961 resultados para Aire acondiconado
Autoimmune diseases affect 5 % of the population and come in many forms, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and MS. However, how and why autoimmune diseases arise are not yet fully resolved. In this thesis, the onset of autoimmunity was investigated using both patient samples and a mouse model of autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases are usually complex, due to a number of different causative genes and environmental factors. However, a few monogenic autoimmune diseases have been described, which are caused by mutations in only one gene per disease. One of such disease is called APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) and is enriched in the Finnish population. The causative gene behind APECED is named AIRE from AutoImmune REgulator. How malfunction of just one gene product can cause the multitude of disease components found in APECED is not yet resolved. This thesis sought out to find out more about the functions of AIRE, in order to reveal why APECED and other autoimmune diseases arise and what goes wrong? Usually, immune cells are taught to distinguish between self and non-self during their development. That way, immune cells can fight off bacteria and microbes while leaving the tissues and organs of the host organism itself unharmed. In APECED, the development of immune cells called αβ T cells is incomplete. The cells are not able to fully distinguish between self and non-self. This leads to autodestruction of self tissues and autoimmune disease. One of the achievements of this thesis was the finding that the development of another set of T cells called γδ T cells is not affected by AIRE in mice or in men. Instead, we found that another type of immune cell important in tolerance, called the dendritic cell is defective in APECED patients and is not able to respond to microbial stimulus in a normal fashion. Finally, we studied Aire-deficient mice and found that autoantibodies expressed in the mice were not targeted against the same molecules as those found in APECED patients. This indicates differences in the autoimmune pathology in mice and men. More work is still required before we understand the mechanisms of tolerance and autoimmunity well enough to be able to cure APECED, let alone the more complex autoimmune diseases. Yet altogether, the findings of this thesis work bring us one step closer to finding out why and how APECED and common autoimmune diseases arise.
Autoimmune diseases are a major health problem. Usually autoimmune disorders are multifactorial and their pathogenesis involves a combination of predisposing variations in the genome and other factors such as environmental triggers. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare, recessively inherited, autoimmune disease caused by mutations in a single gene. Patients with APECED suffer from several organ-specific autoimmune disorders, often affecting the endocrine glands. The defective gene, AIRE, codes for a transcriptional regulator. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) protein controls the expression of hundreds of genes, representing a substantial subset of tissue-specific antigens which are presented to developing T cells in the thymus and has proven to be a key molecule in the establishment of immunological tolerance. However, the molecular mechanisms by which AIRE mediates its functions are still largely obscure. The aim of this thesis has been to elucidate the functions of AIRE by studying the molecular interactions it is involved in by utilizing different cultured cell models. A potential molecular mechanism for exceptional, dominant, inheritance of APECED in one family, carrying a glycine 228 to tryptophan (G228W) mutation, was described in this thesis. It was shown that the AIRE polypeptide with G228W mutation has a dominant negative effect by binding the wild type AIRE and inhibiting its transactivation capacity in vitro. The data also emphasizes the importance of homomultimerization of AIRE in vivo. Furthermore, two novel protein families interacting with AIRE were identified. The importin alpha molecules regulate the nuclear import of AIRE by binding to the nuclear localization signal of AIRE, delineated as a classical monopartite signal sequence. The interaction of AIRE with PIAS E3 SUMO ligases, indicates a link to the sumoylation pathway, which plays an important role in the regulation of nuclear architecture. It was shown that AIRE is not a target for SUMO modification but enhances the localization of SUMO1 and PIAS1 proteins to nuclear bodies. Additional support for the suggestion that AIRE would preferably up-regulate genes with tissue-specific expression pattern and down-regulate housekeeping genes was obtained from transactivation studies performed with two models: human insulin and cystatin B promoters. Furthermore, AIRE and PIAS activate the insulin promoter concurrently in a transactivation assay, indicating that their interaction is biologically relevant. Identification of novel interaction partners for AIRE provides us information about the molecular pathways involved in the establishment of immunological tolerance and deepens our understanding of the role played by AIRE not only in APECED but possibly also in several other autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is the gene mutated in the human polyglandular autoimmune disease called Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) that belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. Murine Aire has been shown to be important in the generation of the T cell central tolerance in the thymus by promoting the expression of ectopic tissue-specific antigens in the thymic medulla. Aire is also involved in the thymus tissue organization during organogenesis. In addition to the thymus, AIRE/Aire is expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs. Accordingly, a role for AIRE/Aire in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been suggested. Peripheral tolerance involves mechanisms that suppress immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an important suppressive T cell population mediating the peripheral tolerance. Tregs are generated in the thymus but also in the peripheral immune system T cells can acquire the Treg-phenotype. The aim of this study was to characterize Tregs in APECED patients and in the APECED mouse model (Aire-deficient mice). In the mouse model, it was possible to separate Aire expression in the thymus and in the secondary lymphoid organs. The relative importance of thymic and peripheral Aire expression in the maintenance of immunological tolerance was studied in an experimental model that was strongly biased towards autoimmunity, i.e. lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of lymphocytes. This experimental model was also utilised to study the behaviour of T cells with dual-specific T cell receptors (TCR) during the proliferation. The Treg phenotype was studied by flow cytometry and relative gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction. TCR repertoires of the Tregs isolated from APECED patients and healthy controls were also compared. The dual-specific TCRs were studied with the TCR repertoire analysis that was followed with sequencing of the chosen TCR genes in order to estimate changes in the dual-specific TCR diversity. The Treg function was tested with an in vitro suppression assay. The APECED patients had normal numbers of Tregs but the phenotype and suppressive functions of the Tregs were impaired. In order to separate Aire functions in the thymus from its yet unknown role in the secondary lymphoid organs, the phenomenon of LIP was utilised. In this setting, the lymphocytes that are adoptively transferred to a lymphopenic recipient proliferate to stimuli from self-originating antigens. This proliferation can result in autoimmunity if peripheral tolerance is not fully functional. When lymphocytes that had matured without Aire in the thymus were transferred to lymphopenic Aire-sufficient recipients, no clinical autoimmunity followed. The Aire-deficient donor-originating lymphocytes hyperproliferated, and other signs of immune dysregulation were also found in the recipients. Overt autoimmunity, however, was prevented by the Aire-deficient donor-originating Tregs that hyperproliferated in the recipients. Aire-deficient lymphopenic mice were used to study whether peripheral loss of Aire had an impact on the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. When normal lymphocytes were transferred to these Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients, the majority of recipients developed a clinically symptomatic colitis. The colitis was confirmed also by histological analysis of the colon tissue sections. In the Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients Tregs were proliferating significantly less than in the control group s recipients that had normal Aire expression in their secondary lymphoid organs. This study shows that Aire is not only important in the central tolerance but is also has a significant role in the maintenance of the peripheral tolerance both in mice and men. Aire expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs is involved in the functions of Tregs during an immune response. This peripheral expression appears to be relatively more important in some situations since only those lymphopenic recipients that had lost peripheral expression of Aire developed a symptomatic autoimmune disease. This AIRE-related Treg defect could be clinically important in understanding the pathogenesis of APECED.
La Guerra de la Independencia, según la denominación tradicional de la historiografía española o The Peninsular Wars, como se suele denominar ese acontecimiento por los historiadores de habla inglesa, se perfila como uno de esos momentos en que las relaciones hispano-británicas adquieren una intensidad especial. De esa colaboración, de ese acto de comunicación intensa entre combatientes de un mismo enemigo, surgen unas manifestaciones literarias y muchos más relatos y diarios escritos por oficiales e incluso simples soldados del ejército de su majestad que contienen todo un tesoro de anécdotas, descripciones, y, principalmente, valoraciones dignas de analizar y hasta de disfrutar. Se trata, en este caso, de una recopilación de vivencias muy personales, en la mayoría de las ocasiones muy dolorosas, como cabría esperar de una guerra, y que a menudo ofrecen juicios y opiniones de España y Portugal que revelan una actitud paternalista y crítica.
[EU]Proiektu honen helburua, Makina eta Motor Termiko sailean dagoen aire girotu, aireztatze eta berogailu sistema elikatzen duen makinaren analisi bat egitea da. Makina behar duen bezala lan egiten duen eta bulegoetan airearen kalitatea bermatzen baden ikusiko dugu. Hortaz, testu honek aurreko egoerak betetzen diren edo ez argituko du eta ezezko kasua izatekotan funtzionamendu normalera bueltatzeko aukerak proposatuko dira. Horretarako neurketak bai bulegoetan egingo dira eta baita makinan ere. Datu hauek (tenperatuak, emariak, hezetasuna, eta abar…) Excel horri batean gordeko dira gero taulak lortzeko eta errazago identifikatzeko non dauden arazoak. Lana hurrengo eran egituratu da: Sistemaren sarrera eta deskribapena. Neurketak egiteko metodologia eta sistemaren analisia. Konklusioak, informazio iturriak eta eranskinak.
[ES] En este artículo se describen una serie de estructuras de tipo tumular, que si aparentemente pudieran recordar a las estructuras funerarias clásicas se alejan de éstas por su morfología, composición, funcionalidad y cronología. Los trabajos de prospección realizados durante los últimos años en la Sierra de Aralar (Gipuzkoa) han permitido localizar medio centenar de estas estructuras tumulares, así como abrir nuevos campos de investigación en torno a la vivienda temporal de los grupos pastoriles en las zonas de montaña.
[ES] En el abrigo de Las Yurdinas (Peñacerrada-Urizaharra), al sur del territorio histórico de Alava, se encuentran plasmadas dos representaciones pictóricas (una mujer y una supuesta cabeza de bóvido), ejecutadas con técnica de tinta plana a base de la combinación de dos colores (rojo y marrón). Estilísticarnente, corresponden a un estadio intermedio entre el arte naturalista estilizado y el arte esquemático, y cuya cronología cultural, provisionalmente, pudiera quedar ceñida al inicio de la Edad de los Metales.
El trabajo llevado a cabo se enmarca en el campo de los pulsos de luz ultracortos, teniendo como objetivo la construcción de un sistema capaz de generar pulsos de femtosegundos con duraciones inferiores a 30 fs en la región del ultravioleta. Para poder obtenerlos, se ha puesto a punto un sistema óptico que partiendo de pulsos provenientes de una fuente comercial, con una duración aproximada de 50 fs y centrados en 800 nm, ha permitido producir pulsos a 267 nm con duraciones inferiores a 30 fs. Para ello se ha usado un proceso no lineal de generación de tercer armónico (TH), empleando como medio activo un filamento generado en aire libre y en un canal taladrado en una lámina delgada de acero. El trabajo realizado ha permitido dotar al laboratorio de una herramienta nueva para llevar a cabo experimentos de dínamica molecular.
Metal-aire baterietarako grafenoan oinarritutako aire elektrodoaren diseinua eta fabrikazioa. Hasteko, grafenoan eutsitako katalizatzaileen sintesia eta haien analisi elektrokimikoa 'Rotating Disk Electrode' teknikaren bidez burutu dira. Ondoren, katalizatzaile eta egitura desberdineko elektrodoen fabrikazioa eta jokaeraren analisia egin dira bifuntzionala den geruza bikoitzeko elektrodoa lortzeko.
12 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
Las propiedades físicas e hidráulicas de los sustratos para plantas son las más importantes en relación con la disponibilidad de agua-aire para las raíces. En la Argentina el estudio de sustratos es incipiente y la definición de un protocolo nacional específico es de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo del sector. Como forma de contribución, se propuso como uno de los objetivos, comparar evaluativamente 10 métodos de referencia internacional, para distintos parámetros, sobre perlita (P), 2 turbas (T) y tierra mejorada. Los valores obtenidos resultaron función del método y del sustrato estudiado y no se pudo establecer una equivalencia, en la mayoría de los casos. El método EN13041 resultó el recomendado para una caracterización física completa en el rango 0-100 hPa, mientras que el método utilizando el 'porómetro' diseñado por la NCSU (North Carolina State University) se recomienda para las propiedades físicas en valores próximos a 0-10 hPa. En una segunda parte fueron comparadas las curvas de retención de agua (CR), según 4 métodos de laboratorio en 2 sustratos (80 por ciento P+20 por ciento T; 20 por ciento P+80 por ciento T) con valores in situ en un cultivo de Primula polyantha bajo cubierta. Se midieron potencial agua en hoja y conductancia estomática como forma de evaluar los resultados de los 4 métodos y la modelización de conductividad hidráulica no saturada, en base a los cuales, se diseñaron 4 tratamientos de riego para cada sustrato. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la respuesta hídrica de las plantas, por lo que se puede decir que los 4 métodos son apropiados de igual forma para el manejo del riego. Cuando se las sometió a tratamiento de sequía se observó una tolerancia diferencial en los individuos, presentando las plantas tolerantes mayor contenido hídrico que las sensibles. Las CR in situ presentaron mayor contenido hídrico que las CR de laboratorio, asociados con la compactación del sustrato y evidenciando el efecto de las raíces. La CR según EN13041 en 20 P+80 T, fue la más cercana a las mediciones in situ, útil para una interpretación agronómica
La perspectiva aérea o atmosférica es juzgada por los pintores como parte esencial de la pintura, una vez establecidos los presupuestos geométricos de la representación naturalista mediante la perspectiva lineal. Leonardo da Vinci fue el primer autor en definir la perspectiva aérea o atmosférica, conocidos ya a través de L. B. Alberti los fundamentos geométricos de la perspectiva lineal en el tratado De Pictura (1435). Doscientos años después, tras la influyente publicación del Optics de Newton, contextualizadas bajo el espíritu racionalista del siglo XVIII, el artículo estudia las recomendaciones que desde la ciencia y los científicos (específicamente a través de tres figuras relevantes: Brook Taylor, J. H. Lambert y Gaspard Monge) se dan a los pintores con la pretensión de arbitrar una medición exacta del color, en confrontación con el tradicional empirismo del mundo artístico. Este tema puede considerarse un capítulo de gran interés en la larga historia de la pintura y la representación de los fenómenos atmosféricos, cuyos antecedentes teóricos tienen su inicio en el Débat sur le Coloris de la Académie Française del siglo XVII y sus resultados, conducirán hacia el nacimiento de la moderna Teoría del color, en respuesta a una cuestión tan compleja sobre cómo pintar el aire.