
Purpose: To examine the ‘interrater reliability’ of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) in term and preterm born infants between 10 to 16 months age from Talca province, Maule Region - Chile. Subjects: 115 infants between 10 to 16 months age were incorporated to the study; 95 term born infants were attended in the local Health Centre in Talca City, and 20 preterm infants belonged to the Premature Infants Follow-Up Programme of Talca Regional Hospital. Methods: The motor behaviour of each infant was recorded and later it was assessed by two trained assessors using AIMS. It was obtained the total AIMS’ score and also from prone, supine, seated, and stand subscales. For ‘interrater reliability’ analysis it was used the Intraclass Coefficient of Correlation (ICC), the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) and 95% limits of agreement. Results: The obtained ICC for the total scores AIMS were major than 0.94 (p<0.0002) for term and preterm born infants. The SEM of total scores was less than 3.1 points, higher than what was found in other similar studies. The 95% limits of agreement were +5.3 to -4.1 points and +7.7 to – 3.9 points in term and preterm born, respectively, revealing ‘interrater agreement’. Conclusion: The AIMS showed adequate ‘interrater reliable’ levels when was applied in Chilean term and preterm born from 10 to 16 month’s age.
Aim: To trace a reference curve for motor development from birth up to 12 months of corrected chronological age in infants born preterm and low birth weight. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 308 preterm infants (53% boys) weighing < 2500 g at birth. The Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) was used for motor development assessment. Results: Comparing the motor performance of preterm infants with infants from a standardized sample on the AIMS, it was found that, except for the age group of the newborn, preterm infants showed lower motor development scores in comparison with the AIMS normative sample in all age groups between 1 and 12 months. The curve of motor development showed a continuous increase in the number of motor skills of preterm infants during their first 12 months of age. However, the average of motor acquisitions of preterm infants showed a nonlinear pattern with a standard indicator of stabilization between 8 and 10 months of age. Conclusion: Preterm infants, 1-12 months of age, showed motor development AIMS scores lower than the standards established in the normative sample. The findings may contribute as norm-reference for assessing the motor development of preterm infants in follow-up programmes in developing countries.
OBJETIVO: Examinar o efeito de intervenção em esteira motorizada na idade de aquisição da marcha independente em bebês de risco para atraso de desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental com 15 lactentes a partir do 5º mês de idade, sendo cinco deles com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento submetidos a sessões de fisioterapia e intervenção em esteira motorizada (Grupo Experimental); cinco com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento submetidos apenas a sessões de fisioterapia (Grupo Controle de Risco); e cinco bebês sem risco de atraso (Grupo Controle Típico). As sessões de fisioterapia ocorreram duas vezes por semana, seguidas de intervenção em esteira motorizada para o grupo experimental. Todos os bebês foram avaliados mensalmente pela Alberta Infant Motor Scale e os participantes do grupo experimental foram filmados durante a realização das passadas na esteira. Comparações entre os grupos ao longo do tempo foram realizadas por análise de variância (ANOVA) e de multivariância (MANOVA). RESULTADOS: Os bebês do Grupo Experimental adquiriram a marcha independente aos 12,8 meses e os do Grupo Controle de Risco aos 13,8 meses de idade corrigida, sendo que a aquisição do Grupo Controle de Risco ocorreu mais tarde em relação ao Grupo Controle Típico (1,1 meses; p<0,05). Os bebês do grupo experimental apresentaram padrão alternado das passadas na esteira, que aumentou ao longo da intervenção (p<0,05), e mostraram melhora do desenvolvimento motor global em relação aos bebês do Grupo Controle de Risco. CONCLUSÕES: A esteira pode ser considerada um agente facilitador para a aquisição do andar independente e do desenvolvimento motor global de bebês com risco de atraso de desenvolvimento.
Motor development of infants exposed to maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but not infected
Background: To assess the motor development of infants exposed to maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Methods: Thirty infants were assessed in the period from November 2009 to March 2010 at the AIDS Reference and Training Centre, in São Paulo, Brazil. The assessment instrument used in the research was the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). All 30 infants used the antiretroviral drug properly for 42 consecutive days, in accordance with the protocol of the World Health Organization. Results: Out of the total number of infants, 27 (90%) had proper motor performance and 3 (10%) presented motor delay, according to the AIMS. Discussion: This study demonstrated that only 10% of the assessed group had developmental delay and no relation with environmental variables was detected, such as maternal level of education, social and economic issues, maternal practices, attendance at the day care center, and drug use during pregnancy. It is important to emphasize the necessity of studies with a larger number of participants.
Objective: To compare gross motor development of preterm infants (PT) without cerebral palsy with healthy full-term (FT) infants, according to Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS); to compare the age of walking between PT and FT; and whether the age of walking in PT is affected by neonatal variables. Methods: Prospective study compared monthly 101 PT and 52 FT, from the first visit, until all AIMS items had been observed. Results: Mean scores were similarity in their progression, except from the eighth to tenth months. FT infants were faster in walking attainment than PT. Birth weight and length and duration of neonatal nursery stay were related to walking delay. Conclusion: Gross motor development between PT and FT were similar, except from the eighth to tenth months of age. PT walked later than FT infants and predictive variables were birth weight and length, and duration of neonatal intensive unit stay.
OBJETIVO: Identificar as escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na doença de Pompe (DP) e descrever seu nível de evidência e recomendação. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão sistemática sobre as escalas de avaliação funcional na DP. Pesquisa realizada nos bancos de dados Medline, Lilacs, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados Central (CCTR) e SciELO com artigos (exceto artigos de revisão) publicados entre 2000 e 2010. As palavras-chave utilizadas nos idiomas português e inglês foram: doença de depósito de glicogênio tipo II, atividades cotidianas, avaliação. Os artigos foram classificados em nível de evidência e recomendação. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Foram incluídos 14 estudos que avaliaram desde recém-nascidos a adultos (amostra total=449). Foram encontradas as seguintes escalas na literatura: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) e sua forma adaptada para DP (Pompe-PEDI), Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), Rotterdam Handiscap Scale (RHS), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) e Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS-II). A maioria dos estudos apresentou nível de evidência III, por serem não randomizados. Grau de recomendação das escalas: C para AIMS e Pompe-PEDI; D para GMFM e PDMS-II; E para RHS e FIM. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria das escalas utilizadas para avaliação funcional na DP apresenta baixo nível de evidência e recomendação. As que apresentam melhor grau de recomendação (C) são as escalas AIMS e Pompe-PEDI aplicadas em Pediatria.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Public Law 102-119 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991), mandates that family members, if they wish, participate in developing a plan of treatment for their child. Traditionally, therapist have not relied on parental assessments based upon the assumption that parents overestimate their child's abilities. The present study compared parental perceptions about the developmental status of their child's fine motor abilities to the therapist's interpretation of a standardized assessment using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (Fine Motor). Thirty seven children, enrolled in an early intervention program, and their parents were recruited for the study. The results indicated that the parents and the therapist estimates were highly correlated and showed no significant differences when paired t-tests were computed for developmental ages and scaled scores. However, analyses of variances were significantly correlated for gender and number of siblings.
Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects the motoneurons of the spinal anterior horn, resulting in hypotonia and muscle weakness. The disease is caused by deletion or mutation in the telomeric copy of SMN gene (SMN1) and clinical severity is in part determined by the copy number of the centromeric copy of the SMN gene (SMN2). The SMN2 mRNA lacks exon 7, resulting in a production of lower amounts of the full-length SMN protein. Knowledge of the molecular mechanism of diseases has led to the discovery of drugs capable of increasing SMN protein level through activation of SMN2 gene. One of these drugs is the valproic acid (VPA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Methods: Twenty-two patients with type II and III SMA, aged between 2 and 18 years, were treated with VPA and were evaluated five times during a one-year period using the Manual Muscle Test (Medical Research Council scale-MRC), the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale (HFMS), and the Barthel Index. Results: After 12 months of therapy, the patients did not gain muscle strength. The group of children with SMA type II presented a significant gain in HFMS scores during the treatment. This improvement was not observed in the group of type III patients. The analysis of the HFMS scores during the treatment period in the groups of patients younger and older than 6 years of age did not show any significant result. There was an improvement of the daily activities at the end of the VPA treatment period. Conclusion: Treatment of SMA patients with VPA may be a potential alternative to alleviate the progression of the disease.
Introduction: Parkinson`s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with prominent motor manifestations and many other non-motor symptoms that significantly decrease quality-of-life and are frequently under-recognized, for example depression. Objective: To study the validity of a Brazilian version of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) for the diagnosis of depression in patients with PD. Methods: We evaluated 78 consecutive non demented patients over the age of 40 with diagnosis of PD at a Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinic, who could read and understand questionnaires. They completed the SIDS and the Geriatric Depression Scale with 15 items (GDS-15). The diagnosis of depression was made after a structured clinical interview based on DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of major depression (SCID-CV). Results: The prevalence of major depression was 23.1%. Cronbach`s alpha was 0.73 and the area under the ROC curve was 0.93 for the SDS. The score index of 55 had a sensitivity of 88.9% and a specificity of 83.3% for the diagnosis of depression. The total scores of the SDS and GDS-15 were highly correlated (0.652, p < 0.0001) and correlated weakly with the scores of a motor scale. Discussion: The SIDS is a valid too] for screening depression in patients with PD since the specific SDS index of 55 is adopted. Two shortened versions could be used with good results. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação mental grave caracterizada pela coexistência de sintomas positivos, negativos e de desorganização do pensamento e do comportamento. As alterações motoras são consistentemente observadas mas, ainda pouco estudadas na esquizofrenia, sendo relevantes para o seu diagnóstico. Neste quadro, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os indivíduos com esquizofrenia apresentam alterações na coordenação motora, comparativamente com o grupo sem esquizofrenia, bem como analisar se as disfunções dos sinais neurológicos subtis (SNS) motores se encontram correlacionadas com o funcionamento executivo e com os domínios psicopatológicos da perturbação. No total participaram 29 indivíduos (13 com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e 16 sem diagnóstico) equivalentes em termos de idade, género, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal. Para avaliar o desempenho motor recorreu-se ao sistema Biostage de parametrização do movimento em tempo real, com a tarefa de lançameto ao alvo; a presença de SNS foi examinada através da Brief Motor Scale; o funcionamento executivo pela aplicação do subteste do Vocabulário e da fluência verbal e a sintomatologia clínica através da Positive and Negative Sindrome Scale. Pela análise cinemática do movimento constatou-se que os indivíduos com esquizofrenia recrutam um padrão motor menos desenvolvido e imaturo de movimento, com menor individualização das componentes (principalmente do tronco e pélvis), necessitando de mais tempo para executar a tarefa, comparativamente com os sujeitos sem a perturbação que evidenciaram um movimento mais avançado de movimento. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia mostraram índices elevados de disfunção dos SNS (média =6,01) estabelecendo este domínio uma relação boa e negativa com o desempenho verbal (rho Spearman=-0,62) e uma relação forte e positiva com todos os domínios psicopatológicos (rho Spearman=0,74). O estudo da existência de alterações motoras como parte intrínseca da esquizofrenia revela-se pertinente uma vez que possibilita uma compreensão mais aprofundada da sua fisiopatologia e permite que se desenvolvam práticas mais efetivas na área da saúde e reabilitação.
Adverse effects of maternal anxiety and depression are well documented, namely on the foetus/child behaviour and development, but not as much attention has been given to the mother's emotional involvement with the offspring. To study mother's prenatal and postpartum stress, mood and emotional involvement with the infant, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale were filled in and cortisol levels were measured, 3 months before and 3 months after childbirth, in a sample of 91 Portuguese women. From pregnancy to the postpartum period, mother's cortisol levels, anxiety and emotional involvement toward the child decrease. No significant change was observed regarding mother's depression. Mother's depression predicted a worse emotional involvement before childbirth, while mother's anxiety predicted a worse emotional involvement with the infant after childbirth. Additionally, pregnant women with a worse emotional involvement with the offspring are at risk of poorer emotional involvement with the infant and higher anxiety and depression at 3 months postpartum. It should be given more attention to mother's poor emotional involvement with the offspring during pregnancy, as it interferes with her emotional involvement with the infant and her psychological adjustment 3 months after childbirth.